Hellobee Boards


November 2014 Mama's!!

  1. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @tororojo @chicalgobee @sprite thank you for all the kind words

    @kbm1026: I'm so sorry to hear that thinking of you!

    Update - I went today and saw my Dr for just a brief second and she sent me for an u/s before we discussed anything. They did the u/s and everything looked good! Ruled out ectopic pregnancy. What a relief. She just said some women get terrible cramps and others don't. I told her how intense they were and she said it all sounded normal. They did find an ovarian cyst but they said it was small and very common. Since I'm so early there wasn't a heartbeat yet. Just a tiny flicker. I am 5w2d. They rescheduled me for 2 weeks. When I'll be 7w2d and then they'll do another u/s and I'll have my first "real" appointment

  2. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @DeannaY1230: yay, so glad it's not an ectopic, and how exciting you got a little sneak peek at your little bean!

  3. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @DeannaY1230: there's really something there!!!! Congrats, Mama!

  4. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @DeannaY1230: yay for a good appointment!

    I had a frustrating experience this afternoon when I went to LabCorp for another beta. They insisted that my doctor put in the order wrong, and I had to beg just to get them to take a vial today. I'm not sure if my dr will end up getting the results. It was especially confusing as to why there was a problem because I was just there in Monday without any issues! Ugh!

    Other than that still feeling great!

  5. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @kbm1026 I'm so sorry. FX that it happens for you guys very soon!

    @DeannaY1230 awesome! I can't believe how much longer we have to wait for our first appointment. Although I'm going to go pick up medical records from an ultrasound technician tomorrow and I really want to be like, "hey, while I'm here...." but there are probably rules against that.

    @MrsScottish I meant to tell you but I think I forgot - my doctor recommended I stop playing hockey, but that was solely based on her perception of it as a violent sport. It's so annoying because all my friends want to know why I'm not playing summer league and why I can't sign up for a tournament, etc. but we're not telling anyone yet.

    This whole week, I've been so nauseated I've been totally useless from 8am-12pm and unable to eat anything, which bodes very poorly for the 1/2 marathon I'm supposed to run on Saturday. Today I tried eating saltines before I even got out of bed which seems to have helped a LOT and I felt pretty functional all day, so anyone else who is suffering from nausea, try it!

  6. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: sorry you have to stop!! I have to say I don't regret stopping as soon as I know! The worst part is lying to everyone!! Good thing no one comes to see me!! Mil keeps asking me how it is going and I am lying through my teeth!!

    I think we are spilling the beans to our parents tomorrow. No definite plans. We shall see. If it doesn't happen tomorrow night then earliest will be Monday as we don't have time between my moms party, DH working and other family things. More lying, ova icing the truth!! I was at my parents picking up our young puppy as I worked a 12 hour day today with normal school and parent conferences. I had to talk in a circle and was so nauseous it was brutal!! I need to spill the beans cause I hate lying!!

  7. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: yeah for new date! Sorry you are not feeling good!! I am living in a construction zone right now. We are tearing down a wall between our kitchen and living room. Dust. Exposed beams and wires right now. They are coming back tomorrow to tear it down completely and electrician coming to do his thing, then new header and then put in beams etc. My dear mom is coming and spending the day here and babysitting both dogs in the basement. I owe her big!! I think telling her I am prego is a good thank you gift!

  8. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @kbm1026: Oh no - I am so, so sorry.

  9. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @MrsScottish: oh I feel you...we're spending the weekend with my parents and will NOT be telling them! Reason being 1) my entire nuclear family plus their spouses will be together in 4 weeks (no small feat since we love all around the US!), and it'd be fun to do a big surprise for the whole crew and 2) I want to see a (FX!) heartbeat and healthy babe at my first appointment in two weeks before making a huge, planned-out announcement. I HATE lying to my mom, but she didn't know we were actively trying so hopefully won't be able to tell. We'll see!!

  10. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @thisisme: sorry you had a frustrating time trying to get your blood drawn, I hope they send the results to your Dr and don't give you a hard time.

    @Ms.Mermaid: yuck sorry you are so nauseous, I'll definitely have to remember the saltine in bed trick for when I get to that point. Yeah the lying thing sucks big time it's so hard when you just want to tell the whole world because you're so excited.

    @MrsScottish: @ChiCalGoBee: we are telling my mom tonight, and his parents next weekend as they're having a little get together and the only living grandparent that dh and I have is his grandma and she will be there as well. Not only is this the first grandbaby for all, but for his grandma it's the first great grandbaby. We aren't going to publicly reveal until after our first appointment though. I'll try to post pics later or tomorrow of how we are telling our parents. It's not all put together yet.

  11. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: the only reason I'm telling my mom now is because her and I tell each other everyhting and it's killing me. I've literally avoided her calls all week because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut lol!

  12. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @katieleigh_82: exactly this!! We are not telling the rest of our family, only our parents. Either way this pregnancy goes I need my mom to know. I am 7 weeks today according to ovulation. I won't get an early ultrasound until 18-2o weeks so I can't wait that long!!

  13. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @MrsScottish: wow, why are they making you wait so long for an ultrasound?!? My doc said the first one which they call a viability scan is to be between 8-10 weeks. I can't imaging having to wait until 18-20 weeks, the anticipation would probably kill me.

    So my mom just called to ask if I wanted her to bring anything tonight we invited them over for dinner which isn't out of the ordinary so she shouldn't suspect anything. Except then she started asking how my procedures went yesterday (that was when I was supposed to have the ultrasound and HSG) I had to quickly fake an important phone call on the other line and told her I'd tell her how they went tonight....arrrrgghhh lol

  14. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    It is standard unless any issues to only have one at 18-20 weeks. I can pay at a private business for an earlier one but is not aerial facility, just a "fun" ultrasound place. I am in Canada. I have leaned it is common in Ontario to have a dating but not here. Oh well. That's why it is harder to keep myself calm!! How do I know nothing is going on!! Doc just keep saying if no bleeding...... Blah to that!!

  15. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @kbm1026: I am so very sorry for your loss

    @ChiCalGoBee: I'm done with the every-other-day blood draws for now. My RE only does more than two if your numbers aren't doubling. Now I'm just hanging out, waiting for my first u/s on the 26th!

    @Mrs.Panda: Earlier due date! That just means you'll get to meet your LO even sooner. But I'm sorry you're sick, hope you feel better soon!

    @DeannaY1230: hooray for first baby sighting! What a cute little nugget you have there

    @thisisme: UGH, LabCorp! They are the absolute pits. Hopefully they will get it sorted out and get your results to your dr!

    @Ms.Mermaid: oh goodness, good luck at your half marathon this weekend! I am very impressed you're able to do that, pregnant or not!

    @MrsScottish: good luck telling your parents, you'll have to let us know how they react! I can't wait to tell mine, but I'm too nervous to do it early, so I'm waiting until Mother's Day when I'll be exactly 13 weeks. I've already started brainstorming ideas though, since they live across the country I can't do it in person.

  16. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    OK, all of this talk about telling parents and hiding our pregnancies got me thinking I'd share, in case this is helpful for anyone else. So, we're not telling parents until Mother's Day, when I'll be exactly 13 weeks, although I might tell a few close friends around 9 weeks. But it's going to be very hard to hide from some people like my BIL and SIL and friends we hang out with a lot, because I'm usually a social drinker, and we're always getting together to watch sports or have bbqs and things are usually BYOB. So my plans to continue to "drink" in front of these people is to rely on some bottles I found that look just like shmirnoff-type girlie beers and IBC root beer bottles look just like beer. Neither of these have obvious labels on the neck of the bottles, so I just stick them in a beer koozy and it totally looks like I'm my normal lush self!

  17. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    Also, PSA in case you ladies haven't heard of Fre wines. They're alcohol removed wine, similar to O'Douls but in wine form. They're made by Sutter Home, and you can read about the process here: http://www.frewines.com/fre-info/our-process

    I've got a bottle of this on hand for when my BIL and SIL come over for dinner, I can just discreetly pour myself a glass in the other room and they'll never know it's not real wine!

  18. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Sprite: smart idea! I have to admit I've told a small amount of close friends, and I feel awful that they know before my family, but the idea of sharing the news in a big way with my mom, dad, brother and sister is too amazing to just call them and blurt it out! We have friends staying with us in a few weeks. Though I'd love to tell them (they have a one-year-old so she'd be an excellent resource for me), we'll have to see. We alwayyyys drink with them, so it might be inevitable at restaurants. We'll see!!

  19. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: Some fake drinking in restaurants/bars tips I've gathered are:

    - order beer in a bottle, take it with you to the restroom, dump it and fill with water to sip
    - order "look alike" drinks, like 7-up with lime looks like a gin and tonic, or cranberry and soda looks like a vodka cranberry, coke with lime could be a rum and coke. This of course only works if you order out of earshot of the others or have your DH go bring you drinks, unless you can place your order with the waitress at the table, then "go to the bathroom" and intercept her to explain you need virgin look alikes
    - If you can't get out of ordering real drinks, have your DH sneak gulps of your drink. As long as you have a drink in front of you people aren't likely to notice you're not actually drinking it, especially if it slowly goes down. Or, find a plant to dump some of it in, ha!
    - For shots (not that I actually do these anymore) you can use the Coyote Ugly trick of just holding it in your mouth and chasing with a beer, but actually spit the shot into the beer bottle.
    - There's also always the "just getting over a cold" or "on antibiotics" tricks to get out of drinking, although they're likely to raise more suspicion.

    Can you tell I've given this a LOT of thought?!? But I need to be prepared because it would be seriously weird if people saw me not drinking, so I'm going to try my hardest to not tip them off! It's really important for me to tell people on my own terms and I don't want to be forced to spill earlier than I'm ready due to something as silly as not drinking.

  20. LilacWine

    coffee bean / 36 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee - thanks! I just moved from San Diego 3 weeks ago and now live in LA County. We miss it so much aready! So great for kids. Congrats to you!

    @katieleigh_82 - congrats to you as well!

  21. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @Sprite: I love all of your ideas!! They are some great ones! Last Friday we went out to eat with a few friends, a couple of times they asked me what i was going to drink for the night. I tried to have my DH go to the bar and order me soda water with a lime, but the server came up right as that happened and everyone insisted we order from her so she would get the tip! GR!

    I had to "go to the bathroom" and tell our server I was pg, and to get me a virgin drink so everyone thought I was drinking it worked

  22. petuniasandpearls

    cherry / 220 posts

    6 weeks today and I've been so nauseated I can hardly move. Ugh!

  23. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @Sprite: came over here to tell you congrats cause i missed your announcement! and got to say that alcohol-removed wine is genius for the first tri! does it taste any good?

  24. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @DeannaY1230: That is so awesome that the "go to the bathroom and tell the waitress" worked for you successfully! I haven't had to try it yet, but your story gives me reassurance it can be pulled off

    @petuniasandpearls: boo about the nausea! Hope you find something to make you feel better!

    @runnerd: thanks girl, it means a lot! And the alcohol removed wine is actually pretty good. I've only tried the Moscato when a pregnant friend was drinking it this fall, and I compared it to Sutter Home's regular Moscato at the same time. They're not identical, but close enough! Definitely will be enough to give my taste buds a vino fix if they ever feel like they need one, while fooling prying family at the same time!

  25. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    I am 12 weeks at Easter so that is when we will tell our extended family. I am actually starting to chicken out about telling my parents tonight. Is that weird. So much pressure!! You only get the 1 st time to tell them once!!

  26. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Sprite: You are SO sneaky! One of my coworkers has a huge St. Patty's day party every year, and it's tomorrow night. It will be so obvious if I go and don't drink! I sort of have a reputation...

    @petuniasandpearls: @Ms.Mermaid: I hope you guys start feeling better soon. Will you be really mad at me if I say I'm jealous that you have a symptom that makes you feel pregnant? I know I could be eating my words any time now.

    @Sprite: @katieleigh_82: Thanks! I'm not sure what happened behind the scenes, but my doctor did get my hcg results. (2689!) Not sure what happened to my progesterone results, but I get the impression that that one is less important!

    I have my first ultrasound next Wednesday. I'll be 5w6d then. DH has jury duty that day, though, so I'm praying he doesn't have to sit for a trial.

    I love hearing about all of your plans to tell people. We told my sister and our parents right after I POAS last Tuesday. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut if my mom called, and they all knew we were doing IVF, so news one way or the other was expected. We told the rest of our siblings and a couple really close friends after my first beta. With everyone else, we're not really keeping it a secret. We were pretty open about doing IVF, and we figure that we'll continue to get the same love and support from friends and coworkers who knew not matter how this turns out. I think we'll wait till the standard 12 weeks or so to tell extended family and other friends who don't even know we were trying, though.

    Totally unrelated: I ate waaay too much pie at school today!

  27. hardtoconcentrate

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    @kbm1026: I'm so sorry. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Take care or yourself.

    @juliem: Welcome and congrats!

    @thisisme: Welcome and congrats! Former IFer here (not on hellobee though). So glad that IVF did the trick for you. It's an amazing feeling, isn't it??

    @ShayNanigans: About the RE, my RE monitors me until
    8 weeks (which will be next week) and then I graduate to my OB or midwife. I think that's pretty standard. Sorry you've had such a bad experience with your RE.

    @petuniasandpearls: Welcome! Sorry about the nausea. Hope it passes soon.

    @Sprite: We actually just moved here last Fall so it's all new to us. Definitely looking forward to summer and being close to the beach though! Awesome beta results btw! Also, I love the "Today I'm pregnant." Someone said that on the IF board I was on months ago and I find myself repeating it to myself now.

    @Mrs.Panda: Wow, I'm so sorry you've had such a scare! That's awesome you heard the baby's hb and so early too. Hope baby eases up on you and lets you relax a little.

    @Lolo: Wow, I am so sorry you're dealing with this. I'm
    sure it's pretty scary being in a different culture and trying to navigate the system. Someone else suggested looking into a doula if that's an option, and that would be great if you can do that (sorry if you've already answered this question - I just read your first post and wanted to respond but haven't read any updates yet). Also, the prenatal vitamins advice from the doctor?! Woah, that's messed up. I wish I had a suggestion that would help. I'm thinking of you and hoping you get it worked out and end up with a facility you're more comfortable with very soon. xoxox

    @DeannaY1230: So glad your appointment went so well! And great picture!

  28. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @MrsScottish: ugh that sucks I'm sorry it's crazy how different things are...

    @Sprite: those are all GREAT ideas and I love the alcohol removed wine!!! I'm actually supposed to host a wine night in a couple weeks and was planning on canceling since I didn't know how I could get away with it but now I can!

    @DeannaY1230: that is awesome that the bathroom interception worked for you. My luck if I excused myself on of my friends would be like I'll go with you lol.

    @petuniasandpearls: so sorrt you're so sick hopefully it passes quickly.

    @thisisme: awesome beta results!!!!

  29. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    Ahhhh my mom just walked in, gotta go get ready for the big reveal!!!! This is how we're telling them, only my mom's is done so far

  30. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Sprite: thank you SOOOOO much for your tips! Do you like my "Cosmo" from dinner tonight? I got up to go to the bathroom after the waitress left after saying hello, and explained I was newly preggo but didn't want to tell my parents yet. She was super excited and said she'd come by and offer one of their "delicious" Cosmos, and it would be liquor-free. Totally worked! DH tasted it just to be safe LOL. For anyone interested in doing this, the waitor/waitress tends to be accommodating and seems to like being in on the secret. Good luck, all!!

  31. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @katieleigh_82: soooooo cute! How'd it go?!?!

  32. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: that cosmo looks like the real deal, I'm glad it worked and no one suspected a thing.

    Thank you, it went great, when she opened it took a second for what she was reading to fully register and then she freaked out and was so excited!

  33. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @katieleigh_82: glad it went well!!

    We told our parents as well last night. My mom suspected. She said I had " the glow" and the look in my eye. She squealed which was cute. My dad cried as expected. We left and heard them planning the future- bigger table, when they would start baby sitting ( they take care of my nieces and nephew full time instead of them going to day care. We are very lucky!!)

    Then we went to my MIL house and gave her a small gift to say thank you for coming to look after the dogs a bunch lately. It was a mug that said " call me grandma" she read it aloud and didn't get it.... Then she pulled out the picture frame that said grandma and me with " baby xxxxx due early November" and then she yelled " really oh my!! Oh xxxxxx" and gave us lots of hugs. Then it turned into story time of her pregnancy 29 years ago!!

  34. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @MrsScottish: Awwww so glad it went well!!!!! My mom said she had a "feeling" she said over the past week she has just had this weird feeling that I was pregnant even though she hasn't seen me!

  35. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @MrsScottish: Aww so glad things went well! That is so cute that they all reacted so excitedly haha

    @katieleigh_82: What a cute gift!!! Your handwriting is awesome, too! lol

    @hardtoconcentrate: Seriously! I hope this baby gives me a damn break! lol Can't I just enjoy being pregnant??

    Still no nausea at 8 weeks (so the last scan Thursday says). If I went by the old OB scans I would be 7w2d. If I go by when I think I O'd I am 7w5d. Whatever. I'll take the farther along one

  36. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @juliem: ooh exciting, my LO just turned 1 as well! (3/6) Cool that we'll be at a similar point in both of our kiddos' lives!

    Speaking of which, we've got people coming over in an hour for a late birthday celebration and I just broke down and popped a Zofran. I keep getting pangs of wanting to puke and don't want to test it to see if I actually do!

    @ChiCalGoBee: I like red bull, that's the only significance of my name.

  37. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: good to hear that you're still nausea-free. I'm 5w 3/4 days and feeling anxious still about the missing symptoms.

    What I do have (not sure if they are symptoms):
    -Visibly bloated stomach at night-back to pretty normal looking the next morning
    -Skin is more broken out than it's been since I was about 14
    -weird taste buds (some things will suddenly be super unappetizing and I give up eating them)
    -DH can't smell things that have me totally bowled over

    What I don't have?
    -extreme fatigue (I yawn, but I have yet to needs nap)
    -sore boobs

    13 more days until the doctor's appointment. Come on, March 28th!

  38. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @tororojo: ha, good to hear! I like your name no matter what:-)

  39. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: thank you! I don't have sore boobs either, and never did last pregnancy. I think nausea tends to begin around 6-7 weeks unless you're super unlucky w/the early onset. I won't wish it on you, though.

  40. hardtoconcentrate

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: I'm still nausea-free at 7w6d and my sister told me not to tell anyone that because other pg people with nausea will hate me. My sister had it really bad and one of my best friends is due a week after me and she's struggling, too. Maybe we'll just be lucky in this regard?!

    @ChiCalGoBee: The first symptoms I got were crazy sense of smell and breaking out skin. I didn't really start to feel anything else till I was 6 weeks or a few days after. Hopefully the nausea doesn't ever hit!

    @tororojo: Sorry you're feeling so crappy. Hope the Zofran is helping.

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