Hellobee Boards


November 2014 Mama's!!

  1. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @ShayNanigans: Yes! Congratulations on awesome first numbers!

  2. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @hardtoconcentrate: Good to hear! I've felt some cramping and gotten worried, and I'm turning 5 weeks tomorrow or Wednesday. FX growing ute is all it is!

  3. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @MarieJ: Phew! Nice job keeping those numbers up-up-up!

  4. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    I stopped into my OB's today (they are literally two minutes from work and I figured it'd be quicker to stop in person rather than wait through the phone "line"), and talked to them about the first appointment. She talked to a nurse, who said that I get a "B-scan" for the first appointment. I have no idea what that is, but some very sweet people replied on a thread I started that it might just be a 2D scan. No matter what, I was assured I'd get a "scan" of some kind at my first appointment. As a result, if they don't do one I have no problem making a bit of a stink since DH will be there and I asked for it all to be in one appointment specifically for him. I can't imagine that they WOULDN'T want to see the bub to make sure s/he is growing on track....is it March 28th yet? Now? How about now?

  5. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @katieleigh_82: April 2014 Mama here Just wanted to pop in and say that if you're looking for someone who is also doing Lovenox injections while pregnant, you might check out Mrs. Someone from the August 2014 Mamas. She's on them, too. There are actually quite a few bees on here who are pregnant after clotting disorders, and a happy ending is more than possible. Congratulations on your BFP! Funny how things work out.

    Congrats, November Mamas!

  6. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    So my doctors office called and left a message yesterday, didnt get it until I got home and they were closed. Never thought much of it until DH asked in bed last night "so why would she be calling??"
    Now I am nervous!!!
    I already know that I am immune to fifths and am O-. She said she would only call if something came up on the blood work...... arg.
    I am sure it is nothing, that it is "hey send your DH in and we will do his blood test"

  7. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    Had another scare last night, started bleeding bright red blood with some small clots. Called the on call nurse and she said to go to the ER even though the bleeding seemed to slow down. Went in and waked around forever, but saw the heartbeat again (HR 124) and little bean is measuring on track with my new EDD of 10/30. No evidence of hemorrhage so it makes me wonder if that blood with the clots was the subchorionic hemorrhage leaking out. Hopefully it was. Everything looks okay, just a bleed from my cervix? and I am going to follow up with the OB on Thursday. Scary stuff, this baby making is.

  8. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @MrsScottish: hope everything is okay! Keep us updated!

  9. kbm1026

    coffee bean / 41 posts

    @mrs. Panda: my good friend had a SCH her whole pregnancy, with several ER bleeding incidents and has a healthy 2 year old now. Fingers crossed!

    I called my doctors office and scheduled my first appt. they won't see you until 8 weeks and only then you met with a nurse practitioner. She said no ultrasounds or anything at this appt. is that normal? I guess I'll have another one a few weeks later? Either way, I guess I'll find out April 2!

  10. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @kbm1026: that makes me happy to hear, it's just scary because pregnant women aren't supposed to bleed! At least that's what they all tell us!

    6w5d today how far along is everyone else?

  11. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    Update: no reason to worry! I need to trust my gut!
    I am O-, and Dh is not sure what he is. It was the office calling to schedule DH to come in and get blood work. He`s doc is not at my clinic but they are taking him anyways! he he. He just has to bring is health card, and they will send him for blood work.
    DH was cute, he said he would go on his 30 min lunch break thinking it is urgent. (which he would never make it as it is a 10 minute drive, go get blood rec, drive to lab which is around the corner.. etc etc ) I told him to relax, he doesn't have to do it today! Just soon!

  12. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    If you go by LMP I am 6 weeks tomorrow. If you go by ovulation, I am 6 weeks 4 days. I am sticking with the later!

  13. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    I am still earlybird. 4 weeks, 2 days.

  14. kbm1026

    coffee bean / 41 posts

    I'm early too, 4 weeks, 5 days!

  15. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @ShayNanigans: me too-either 4 w 6 days or 5 weeks today (depending on which estimation I use).

    I'm beginning to worry about my lack of symptoms. I realize I may regret saying this in a week or two, but...bring on the nausea and sore boobs!

  16. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @kbm1026: sounds a lot like my situation. I'll technically be about 7.5 weeks, and I was initially told no scan, and that it'd be with a NP, but then they said my doc had a slot so I took it. I asked around and it sounds like they'll check heartbeat/growth somehow? It's worth asking to see if they can check that if it's a worry for you. I'm personally holding off on telling family until I have heard a heartbeat. Anyway, I feel your frustration!

  17. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: what a scary, scary situation:-(. So glad you heard the bub's heartbeat for reassurance! How far along were you when you first heard the heartbeat?

  18. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: I got to hear it on Friday so I was measuring 6w1d. I was so surprised to hear it and see it. Also, last night they were able to find the BB on am abdominal ultrasound rather than transvaginal which was awesome!

  19. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: thanks so much for sharing. That makes me hopeful that at 7 weeks 2/3 days that I'll be able to hear/ see it, too.

    How are you managing any stress or anxiety you have? I'm continuing to run because I read exercise can help decrease the rate of miscarriage. OB's nurse okayed it, and it's helping relieve my stress. Here's hoping this is a sticky, healthy little bean!

  20. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Mrs.Panda oh, how scary! FX for everything to be okay.

    @chicalgobee I've been trying to journal more. I'm still exercising daily, but that is because I literally cannot handle going more than two days without exercise, and cannot sleep through the night. Also, would you like my nausea? Today I've had gingersnaps, a package of pretzels, and two cans of coke because I cannot imagine consuming anything else. But, I did not throw up this morning and it does seem to get better by midafternoon, so I think I just need to cut out my morning workouts and maybe get more sleep and eat a better breakfast.

  21. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @MarieJ: yay for tripling numbers!

    @hardtoconcentrate: I am so happy your appointment yesterday went great. I can only imagine how wonderful it will be to hear the heartbeat. I've never been to Greenville, since we've only lived in NC for a few years and most of our travel in the state has been either to the beaches near Wilmington or the mountains. I bet it's nice to be pretty close to the outer banks! Have fun on your vacation!

    @ChiCalGoBee: good for you for being persistent and getting an appointment for a scan! I still don't understand why some doctors are so against early scans, especially if it will give peace of mind!

    @Mrs.Panda: that is so awesome you were able to hear the heartbeat at 6w1d!!

    Re: handling stress and anxiety, I'm just trying to concentrate on being hopeful at the moment, instead of thinking about all of the what ifs that I logically know I have no control over. And on the IF boards a piece of wisdom was shared with me, to just remember that "today, I am pregnant." Somehow saying that to myself helps with the anxiety, and allows me to enjoy each day as they come.

  22. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Sprite: Thank you so much for this. "Today I am pregnant." Today I am pregnant. I'm saying it out loud as I type. What an amazing thing it is to be able to say that.

  23. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: Yes, please send your nausea this way! I'll take it!:-)

    Good for you for journaling. I bought a "pregnancy" journal, and want to start writing in it...but then I'm paralyzed with the fear of "I'll be so sad if I start documenting this and then something bad happens." But at the same time, I want to remember all these little details! I use the Ovia Pregnancy App, and it allows you to take pics and document notes throughout the day. I think I'll keep taking notes there and then if we're lucky enough to get a first peek at a healthy (FX FX FX!) baby, I'll allow myself to get excited and journal my heart out.

  24. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @Sprite: Thank you so much for that. I need to repeat that to myself and try not to be so caught up in anxiety. Today, I am pregnant.

  25. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: @Mrs.Panda: Glad I was able to pass that on and you found it helpful. Today we are ALL PREGNANT!

  26. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: I had a horrible SCH with DD #1. I mean I bled so heavily from early 5 weeks until well into the second trimester when it "dissolved". It scared the heck out of me and everytime I would go to the doctor, we would find a perfect little heartbeat. I hope your SCH is gone or goes away soon.

  27. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @MarieJ: Thank you for sharing your story with me, it's so scary and I hate hearing "We'll just have to wait and see." I hope it disappears soon!

    @ChiCalGoBee: I'm not nauseous at all either!

  28. petuniasandpearls

    cherry / 220 posts

    Joining y'all...I'm due November 7

    First doc appt on March 25. This will be my 2nd kiddo, I have a 15 month old. Feeling hardly pregnant, which I guess is good since I'm chasing around a toddler. I'm still nursing, and got pregnant the first time I ovulated since I had my first kiddo.


  29. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @petuniasandpearls: Welcome! I'll add you to the calendar tomorrow

  30. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    Hi Mamas. So sorry to hear about the morning sickness & scary moments that you guys have been through in the last few days, glad everything has work out ok though.

    I am feeling really sad & anxious today. Although my first ap is scheduled for April 1st I was recommended a doctor here who is a big advocate for natural birth so I decided to go & speak to him this morning. My experience has just caused me further anxiety about being PG & birthing in the Middle East.

    Firstly the clinic/hospital was disgusting! Dirty, unkept, unorganized, absolutely jam packed with no other western people (silly I know, this is not a Western country). I spent 20 mins sorting out my insurance, filling in forms being sent back & forth to different departments, being barked at by an unfriendly receptionist. Finally I was vaguely directed to the waiting room which was totally full so I stood for a while before having my blood pressure & weight taken. Later, after another episode of standing I was taken to meet my doctor- who was not there. 10 minutes later the Dr arrived & talked to me about the process here in Qatar. First scan in 2 weeks (7 weeks PG), next scan at 12 but & here is the crazy thing- I need to request to have genetic screening done. My brother who was born with a genetic disorder passed away at 18 months, it is completely necessary for my sanity that I have this done. So I will need to go to another clinic in the middle of nowhere to have this done with a doctor I will never have met. The Dr then told me to immediately stop taking prenatal vitamins as these can CAUSE developmental conditions, I am really freaking out about this as everything that I have read so far states that I should be taking them. Finally, he asked 'you are from the UK, why are you having your baby here?' This was the nail in the coffin for me. Right now I really don't know why I am having a baby here when I know nothing about the system & the culture is so different to my own, I am so upset.

    I kept my original ap on April 1st at the newest hospital in Qatar but I was not keen on from the beginning as the only doctor available has a bad rep for pushing C sections when not medically required. Currently my best option is to go along to this ap and compare. I am so annoyed at the service that I have received when I know this is costing a small fortune, thankfully we have great health insurance.

    Sorry for the rant.

    L x

  31. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @Lolo: I am so sorry for the experience you had! That seems very stressful!

    @petuniasandpearls: welcome! I'm due Nov 7th with # 2 also! LO #1 is a few days shy of 16 months! Crazy similar

  32. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @petuniasandpearls: Welcome!

  33. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Lolo: That sounds AWFUL:-(. I am so so so sorry you're going through this. I cannot imagine how unsettled you feel, and wish there was something I could do. Did you say you're originally from the UK? This might be a totally naive question, but is there a UK consulate who you can talk to that might recommend another facility that would be more up to the standard you're used to? Love and hugs from California....

  34. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @petuniasandpearls: Welcome and congrats!

    @Lolo: I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. That just sounds so awful. I really hope your appointment in April at the newer hospital goes better. Good for you for being an advocate for the testing you want. I have a feeling you and your husband are going to have to really push for what you want out of your pregnancy and birth experience. Any chance they have doulas over there? I've heard they can really be great to help make sure the hospital and doctors are sticking to your birth plan.

  35. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    How are my other beta friends doing today? @ShayNanigans: and @katieleigh_82: (did I miss anyone?) I hope you get wonderful news!

    I just got my results back, my numbers more than doubled since Monday, from 198 to 502. First u/s scheduled for 2 weeks from today to hopefully hear the heartbeat!

    And now I don't know what to do with myself for the next two weeks, other than trying to plan a babymoon for the week of Memorial Day. 15ish weeks sounds like a good time to go, especially since I'm looking in the caribbean and don't want to deal with the heat later on in the summer. We already have a lakeside cabin a few hours away booked for Labor Day weekend, but I want to soak up all of the baby-free travel we can.

    Anyone else planning to take a babymoon? Where are you/do you want to go?

  36. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @Lolo: Oof, that sounds stressful. I hope you guys can get this all figured out!

    @Sprite: I am waiting to hear back still! I probably won't hear until around 3p(ish.) That's usually when they call me.

    We are planning to take a babymoon! We may go to Kauai in July. Not for sure yet, but we are definitely due for a getaway!

    Also, is anybody else still in the care of their RE? Mine will transfer me back to my OB at the 8 weeks mark. Problem? I HATE my RE's office. They are like a cattle call, super impersonal, bordering on rude. My OB's office is like The Promised land in comparison. Is anyone else on the RE track waiting til 8 weeks? Or are you transferring now?

  37. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @ShayNanigans: I'm sorry you don't like your RE's office. Hopefully you only have to deal with them for a few more appointments, and can look forward to visiting your OB. Impersonal and rude are the worst qualities in a dr's office. Thank goodness you at least had success with them! We're still with my RE, who I actually love. My husband calls her Dr. Cabbage Patch because she looks just like one! I'm not sure when we'll be transferring back to my ob/gyn, but my 6.5 week scan is at the RE's. I'm guessing after that appointment we might be released? I like my OB fine, but have a feeling I might miss the more frequent appointments at the RE's, just for reassurances.

    Also, babymoon on Kauai sounds fabulous! We rented a house there for our honeymoon, and I would LOVE to go back someday. But no way I'm taking a flight that long anytime soon, now that we're on the east coast!

  38. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    Thanks ladies, today has been pretty stressful so I appreciate the support. I have found no UK doctors here so far so a British Doula is probably the next best thing. I have been recommended a few. I've just posted on the main board about the vitamin thing as this is a bit of a concern.

    Good luck to all of the ladies waiting on results today.

    Welcome! @petuniasandpearls

    A baby moon sounds fantastic, book it!

    L x

  39. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @Lolo: That all sounds so very stressful! Do you have any sort of expat community there? My mom had my youngest brother overseas (in the UK, actually!) and found it really helpful to have someone who knew her expectations and could adjust them for her or recommend people who might be a good fit. Pregnancy is so stressful, especially as a first time mom!

  40. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @Lolo: oh my gosh I can't imagine what you are going through! My friend spent a year living in the Middle East and she would always tell me stories. I hope things improve for you. I know you were taking about going back to the UK sometime, when was that? Don't know if I'm making facts up though.

    @Sprite: @ShayNanigans: we are planning a baby moon too! We're going to go in June with a couple of our friends to Jamaica, I think. So excited. I'll be about 20 weeks? Cutting it close to the deadline!

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