Hellobee Boards


May 2019 Moms!

  1. paigeface

    kiwi / 529 posts

    @magnolia: Ah a new hair cut is always nice! Glad to hear everything is going well! I am having a ton of braxton hicks too. I had a lot one night that kept waking me up until I changed positions so I called and they still weren't concerned since they have no pattern and all at random. Seem to be triggered any time I am constipated!

    I am working right up until the weekend before my scheduled c-section ( my family business so no maternity leave ) I am going to take 2 weeks off after she is here to be at home though. I've saved up all my vacation days etc. Then she will come to work with me and be in the nursery we have all made up in a private office so that's a plus

  2. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    I'm at 36+2? I think 😂 oh second pregnancy.
    I'm for sure ready for this little guy to make a safe exit and as of 36 weeks am cleared to birth at my birth center. This will be my last pregnancy so I'm both excited and sad that it's reaching it's end.

    I also have tons of bh and a smattering of really painful contractions every day. It's been interesting. Still trying to get to yoga once a week

  3. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @magnolia: a haircut sounds amazing! Going to make an appointment before baby gets here

  4. paigeface

    kiwi / 529 posts

    @MamaBear87: This is our last pregnancy as well so I share the same sentiments on the end and being sad/excited! I am definitely uncomfortable but trying to enjoy the last moments of this pregnancy since I most likely will never be pregnant again.

  5. magnolia

    persimmon / 1168 posts

    @MamaBear87: I’m so happy you got cleared for the birth center! I got risked out so I’ll be in regular L&D. If there is a midwife on call, I could have one for delivery but it’s not a guarantee

    I met with my doula last week which was awesome. I’m feeling good about my birth plan. It’s also my last pregnancy so I’m definitely emotional about it coming to an end.

    My son is going through a lot of milestones also (finishing pre-K, getting accepted to kindergarten) so I’ve got all the feelings going on

  6. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    My gbs came back negative and baby is super low so I could go early. Not holding my breath though. I'd like him to stay in until this coming Tuesday since my in-laws invited themselves for Easter and I have zero desire to have to labor while they're here.

    My pelvis is still awful so looking forward to that finally being over.

    @magnolia: so glad you're feeling good about your delivery. Hoping it goes super smooth for you!

  7. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    I am going to have an April baby. My water is leaking so I have been admitted to the hospital. They are giving me cytotec tonight, and pitocin in the morning. I am currently 1 cm dilated.

  8. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    @NCSUchick27: good luck! Hope everything goes smoothly!

  9. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @NCSUchick27: good luck! Hope everything goes well today

  10. paigeface

    kiwi / 529 posts

    @NCSUchick27: Prayers for a safe and quick delivery! Hope everything goes great!

  11. magnolia

    persimmon / 1168 posts

    @NCSUchick27: thinking of you today and sending you positive vibes for delivery!

  12. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    I am 5 cm, and everything is going smoothly so far. I have my epidural, and it is heavenly.

  13. magnolia

    persimmon / 1168 posts

    @NCSUchick27: hoorah! Go mama go!

  14. magnolia

    persimmon / 1168 posts

    Updating our roll call since we have our first May mama with a birth in progress!

    Mamac626: May 5th
    Kat5: May 7th
    Mamabear87: May 7th
    Nicollette1189: May 7th
    Jess1483: May 9th
    Ncsuchick27: May 10th
    Ms_sc: May 15th
    Magnolia: May 16th
    Paigeface: May 18th
    Luminescence: May 23rd
    Berly: May 28th
    Tysonja: June 1st

    Eta: did I miss anyone or any gender updates?

  15. paigeface

    kiwi / 529 posts

    @magnolia: My due date can be updated to May 13th (Scheduled C-section)

  16. paigeface

    kiwi / 529 posts

    @NCSUchick27: YAY! I agree with it being heavenly.

  17. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    Eleanor Opal was born on 4/17/19 at 10:15pm. She weighs 7lbs 15oz, and is 21 inches long. The labor was easy due to a wonderful epidural, but the delivery was difficult. I pushed for close to 3 hours, and ended up needing a vacuum assist . I have quite a bit of tearing.

  18. paigeface

    kiwi / 529 posts

    @NCSUchick27: Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!!!!!

  19. magnolia

    persimmon / 1168 posts

    @NCSUchick27: congratulations! She’s beautiful. I love her name. I hope you have a speedy recovery

  20. magnolia

    persimmon / 1168 posts

    Ncsuchick27: 4/17

    Due dates:
    Mamac626: May 5th
    Kat5: May 7th
    Mamabear87: May 7th
    Nicollette1189: May 7th
    Jess1483: May 9th
    Ncsuchick27: May 10th
    Paigeface: May 13th
    Ms_sc: May 15th
    Magnolia: May 16th
    Luminescence: May 23rd
    Berly: May 28th
    Tysonja: June 1st

  21. Tilia

    pea / 9 posts

    @NCSUchick27: Congratulations!! Great work :). I hope you can heal quickly.

  22. Tilia

    pea / 9 posts

    @magnolia: my due date is May 30, team green

  23. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @NCSUchick27: congrats!! She's gorgeous. Hope you heal up quickly!

  24. magnolia

    persimmon / 1168 posts

    @Tilia: awesome I’m adding you

    Ncsuchick27: 4/17

    Due dates:
    Mamac626: May 5th
    Kat5: May 7th
    Mamabear87: May 7th
    Nicollette1189: May 7th
    Jess1483: May 9th
    Ncsuchick27: May 10th
    Paigeface: May 13th
    Ms_sc: May 15th
    Magnolia: May 16th
    Luminescence: May 23rd
    Berly: May 28th
    Tilia: May 30
    Tysonja: June 1st

  25. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    We came home today.

  26. magnolia

    persimmon / 1168 posts

    @NCSUchick27: aww!!! She’s so precious! She looks very content and peaceful

  27. Tilia

    pea / 9 posts

    @NCSUchick27: those cheeks! She's so adorable. And I love the bunny outfit

  28. paigeface

    kiwi / 529 posts

    @NCSUchick27: She is precious! Those cheeks!

    How is everyone feeling? This week I had my son at 37 weeks in my first pregnancy so I am on baby watch a little bit. Is it common for second babies to be like first or totally different? It could definitely be the nerves for sure. I have been nauseous the last two days and just feeling "off."

  29. paigeface

    kiwi / 529 posts

    @NCSUchick27: P.S. how many weeks were you when you gave birth to your babe?

  30. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    @paigeface: I was 36 weeks 6 days.

  31. paigeface

    kiwi / 529 posts

    @NCSUchick27: Amazing! I was 37 weeks exactly with my son and he was almost the exact birth weight as your daughter.

  32. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @NCSUchick27: she's so darling!

  33. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    I'm feeling a little more ready for him to be here. But still freaked out about the unknowns of labor. We'll see how it goes 😂

  34. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    @MamaBear87: Thank you! She turned one week old today.

  35. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    @NCSUchick27: Adorable! So precious

  36. magnolia

    persimmon / 1168 posts

    @paigeface: I’m feeling off also. I had an appointment Monday and doctor said I’m 2cm. He doesn’t think I’ll make it to my due date. So if course I got excited but now I’m just annoyed. I’m over thinking every little symptom. Still having a lot of Braxton Hicks also. Physically I feel pretty good but mentally I’m just impatient.
    I am at least trying to enjoy the last few weeks as a mama of one and get quality time in with my son

  37. magnolia

    persimmon / 1168 posts

    @NCSUchick27: so cute!

  38. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    @paigeface: I’m utterly exhausted. I teach preschool and a full day is just killer at this point. Luckily, I only teach M/W/F, so 4 days left for me! (And my class moved teacher appreciation week for me, so this week is extra fun). My induction is set for May 6th, and for many reasons I’m hoping I make it to that date (money, convenience, childcare, DH’s job). But I feel like I’m trudging along very slowly. And because of the cord insertion issue, I have twice-weekly, 1.5-hour appointments. On Monday, I was 1 cm dilated, but I generally don’t dilate much until active labor.

    But enough whining! No more than 12 days and she will be here!

  39. magnolia

    persimmon / 1168 posts

    Anybody else extremely fatigued?? I got plenty of sleep but I can barely keep my eyes open. I haven’t felt this way since the first trimester.

  40. paigeface

    kiwi / 529 posts

    @magnolia: Yes! Extremely fatigued over here as well. I'm 37 weeks tomorrow. My 3yo is sick too so that's not helping things. It seems like no matter how much sleep I get or don't get I end up feeling the same exhaustion. It keeps making me feel like I am getting that much closer to the end. I really want to enjoy the last little bit too with just my son so I share the same sentiments.

    @JESS1483: 12 days! So exciting! You are almost there mama. I too am hoping I make it to my scheduled c-section on May 13th for the same reasons you listed. I was 1cm on Monday but he said she wasn't engaged or anything and everything was still sealed and not soft.

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