Hellobee Boards


November 2014 Mama's!!

  1. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    Congratulations November moms!

  2. Becksabee

    cherry / 235 posts

    I hope you guys don't mind hanging out here ... My EDD is Oct. 27, so if I go for a VBAC I may very well be November.

    EDD: 10-27
    WHen did you find out? About 2 weeks ago
    Child Number: 2
    Where do you live? Missouri
    What kind of provider will you see? OB
    When is your first appointment? I had it last week. Just an exam and bloodwork. First ultrasound is 3-15
    What kind of birth do you want? Undecided on VBAC vs repeat c-section
    What are you most excited for? meeting our new baby
    What are you most scared for? Pain from c-section if we go that route
    Symptoms so far: Yes - nausea, boob soreness, fatigue, heartburn

  3. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @Becksabee: welcome! I am hanging out in Oct as well!

  4. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    Commenting so I can find the thread later. I will fill out the questions as soon as I cook dinner & put DD down for the night.

  5. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    I'm actually an October due date but at the tail end of the month so I feel like I have more in common with you ladies! And my due date could change as I haven't been to the doctor yet. Hope it's okay!

    EDD: 10/27/14
    When did you find out? 9 DPO so like 2 and a half weeks ago!
    Child Number: 1
    Where do you live? Florida
    What kind of provider will you see? OB
    When is your first appointment? March 4th with old provider and March 13th with a new one.
    What kind of birth do you want? I'm leaning toward a c-section because my old orthopedic doctor said I could potentially cause more damage to my back and discs with pushing.
    What are you most excited for? To hold my precious baby! But before that to find out what we are having
    What are you most scared for? Miscarriage or anything of the sort. Being bedridden because of my stupid back...
    Symptoms so far: nothing really. Constipation is gone and mayyyybe some sore nipples but not really. My lack of symptoms sometimes worries me.
    Post a picture! I'm on my ipad so I don't have any

  6. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    EDD: 11/7/14 according to my period tracker app.
    WHen did you find out? Yesterday 2/28/14
    Child Number: 2
    Where do you live? Tennessee
    What kind of provider will you see? OB/GYN
    When is your first appointment? haven't called yet: my doc is a family friend so I'm sure she'll see me sometime next week.
    What kind of birth do you want? Healthy baby, healthy mom. I'll more than likely have an elective csection since I had a (emergency) csection with my first dd.
    What are you most excited for? Baby movement.
    What are you most scared for? Having a toddler and a baby. They'll be exactly 24 months apart and dd is such a mommy's girl, I don't want her to think mommy is ignoring her when I'm caring for the new baby. I'm scared of the adjustment phase for us & dd.

  7. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Mrs.Panda Yay! I'm happy to have you here!!! My symptoms have mostly subsided, which also concerns me.

    @MarieJ 24 months is a GREAT age difference. My sister and I are 18 months apart but two grades apart in school and I always thought that two grades was the perfect sibling distance. My parents liked it because they could just sort of lump us in together when we were learning to read, etc.

    Has anyone been having more cramping on one side over another? According to the Internet this is a) totally normal b) ectopic.

    We broke down and told my sister and her husband yesterday, and they are very excited for us, which is great. Telling somebody makes it a bit more real. Also, I have switched to wearing sports bras exclusively and I highly recommend it. I'm going to need to figure something out for work, because they won't really go with my wardrobe, but that's a Wednesday problem.

  8. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: Yes, I have been feeling that way, in the beginning I thought I was cramping more on my right side, but the past few days I think it's been more on my left side. Unfortunately, I'm still a bag of nerves because I'm so early - tomorrow I'll be 4 weeks. On a brighter note, I haven't had any spotting in a week now. So we shall see...

    DH and I still haven't told anyone. It's been difficult. My DH's twin brother and his wife just had a baby in December. We were with her all weekend which made it that much more difficult to keep all the excitement in!

  9. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    I haven't had any symptoms yet, which makes it hard for this to feel real. I guess we'll all be able to relax more after an ultrasound! Friday night was girls night and I spent the whole time FAKE drinking...I told one friend, who made and ordered fake cocktails for me the whole time! It was kind of fun, I felt like a spy. Not as fun as actual drinking, though. But aside from telling her out of necessity, my goal is to wait on telling everyone else until after this first tri. At least we have each other! And hopefully lots more to come as the month progresses.

  10. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    Hi Ladies & a big congrats to all! I'm Brand new to hellobee & pregnancy so I am very happy to have this board for info & support. It will be lovely to have November baby buddies.

    EDD: November 11th 2014
    WHen did you find out?: 2 days ago with a faint POAS result
    Child Number: 1
    Where do you live?: currently in the Middle East (ME) but I'm Scottish
    What kind of provider will you see?: No idea how it works in the ME yet?
    When is your first appointment?: not yet confirmed
    What kind of birth do you want?: safe!
    What are you most excited for?: telling my mum.
    What are you most scared for?:MC, delivering in the ME, being away from family- I'm terrified!
    Symptoms so far: vivid dreams, sore breasts, wind & cramps, burping, emotional, no appetite until today when I had sudden extreme hunger & began shaking, twice, tiny amount of brown spotting after BM yesterday & today.

  11. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @Lolo: Welcome! I too have estimated a 11/11 due date, based on my LMP on 2/4.! Congratulations!

  12. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    I borrowed this idea from @however briefly: she created this for the October thread and it was such a great idea I carried it over here!

  13. hardtoconcentrate

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    @DeannaY1230: @tororojo: @Lolo: @MarieJ: @Mrs.Panda: @Becksabee: Welcome and congrats! Looking forward to getting to know you all.

    So, does everyone have their first appointment scheduled yet?? I feel like the wait until the first appointment is the longest wait EVER! I have a pretty early one because I went to a fertility specialist (I had a blocked tube removed after a year and a half of TTC and we expected to use fertility meds, IUI or even IVF after the surgery, but then I conceived naturally that same cycle), so my first u/s to hear the heartbeat is a week from today at 6w5d. Then I'll be finished with the specialist (as long as all goes well), and I have my first appointment with my midwife the following week. But, the midwife doesn't do an u/s until 18w, so it'll be a while till we see the little bean again. I can't wait, though!

  14. hardtoconcentrate

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: Lol....yeah, Dr. Google can pretty much tell you that any symptom is a big deal or no big deal at all. I was high risk for ectopic, and from my understanding, cramping, even if just on one side, is perfectly normal. Ectopic cramping is so severe that it's very hard to manage and can move all the way up into the ribcage or shoulder. I'm sure you're fine and it's just the bean getting nice and comfy.

    @tororojo: I don't really have many symptoms either, so I'm with you on it not feeling completely real. Seeing/hearing the baby in an u/s will make it more real, I'm sure. My sister and friends keep telling me not to worry and to enjoy the symptom-free time because it won't last! Wish it was that easy....

    @Mrs.Panda: Love the calendar! Thanks for putting that together. So weird seeing my name with a due date.

  15. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: love the calendar! Thank you for putting that together!

  16. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @hardtoconcentrate: @DeannaY1230: Bahaha I didn't realize it had those red lines! I'll fix that

  17. hardtoconcentrate

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: Ha don't worry about it.....neither my real name nor my username ever passes the spell check test!

  18. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: that's great!!

  19. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    Had my first pre natal appointment today with my gp. She did a typical physical, blood pressure, weight, etc. Then she did an internal and took 3 swabs( strep, yeast, and something else...) then she felt around and laughed. She said that there is definitely something going on in there!! She didn't have all my blood work back from last Tuesday, but sent be for the fifths disease antibodies test. ( I am a teacher and it is going around so she wanted to make sure I have already been exposed as it can cause issues with the baby)
    I am still taking it day by day. Debating when to tell our parents ( we will tell the rest of the family after 12 weeks). I think my mom suspects something. DH thinks we just need to back off and wait and I just want to tell her!! Her 60 th is next week and my plan is to tell her then. I will be 6 weeks next week. We even had it planned out!! Then we would go to DH moms house and tell her. ( they are all going to loose it but mil will loose her mind!! DH is an only child and his dad died 10 years ago. This will be one anticipated grand child. She has been heavily hinting the last couple of months and we have not said anything about timing.
    So pending I am still feeling good for the next week or so we will wait I guess. :(. I told my chiropractor today and it was just so exciting to tell someone!!

  20. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    Maybe I won't, my new computer just died Geek Squad tomorrow I guess!

  21. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: thank you for putting the calendar together! Love it!
    @hardtoconcentrate: I was going to call my docs office today, but due to the darn winter storm we had, they were closed
    @MrsScottish: YAY for a good appt!

  22. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: love the chart! I don't think the lines are a big deal, but if/when you re-do it, will you put me down for 11/5? That's the date I'm keeping in mind until the doc gives me an EDD.

    @hardtoconcentrate: so true about symptom-free time; in a few weeks I'll probably be missing it. I have unisom, tylenol, tums and zofran on hand in preparation.

    Do y'all like reading weekly pregnancy updates? The best one I have found is on alphamom...I can't link easily from my phone, but if you google "alphamom pregnancy calendar" you'll find it and can read an accurate and hilarious week by week update!

  23. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    Hello, November Mamas. I cannot *believe* I am joining this board! I haven't even technically missed AF yet but early POASing and a positive blood test are allowing me to cautiously join. I SO VERY MUCH hope that I'm not jinxing myself! I promise to read through the first few pages soon so I can get to know you.

    On with the show...

    EDD: 11/11/14 (*11 has always been a lucky number for me, so I'm hoping it's a good sign!)

    When did you find out? 8/9 DPO in the afternoon. I had had brown and a little red spotting the day before and that morning, and a negative FRER. Figured AF was early and that my LP was super short. So far, that doesn't appear to be the case...!

    Child Number: 1. VERY excited!

    Where do you live? San Diego

    What kind of provider will you see? OB. He's great. His wife is a midwife, so if I feel like I want to go down that route, apparently they work in tandem which could be neat.

    When is your first appointment? First "real" appointment is 3/28. I had an appointment with my internist today where she did a urine test, pronounced it negative, told me that my FRERs were possibly "false positives" or that I was "miscarrying," at which point her nurse said my urine test was "slightly positive." I then had a blood test which was, quite thankfully, positive! Yes, I am getting a new internist after how insensitive she was today!

    What kind of birth do you want? One that yields a healthy baby and healthy mom. Seriously. As long as this process finishes with both of us healthy I am not particular about how we get there!

    What are you most excited for? Experiencing pregnancy, reaching milestone throughout the pregnancy, and the moment where I get to see my husband hold our baby for the first time. My heart bursts just thinking about that, cheesy as it may be!

    What are you most scared for? Something going wrong during pregnancy or delivery. I had a positive blood test today, yet I'm still waiting for someone to jump out and tell me I'm being punk'd! Believe it or not, I'm wanting symptoms and I'm wanting them now to help me believe it's happening! I am happy to put my foot in my mouth in a few weeks if I'm absolutely miserable from symptoms, but at least that will help me feel like something is happening! So far I'm pretty much feeling normal (hence the worry) except....

    Symptoms so far: peeing. A lot. All the time. How is that already happening LOL? It's like if I go two hours between peeing it's a record. I used to go from 10:30-2 without even really needing to. I'm pretty sure I couldn't do that now!

    Pics attached:-).

    Hope to get to know all of you ladies well over the next 9 months! If you couldn't already tell, I'm quite nervous about this not ending well, but I'm also INCREDIBLY hopeful that this is my baby. I am sending love, light, and sticky baby vibes to all of you!

  24. hardtoconcentrate

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    @MarieJ: ugh, I'm so sick of this snow!! Hope you don't get hit too badly.

    @tororojo: I love reading the weekly updates. I'm signed up for like 4 different websites. Maybe a bit of overload. I'll have to check out the one you recommended.

    @MrsScottish: Aww, telling all of your family sounds like it's going to be amazing! Can't wait to hear about it.

  25. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: welcome and hooray!!! I had spotting as well- implantation bleeding I guess? As long as the pee stick is positive, works for me! Your internist sounds...unpleasant?

  26. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    Woke up this morning to test yet again since today I am exactly 4 weeks. It's starting to feel so real but I'm trying to contain my excitement!

  27. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @DeannaY1230: those are some beautiful darkening lines!!!

  28. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    Welcome newcomers! @deannay1230 & @chicalgobee we are date twins!! Congrats on the 4 week milestone so nice & scary all at once. @deannay1230 I done the exact same thing this morning, made it sink in just a little

    @panda thank you for the calendar, what a lovely idea!

    @mrsscottish congrats on a successful appointment & ps I love the name, I am originally from Glasgow, Scotland.

    Lots of love & luck to all. X

  29. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    Let's list our appointments so we can keep track of when they are

    Appointments for November Mamas!

    3/13 Mrs.Panda
    3/20 DeannaY1230
    3/28 ChiCalGoBee

  30. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @Lolo: I am a true Canadian! My DH is 100% scottish, he is 2nd generation here in Canada. It seemed fitting...

  31. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: My first appointment is March 20th. I'll be 6wk 2 days

  32. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: love this! My first OB apt (FX I make it that far!!!) is 3/28.

  33. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @hardtoconcentrate: I'm so over winter. Where is spring?

    I have a Beta blood draw in the morning and then a repeat on Friday to make sure my numbers are doubling. I'm really nervous for some reason.

  34. hardtoconcentrate

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    Hi ladies ~ Today was a rough morning. I woke up this morning, went to the bathroom, and when I wiped, there was blood. I immediately panicked and was sure I was miscarrying. I called my doctor and she told me to come in for an ultrasound. I drove an hour and a half to our specialist - we are going to start seeing a local doctor for the pregnancy but we wanted to go back to the specialist since they just saw us 5 days ago for an early u/s and said things look good. We waited 45 minutes to be seen, and I was intermittently crying the whole time. I was finally taken back for the u/s, and I started crying as soon as I got on the table (I know I sound like an emotional mess but I was pretty distraught). The doctor said that brown blood is completely normal, as long as it stays brown and isn't associated with any cramping. She did the u/s and immediately said, "I see a sac...with a baby in it!" The progression from our u/s 5 days ago was unreal - a few days ago there was just an empty sac and now there is an actual little bean to measure. She said everything looks good, and the baby is measuring at 6w1d, which is actually 2 days ahead of my ovulation day due date (and 5 days ahead of my LMP due date). She said it's still a little too early for a heartbeat so I'm not out of the woods yet, but everything looks right on track. Also, she could actually see what she thinks is causing the bleeding, which is the placenta forming. I had a lap surgery 6 weeks ago to remove a bad tube and cauterize a couple small endo spots on my uterus, so I'm wondering if this might be leftover blood from that working it's way out. I feel much better after seeing our little bean and also seeing the progression in 5 days, but I won't be able to relax until I hear the heartbeat. I go in on Monday at 6w5d for that. Needless to say, today was an emotional rollercoaster....I really hope we're over the hump.

    @MarieJ: Good luck on your beta! I know when I had mine I was super nervous, too.

    @Mrs.Panda: Thanks for tracking all this! I have an u/s on 3/10 and then my first midwife appointment on 3/20.

    @ChiCalGoBee: Welcome and congrats! Yikes with that internist. She sounds like a peach.

    @DeannaY1230: Awesome progression on those tests!

  35. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @hardtoconcentrate: I'm sorry you had to go through that today! But thrilled it was all okay! Don't these appointments just seem forever away?! I have 16 more days until my first appointment and u/s.

  36. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @hardtoconcentrate: I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but I am SO HAPPY to hear everything is okay. Aww, did you cry happy tears when you say the sac with the baby? When I heard my first Dd's heartbeat, it was so amazing!

  37. hardtoconcentrate

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    @MarieJ: Thank you. When the doctor said she saw a baby in there, I teared up...and then when I saw it, I was just so shocked because there was so much more there than at our last u/s last week! I was definitely shaking and tearing up. I really can't wait to hear the heartbeat, though - I'm sure that's surreal.

    @DeannaY1230: Thank you! Someone told me that the first tri drags at a snail's pace and the third tri goes by in a blink. Based on how slow time is going right now, I completely believe it!

  38. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    Hi girls! I can't believe I'm letting myself even read a pregnancy thread, let alone on the verge of joining in! I posted a couple of BFPs from yesterday and today on the IVF thread, but I'm waiting to officially declare myself pregnant until after my blood beta test on Friday. Until then, I'm enjoying reading all of your posts!

  39. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @thisisme: welcome & Congratulations!! I'm sure your numbers will be great!

  40. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: I'm just catching up, so wanted to say hello! Nice to meet you! How did it go telling your husband? I actually think I want to pose a question to the board to hear how everyone's telling the husband/partner went. How are you feeling?

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