Hellobee Boards


November 2013 Babies

  1. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: bahahaha, the time.. LO puked in my hair and DH was dirty from work, so he went and took a shower and went in there knowing I had to hop in after him. He was in there for forty five minutes. I was so annoyed, and when I finally got in there the water was cold. We've lived in this house for over a year, taken plenty of long showers and have NEVER taken one long enough to use all the hot water.. he got busy playing a game on his phone (he has a waterproof phone case). I was SO mad, and I needed a shower badly so I just took a cold shower and cried. He swore he was only in there 15 minutes.

    Wahhhh men suck.

  2. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @MrsTiz: they never know how long they are in the shower. Never!

  3. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    Boo...guess who has mastitis? This momma...

  4. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Mrs. J: HUGS to you - take good care of yourself and "the girls"

  5. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    Having a hard time replying to everyone on my phone, so I won't, haha. But yeah, we always get a little testy with each other when there's a new baby in the house. It doesn't get better the more kids you have. And now I just expect DH to do some really dumb, inconsiderate things. Not that he can't be awesome, he definitely has his moments, but OMG, sometimes that man is soooooo stupid. Doesn't help that postpartum hormones make my anxiety/OCD skyrocket and I become a lot more knit-picky that usual. But this too shall pass. In a few months we'll have found our new normal and so will all of you guys. But argh. We play the "who's more tired" game too. So annoying. But I try to keep my mouth shut because he does work really hard all day long and he probably is every bit as tired as I am. Although, his boobs probably don't hurt like mine...

    I had a good talk with an IGT friend yesterday and she made me feel a lot better. I've started taking my placenta pills again, even though they made my milk supply tank when I started them the other week. But I think I was overly optimistic that I would have a full supply this time and I just need to accept that it's not going to happen. Not with this condition. So I'm refocusing on nursing for the bonding and comfort and trying not to stress about my supply or being so concerned that she get every possible smidgen of nutrition from me that I can possibly give her. It's not good for me mentally. Which is where the placenta pills, hopefully come in.

  6. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @sweetooth: thanks. I start antibiotics as soon as I go pick them up from Walgreens. Hopefully, this clears up quickly!

  7. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @Mrs. J: Yuck! Hope it clears up quickly!

  8. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    Oh, and here's Rosie. Just because.

  9. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @FarmWifeGina: What a little sweetheart!

  10. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: @MrsTiz: What is it with guys and the bathroom?!? I don't understand. DH really is great most of the time (at night after I BF, I wake DH up and he changes him and gets him back to sleep). BUT everyday, DH gets home and poops/showers (why he has to shower EVERY time he poops, I don't know). The entire process takes an hour. THEN some nights before bed, he takes a hot bath "because his back hurts." That's another 30-45 minutes. Gahhh

    I'm so glad that my mom lives nearby because I'm there almost everyday while DH is at work. My grandma, mom, and sister are in love with Nathan and they gladly take him while I'm there and I have a moment to myself. When I'm at home, I feel like I never stop. I actually enjoy pumping because I can watch Netflix and have a second to relax.

    I really can't complain because DH doesn't mind taking the baby at all, but at times, he's so clueless.

  11. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs. J: oh no! I hope the antibiotics help quickly!!

    @FarmWifeGina: She is seriously so beautiful!

  12. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    Yesterday, I went to Raleigh (2.5 hours away) for a teacher training. I technically didn't "have" to go right now, but I would have to go eventually and later, I'd have to go alone rather than with a friend/coworker.

    I pumped bottles for my mom and dropped him off at 5:30am and picked him up at 6:30pm. 13 hours away from my baby.... My sister texted me cute pictures all day and I have to admit, the break was kinda nice. My friend drove and I pumped under a blanket 3 times in the car haha that was....interesting. But I survived!! I missed him sooo much and it made me sad about going back to work next month. But I'm glad my mom is able to watch him instead of having to use daycare. So very thankful for that.

  13. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: @MrsTiz: It does get better with the second, at least in our case it did. DH had male PPD with DS and it was a horrible time for me putting up with DH (between DH and DS's FPIES it literally was a living hell) that first year or so after DS was born. Things eventually got better and we got better. DH still says the "I'm so tired" comments that make me want to deck him (seriously?! He is off work right now to "help" me and I still do everything with both kiddos), but at least the tension is not there and he is a little less "afraid" when it comes to handling the baby (although he only changed her first diaper at 3 weeks because he was afraid he would wipe wrong and give her an infection down there...errr).

    @Mrs. J: No fun! I had it with DS and after the first 24 hours of antibiotics things were Sooo much better. I ended up sopping the meds after that (I know so bad!) because DS reacted to them due to his FPIES. Keep on nursing though! I know it's painful but really helps and if you can add some pumping in there. Feel better soon!

    @FarmWifeGina: haha I was just telling the that it does get better! Maybe it really isn't normal around here and It's just not the hell of last time that I think things are a lot better? Lol Whatever it is, I'll take it!

    @lilteacherbee: I used to pump in the car all the time! You get good at multitasking If you have to drive and pump, the key is to have everything in place before you stir so you can just turn the pump on. I always took my stuff off at red lights or if I was stopped in traffic once I was done.

    @sweetooth: I usually pump 1-2 times a day, usually at night, before bed and then sometime in the morning (~10-12 hours between sessions). I get an average of 6 oz if I pump right after a feeding and up to 10 oz if I wait a little before pumping. I've been saving at least 12 oz extra per day. I will probably end up having to donate again if my supply keeps up like this.

  14. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    ^ sorry for all the errors. Mobile and too lazy to fix

  15. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    Oh is anyone else majorly lopsided?! My one breast looks nearly twice the size of the other. It also produces about twice as much. I had the same problem with DS with the same "lazy" side.

  16. Brassgiraffe

    cherry / 185 posts

    Hi November Mamas and Babies! I am late joining in on this board. Our little lady arrived three weeks ago, and I'm finally emerging a little bit from the haze of hormones and fatigue to catch up on all the posts and say hello!

    Name: Katherine Marie
    Due date: November 28
    Birth date: November 26
    Length: 20.25"
    Weight: 6 lbs
    And, here's a glamour shot taken by DH

    Labor was a quick 6.5 hours. After about three hours, I called the hospital to discuss my progress. The nurse suggested that because my contractions had only been 2-3 minutes for 30 minutes, I try to wait another hour at home before coming in so that I wouldn't be laboring at the hospital for a long time. I waited, and an hour later when we were driving to the hospital, the pain was intense, and I was cursing myself for waiting so long. I originally thought I might try for a natural birth, but drugs were sounding pretty amazing at that point. When I got checked at triage, I was 9.5cm dilated! I felt justified in my pain and kinda freaked out since baby's birth was imminent. There was no time for an epidural, so I just screamed through the pain like the cliche pregnant lady in the movies (and wound up with a sore throat the next day). After the vacuum, the cord being wrapped around her neck (like many of your LO's!), meconium being passed prior to birth, and concern about jaundice, she arrived safe and sound.

    Overall, we're both doing well. DH and I are in awe of her, and I love seeing DH fawn over her. Feeding is a work in progress; she has a shallow latch that causes me a decent amount of pain but can transfer milk well. We went from EBF to EBF with a shield to a combo of BF/pumping/formula after she lost the weight she regained after birth. It was helpful to read that several of you have also had feeding experiences that maybe weren't what you originally expected. My hormones are still out of whack, and I'm pretty prone to crying, but I'm working through it. Reading the HB boards is a big help!

    Looking forward to chatting with all of you about your wonderful LO's!

  17. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    So we had Declan's one month appointment today...and we've got thrush :(. I'd been wondering when bf-ing was going to start feeling less uncomfortable, now I know why it's been taking so long. Other than that our appointment was good - he's up to 10lbs 13oz.

    We came home after and took one month pics :).

  18. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Brassgiraffe: Congrats!!

  19. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @FarmWifeGina: Look at sweet little Rosie...that gaze! My heart melted...

    @lilteacherbee: That's so great that you made it through a day, pumping, and traveling. You're a rockstar! Even though I bet it was hard to leave Nathan behind, sounds like he's in good hands with your adoring family.

    @anbanan15: I usually wait until about midway between my morning feedings to pump. I find that my nips need some recovery time between feeding, pumping and getting back to feeding. I'm not getting much at all right now, under 2 oz per session. But I'm only 2 days into pumping. I'm trying not to get down on myself for not yielding a large amount. E is growing - so he's obviously getting enough. My husband tried to feed E last night with a bottle, no luck. That's my main goal right now, giving my husband the chance to feed and me the chance to get 4 uninterrupted hours of sleep. Oh - and yes - I'm totally lopsided. It's like I had a boob job on lefty.

    @Brassgiraffe: Congrats! She is adorable! I seriously can't believe how many of us had cords around our sweet babies necks. Kudos to you for getting through labor without drugs - you're amazing! I look forward to talking more with you!

    @ShootingStar: Sorry to hear about the thrush - but hey there cutie Declan!

    - - - - - -
    I'm off to my first post-partum OB appt in about an hour. I really hope E stays nice and chill while we are there. My mom has been helping so much, but she and my dad went to NYC for a few days and I totally spaced on when this appt was. I figure it's a test for me, to see if I can tackle this on my own.

    I look forward to hopping on the scale. I don't own one, so I have no idea what I weigh. But...I zipped into my pre-preg skinny jeans this week, 5 weeks after birth Jeans fit - but my wedding ring still doesn't

  20. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @sweetooth: I'm pretty sure I just have a massive over supply that just never evens out (it was this way with DS too). 2 oz is great! Lol at your nips needing to recover! Hope your appointment went well and everyone behaved I'm sure you did great at handling the E while there.

    Does E take a pacifier? M won't and we tried a few brands so I'm nervous about if/how she will take a bottle. Because of this and since I feel like she is a little bit of a lazy, yet super efficient nurser, I think we are going to wait until the new year to give a bottle, but she has to be able to take one. I start clinicals mid-January. If it was just going back to work I wouldn't be too condensed because I could shedule around her feedings.

    For our little group, it's like if you didn't have a breech baby, a c-section, or a baby with their cord around their neck, you didn't have a November 2013 baby.

  21. sarah.clarisse

    apricot / 360 posts

    @sweetooth: my pre-preg jeans fit before my weeding rings too! Weird, right?

  22. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @anbanan15: Lol- I had none of those things, but I didn't have a November baby either. But my midwife was pretty sure Rosie had a nuchal hand before she descended into the birth canal. Which would explain why none of the exercises I did to move her down worked and why I had such a long early labor and why I had a lip of cervix left at the end that didn't want to go away without help. THAT would have made things interesting! But I pushed her down into the birth canal so fast that the hand moved and wasn't a problem. If the midwife's theory is correct, anyways.

  23. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @FarmWifeGina: haha when I was writing that you were the only mama I could think of off the top of my head that didn't have those things, but then I was also saying to myself that that was why R came in December after all

  24. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @anbanan15: She decided that the only drama she would present would be her big head and her bigger chest. Not really a big deal. It was a nice "butter birth" to outweigh the more dramatic of the November births.

  25. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    6 week PP appt. today... All went well, cleared for sex...meh. Not sure what I'll do for BC yet.

    All is well with LO, we had our 3rd awful witching hour/bedtime last night...the scream-crying kind. So sad!!! I hate it because she sounds so sad and I feel so helpless! Anyway, like the previous nights, I plopped her in bed with me around 9:00, and we sleep hard until 2:00ish, when I try to jam boob in her mouth, then get up for a diaper change (mainly out of guilt!) around 5:00 and nurse, then go back to sleep until 9:00ish. It's fabulous. I honestly love it. She's all warm and making sleepy noises, and aside from working out some side-lying nursing bumps (getting a good latch quicker, dripping all over the bed, etc), feeding is so freaking easy!

    Still EBFing at this point, which is going great. I'm pumping in the morning after feeding her and getting about 1.0-1.5 oz, so I get and freeze about 2.5oz every other day. It's not much but it's nice to know I have about...3 bottles saved up? Haahaah, I'll take it though!

    Washed my first load of CDs, which I think went fine! Still trying to stick to CDing during the day and Pampers at night. Again, it all seems to be going well! DH is great, he definitely picks up some of the house/cooking stuff when I'm tethered to LO feeding/burping/she's sleeping on me. He's been home this week which was a nice surprise! I think he'll be gone a LOT in January--he has a 9-day trip and a 7-day trip for sure, then an ice fishing trip...so it'll be a lot of bonding time for me and LO!

    @FarmWifeGina: Cute picture!!!
    @anbanan15: So jealous of your supply!
    @sweetooth: Congrats on the jeans!! Hope the appt. went well!
    @ShootingStar: Thrush? Booooo. Hope you feel better soon. What did/does it feel like?
    @Brassgiraffe: Congrats! What a cutie!
    @Mrs. J: How're you feeling??

  26. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @ms.janedoe: I put down a burp cloth or prefold under his head/my boob when we do side lying nursing. Otherwise I end up needing a towel after the fact, haha. Thrush feels kinda stingy, I was actuall Giotto post here about when nursing would feel better because I thought it was just irritation from too much of it.

  27. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @sweetooth: @ms.janedoe: I had my (5 week) pp appointment today too. Everything went well, my incision is finally healed. We aren't doing anything for birth control- probably just "pull and pray" and maybe charting eventually.

  28. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @ms.janedoe: I do the same as @ShootingStar: and we only nurse side lying unless we have to do otherwise (was the same way with DS...so easy to nurse like that and catch a nap hehe). I LOVE the A&A burpy bibs for nursing. I lay that down on whatever we are laying on and then baby ontop.

  29. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    You guys... I don't know WHY I read articles about things like SIDS at 2AM... they just turn me into a crazy person....

    there was an article in Parents that talked about different things that can cause SIDS and now I can't go to sleep because I feel like I need to watch the baby while she sleeps!

    We have a non fluffy couch in our upstairs living room (seriously this couch is not cozy) that we sleep on at night so we don't wake hubby and now I'm paranoid that it's not safe even though we've been doing this for weeks now.

    It's an L shaped sectional with a chaise-- she sleeps horizontally in the spot where the couch connects with 2 rolled up little receiving blankets on either side (they told us to do this in the hospital when she was in those little cradle things so she can't roll over)-- they're nowhere near her face.... and I usually sleep right below her on the rest of the couch part. I imagine I've mentioned it before, being it's the only place she sleeps now that the swing is persona non grata

    If the couch is pretty firm and there aren't any floofy cushions that she can sink into, it should be ok right? I mean it's not as hard as a pack and play mattress or anything but she doesn't sink into it either....

    This is just the 2 AM talking right? Does anyone else have these moments?

  30. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: I think she's fine! I get it though, I'm the queen of anxiety (seriously...). I did the same thing one night in the first couple of weeks and I was convinced that the rock n play was evil. Things look much less scary and you feel less crazy when the sun comes up, I promise

  31. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    And... the medical bills just keep piling up-- the weird thing is that I expected most of this to be covered by my insurance... I just got a bill from the anesthesiologist for over $1,500 even though in my statement of Benefits from PBC it said they billed $1,200 to them and then with the "negotiated discount" that they give the insurance, there was $546 left over, which was paid in full. I got a bill that said I owe more then they billed the insurance. So now... I get to make more phone calls while juggling a newborn.

    This is the 2nd super high bill I've gotten and had to call to fight. My copay for the delivery and hospital stay was literally supposed to be $1,000 -- I hate this.

  32. sarah.clarisse

    apricot / 360 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: I'm doing the insurance bill shuffle right now as well. Always fun trying to coordinate phone calls with LOs catnaps. Good luck!

  33. sarah.clarisse

    apricot / 360 posts

    Last night was our office holiday party and my first time away from S. We had family come over to babysit and it went great. He took a bottle with no problem and promptly fell asleep. I did a dream feed at 11pm and he slept until 5am!!! Six hours of sleep for us, and then went back down after a quick feed for two more hours. It was glorious.
    Today we have our two month appt complete with shots. I'm already feeling like an emotional mess about it. Not excited.

  34. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    My PP appt went well. I waited FOREVER to be seen though. I was actually pants-less in the exam room, talking to my son in his little infant carrier car seat, able to flip through an entire magazine and almost take a nap before the doctor came in. A little insane. The light in the room actually turned off due to inactivity. No joke - I waved my hands to turn the light back on and almost walked out in the hallway wrapped in that paper cover to say "Hello! I'm in here!"

    In the end, I'm ok. Just a little roid No fun. But having a vaginal birth was literally like taking the biggest poo of my life. So I'm not surprised.

    @anbanan15: E does take a pacifier. But so far, no luck on the bottle. We are having good luck with the MAM pacifiers.

    @sarah.clarisse: I'm sorry your ring doesn't fit either - but yay for jeans fitting Also, glad you had such a great night with the holiday party and a great night's sleep!

    @ms.janedoe: I don't know what we're doing for BC yet either. I got a mini-pill prescription, but didn't fill it yet. Aren't your boobs in pain when you sleep from 9pm til 2am? Glad to hear that you're pumping about as much as I am. I know it's not a comparison thing, but I was worrying a bit. Pumping is still new to me.

    @lilteacherbee: Glad you're appt went well! I think a lot of us had our appointments this week because of the holidays next week. Pull & Pray, huh? Good luck with that! I know you can relate after the trials it took to get to this healthy pregnancy. I'm thinking we'll be trying again after 6 months, but I'm definitely not waiting that long to jump my man!

    @Mrs. Pink: I've had some of the same thoughts, because me and E have been snoozing in the extra bedroom from 3am til 6am. It's a fairly firm mattress and I make sure there's plenty of room around him. Limit your intake of those articles and trust your gut! Also - sorry to hear about the insurance stuff. I have been getting the bills the past few weeks too and it's hard to handle. Especially on top of the holidays. I hope you're able to make the calls and get it sorted out. Can you email anyone as an alternative?

  35. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @sweetooth: glad it went well...aside from the waiting!! My boobs definitely start to feel uncomfortable...and hard. I think it'd actually be painful if I had more of a supply!

  36. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @anbanan15: I didn't have a breech, c-section or cord baby, and I was definitely a Nov mama!
    @ms.janedoe: I just started putting a towel under us in bed because of the leaking from side lying feeding/spitting up. I'm feeling better. Not 100%, but not feverish and achy/cold/sweaty anymore. Thanks for asking!

    We are currently trying our first BG 4.0 this afternoon. Moving on from the newborn stash makes me a little sad!

  37. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @Mrs. J: Ooooh, good luck with the BGs! Ours are actually going great so far...again, I think once she's a little bigger it'll be even easier, and I'm still crossing my fingers that I don't run into any washine issues...

    I put a prefold down under us last night, which worked alright, but we both move a lot trying to get the latch right (which we're still working on...) so by the time she's actually drinking, we're on the edge of it!

  38. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Mrs. J: yes you were

  39. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    November mamas, what nursing bras did you end up with? Do you love them? Did you end up getting others once you started feeding regularly? I'm loving my majama bras.

    Also, do you love your rocker, glider or recliner? Wish you gotten something else? I'm glad I just dyed the slipcover on an old chair in the nursery. It's not to precious and I don't feel bad if it gets sweaty or covered in spit up. But I'm also happy we went ahead and got a poang from IKEA for rocking him and soothing him.

  40. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @sweetooth: Dude, confession...I've lived in Target nursing tanks...the entire time so far... I have a nursing bra from Target (that I've worn exactly twice...seriously), and that's it. Hmm, perhaps I should look into this.

    I have a Dutalier glider and I've loved it. I had it in the living room for the past 6 weeks and just moved it back into the nursery. I did basically every feeding there early on, and now use it for MOTN feeds (I'm usually on the couch the rest of the time).

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