persimmon / 1168 posts
@paigeface: maybe this tiredness is just preparing me for having a newborn? I’m trying to make a list of the good things about still being pregnant... I can sleep through the night (more or less) is my #1
I got a manicure today while the hubs took my
DS out to play. It was nice. I am Back to work tomorrow after spring break. I have a lot of wrap up but it will be a good distraction.
Hope everyone is feeling well!!
kiwi / 529 posts
13 days left over here for me until my scheduled c-section. I am getting really nervous and having trouble sleeping. My first c-section was emergency so I had no time to think about it but more afraid for this one! Has anyone had any experience? Are they a little less scary when you don't labor for 28 hours before?
persimmon / 1168 posts
@paigeface: I didn’t have a c-section but I am definitely having some fear about my 2nd labor. I’m hoping all goes smoothly for you.
I’m having a lot of pelvis pressure and pain. I think baby girl finally dropped. Also got good news today - I’m negative for gbs
nectarine / 2641 posts
@paigeface: I haven't had a c-section, but this will be my first induction (unless she makes her appearance before next Monday). I went into spontaneous labor with both of my boys. I'm nervous about that difference!
nectarine / 2288 posts
@paigeface: I've not had a csection but I am definitely having more anxiety about when labor will happen this time. My midwives have been really good about reassuring me that it is totally normal and that everything is on track for a smooth delivery
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@paigeface: I've only ever had a scheduled c section, so I can't really compare, but....
They're nice because you know when you have to go the hospital in advance. You can arrange childcare without any middle of the night (or work day) calls for someone to get your older child (or so I hear since I only have 1). You're not mentally and physically exhausted from laboring for hours on top of the stress of finding out you're going in for an emergent c section. I also didn't think the recovery was bad at all, but I might have psyched myself out expecting the worse.
You've got this!
kiwi / 529 posts
@Sams Mom: Thank you for this! I am so nervous and it definitely makes me feel better as I am also preparing for the worst in my head about the recovery but also the surgery itself.
persimmon / 1168 posts
How’s everyone doing ?
I had my membranes swept today. I’ll be induced Friday due to pregnancy hypertension if this little lady doesn’t come before then.
Come on May babies!!!
nectarine / 2641 posts
@magnolia: Thank you! It’s going rather slowly at the moment, but hoping things pick up soon! I’ve been here for close to 12 hours and was at 5 cm last check. But baby is a champ!
nectarine / 2288 posts
My due date is tomorrow. Have had some timeable contractions but they always fizzle out. Baby seems comfy. Had an appointment today, he sounds great. Won't have a check until labor, unless I make it to next week, then we'll do a check to decide on next steps (I can go to 42 weeks but we may try and help things along after 41)
Hope everyone else is doing well!
@Jess1483: hope things pick up! Come on baby!
nectarine / 2641 posts
Then I went from 5 cm to baby in about 1.5 hours! She’s perfect. More tomorrow
persimmon / 1168 posts
@MamaBear87: happy due date let’s keep these babies coming (whenever they are ready )
nectarine / 2641 posts
Meet Alanna Clare! She came fast when she was ready. My husband decided to run out to grab dinner since it had taken me 12 hours to get to 5 cm. He got back just as the doctor came in. She checked and I was complete. She said she was going to run to the bathroom. When she got back 2 minutes later, she barely had time to get her gloves on (I had to stop pushing so she could get her second on). Two pushes later, baby girl was born. She is quite exhausted and not feeding very well, but no one is too concerned yet. She had some good feeds last night, but since she was born so fast, she also seems to have a lot of gunk in her belly. Big brothers got to meet her this morning before school and are over the moon for her.
kiwi / 529 posts
@Jess1483: Congratulations!!!! She is a beauty.
Hope you're both healing and feeling well.
Baby girl will be here bright and early Monday morning for me! I am scheduled for c-section at 7:30AM. Super nervous and hoping it all goes smoothly. We checked yesterday and I was still only 1cm and head wasn't engaged so she is really comfy in there. Might have gone to 40+ weeks but we will never know!
@MAMABEAR87 @MAGNOLIA: hope your babes come soon!!!!
nectarine / 2288 posts
@paigeface: exciting that your C-section is coming up! I'm sure it will go fantastic, I've heard they're super smooth when they're scheduled.
Still pregnant over here. The anticipation (and painful baby movements and contractions) are making me crazy every night but I still feel decent during the day so at least there's that!
kiwi / 529 posts
@MamaBear87: I agree with the painful baby movements and braxton contractions becoming more painful! My husband said I was talking in my sleep heavily last night and making noises and thought it was time to go to the hospital HA!
persimmon / 1168 posts
@Jess1483: she’s absolutely beautiful! 2 pushes!!! What an awesome story. hope you are feeling well and her eating picks up.
persimmon / 1168 posts
@MamaBear87: so glad you are feeling well. The last few days are so hard
. I’m also having random contractions and losing my mucus plug (tmi). I’m excited today because I’m officially on maternity leave. And the weather is perfect. So glad for a spring baby this time around
kiwi / 529 posts
We are having the hardest time deciding on a name for baby girl. I have two I like but they are definitely different. I like different though. I am not sure that we will have a definite name until we get to the hospital and see her!
nectarine / 2288 posts
Bloody show this morning! After a major meltdown over being pregnant longer with my second than my first . Hoping like crazy that this is it!
persimmon / 1168 posts
@paigeface: names are so hard! My husband and I have one we both like but I also have a few that I love that he rejected. He says it’s ultimately up to me but I want him to agree also.
I don’t love my own name and it feels like
such a big responsibility! I think it makes sense to wait and see when she arrives
persimmon / 1168 posts
My induction date got changed to Saturday so I’ve still got one day to go on my own.... 🤞
nectarine / 2288 posts
@magnolia: @paigeface: well nothing but sporadic contractions today so looks like not baby day
persimmon / 1168 posts
My doula said second labor can kind of stop and start before really ramping up so it could still happen.
The anticipation is so hard though! You’re so close @MamaBear87:
nectarine / 2288 posts
@magnolia: I'm just over it. I'd like it to just decide. And I'm considering just getting induced next week if it doesn't happen, I can still deliver with my midwives, it would just be in the hospital
nectarine / 2641 posts
@MamaBear87: oh man. I hate waiting for labor. My second came 4 days later than my first, and my third would also have been at least a day later (but with the induction, I don’t know how late she would have gone). I remember being incredibly frustrated with my second. Fingers crossed for soon!
kiwi / 529 posts
Kinda freaking myself out tonight. Today was my last day at work and i’ve been getting a lot of braxton hicks since lunch time. She’s been moving a lot today too, more than usual! Can that trigger them? I really want to make it until Monday because I truly want my doctor to perform the c-section. No other symptoms but the braxton hicks are pretty strong. I’m 39 weeks exactly tomorrow. Any input?
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Jess1483: makes me feel a little better that lots of women seem to go later with their second than their first.
@paigeface: I've had tons of bh this pregnancy. They've never turned into anything. And baby can definitely trigger them! Fingers crossed. I'll take your labor vibes
kiwi / 529 posts
@MamaBear87: turned out to be like you said and just bad braxton hicks ramping up! Just need to make it through one more day but i’m definitely so nervous for Monday. Prayers you go soon!
nectarine / 2288 posts
@paigeface: good luck Monday!
I've given up. I'm pretty sure he's just going to stay in there until we evict him. Today was rough emotionally, but I made it. On to tomorrow
kiwi / 529 posts
She’s here! C-section went wonderfully. We are so in love with her and she’s breastfeeding and doing beautifully. Praying all my May mommas go into labor soon!!!!
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