Hellobee Boards


November 2013 Babies

  1. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @anbanan15: Caroline had a little bit of that "blood spots in her diaper" going on last weekend but her poops were hard-- maybe call your local urgent care? I'm not a nurse or anything so I can't tell you for sure what else to do-- mine was just constipated which is WAY different then what you're getting with the runny stool

  2. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Aww poor girl! Her BM's were hard? She's formula fed right? M's EBF so her stools are never formed.

    My mom just left and we couldn't find a fissure. If there is more blood I will probably call the on call doc, who will probably send us to the hospital since the office is closed...I just know from experience with DS blood in stools, even 1 tiny speck, warranted an office visit and they always concluded the same thing...it was food and I needed to remove said food from my diet (again this looks just like DS's reactions).

  3. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    MERRY 1st CHRISTMAS to my November 2013 "family"!!

  4. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @anbanan15: Oh no. I hope you figure it out soon! Is she acting normally? What did you have to cut out of your diet with your son? I'll be thinking about y'all

    Anyone have any cute Christmas photos?! N was an elf today and now he's wearing his jammies

    Merry Christmas!!!

  5. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @anbanan15: yeah-- it was miserable- the day before they had been soft- and then all of a sudden hard poop-- it goes hand in hand with completely switching to formula for us although my MIL said my husband had the same problem when he was a baby, and he was EBF. Our Doc said to give her about an ounce and a half to 2 oz of water a day- it's worked like a charm.

  6. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @lilteacherbee: oh my goodness! so cute! Love the elf.

    Everything...literally...I was down to 3 foods, but the first foods eliminated were diary, soy, egg and peanuts, then the rest of the top 8 + gluten a week later.

    @Mrs. Pink: Awa that's now fun! I'm surprised they suggested water, but glad it seems to help.

  7. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    some Christmas PJ photos

    This one captures her grumpy cat style face so well LOL

  8. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @anbanan15: yeah, he said she could have a little-- no more then 2 oz total a day-- unless she we give her water when she has diarrhea the extra water is not going to hurt her (apparently the sodium problems aren't a risk unless there is more going on and we were giving her quite a bit more then 2 oz a day)- we give her a small amount at a time from a single bottle so we don't go over and she doesn't get too much at once, so she'll still have room for her formula- we only use bottled water.

    my mom and MIL said doctors used to suggest water back in the day- it also apparently helps clean out their mouths so they don't get thrush etc.

  9. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @anbanan15: Hmmm I'd save it - not out anything if they tell you they don't want it. I hope she didn't have any more bloody dipes overnight. I'm sorry you're going through this. If you need anything, let me know. *hugs*


  10. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: @lilteacherbee: Ahhhhhh such cute babies!

  11. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: oh gotcha. Love her hair!

    @Ash: Thanks! It's in the fridge and DH is slightly freaked out by it lol. It's not so much the blood that worries me, but more what I think it means and the road ahead. I was so excited because she was doing so well and so different from how DS was from birth.

  12. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    I hope everyone had an awesome 1st Christmas with their little ones and families!

    Here is Caroline in her Christmas dress-- she slept most of the day away, but got lots of loot to play with when she's a bit older!

  13. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @anbanan15: thanks even when I try to comb it down it sticks straight up!

    how is she doing today? any better?

  14. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @lilteacherbee: what a cutie! I love those outfits!

  15. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Awww! So cute!

    We just had a diaper FULL of blood! First one since all those last night. We have it saved and her appointment is early tomorrow. It's her 1 month appointment but with the pedi that said DS's stools like this wore MSPI (later diagnosis changed to FPIES) so I'm glad about that.

  16. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    if anyone is looking, the Fisher-Price Deluxe Rock 'n Play Portable Bassinet is going to be on Amazon Lightening Deals at 12PM Pacific-- I haven't decided if I want to get one yet, since I'm not sure how long it'll last us for now that we're 6 weeks old but depending on the deal I might go for it!

  17. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @anbanan15: Oh no! Good luck tomorrow (well, today)! I'll be thinking of you!

  18. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Ash: Thanks!

    She just had her (snowy) 1 month appointment and she is 10 lbs, 21". Her stools tested positive for blood so I'm now on a restricted diet, again. She is also having breath holding spells...awesome.

  19. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @anbanan15: oh no! not the news I was hoping for. I'm sorry! What's with the breath holding?

  20. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Ash: When I saw that stool Christmas Eve, I know exactly what it meant It's been happening mainly in the car seat. She'll cry then it sounds like she isn't breathing or is having trouble breathing, turns bright red, lips dark. She usually breaks out in a cold sweat too. We get her out, calm her down, her tone turns back to normal and then she passes out (as in immediately falls asleep) and is fine.

  21. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @anbanan15: Hmmm. Are they going to do anything? Poor little peanut!

  22. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Ash: He said just do what we have been doing (pulling over and regrouping). It doesn't happen everytime she is in the car seat. I know my mom said my one brother used to do this when he got upset...he would hold his breath, turn blue and actually pass out. I think I just read something about it possibly being hereditary?

  23. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @anbanan15: Dude. Sorry to hear about the bloody/poopy/intolerance issues. How restricted is your diet now? Are you going to keep BFing? The car seat meltdowns sound miserable. There's been one or two times LO will just lose it and it's awfulllll.

    @Mrs. Pink: OMG, LOs hair is the same way, it's crazy! It cracks me up! Cute pics!

    Hope Christmas went well for everyone! Things are still going great, I scheduled a weight check for Monday because I'm too antsy to wait until the following Monday (her late 2 month appt) to find out! She's been spitting up a tiny but after some feedings the past few days, so I'm not sure what to all of a sudden attribute it to. It doesn't smell, she's still happy, and it's only a little bit, so we won't worry. I'm trying to burn through the last of her NB disposable diapers--they just barely fit! We have some 1s ready to go and the CDs will hopefully be the main go-tos.

    DH leaves for a fishing trip tomorrow, so LO and I should have a nice long weekend. I'm seeing a Glee marathon in my future! I can't remember if I said it or not, but I pumped 2 oz from one boob the other morning (LO nursed off the other side)! So nuts! We had a great night last night, cuddled up around 8:30, finally good and asleep by 9:00, brought her for a change and nursing in her nursery at 1:00, then back to sleep until 6:00ish, we then just rested and laid until 7:30ish.

    I guess there's not much else to report, LO was 7 weeks yesterday, that was neat. We're supposed to be heading into the next Wonder Week leap soon, so hopefully that goes well! OH, I totally cut her when I was cutting her nails the other day. She wasn't bothered but it wouldn't stop bleeding and I felt awful. Oops. Still loving sleeping with her and taking baths with her and caddying her around in the Ergo. I'm basically obsessed with her. the Ergo has probably been one of the BEST purchases I made...I love it. I'm on the lookout for a Danzo Weekender as my current bag is way too small. Lame. If anyone finds one, lemme know!!

    Ok, I think that's about it for now. I'll probably have more pointless things to say during a MOTN nursing session!

  24. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @ms.janedoe: So much hair! I love it! The Ergo and other carriers were a lifesaver with DS. We never used our stroller. I got my Weekender at Gilt for around $150 with a 20% off code. They also sold them at Nordstroms online.

    For now I'm supposed to eliminate all forms of dairy, soy, egg and peanut, but we are debating if I should go with a total elimination diet (TED), remove everything and then add back in or start with these 4 if there is no improvement when her stools are checked in 2 weeks then do the TED? We did the guessing game with DS for months before doing the TED and I always said if we needed to do it again I would go right to TED, makes more sense to me, but now that I'm faced with the decision I can't decide, but I have to figure it out by tomorrow. I will keep breastfeeding for at least a year as long as nothing happens to myself/supply. If she ends up like DS (hoping it's just MSPI not FPIES) I'll nurse as long as I have to.

  25. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    have any of your LOs started showing interest in toys and such yet? Caroline doesn't really reach for her rattles or anything- if I put them in her hands she'll hold on for a sec and then let them go (she graps the heck out of our fingers and my hair though...)

  26. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Reagan is starting to grab at things. As I type this she is laying on her rainforest playmat and swatting and grabbing at the mirror and hanging rattle. It's awesome to see the changes!

  27. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Ehhh...kind of. She totally looks at and tracks toys, and kicks and gets excited, but she doesn't intentionally reach and grab. I keep forgetting about the playmat...and most tummy times... Oops.

    We had a decent night, a little bit to get her down, then she was up for a little over an hour at 1. After that though, she slept until 7:00ish!

  28. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    I just have to share this picture of Reagan from Christmas Eve. DH captioned it "Someone saw Santa"

  29. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @NeekieRose: hahaha so cute!!!

    @ms.janedoe: Yay for sleep! Last night was rough for us, but the night before was glorious. I went to bed at 11pm and got up at 10:30!! Nathan woke up a couple of times to eat and then went right to sleep. When he woke up 7am, DH volunteered to give him a bottle and let me sleep in! I forgot what it felt like to not be tired.

    @Mrs. Pink: Yeah, Nathan's favorite toy is my hair...ouch!! We got a couple of play mats for Christmas, so we'll be trying those out soon.

    We forget about tummy time a lot too. Here's a pic I snapped the other day

  30. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @NeekieRose: so cute!!! Love those PJs too

  31. ChitownRo

    clementine / 948 posts

    I'm sorry to be the worst with responding, but I am following along closely and feel reassured by your posts and experiences with your LOs.

    @anbanan15: sorry to hear about the MSPI but it sounds like you are so on top of it.

    @Mrs. Pink: Caroline's Christmas dress is so cute! Re: toys - Ollie is just starting to swat at toys but only grasps if I directly place it in his hand. He does enjoy pulling on my finger and hair though

    @ms.janedoe: That hair is amazing. What an adorable little girl. I hope her weigh in confirms that she is gaining chunk

    @lilteacherbee: your 10:30a sleep-in sounds amazing. Nathan looks decently happy during tummy time. Ollie still doesn't like it and tries desperately to roll himself back onto his back. He has succeeded three times.

    @NeekieRose: Lol, love that little expressive face, clever caption

    Ollie is growing so much! At his one month appt last week, he was 8 lb 14oz (up from 6lb 3 oz at birth). He went from the 5th percentile to 25th in weight during that month.
    I'm struggling to keep up with his appetite. He now eats about 32-35 oz of pumped milk per day. I'm pumping around 30-32 oz per day (am EPing) but did have a little stash from the first few weeks. I'm just starting herbal supplements and plan to make lactation cookies this weekend.

    He has very long prolonged awake periods. Do your LOs? I know @msjanedoe carries her LO around in the Ergo all day, but Ollie is not interested in the ktan. I'll keep trying every day.

    During the daytime, he normally is awake from 7:30a-11:30a. (Will eat around 7:30 and then 10, then eventually falls asleep). Will sleep for like 1-2 hours and then eat again. Then is normally awake for another prolonged period from 10p-12:30a. Then one overnight wake up/feeding around 4am.

    Attaching an amusing spit up picture from xmas eve. We were trying to do a little photo shoot... the photos pre and post are very cute, but this one is my favorite

  32. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    Love all the Christmas pictures.

    @ChitownRo: Thanks! Not sure how much truth there is to it, but I recently heard carrots were good for increasing lactation.

  33. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @ChitownRo: Caroline gained 27 ounces in 27 days according to her ped- her apt was almost 2 weeks ago but she was up to 8.3 from 6.8 at birth-- Ollie's weight gain sounds awesome-- I love those Christmas PJs!

    Good job on the EP-- you're doing AMAZING- I admire all of you who are still doing this and/or EBF -- it is hard work!

    By the way I LOVE your hair- I am jealous.

    Caroline has succeeded in rolling over about 3 or 4 times now too- she almost got from her back to her stomach today but stopped before her shoulders completely flipped and got really mad! She kicks her legs and moves her arms a lot so she can wiggle herself down the length of her cradle on her back- I told her to knock that off though, because she isn't supposed to be mobile yet!

    I am getting a ktan this weekend and I hope it'll help me get more done around the house if I can carry her hands free LOL

    She has decent awake times but has been on and off with what I imagine are growth spurts where she wants to sleep ALL day and we practically have to force her to wake-up to eat... if she's not asleep on those days she is screaming-- I have a very hard time keeping her entertained-- she either gets board and falls asleep or gets board and starts yelling at me

    We got an iPhone apptivity gym for Christmas so I'm hoping that she'll enjoy that, right now her tummy time mat is a huge flop- staring at mommy and daddy is still her favorite thing to do- and she is starting to talk to us more and more!

  34. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @ms.janedoe: I haven't braved cutting Caroline's nails yet.. I'm afraid- so she is still living in those PJS with the mitts!

  35. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    I can't believe how big all of our babies are getting-- it feels like Halloween was yesterday and I was anxiously awaiting my baby girl... and now she's a month and a half old already! it's crazy. I decided to take another month off, it's unpaid (my company does 8 weeks of full pay) but hubby told me to go ahead and take it since we have some money saved aside- I am not looking forward to going back on Feb 10th though-- I kind of wish I could stay at home forever with her- but at the same time, I've also turned into a hermit so getting out of the house and going to work every day might be a good idea...

  36. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @ms.janedoe: so I found a link to the last Danzo event on myhabit using google--

    try going to myhabit.com and signing in using your Amazon account-- then click on this link below... it should bring up all of the bags that are available- even though the event is over, it still seems to be letting me go through the checkout...


  37. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: DUDE. Hell yes. Thank you! I totally ordered it--it's 100% returnable so if it ends up being massive, I'm safe! It'll probably get dirty FAST, but hey, if it carries everything, I'm good!

    Doing her nails usually isn't bad at all, but I tried to go shorter than usual...big mistake! Let me know what you think of the k'tan--I want to try ours again but have been too lazy...I wonder if she'd feel more secure now that she's bigger... LO has been sleeping a LOT during the day as well. It always makes me nervous 'cause it means she'll either sleep great, or sleep horribly at night...

    @ChitownRo: Holy balls you look good. That picture is hilarious! I do carry LO a LOT, she always starts awake but falls asleep. She has some pretty decent awake periods, but usually melts down if she's been up for a long time. I've been a little clueless as to what to do with her when she is awake, but we've been reading books, going around the house, watching toys, etc.

  38. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @ms.janedoe: yay! you could try spraying it with a weatherproofer or something like you do with shoes-- though I'd check with the manufacturer first

  39. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    I absolutely cannot keep up with you ladies! Ha! I hope your Christmases were merry!

  40. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Mrs. J: Cute! That onesie is hilarious!

    @ms.janedoe: yay! Which color did you get? I loved the white but got the navy since I thought it would stay nicer longer. So far so good! Ohh and I totally thought this was a massive huge suitcase of a diaper bag when it arrived, but once I actually started using it it's been the perfect size and we haven't completely switched to cloth yet, so I imagine it will be perfect (I do have stuff for DS in there but not anything major).

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