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New Year, New Babes - January 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @HappyBaker: DH puts L to sleep at 8 upstairs while I nurse C downstairs. We hang out until 10:30 then go upstairs. I nurse C again and pot her down around 10:45-11:00. She wakes around 4ish to nurse and then wakes again around 8. L wakes around 8:30 and joins us for a cuddle. It's working out really nicely right now, so I'm sure it'll change by weeks end.

  2. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: glad your LO is below the limits for jaundice. I hear you on being alone with both kids. My DH is back at work since yesterday and out of town. Luckily my mom is here during the day to help out for this and next week (she normally lives 5h away) but last night I was alone with both kids and the worst chase scenario struck and both were crying at the same time B hat wet trough his diaper again and was soaked and J was hungry. Oh well, we all survived and I was back to sleep after 2h too I really enjoyed my nap today though.

  3. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Sending you good wishes! DH will be in the office on and off again next week and I'm dreading it. Sent you an IG request. I'm @studio404design. I'm still ugh about pictures of A since I blog but I follow a few more HB ladies and love seeing their LO's!

    @Pumuckl: @keepcalmcarrie: Your boobs will feel better! When my milk came in, I couldn't fit in any of my bras and they were hard and uncomfortable. On top of that my breastshield was way too big that came with my pump so I had to special order one from Amazon. After a night of cluster feeding, they felt fine!

  4. Cupcake

    apricot / 495 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: requested you It's my first and last name!

  5. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    Double nap!
    Feeling like super mom right now.

  6. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: you rock! Hope both are down for a while!

  7. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: super mom!

  8. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    Hi guys. joining this thread! Got home today and big sister met her little sister. She seemed intrigued and very gentle. Not jealous yet.

    When did everyone's milk come in? I am 48 hours past her birth and am waiting. My boobs are bigger for sure and I thought I felt a tingly sensation at the last nursing session but I don't think she is drinking anything...just colostrum so far.

    I think I'm a little nervous about the baby blues too. I had them so bad with #1...maybe PPD? Anyway I am worrying about it already. Did anyone who had it with #1 not get it with this one yet?

  9. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: Welcome! So glad the sister meeting went well! My milk took forever to come in both this time and last time, not until 4 or 5 days postpartum. This time around it definitely seemed more gradual than last time (when I felt like one minute things were normal and the next my boobs were rock hard!) With this LO we ended up giving formula a couple of times on our second night home from the hospital because he was just crazy pissed with hunger.

    For the baby blues, I also had them really bad with #1 / I am pretty sure I had PPD but I never saw anyone for it. This time I am definitely in a better place emotionally than I was 2 weeks in with #1, but I'm also worried it will just come later. I think having a winter baby doesn't help because we can't get out as much / go for walks / break up the day. I'm definitely feeling stir crazy after only a week and half at home!

  10. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: welcome! My milk came in on day 3 PP.

    @HappyBaker: I agree it definitely sucks having to be at home all the time. We did manage to take baby out in the stroller for a walk twice so far, just made sure to bundle up. We actually have a balcony that I would have loved to use in warmer weather but now I can't even go on there because we had to insulate the door to prevent drafts from coming in

    Yesterday DH and I felt very accomplished. We managed to go to babies r us and grocery shopping with LO in under 3 hours. She slept the entire time in the car seat and just started waking up from hunger as we arrived back home.

  11. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @HappyBaker: my milk started to come in last night. So I think baby is drinking milk now. My boobs are gigantic and hurt. I think last time I already was weepy at this time. So far I am OK though. But I guess we will see over the next couple of weeks what happens. I def told myself that i would have a spring or summer baby for #2. Instead I end up having her in the dead of winter. Oh well.

  12. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @pmrlady: good job on getting out and about! I don't think I did that with #1 until LO was like a month old.

  13. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: my milk came in Monday, she was born Saturday afternoon so I guess 2 days.

    I am feeling remarkably well especially given the fact that I've had some solo nights with both LOs and they took turns not sleeping but screaming. I went on a "solo" outing with B and my mum today and that was fun too. I think he really enjoyed all the undivided attention. Luckily J is an awesome nurser. She's all done in about half an hour including all burps etc. we currently have about 6 feeds a day. Since she's been slowly but surely gaining every day we've been ok with that. I'm planning to do some weighted feeds this week since I have a baby scale around anyway.

  14. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    Random but does anyone else feel like they can't empty their bladder? I feel like I need to pee 24/7 but can never empty fully / feel relief and it's driving me crazy!

  15. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    @Pumuckl: kudos to you for solo parenting and solo outings, that's amazing!

  16. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @HappyBaker: I'm really lucky I got what must be one of the easiest babies on the planet. She's just generally really content.

    We have aftercare midwives here that come check on you and baby for the first couple of weeks (at your home). J failed her weight gain goal though I believe part of it was bad timing yesterday since she would have been due for a feed but hadn't eaten yet. So her weight on Monday was the same as on Thursday and Friday. So now I have to squeeze an additional feed in during the day. Hope it works out today. She'll get checked again Thursday, so we have two days to get her weight up.
    Poor girl also caught her brothers cold. So she has a stuffy nose. Luckily she can still breath okayish and at night she gets a nasal decongestant. We tried salin nasal drops during the day yesterday but I'm pretty sure that they were the cause for the massive spit up after the feeds. So I think I'll skip those today.

  17. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    This baby is going going to kill me with her burping! It takes so long to get her to burp and if she doesn't and has one, she refuses to eat. Any magic tips for burping your babies?

    @HappyBaker: I don't have that feeling but I am still peeing a little when I cough. That is still supremely annoying. Maybe ask your Dr about that feeling that you are having?

    @Pumuckl: sorry about the weight gain! Hopefully it is temporary and next week will be a better number. I am nervous baby will catch big sisters cold too. Her big sis basically has a runny nose and some cold from November to march so I know it'll happen. I just don't want baby to get a fever in the early days because that is automatic hospitalization here.

  18. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: same thing here about hospitalization. If the temp goes above 100F you have to go to the hospital. Really trying to avoid that.
    Last night I was measuring her temp and she projectile pooped all over the thermometer and my hands.
    As fo burping my little lady is kind of the same. It actually works better with her to rub her back with a little pressure than to pat it. Also laying her down flat and picking her back up a minute or so later also often gets the burp out.

  19. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    Finally discharged from the hospital today!
    A was jaundice so we had to stay an extra day. So happy to be at home, I was getting pretty miserable with all the people checking in constantly at the hospital. They keep telling you to rest, but it felt like someone was in the room every time you tried to sleep.

    Excited to be on the postpartum side with you all hope to check in soon!

  20. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    Hey ladies! Not sure how I'm just noticing (re-noticing? I'm sure I knew abut it at some point) this thread.

    E is 19 days old, which I can't believe, and we're trucking along and getting used to parenthood. Her sleep is still really hit or miss, and we've just gotten to the "witching hour" stage where from about 6 - 10 every night she's crying unless she's nursing. The good news is that last night it seemed to wear her out and she slept from 11-4 and 6-9 after freaking out before bed.

    On the advice of my LC, I pumped for the first time yesterday to make sure she takes a bottle since I go back to work at 10 weeks. Girlfriend took the bottle from her daddy like a champ and I just pumped again while he was feeding her. The first time I pumped, I got 3.5oz total (it was after feeding her in the morning) and when I pumped at dinnertime when DH was feeding her, I got almost 5oz (both breasts, hadn't fed her in a while). Does that sound normal? It seems like not much to me, but then again she's two weeks old. She sucked down all 3.5oz for DH like it was nothing, though. She's a hungry girl.

    How is breastfeeding going for everyone? My nipples are still pretty sore but I also have Reynaud's syndrome, so January is not a great time for having my boobs out all the time. Other than that it's going pretty well for us--minus the fact that this babe seriously seems to want to eat on the hour all day long. Can anyone commiserate on that one?

    So happy that so many of these beautiful January babies are here--even though I'm late to the party!

  21. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    @charmed: Welcome home!

    @mfa_lady: Ugh sorry about the witching hour, we haven't gotten there yet but I remember how bad it was last time around…we spent many nights standing in front of the sink because the sound of the water was the only thing to make her not crazy! I think those are great amounts for pumping! I'm EP-ing and getting 3-6 oz at a time combined, so that sounds pretty good to me. L is taking 3-3.5 oz every 3 hours and he is just a few days younger than your LO, so that seems reasonable too.

    L's longest stretch of sleep unfortunately has been starting around 8/8:30pm and its hard to get in bed that early even though I know it will be worth it if I do!

  22. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    Hi ladies! Happy to join you on the other side. I'm just coming out of the fog as I've had a nasty chest infection starting the day I went into labor 9 days ago. I chose to leave the hospital early because I just couldn't get any rest with all the interruptions.

    DD2 wore me out cluster feeding every few hours all day and night and I felt she wasn't ever getting enough to eat so I decided to switch to formula and supplement with pumping. I was getting frustrated being her sole source of food and constantly on call. Now I am able to spend time with DD1 while DH feeds DD2 and we are all happier.

    DD2 has her days and nights mixed up. We are trying everything we can think of to keep her awake more during the day but she's a stubborn one. She sleeps through everything we try but is wide awake and noisy all night. We didn't have this problem with DD1 so I'm not sure how long this could last. DH has been a huge help letting me sleep the first half of the night and then I take over the second half. He's going back to work next week and it's going to be tough.

    I took DD1 to Target today and it felt good to get out, even if it was just to run errands. I was glad to have a padsicle for when I got home though. The stitches are still sore but not terrible.

  23. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @charmed: sorry about the jaundice! LO #1 had it and had to be hospitalized for it, but LO #2 doesn't have it nearly as bad. glad you are home now.

    @mfa_lady: glad to hear you guys are in a groove. that sounds like a lot of milk for pumping at this stage!! i think when i did it with LO#1, i got like 2 oz total. bf-ing is going well here. a little bit of soreness and still a little engorged since my milk came in on Saturday but nothing terrible. she def has a harder time latching on my left than right, it can be frustrating. and she has a lot of burps that take a long time to get out. she is still very sleepy so i still have to wake her up to eat every time. i imagine the non-stop nursing sessions will start soon.

    @MapleMoose: sorry about your chest infection! are you on antibiotics now? how did it start? i have this cough that won't go away and it seems to have gotten a bit worse in the last couple of days. i don't know how to fix day/night confusion...this one just sleeps so much that its all the same to her. def hear you on the soreness after having an outing. i walked to the drug store and grocery store the other day (2 blocks away) and when i came home, my parts were very sore! and i'm still shuffling and can't walk very fast.

  24. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: They tested for flu just in case but I knew it wasn't flu. They said just keep up with cough syrup and/or Mucinex and of course keep up my fluid intake. Otherwise it's some viral chest thing that's going around and lasts for weeks. I feel a lot better but can't shake the wet cough. DH has had it for almost a month now. It started as just being wiped out and an annoying cough. Within a day I felt "sick" and my chest was so tight that I could barely catch my breath after coughing. After a few days my chest finally started to break up and now I have the wet cough that sounds terrible. Sometimes I pee a little when I cough so that's annoying! At least it doesn't hurt down there every time I cough anymore. Hope you find some relief from your cough!

  25. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @MapleMoose: are you just taking an OTC cough syrup? I am taking robitussin at night so I can sleep. Omg I was peeing myself every time I coughed when I was pregnant, so bad that I had to wear depends! I still do now too but its not as frequent and only when my bladder is really full. So annoying! I am trying to do kegels when I remember.

  26. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: Yes, just Robitussin. Or the 12-hour Mucinex pills. Too much cough syrup makes my stomach feel gross. I'll start the kegels once these stitches dissolve. Don't want to mess anything up down there. I'm wearing the super thick pads due to postpartum bleeding right now but I hope I stop cough-peeing soon!

  27. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    @mfa_lady: You're getting a great amount for pumping. I only get 3oz total but LO basically eats a little under 3 oz per feeding so it's at least enough for 1 feeding. I'm not sure how much time to spend pumping, I just wait until I no longer see anything coming out and then pump a few minutes longer after that.
    We have the witching hour(s) too! It's so frustrating and it's always late at night when I'm most tired.

    @HappyBaker: That's so funny about the running water, we noticed that seems to calm J down also but then she gets bored and starts crying again.

    In terms of the witching hour crying, when is it considered colic? I think that it might be due to stomach issues and gas because J grunts and grimaces and sounds like she's straining to poop even though she's pooping several times a day so it's not like she's constipated. And when I offer her the boob, she starts sucking as if she's hungry but then starts to fuss at the breast and unlatches. But then she starts crying again as if she wants to keep eating and when I re-latch her, she again starts fussing after a few minutes as if something is bothering her....It's all very confusing. We have been trying simethicone drops for the gas which seems to help her.

  28. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @pmrlady: In my experience, the witching hour crying is more just at a certain time of day (usually late afternoon to evening for us) and colic or other issues is more constant or during/right after feedings. On the feeding thing, does she arch her back much? Spit up often? If so it could be reflux or silent reflux (silent refluxers don't spit up much if any). Our boys both had it but it took me a long time to figure it out because I had no idea what to look for. One of my guys was really gassy for the first few weeks, and the baby probiotic drops were the most helpful thing we tried. They seemed to have a better effect than the gas drops or gripe water. We also did lots of bicycle movements and things like that to help get the trapped gas out since they aren't always very good at getting it out on their own that young. Just a couple thoughts from our experience!

  29. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: thanks I will look into the probiotic drops. I was thinking it could be reflux so I've been trying to keep her upright for some time after feedings and also doing the bicycle movements. I hope it doesn't last long...

  30. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @pmrlady: @pmrlady: those probiotic drops sound great! I may have to try them. Our girl also has serious poopoo issues--I know they don't really get how it all works yet, but whenever she needs to go she really struggles and she has belly bubbles pretty much all day long. We have gripe water which helps with the hiccups, but that's about it. I'll have to try and find those drops!

  31. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    Anybody have advice on shortening MOTN wake ups? E generally only wakes up one time between 11 and 8, but when she does it's always for a solid two hours. It usually looks like this:

    10 mins: get her, diaper change, settle to nurse
    30 mins: nurse
    20 mins: burp, rock, sit upright (we have a little reflux going on)

    Then I put her in the crib. Then....after about five mins, she cries. Then:

    10 mins: nurse again (she almost always spits this up but it's the only thing that will make her stop crying and I want her dad to be able to keep sleeping!)
    50 mins: rock/bounce/walk her to sleep. She's almost always wide awake after she cries and I go in this second time.

    I don't mind getting up to feed her--but I'd really like to get more efficient so it doesn't take two whole hours every time. Any tips?

  32. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    @mfa_lady: I don't have much advice as I have similar issues. Have you tried swaddling before putting her in the crib? I also found that saying "Shhh" over and over again while pacing helps, it's like creating a white noise for them.

    I actually broke the rules and brought LO into bed with us and we coslept. She had her longest stretch of sleep and I actually has to wake her up myself to nurse because I was getting so engorged. I don't want to set up a bad habit but I need the sleep! Fortunately after the next feeding I was able to put her back in her bassinet.

  33. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @mfa_lady: have you tried giving her the paci instead of feeding her again? Also my kids both calm(ed) down when being patted on their butt/diaper. If nothing works the 5S are always a great start. Also like @pmrlady: said I frequently break the rules and take her to bed with me. We happily coslept for nearly 6h without any wake-ups today. I really need to sleep at night since sometime between 6/7am big brother wakes up so no sleeping in for me

  34. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @pmrlady: She's swaddled before she goes into the crib, but we're using the A&A swaddles and she can still kick her legs around a ton, haha, so sometimes that seems to be an issue. I've def done the "Shh" thing, too, but sometimes she is just hardheaded. And don't feel bad about bringing her into the bed now and then! We do the same sometimes if she wakes up in the really early morning. You do what you gotta do!

    @Pumuckl: She is super picky about the pacifier. It's like she won't take it unless that is what she specifically wants. I've found a new trick, though--if I bounce her on the yoga ball and paci her at the same time, she's more likely to take it. I should be more vigilant about that when I know she doesn't need to eat again in the night. Also--2nd time mamas are superwomen. I cannot even imagine how I'll do this again when E is a little older!!

  35. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @mfa_lady: My LO just needed to get older I think? This week she's going down in after her MOTN feed in 15-20 minutes. She takes the pacifier when she feels like it much like your LO so I don't even try if she's not taking it.

  36. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @namaste: Gah, this is so encouraging. Fingers crossed!!!!

  37. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @mfa_lady: You're doing great momma! You've got this

  38. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @mfa_lady: haha J's the same - she doesn't take the paci if she doesn't want it. Totally crazy to not want a paci all the time if you ask her big brother

    We totally rocked our weight check today.
    She's back at birth weight too. Now she just has to gain a little more so we can use our carriers.

  39. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @Pumuckl: Way to go, J! Keep up the good growin' work, girl.

  40. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Pumuckl: nice job on the weight gain!

    How long did your babies all take to regain their birth weight? We are going into the Dr for a checkup tomorrow and she will be 8 days old so I don't think she will be there yet. But I am hoping to stop having to wake her up every 3 hours to eat in the motn pretty soon.

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