clementine / 830 posts
N's lovey is a blanket with a head on it, he's slept with it since 5.5 months with no problems. I did put it over my own face to see if I can breathe first.
My boy has been sitting up on his own and loving it. I'll find him sitting in random spots all over the house, grinning like a fool. It has really disrupted his ability to go back to sleep during naps though, cuz he'll spring right up. It hasn't affected his night sleep thankfully. He pulled to standing on my mom's coffee table two days ago but hasn't since, perhaps because we don't have anything at the right height, but I'm not in a hurry for him to walk - stay a babyyyyyyyy!!
pear / 1616 posts
@turkeylurkey: my LO sleeps with a lovey which is a small a&a blanket. i probably will keep her in a sleep sack for awhile though just cause i'm too scared of using a regular blanket!
@MamaChin: i think our babies are at the same stage! she started sitting up by herself alot the last couple days. but hasn't really pulled to standing tho. i think it may be that we also don't have anything the right height. she can pull up when shes already half way up (like if shes sitting on my lap) but thats it.. i wouldn't be surprised if she is a late walker. she also isn't regular crawling yet, still only army crawling. i'm not too worried tho (yet.. )
kiwi / 541 posts
Thanks everyone for your comments. I'm like all of you not quite sure I want to give him a blanket just yet. We have the lovies that you are mentioning. Maybe that could be a compromise for me and the DH
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@scg00387: M can't do that long yet but she can stand unassisted for a good 5 seconds. Then she gets excited and reaches for something and loses her balances. I'm not ready for my kid to walk. AHHHHHH!!!!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@MamaMoose: me. either. Seriously DH is so pumped and I'm so scared! He already has a bruise on each side of his head on the daily... he did seem to finally learn how to duck when he's crawling under stuff though ha.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
Aaaand he's walking w his activity walker. Standing on his own too. Ahhhhhhh
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@mrsjyw: wow, it's happening so fast! My friend's baby IRL is 9.5 months and WALKING. Sooo not ready here!
pear / 1992 posts
@mrsjyw: Ahh I saw the IG pics with his walker - big boy! So exciting.
LO almost stood unassisted this morning while trying to hold onto a toy with both hands. I think she didn't realize what she was doing and when she snapped back into it got scared and sat down Good girl!
persimmon / 1420 posts
So many babies are walking! So fantastic. It makes me worried, though- my twins aren't even crawling yet, let alone getting themselves into a sitting position on their own. I feel so far behind! Even though I know that all babies do their own thing on their own time, I'm getting worried. Should I just calm down? What can I do to encourage them to at least get to sitting on their own? They HATE tummy time- seems like they always have. DD refuses to even roll to her tummy unless she has to. I feel like I've done them a huge mis-service by not forcing tummy time, but I hate listening to them scream. Plus, they just flip themselves over now, so there isn't much of a point.
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@meganmp: my LO is not crawling either, she didn't even really try until around her 9 month birthday. She definitely doesn't get to sitting position on her own. She also just flips over if I put her on her tummy. My Dr said she was doing fine and that babies don't really need to crawl, technically it's not a milestone. But I'm still paranoid. I know one day I'll look back and laugh at all my worries but for now it's hard to think our babies are the only ones that aren't crawling!
kiwi / 541 posts
@meganmp: Mine just started crawling two weeks ago. And it isn't even a crawl. It is inch worming. He puts his hands out in front of him and pulls his body to his hands. He's getting pretty fast at it. He doesn't get into a sitting position. He is standing holding onto something. But that's it.
Our BIG Milestone this week... wait for it... Going throught the doggie door! Yep! Yesterday he saw the dog go out and so there he went. Inch wormed all the way over there and started pushing on the flaps! We got a picture of it. Very cute. but was SOOO not ready for the doggie door!
clementine / 824 posts
@turkeylurkey: haha, that is so cute!
No new milestones here! E is crawling all over and loves to stand up and walk along the furniture. She can't really free stand yet and I'm sure walking is still a ways away. But she has been all about blowing raspberries lately and clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth. She could go back and forth with you ALL day long doing that.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@turkeylurkey: ha we had to move our dog bowl because C kept going over and shoving handfuls of dog food into her mouth. Those aren't your puffs!!!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@meganmp: don't worry, momma! Were they born early? Maybe looking at adjusted age milestones would be better? I know one of the bees on here had a 25 weeker so she follows the adjusted age for hitting milestones
clementine / 830 posts
@DillonLion: we had to gate off the living room from the kitchen for the same reason! N loved the dog food and water bowl.
@turkeylurkey: that image is sooo cute!
No new milestones here, still army crawling and pulling up to stand on the couch. He will regular crawl a short distance but no more than two or three "steps". Can't believe my baby will be ten months on Monday!!!
clementine / 824 posts
@meganmp: I know easier said than done, but I would definitely try not to worry. Several babies in my moms group are a month older and not crawling. And one or two of the older ones never did and went straight to walking around 1yr!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@meganmp: I didn't enforce tummy time either and worried too! Ds was nvr a roller and he was pulling up to stand before he even attempted.crawling. he did things out of order and totally out of no where when we least expected it (aka when I stopped worrying or loling for it). I think crawling is a random trick and not even a real milestone! I encouraged him to push himself up to sit in the cpl wks before he figured it out. Laying him on his belly helping him push up even when he fussed.
A is clapping, hitting his palm to his mouth lile cowboys/indians, waving bye, and the best: saying Ummmmma ummmmma ( krn for mama) !!! I die. N dh is jealous. Usually its when he's whiny and wants me. Sometimes he says it aloud just babbling. But usually it's at me. So first word? Maybe? Hoepfully soon I can call it officialy! Lol
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@turkeylurkey: we give ds an a&a swaddle blanket to sleep w for naps. At nttime jist yhe securoty blanket!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@meganmp: I wouldn't fret! I know my twin nieces were preemie and didn't crawl until 10/11 months. DH never crawled, he just walked. They must just be mellow babies who are happy where they are at!
kiwi / 541 posts
@mrsjyw: I would think that he's saying Mama! so cool!
We had our 9 m,o check-up today. Weight is 19.13 and Height 28.
pear / 1992 posts
Kind of a milestone for us - Ellora was sick for the first time this past weekend. Roseola!! She came down with a fever at daycare on Friday and it continued through the weekend. By bedtime Sunday she was back down and then no fever Monday AM so we took her to daycare as usual. Saw the rash on Monday evening during her bath. Poor thing, at least it wasn't serious and she is fully recovered now.
We are very lucky it's been 9.5 months before she was sick for the first time!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@lindseykaye: oh no!! I am dreading this 'first' glad she's feeling better!
LO just started waving! Love. it.
kiwi / 541 posts
@lindseykaye: Wow you've been really lucky that this is the first time! E has been sick a lot. We had Roseola too. The high fever can be scary!
clementine / 824 posts
@lindseykaye: Oh no! 9 months is a pretty good run though!
@scg00387: Love the waving, clapping too! Mine gets on kicks where she just. won't. stop. It's like her arm has a mind of its own.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
M learned peekaboo yesterday. She pulls her blanket over her face and waits for us to say "where'd you go?!?" And then she whips the blanket down and we shout "there you are!" And she goes into a giggle fit. Aaaaaand repeat ad nauseum!
pear / 1992 posts
Labor day weekend she had zero interest in the walker we had just picked up at a yardsale for her... this past weekend? Walked all over the house with it! OMG.
She figured out that she could push her activity table around on our wood floors so we showed her the walker again and oh boy is she now in love. She also stood unassisted for a few seconds for the first time.
I though I wasn't ready when she was starting to crawl but I am even less ready for her to be a walker!
@MamaMoose: Oh goodness that sounds so cute! LO loves peekaboo but doesn't hide herself.. just enjoys the heck out of it when we do it to ourselves and she is watching.
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@ChelseaRose: wow~ wooo hooo! I can't believe we now have basically toddlers!
persimmon / 1161 posts
@SLR: @DillonLion: @kml636: It's so surreal. He just started crawling at 9 months and now walking! He was cruising well before he was crawling though.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
C started clapping independently and on demand which has been the cutest thing!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@ChelseaRose: woohoo!!
@kml636: hush!! makes me sad!!
@DillonLion: that is super cute, i'm excited for that one!
clementine / 824 posts
@DillonLion: Cute!
I've got a waver. She "greets" EVERYone at daycare! Say the words "hi" or "bye" and she starts going. It's almost like a little Miss America wave. I was thinking about making her a sash and doing that for her Halloween costume!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@DillonLion: yayy c! so cute!
@slr: hahaha DS does this too, we call it the presidential wave!
@chelsearose: hooooray!!!!! i can't believe how fast our babies have grown/are growing!
A LOVES when I start singing "if you're happy and you know it!" he starts clapping with the biggest grin, so cute!
No new milestones here, the last few weeks have been crazy with all his new tricks.
pear / 1616 posts
@ChelseaRose: omg where are our babies?! so crazy!!
@SLR: @DillonLion: soo cute!! i can't wait when LO waves. she can clap too but not really on command unless everyones clapping.
nothing new here. she's sort of clapping, she can shake her head no, pulling up like a champ, and starting to show signs of regular crawling. anyone starting to notice personality traits? i can tell my LO doesn't have a very strong personality (good or bad i'm not sure!) i think shes cautious, which is why she doesn't seem to jump into anything fast, more just takes her time. she's goofy too, loves to make funny faces at people.
pear / 1992 posts
@SLR: Bahaha - perfect for Halloween! So cute. LO loves to wave (at the dog, at the toilet, at the stuffed animals) except when someone she doesn't know is saying hi.. then it's stone-faced stare-down. I kind of love it.
@DillonLion - Woo Hoo! I love clapping, but LO doesn't really do this one yet.
@ChelseaRose: Walking? Oh man I guess we should all get ready! Congrats to your big little boy!
@kodybear: I'm starting to see some personality coming through. She's a little goofball and loves making us laugh (which makes her laugh more) and VERY determined. She protests loudly when she is stuck or can't reach something she wants. And when we take away an inappropriate toy (like a dog toy or the dog bowl or.. the dog) she gets pretty mad. Her daycare nanny says that she's pretty easygoing - plays well with the babies and the older kids, likes to be in on the action but not in the middle, settled easily if another kid takes a toy she's playing with, etc. Good signs if you ask me.
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