Hellobee Boards


November 2014 Mama's!!

  1. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    I was 5 weeks yesterday and the nausea started for me on Sunday. The weird thing is mine only seems to hit at night right now. I didn't eat dinner Sunday or last night. Sunday I was actually vomiting but last night it was just nausea. My Dr. suggested "alternative" remedies instead of zofran, but the things they suggested I was already trying. If it happens again tonight I will be calling for a script tomorrow.

    @Mrs.Panda: hope everything is ok, let us know how your appointment goes.

  2. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    Arg. Came home from work to realize I am spotting. I know it is very common in early pregnancy. I am 7 weeks. Going to lay down, drink a nice tea, and try not to freak out. Easier said then done.

  3. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @Sprite: @MarieJ: @MrsScottish: @DeannaY1230: @Lolo: @ChiCalGoBee: @katieleigh_82: Thank you all for your kind thoughts, it really means a lot to me.

    I actually didn't have to wait too terribly long at the doctor's, which was nice. He asked me about the bleeding and I described everything to him and he did seem a little concerned. He examined me and said he could only see old blood right now, but that he still wanted to do an ultrasound. The baby was a little harder to find this time, but he found it. The picture was blurry, but he played the heartbeat, which seemed fine, and it was growing on track at 8w3d. He said everything looks good right now, but he wants to see me next week if I'm still bleeding and the the week after if I'm not. But here's the kicker: I'm on bed rest. For like 2-3 weeks. This sucks...

  4. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @MrsScottish: Yes, the spotting, I hate it. Is it brown in color? How much? Sorry you're going through that, it's no fun at all.

  5. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    It is mostly brown but some dark red. Only when I wipe. So far
    At home by myself with the dog. Trying hard to not freak out and just relax. My type a brain doesn't work that way.
    When I just start to accept that I am preg and start to even dream about the future.......

  6. hardtoconcentrate

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: Wow, that is tough. I feel like you've been through the ringer these past couple weeks! I'm so glad everything looks okay, though. Are you able to go on bed rest with work? Hope it's manageable for you. Maybe this means your next two trimesters will be a piece of cake??

    @MrsScottish: Sorry to hear about the spotting but it is SO common. I learned that firsthand. I freaked out when I spotted and drove an hour and a half to my RE to get an u/s, which showed everything was going well, and have had 2 ultrasounds since that show things are good. My doctor wasn't concerned and told me something like 30% of women experience spotting in early pregnancy. Both my mom and MIL did as well. If it's bright red or accompanied by severe cramping (not just regular cramps), call your doctor, but otherwise, I'm sure it's nothing. I continued to spot for over a week and everything is still fine. Hope this makes you feel a little better. Crossing my fingers for you and sending positive thoughts your way!

  7. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @MrsScottish: Brown and slight pink can be normal. Just keep an eye on it. Have you been checked out by an OB yet? You may have a friable cervix.

    @hardtoconcentrate: I know! I'm currently on leave with work for my back, and I can't do physical therapy for it anymore because of the bleeding. Vicious cycle... And I certainly hope my next 2 trimesters are easy! I can't take 9 months of this!

  8. hardtoconcentrate

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: OMG, you deserve a break. Seriously. Hope this gets better SO soon!

  9. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: I have seen my regular gp for my first pre natal. That was 3 weeks ago. I see her again on 2 weeks.
    DH doesn't know what to do with me I just want to veg on the couch but he won't leave me alone!! I think I will go to bed early

  10. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @MrsScottish: fx that it is just normal spotting.

    @Mrs.Panda: glad your appointment went well as far as things looking ok, sorry about the bed rest that's rough

  11. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: I'm glad bub is okay, but I'm so sorry that you're on bedrest. Ugh. Do you have a job that allows for you to take this time off? This growing-a-baby business is hard. Hang in there.

  12. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @MrsScottish: I spotted from the day before I got my BFP to a full week after. I'm very thankful that it stopped, but every.single.time I wipe I still search the TP like it's hiding in there somewhere. I'll even "feel" like I've started spotting again and run for the bathroom anticipating the worst. I know it's normal, but it's scary as all-get-out. Have you called your doc?

  13. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: oh, man. Bed rest is tough! I had to do two days after my embryo transfer. I hope a couple of weeks of taking it easy is all you need! Do you have a good lap project to keep you busy. Lots of time for netflix shows too!

    I had the same mild nausea as yesterday. Mine seems to be in the afternoon mostly. I feel like I'm constantly eating, but the type of nausea/headaches I'm having feels like maybe I'm not eating enough. I can only eat a little at a time, but it seems like I need to eat ever 30 min to an hour.

    @MrsScottish: I also just want to veg on the couch whenever I'm home. I've accidentally fallen asleep there more days than not. Aren't you the other teacher on this thread? I teach fifth grade, and right now I'm pretty jealous of anyone that has a desk job!

  14. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @thisisme: I have found myself dozing off a lot lately. Today was rough, I had 8 hours of computer training for work that required me to get up at 5 am...oh and did I mention I'm a nurse and work midnights....Talk about a rough day I couldn't keep my eyes open luckily I went with a co-worker who had to keep nudging me all day....oops lol!!!

  15. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @thisisme: I teach 4th grade! I'm only there part-time (I teach for 3 hours, and then I tutor 2-3 hours as well), but I have kids almost the same age as you:-). This morning with my first bout of nausea was tough standing up in front of them, secretly stuffing saltines down my throat.

  16. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @thisisme: yep I teach grade 2/3. I struggling staying patient and calm because I am so tired!! I started getting frustrated at a student today and I literally walked out of my room. I don't normally yell or loose my cool!!

  17. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    You guys, I threw up at the conference I was at today. At least I made it to the bathroom, but still, totally unpleasant. And I've just been feeling totally crappy all day. And now I'm going to dinner with people and it's hard to be like, "no thanks you guys, I'm gonna have toast." At what point should I request zofran? I assumed it was for people who are like, throwing up all the time and can't get anything done because they are too busy vomiting.

    @Mrs.Panda, boo to bedrest! I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. I hope your kid sleeps through the night every night from the beginning.

    @MrsScottish That must feel very scary! Unfortunately, from what I understand, it sounds like it's always a matter of waiting to see what happens. I recommend getting plenty of rest and taking it easy on yourself. And don't google your symptoms!

  18. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @katieleigh_82: that's a rough schedule!

    @ChiCalGoBee: @MrsScottish: I'm super lucky to have an awesome student teacher right now who has pretty much taken over my job. I mostly sit in the back and observe her or just work with small groups of kids. I can also pee whenever I need to! I don't know what I'm going to do when she leaves next month!

    @Ms.Mermaid: that totally sucks! Would it be obvious to anyone if you skipped the dinner! What line of work are you in? It's cool that you get to travel. Did you get any good sightseeing in yesterday?

  19. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    @ms.mermaid that is tough. Hoping for a better time for you ASAP?

    Is anyone else really appreciating their own mama a million times more now that you know what they went through?

    @chicalgobee oh no, I hope you feel better soon. I feel 10x worse today & it is not helping that I have an important meeting with my boss in 30 mins. I haven't actually been sick yet, hoping the little I've eaten today stays down.

    @katieleigh_82 wow that's tough! I can can barely keep my eyes open & I've going to bed really early. On weekdays I get up at 6am for work which now feels like torture.

  20. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    Wow there are a lot of teachers on this thread! you guys definitely have a challenging job I have 2 close friends that teach and it seems like their work is never done. I know how often they work from home, putting lesson plans together and how much of their own money gets spent on classroom supplies so kudos to all of you and thank you for what you do for the kids!!

    @thisisme: @Lolo: yes my schedule can be very challenging at times. I work 7pm-7:30am which lately has been utterly exhausting. The only good thing is I only have to work 3 days a week.

    @Ms.Mermaid: hope you feel better and this phase passes quickly for you.

    @Lolo: hope your meeting went will and things stayed down. Yes I have definitely begun to appreciate my mom so much more lately!

  21. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: I think that when nausea starts interfering with your life, that's a good time to get zofran. Being miserable all the time is no fun, and if taking it allows you to consume a more balanced diet then it's probably even beneficial. (Although I am still eating a ridiculous amount of carbs) Just make sure to bump up water and fiber intake though or you may feel like you're pooping glass in a few days.

  22. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    I am at work today, taking it easy. The only person here who knows I am preg is the secretary. She knew something was up as soon as she saw me! I told her that I have been spotting some since late yesterday afternoon, mild gramps and just feeling yucky. Trying to just relax and not freak. DH doesnt know what to do with me. He is trying to be super sweet and gently which just makes me feel worse. HE wanted to cuddle last night and I told him I just need to be by myself. The secretary said she would call a sub for me and I should go home and relax. I am debating except that I have 2 contractors, 2 dogs and my mom at my house right now! How relaxing is that!! DH is working a 13 hour day today as he has higher ups in town and he has to host a meeting today. I am trying really hard to just remain positive and not worry him.
    I am still spotting a small amount this morning, not as much last night. Dont need to wear a liner or anything. Mild cramping this morning, but nothing major.
    I have planned my day to be slow and easy. I am sitting lots and making my kids come to me. I have a full time EA in the room which is making it manageable. I just told her I am not feeling good. I totally think she suspects but I am not admitting it!!!

  23. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @MrsScottish: I'm sorry you are having the spotting! I'm glad it's lessened though. I mean, I've been spotting/bleeding for about 2 or so weeks and everything is fine so far. I've even had bright red blood. I've read that some brown spotting can just be from the uterus stretching, which is also where the cramping comes from. Just take it easy and keep an eye on it. Thinking of you.

    @katieleigh_82: I'm a night shift nurse, too. Those overnights are killer. I haven't been back for almost a month now because of everything going on. If I had a desk job, I could definitely work, but since our job is so physical my doctor is very hesitant. I don't blame him, I am too! I have class on Wednesdays from 8-4 so I have to be up at 6 so I kind of feel your pain. I would pull my hair out if I had to wake up at 5 though. Flipping is so hard!!

    @Ms.Mermaid: I hope you're feeling better today! I hope she/he sleeps through the night, too! It's the least they can do But I'll take healthy!

    @thisisme: I have been catching up on Shameless haha. I'm behind a full season so it gives me something to do! I'm actually in class all day today, I figure sitting is not much worse than laying down, especially since I'm not that far along and there isn't much pressure there.

  24. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: thanks. Yeah. Trying not to stress. It is nothing alarming yet.

  25. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: Happy to hear everything went well. That sucks about the bed rest though

    @MrsScottish: So Sorry about the spotting! I hope you're taking it easy at work today

    @Ms.Mermaid: So sorry you threw up at your work conference. Nausea and vmiting = NO FUN! I hope it settles soon! I would also request Zofran from the doc, just to make things a little easier on you for these next few weeks,

    I had my first appointment yesterday at 6w4d. I meadured 6w2d which didn't concern me because my periods are kind of wonky since I'm still bf'ing my DD. The ultrasound tech didn't say much which FREAKED me out since I have had a MC before. Finally, when I saw my doc (family friend), she said all was well and that we probably should've waited another week since the baby was so small and they couldn't get great measurements. There was cardiac motion, and she said the heart probably just started beating. I have another ultrasound in 2 weeks because she knows I'm a worrywart and beside her saying all was well, I need to see and *hear* for myself!

  26. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    @mrs.scottish that is rotten, I really hope the spotting clears up soon. I had a couple of days of spotting right at the beginning & it is terrifying. Even now a few weeks on I check every single time that I go to the loo. Take it easy.

  27. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    Thanks ladies. My mom has been a great sounding board. So glad I told her already!! I am having a chill day at work. Kids are being super sweet and nice. I am not ding much!! Making the kids come to me!!

  28. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @MrsScottish: So sorry you are having spotting, I'm sure that can be concerning, but stay positive! It seems common. I am thinking of you!

    @MarieJ: I'm sure your first u/s was so exciting! Were you able to see a fetal pole? When i went last week, they could see a fetal pole at 5w2d, but no heartbeat yet. I'm hoping when i go next week we'll be able to hear it!

    @Ms.Mermaid: Ah! Throwing up at a conference? I bet that was NO fun! Fortunately, I haven't had any vomiting so far - but the past couple of days I have felt so nauseous! I usually can't eat a thing until around noon!

  29. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @DeannaY1230: To be honest, it was exciting but stressful at the same time. The tech just kept saying "you're really early" and other things to freak me out, so although the doc said everything was well, I just can't wait until my next one in 2 weeks where I'll be in my 8th week. Don't let my experience take away from your excitement though! I'm sure you'll see a perfect little baby with a strong heartbeat

  30. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    Man, I'm sorry some of you ladies are experiencing so much m/s already! Hope it will pass soon! That must be SO hard especially for you nurses and teachers, I have no idea how you get through that with having to be on your feet constantly. Makes me feel very lucky to work at home on my computer all day! I haven't been hit by nausea yet, but have been so incredibly tired this week. I'm a coffee addict normally, and cutting down in the morning and not being able to go back for more in the afternoon is rough!

    @Mrs.Panda: so glad to hear everything looked good at the doctors yesterday. Bummer about bed rest though!

    @MrsScottish: sorry to hear about the spotting. Sending you good thoughts!

    @MarieJ: UGH about your u/s tech! Why can't they all have good bedside manners!

  31. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @Sprite: I know! I texted my husband after my U/S and said "Well......" and he was like "well, what?". Total freak out until I spoke with the doc. The fact that I was already anxious about the U/S because of my first m/c didn't make it any better!

  32. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    My 1st ultrasound went well today! I'm 5w6d, and we were able to see a pulsing heartbeat! Doctor said all looks good, and we'll go back next week for another monitoring ultrasound. The only bummer news I got today was that I'll need to continue the progesterone injections until I'm 12 weeks. I fell like I have a golf ball on each butt cheek! So worth it, though!

    Baby is 2.5mm long. He's the little white dot at the tip of my finger.

  33. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    And just for fun, here's our actual first ultrasound from the day of our embryo transfer. This is the exact moment I got pregnant, time stamped 8:48 am, 2/25/14. IVF is never something anyone wants to have to do, but it certainly does come with some cool perks! The white streak in the middle is the fluid that contained the embryo as the doctor inserted it!

  34. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @thisisme: that is so neat you have that very first picture of your baby from transfer day! And great news on your scan today. Well, except the PIO injections, but still!

  35. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @thisisme: Congratulations!!! I'm so impressed that you have a heartbeat at 5w6d! My appointment is in 9 days (the wait is SO HARD), and I'm just so dang nervous that something isn't going right and ugh....I just want to get to the appointment and (FX!!) have a healthy little bean with a strong heartbeat. So happy for you!

  36. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @DeannaY1230: Ditto! I want a heartbeat SOOOO badly....... I feel like I'm one of the only ones who hasn't had an u/s yet.

  37. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @MarieJ: Glad you got in early. And it's great that they'll let you come back soon to double check that all is well!

  38. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    Good morning ladies!! I am feeling much better, no spotting since yesterday morning. Still minor cramps but I have had those since the BFP !!! I had 3 people at work ask me this week if I am prego. ( I still don't understand how that is ok!!!) I absolutely refused all times that nope but I wish I was! I have been wearing all my baggy flowy tops and been very tired ( clue # 1 and #2!!)
    So today I am wearing something a bit more fitting and rocking the belly band over my cords as I can't do them up!!!! DH says I look cute..... I just think I look fat!!

  39. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @thisisme: that is amazing !!!!! I don't get an us until June 16 th when I will be 19.5 weeks!!!

  40. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: thank you!

    @MrsScottish: I'm sure you look gorg! Glad you're feeling better!!

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