nectarine / 2242 posts
@Happygal: Congrats!!! That is so exciting! When we tried for #2 we were surprised (and not prepared for!) how quickly it happened too. I told DH by making brownies with DD and writing "I'm a Big Sister" on them. I also found out when he was out of town, so when we got home I just said DD and I made you something, go check it out. Very simple but easy to accomplish and he was super surprised and happy!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@HappyBaker: love it. Thanks for responding and the idea. My husband doesn't actually like surprises and I know if I make it complicated, it will go over his head and trying to create a "moment" will fall flat.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@Happygal: GIRL! Oh my gosh, this just made me tear up. I am so, so happy for you. I would do some kind of big sister shirt. [insert all the celebratory emojis here]
DAMNIT, I just read your comment more closely. Could you make one? A big sister shirt, that is. Also, sometimes they have them at Target and Carter's. Maybe not always the cutest, but they'd work for a daddy announcement for sure. AND he might actually notice if it's something she wouldn't normally wear.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@mfa_lady: I wish we had a Carter's in town, but we don't, and our Target is usually slim pickings. I bought these transfer letters to try to make a tshirt, but they won't stick! Maybe I'll take a sharpie to it and call it a day.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@Happygal: Aw, man! I would do a decorative sharpie shirt in a heartbeat. Haha. It might have the same effect--aka make him read it. You know, "Um, why did you write on J's sh....OMG!"
Also, for the record, this announcement totally makes me want to have another baby.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Raindrop: @oliviaoblivia: thank you!
@mfa_lady: I saw you guys were going to try this year and I got pretty excited. Do it! I picked J up from daycare the other day and she was standing by the little baby of the group, rocking his car seat, patting his head, examining his face. It made her look so big (waaaah) and think she'll be a good big sister.
I ran through all the main stores at the mall, but no dice. So I finally just wrote down on a stiff piece of paper "big sis to be" and had her holding it when we greeted my husband from work. He read it and asked what that meant, then said, "No f'in way," then we both teared up. To say we're in shock is an understatement!
pomegranate / 3601 posts
@Happygal: ah sorry, I didn't see your update before! Congratulations
So your LOs will be 20m apart?
I can't believe J is 1! It's been a crazy fast year and at the same time it feels as though she's always been part of the family.
She's 18lbs and 28"...
grapefruit / 4731 posts
Hey Everyone! How is everyone doing? All the kids are one now! How time flies! How are you 1 year olds doing?
Did you guys do anything special for their birthdays?
We had a party at a play area with 8 other kids. LO had an okay time, my bigger one had way more fun! We did the Chinese pick your career game, LO picked a calculator and then he put it down for the money but quickly went back to the calculator. So supposedly he should be good at math. Hopefully touching the money will mean he will be somewhat wealthy too! Hehe. *fingers crossed*
nectarine / 2079 posts
@Happygal: Congrats!
@Raindrop: We had a little birthday party at home. Nothing fancy. We did the vietnamese version, thoi noi, and they pick 3 items (we had 11 total) and she picked a computer mouse (technology), hairbrush (good looks), and calculator (business sense).
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Pumuckl: @Radish: thanks! Yes, they'll be 20 months apart. First doctor's appt is this Friday, and I'll be able to relax a little if we see that things are going well. I had an ultrasound first thing with J and saw her heartbeat, so that helped.
We had a very small celebration. It started dumping snow in the morning, but we had good friends stop by with their daughter to eat a cupcake and wish her happy birthday. Then we had cake with just the three of us in the evening. I kind of like that her first birthday was celebrated the same way she came into the world with just us!
pomegranate / 3601 posts
@Happygal: Oh FX all will look good tomorrow! Mine are 21m apart and I love the age difference. The only reason I'm waiting a bit longer with potential #3 is that I think my body just needs some more time to recuperate. I don't want to end up on bedrest again. So I think we'll try come late spring early summer.
@Raindrop: We also had a little party at home. It was a crazy busy weekend though with lots of friends visiting and the grandparents visiting but I think she had a blast and was just happy to be back in daycare on monday to relax One of the friends that visited (and stayed overnight) had a newborn and it was really nice to see how J reacted to the baby. It definitely gave me anonther push to really consider #3.
pineapple / 12793 posts
I'm always so behind in this thread.
@Happygal: still so excited for you!
Things are good and crazy around here. A is three weeks old already and giving L and C a run for easiest baby ever. I'm not sure how we got so lucky to have three easy, good sleepers but I'm sure I'll be paying for it when there are three teenage girls in my house.
We had a small party for C with my parents and sisters just before A arrived. I just couldn't manage anything more for her real birthday. We had been dealing with various winter preschool bugs and it just want going to happen at 37 weeks preggo.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
@oliviaoblivia: You are such an enabler But I'm pretty sure we'll go for it.
And so glad to hear A is being an easy baby! You deserve that with 3 within (almost) 3 years
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Pumuckl: just four days shy of three under three. So thankful A wasn't twins!
pomegranate / 3921 posts
How's everybody doing? We're having a blast with E these days--I'm loving the young toddler stage!
And some of you have probably seen on the October board, but I'm pregnant again! My best guess is that I'm almost 7 weeks. We were NTNP, and then my BIL and SIL had an adorable baby that made me want #ALLTHEBABIES, and his birth apparently coincided perfectly with ovulation, if you know what I mean. Ha! I'm still kind of nervous, because we won't have an ultrasound until 3/21, but trying to be excited instead of worried.
persimmon / 1481 posts
@Happygal: @mfa_lady: OMG congrats!! I can't believe we already have three more pregnancies on this board!! You ladies don't mess around!
I've been so MIA...crazy life with a toddler. I'm SAH full time now which has been great but it can be super lonely. I've made a few mom friends though. I've also got back into dancing and photography so I'm finally starting to feel like myself again. No babies for us any time soon. My DH wants to think about it in the Fall but I'm still not sure. I finally feel like I have my body back too!
K is great. She just took her first steps the other night! She says a handful of words and a lot of animal noises. She is so goofy and such a comedian! Oh and she's still nursing about 5 times a day...
I miss you ladies!! We need to keep this board going!
grapefruit / 4731 posts
@mfa_lady: Congrats! Just saw this. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!
persimmon / 1177 posts
Hi ladies! I've missed you all, but life has been CRAZY the last six months. I totally underestimated how impossible it would be to work from home with a mobile baby/toddler.
A is into everything, climbing up bookshelves and over the couch, and has no fear at all. She's 99th+ percentile for height and wearing 18-24mo/2T clothes
Says about 10 "words" in her baby gibberish that we can understand. Working on molars and the 2:1 nap transition right now, so she is a crabby mess a lot of the time. But that changes in an instant and she'll say "mwah" and give you a kiss and a hug.
How are all the other January 2015 mamas doing now that the babies are not really babies anymore?
Oh, and I'm 9 weeks pregnant with baby #2 Due in October, so I'm in a due date group with @mfa_lady: again
grapefruit / 4731 posts
@charmed: Congrats!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy also! I think it's great you and mfa_lady are having your seconds at the same time. How cute is that?!?
nectarine / 2079 posts
@keepcalmcarrie: congrats! Stalking all the due date boards and so many of us are pregnant again.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Radish: not me though!!! This is the week I've conceived all my girls. I'm pretty much keeping dh in the guest room.
Can't wait to see your third, your girls at so gorgeous!
@charmed: congratulations ladies!!!
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@oliviaoblivia: I love that you have to make sure to break the cycle. Hahahaha!
persimmon / 1096 posts
@Radish: thank you! I'm slightly freaking out, but very excited too.
@oliviaoblivia: thanks!!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@mfa_lady: what if our fourth isn't born in January though... Will she/he feel left out?
grapefruit / 4731 posts
@oliviaoblivia: LOL You are so cute and funny! There is always next year.
nectarine / 2079 posts
@oliviaoblivia: Lol. Yeah, I'm wondering if she will look more like one of them or just be another random combination of our genes. Your girls are almost from the exact same recipe, which is kind of funny with when your conceptions occurred and such.
grapefruit / 4731 posts
@Radish: Are you having another girl? Sorry if I missed you announcing that somewhere. Haha.
nectarine / 2079 posts
@Raindrop: Lol. I am. I didn't really announce it and don't really plan to. I'm posting on the oct board with a different name
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