persimmon / 1096 posts
@Happygal: Public relations for a health care organization - mostly business and medical/science writing. It's okay - not my dream job, but I love the flexibility and sometimes it's interesting stuff.
@HappyBaker: So sorry about the sickness again My toddler's cold turned into croup last night, not a great time. Doctor prescribed a steroid that he'll take tonight and tomorrow, hopefully it helps and H doesn't develop it too! They're too little to be this ill...
nectarine / 2079 posts
@HappyBaker: @keepcalmcarrie: I hope they get better quickly!
DH just got whatever DD1 had over the weekend I believe and I'm really hoping DD2 doesn't end up catching it. We had no sickness prior to DD2s birth and now it has been non-stop for the past month - woo.
persimmon / 1481 posts
@HappyBaker: OMG scary! I hope the get better soon! Poor things!
persimmon / 1313 posts
@HappyBaker: So sorry!
A is definitely teething which explains ALL of the drool. I think she's prone to sleeping through it because she's doing long naps in the morning and afternoon and sleeping until 8 in the morning at night.
clementine / 933 posts
I have been so terrible about replying on my phone, but I love reading & keeping up with you ladies!
LOs Age: 3 months tomorrow
Weight: 10ish lbs
Recent Milestones: Lots of smiling & laughing, rolling from front to back on purpose
Current Struggles: I started a new job on Wednesday, and he decided that was a GREAT day for a growth spurt. We had to give him a bottle after nursing on Tuesday night, and he ate way more often on Wednesday than usual. Luckily it seemed to only last about 24 hours! It was super stressful as my maternity leave ended though!
Random Tidbit: C has the sweetest disposition and makes me want 1,000 babies! Also, he has the little rattle socks, and they are so funny when he's kick-kick-kicking his legs so much!
As for how many: we're planning on 2, and we plan to wait until C is 3 to start trying.
persimmon / 1177 posts
@HappyBaker: @keepcalmcarrie: oh no! Hope you all feel better soon!
@namaste: this feels like a silly question, but how do you know for sure she's teething? A has been drooling and chewing on everything for at least a month, but I'm not sure if it's teething or just how she is...
And I kind of don't want to write this since I'm sure it will jinx it, but A slept from 9pm-5am the last two nights Her naps during the day were crap, and I still woke up to check on her at night, but she has never slept that long before!!
persimmon / 1313 posts
@charmed: We can see her tooth buds. I had to definitely Google that.
nectarine / 2079 posts
@HeartAbandoned: Glad things are going well for you! I bet he loves those socks.
@charmed: Hope the good sleep keeps up!
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
I'm sorry to be so absent on this thread. I am finally starting to feel like I'm keeping my head mostly above water. The last 3 months have been crazy.
LOs Age: 3 months on the 24th
Weight: I'm guessing just under 14 lbs. based on what he weighed at his 2 month appt.
Recent Milestones: As of yesterday, rolling both ways now. He's still has a hard time figuring out how to get his arm out of his way to get all the way on his tummy, so it's hit or miss on whether he's successful from back to tummy.
Current Struggles: I still have a major overactive let down and it's making nursing a struggle. Poor guy only eats for a few minutes at a time during the day. The only other struggle is chasing the toddlers around.
Random Tidbit: It's crazy how much easier he is than E & F were. He's the happiest baby ever and I'm breaking all the parenting rules and he's still such an easy baby (which I'm so thankful for because E & F were not and are not!). He makes me almost want a #4.
nectarine / 2079 posts
@Mrs. Blue: Glad G is going easy on you! Breaking rules is pretty much all I feel like I ever do these days. It's all about what works.
My boob is currently exploding waiting for B to wake up from 11+ hours of sleep. She was going through a growth spurt and waking a little more over the last week and my boob hasn't got the memo that it is over. I guess I didn't either or I would have pumped both sides before bed.
Yesterday B turned 12 weeks and I started pushing crib naps again. She took three 45 min naps before 1 pm and then I wore her for a nap later. She had a rough evening from not getting as much sleep as she needed, but she actually put herself to sleep in her crib for bedtime. Why can't my 2 year old do that?!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@mfa_lady: you definitely should come to our neck of the woods! It's a very fun time of the year. I think tomorrow is that day that people like to get all dressed up, drink a lot, and maybe see a horse or you know this event?
I'm trying not to feel jealous of everyone and their babies sleeping for lonnnng stretches. We're still up every 3 hours at night, maybe 4 at the most. She decided it was time to rock and roll at 4 this morning. So happy, lots of smiles and coos.
Are you all still swaddling you babies at night? She really fights to get her arms up. I just order the zipadeezip to see if it might help things.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Happygal: FF is this weekend? Va is so pretty in the spring. I saw flurries here yesterday.
I think we are having a four month regression. Three nights of up every 2-3 hours in a row. Praying it's a short one. Big sister skipped it completely.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@oliviaoblivia: Yes! Did you go? I'll be staying off the roads tomorrow--I've been hit twice by a drunk driver and therefore avoid being driving on these types of days. It is gorgeous here right now. So green and alive! Sounds like your family is due for a visit for sunshine as well. Hope you get some good sleep tonight.
I think our girl is getting ready to do some growing b/c she took long naps today, a rarity. I can't fully enjoy it b/c I keep going to check to make sure she's breathing!
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@Happygal: Oh, do I know it. Ha! I only went once, even in college, because it was just more than I could handle. I hated how once you get there, you're totally stuck! No leaving until everyone and their brother is ready to go, too. At least if, like me, you rode there on a sorority bus. (Is there an embarrassed emoji on Hellobee?) May is going to be super crazy for us--lots of birthdays and nutty work schedules, but sometime this summer I'd love to get together. These babies are just going to keep getting more and more fun, too, so I think summer would be a great time to do it.
If it makes you feel any better, E has decided that 3 and 4 hour stretches are her new norm, too. It is SO HARD to get through a work week like that! When she wakes up in the night or super early, she's also super happy. I'm always telling my husband not to make eye contact with her in the MOTN, haha!
E's in a Merlin suit right now, and honestly I'm not sure it's helping. I think it eases my mind more than anything else, because she can't thrash around QUITE as much in it as she could in other things. We've tried swaddles, the Love to Dream Swaddle UP, and a Zipadeezip. This is the best thing so far, and the easiest to get her in and out of. I hope you find something that works for you!
@oliviaoblivia: Saaaaame thing happening over here. Mostly every 3 hours, but she's also back to fighting bedtime, which I thought we were over. DH was out of town the last two nights and home girl ended up in bed with me by 10PM both nights. Oops.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@mfa_lady: I've never been for that reason! I hate the idea of being stuck somewhere. Summer is great and I'll not be working, so bring it! We'll be in Michigan for about the first half of July, but that's all we have planned for now. I should have checked in with you about buying all your sleeping things! Really, I'm ready for her to safely roll back and forth so she can be in pjs and sleep on her tummy safely.
We borrow a line from Arrested Development for night time interactions: "No talking, no touching!" Doesn't matter--99.9% of the time when I change her diaper in the middle of the night, she smiles and is so happy.
nectarine / 2079 posts
@Happygal: I haven't swaddled for a while. She just wears a footed sleeper and it hasn't affected her sleep at all. LO1 was/is a terrible sleeper, so I get your frustration.
nectarine / 2079 posts
@oliviaoblivia: @mfa_lady: the 4 month (really 3.5 month) sleep regression is the worst - I'm convinced LO1 never recovered from it .Not looking forward to it again.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Happygal: every year from 2000-2004. It's one of those experiences you can't really explain to folks outside va. Took the sorority bus (no shame @mfa_lady: !) my first year and it was yucky waiting for everyone. After that I always drove. I can't bellwether you've been hit by drunk drivers twice. That's awful. After my second ff I was always the designated driver.
It's weird waiting so long for spring up here. In school it was perfect. I'd get spring, the semester would end, I'd drive home (new england) and get spring again.
Bed at 7:15, first wake up 4:45. Whining about sleep here seems to fix things. Haha. Not waiting three days next time.
Hope you ladies are getting some good sleeps.
persimmon / 1313 posts
Sleep regression is real! Hope whining about it fixes it like @oliviaoblivia: said Taking A to the beach today for the first time!
pomelo / 5000 posts
Hmm. I guess the good things about not a lot of sleep progression is that there really isn't much room for regression! Unless she decides to get up every hour. Then I might die.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@MrsHansen82: I wanted to check and see how the mood swings are with you. Have things leveled out?
Sorry for those with sick babies. It's so hard to see them struggle. Hope everyone heals back to good health quickly.
persimmon / 1481 posts
@Happygal: Thanks for asking - things are okay. I started work on Thursday and I haven't been able to take a nap with her in the mornings so that has taken a toll on my mood. I started losing some hair so I think my hormones are trying to do something.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@oliviaoblivia: I don't think I ever knew you were a Wahoo! Love it.
@namaste: The beach! So fun. It's 50 and rainy here today. Post a pic on Facebook!!
@MrsHansen82: I'm glad you're hanging in there. I had a mini freakout when E was inconsolable for some reason and DH was face-timing his family. Yikes. I hope things even out for you soon--the inability to nap during the day killed me, too, but somehow I adjusted!
persimmon / 1481 posts
@mfa_lady: Luckily I'm only working 3 days per week right now so it's not so bad. I do have an hour and a half commute though so it drives my crazy missing 3 hours a day with her because I'm in the train.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@oliviaoblivia: Love it! College '09 over here. I only live about an hour away now. You should let me and @Happygal: know if you guys ever come through on a trip!
persimmon / 1177 posts
I knew the 8 hours of sleep was too good to be true She was back to 2+ wake ups the rest of the week.
@Happygal: we still swaddle (with a Halo swaddle), but by the time she wakes up she's usually wiggled one or both arms out.
@Radish: waahh don't say that! I don't think I'll survive if her sleep gets any worse
@oliviaoblivia: if whining works, consider this me whining about crappy sleep
pomegranate / 3601 posts
@charmed: @Happygal: we still swaddle too. She just doesn't sleep otherwise. Also she doesn't fight it yet so we're okay with it for now.
@charmed: @oliviaoblivia: OMG I need to whine too. It's been taking us forever to get her down at night this week when before we just swaddled her and gave her her pacifier. And she wakes earlier and/or more often. Hope she goes back to 9+ hours soon.
We had her well visit with her new pediatrician this week. She's finally taller than her big brother was at birth (she's 23" and 12 lbs 3 oz). She is also having a hard time with her vaccines again. Glad we only have one round to go and are done with the rota virus one which always really upsets her stomach.
grapefruit / 4731 posts
So sorry for being MIA! Trying to catch up. My computer is a total mess finally got another one.
LOs Age: 3 months
Weight: He is a big boy... over 13 lbs because he was over 13 pounds at his 2 month appointment... we are already on size 2!
Recent Milestones: Laughing! So cute to see him laugh.
Current Struggles: Pumping! I'm an exclusive pumper and I'm making about 27-34 oz a day... I wish it was more steady but we haven't had to give him formula for a while which is nice and I have freezed one 5 oz bag every 3 days or so... that seems like a small amount but anything is good when I eventually stop pumping.
Random Tidbit: I feel a bit bad for reusing basically everything our older one had (we saved everything) so every now and then I still buy him something even though we don't need to.
Another reason I haven't been around was during my post partum 6 weeks visit with my OB ... she asked how I was doing and I totally cried... she thought it would be best to see a therapist ... I finally said okay... and boy are they fast about booking you an appointment... I saw a therapist like the next day. It seems kind of silly ... but I was suffering from PTSD... Yeah the stuff vets suffer from which I thought was crazy but they said anything traumatic can trigger it... so I'm getting treated for that and in the process learning a lot about myself. I'm definitely doing a lot better.
persimmon / 1481 posts
@Raindrop: So good to have you back and hear how you're doing! I'm glad you're getting help and I'm not surprised at all to hear your PTSD diagnosis. Your birth was scary! I've been considering seeking a therapist too just due to baby blues or PPD, not sure which it is. The having a baby thing is freaking hard!
persimmon / 1313 posts
@mfa_lady: Will do!
@Raindrop: So sorry about your PTSD but great job at talking to someone about it, getting it diagnosed, and going through treatment
@MrsHansen82: Sending you hugs!
nectarine / 2079 posts
@Raindrop: good to see you posting here again! I'm glad that you are getting some help and things are getting better. Your experience was pretty traumatic, so I'm not surprised. i hope your pumping supply keeps up.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Raindrop: so glad you're back and getting better. I'm guilty of buying stuff that #2 doesn't need just so she gets something new... Namely matching PJs to match big sisters. We have absolutive no need for any pajamas in her size but - they must match! And then I buy more for #1 because now I know for sure I'll get to use it again in two years. Buhbye dollar bills.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
@Raindrop: so glad to have you back and that you're getting better! I can totally see why you'd have PTSD - I was scared just reading your story. hugs
@MrsHansen82: I think that seeing a therapist is never a bad thing especially if you feel that it could help!
grapefruit / 4731 posts
@MrsHansen82: @namaste: @Radish: @oliviaoblivia: @Pumuckl: Thanks ladies!
If anyone has questions about therapy let me know.
I actually meet with a counselor and she talked to me to discuss my treatment plan. I actually go to once a week group therapy which is suppose to be for 8 weeks and then one on one with the counselor 2 times (once a month). I'm about half way through my treatment and my first follow up one on one last week my counselor thought I was doing great and that I will be fine with this plan and that was good to hear.
nectarine / 2079 posts
@oliviaoblivia: Really? I find I have to buy B more pj's because A wore the crap outta hers.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Radish: L was 17 pounds at four months so most of her 0-9 month stuff was hardly used.
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