Hellobee Boards


November 2014 Mama's!!

  1. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    So yesterday I had a half-marathon in the morning and a wedding at night. In case you were thinking of trying this combo DO NOT. My legs hurt so badly and I can't take Advil because the internet is divided on whether it is safe or not. Plus my husband ran a full marathon so it's not like he's really able to take care of me and so I'm trying to take care of him. But the good news is, my nausea abated long enough to run the half, and nobody at the wedding asked why I wasn't drinking!!!

    I told my running buddy last week, and she said she wasn't going to tell her husband, and then we stopped by her place after and right after I left, he went and asked her if I was pregnant! I find this really funny and appreciate that he at least didn't ask me.

    At the wedding, I was really worried because my friends are all totally suspicious and on high alert for one of us to not be drinking. I mostly got my own drinks and just requested sodas with a lime wedge and cocktail straw (one of the bartenders was really cute about it and was like, "here's your vodka tonic ma'am"); I think bartenders are used to this. At one point I had to go to the bar with a friend so I ordered a rum and coke and then sat it down between my husband and I and then he decided to go get himself a rum and coke and swapped our drinks. My friend who was sitting next to me drank a lot, so I don't think she was noticing me. I also drank a ton of water, but so did everybody else, so it wasn't suspicious at all.

  2. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: My symptoms/non symptoms list looks pretty similar. I haven't had any nausea yet (5w3d), and my boobs feel totally normal! My sense of smell is more sensitive, but not in a negative way. I have been extra tired, but I think that might be all of the progesterone supplements that I'm on.

    @Ms.Mermaid: That day would do anyone in, pregnant or not! I'm so impressed that you ran a half! I think Tylenol is supposed to be ok.

    I can't remember if I've already said on here: I have my first ultrasound scheduled for Wed. I get to do an early one since we did IVF. Unfortunately, DH is scheduled for jury duty that day, so FX he can get out of it!

    I tried some prenatal yoga on youtube this morning! I definitely have to get into a good exercise routine!

  3. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @hardtoconcentrate: Haha yeah my friend is about 5-6 weeks (she's not sure) and she is SO nauseous! I feel awful for her. Meanwhile I'm like, eat ALL the things!

    @Ms.Mermaid: Girl you are a machine! I can't imagine doing either one of those things right now, let alone both. Advil is a no-go as it's an NSAID but Tylenol is fine. Hope you're okay today!

    @thisisme: Wooo ultrasound! Post a picture when it's done And I hope hubs can make it!

  4. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @thisisme I do recommend exercise, I think it helps with the nausea. I just don't recommend endurance sports.

    I'm flying to the west coast today and I feel plumb worn out. I'm super sore and there just is not enough sleep. Plus I forgot my prenatals, so I'll have to pick some up there. I took tomorrow to sightsee so I'm planning to sleep in and take it easy.

  5. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    I am trying to catch up from the last 2 days on my phone! Our internet is out and they can't come out till tomorrow morning.

    My symptoms:
    Tired. Oh so tired.
    Sore massive boobs. ( DH is dying as we have not been together since peeing on a stick as I have had lots of cramping)
    Cramping in low belly
    Mild shooting pains in vg and cervix. ( doc says this is stretching and blood flow)
    Mild waves of nausea but can usually be relived with water and carbs.

  6. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: I am envious!! I was supposed to do a 12 km first week of May and I am trying to weasel myself out. I have tried running and it just doesn't feel good. I have had lots of cramping and it aggravates it.

  7. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @MrsScottish: I'm so glad to hear that you have cramping too. Mine come and go and they're pretty mild, but I still manage to worry about it!

  8. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: have a safe and fun trip! Are you traveling for work! Make sure you get some rest soon!

    @Mrs.Panda: I will for sure, assuming all goes well. If I have another snow day tomorrow (it's snowing AGAIN in VA!) I think I'll see if I can get a same day appt at their main office. It's farther away, but worth it if we can both go.

  9. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    My symptoms are all over the place for the last couple weeks my face was horribly broken out which I originally thought meant AF was fast approaching. I've had the sore boobs since then as well although they seem to be not as sore the last few days. The cramping has finally subsided and I still get little twinges of pain but it's not constant anymore. Unfortunately the nausea and vomiting started yesterday I'll be calling for a zofran Rx today just so I have it on hand. I had to call into work last night because nothing I tried was making it go away. I've also had low back pain on and off, and a combo of fatigue and insomnia mixed lol.

    @Ms.Mermaid: very impressive, no way I could handle running right now. Have a safe trip!

  10. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    @ms.mermaid kudos to you!

    I am pretty tired & finding it hard to concentrate at work. I've been doing really strange things like pushing the down button to go up & selecting the wrong floor in the elevator- could I have baby brain already? I've also been VERY emotional which is very unusual for me & is making me feel a tad anxious & out of sorts. I'm happy to report no sickness or nausea yet but a shooting pain in my left breast like someone is sticking a red hot poker through my nipple & acid reflux. I guess I'm pretty lucky so far, I'm 6 weeks tomorrow so we'll see what's to come.

    Oh & @mrsscottish & @thisisme I've also had cramping on & off, I was concerned at first but now I figure it's just my body growing & changing.

  11. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: That cosmo looks like it was delish!

    @katieleigh_82: the reveal package for your mom was so cute! Did you make that onsie?

    @MrsScottish: awww, I love hearing your parents and MIL's reactions!

    @Mrs.Panda: you might just be one of the lucky ones who never have to experience nausea!

    @tororojo: I hope the Zofran did the trick for you!

    @ChiCalGoBee: I've been smelling things that DH can't lately too. We were doing some work on our house this weekend, and I kept swearing I smelled cat pee. I think it was either the drywall or smells coming up from the crawlspace under the house. He couldn't smell a thing!

    @Ms.Mermaid: so glad to hear your marathon was a success, even if your legs were sore!

    @thisisme: hope your scan on Wednesday goes well! That is definitely one advantage of having to be with an RE, the early scans!

    @MrsScottish: your symptoms sound a lot like mine with the lots of cramping and occasional shooting pains and sore boobs, although the sore boobs have let up a lot the past week. My DH is probably missing all of the constant BD'ing from TTC at this point, lol.

    @Lolo: I have no idea when baby brain sets in, but sure sounds like you may have a case of it!

  12. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    Ok, so what are you ladies doing to pass the time? I am a HUGE planner, but am still finding myself reluctant to start planning nurseries or researching baby gear yet. Just don't want to jinx things, although I did browse some nursery pictures this weekend. I read the first half of What To Expect like a year ago, but I think it's still too early to read more in depth things, like infant child care books. My project for last week of planning and booking our babymoon is done. I've already brainstormed ideas on how to announce our pregnancy to our families on Mother's Day. And my first u/s isn't until next Wednesday, so I've got that to look forward to. But how else is everyone keeping themselves occupied this early on? I need ideas, especially because I love to procrastinate at work!

  13. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @Sprite: Board jumping from August, but here are a few things I either DID early on or freaking wish I had already done:
    - Called my insurance and found out about the breast pump I get under them and dealt with all of that (supposedly this is a NIGHTMARE)
    - Worked on baby names and started down that rabbit hole (made finding out the sex so much more fun and when you announce the first question is, "do you have a name??" -- similar to when you get engaged and the have you set a date).
    - Worked on cleaning up the baby's room .. currently a junk room
    - Ordered / started at least perusing maternity clothes ... I waited until I needed them and it was a big mistake. I had to order the clothes online and waiting for them to deliver just about killed me (I was busting out of my pants).
    - Deciding on my gear / researching my gear - I made a secret Amazon registry that I have heavily researched. I also made a spreadsheet of costs so that I could watch for the best deals and know the major stuff I was looking for.
    - Find out if pre-registering at your hospital gets you any incentives and get that taken care of before you forget -- my hospital guarantees a private room if you register before 16 weeks!
    - Pick out your baby book, work on how you are going to reveal the gender... in other words, make some secret Pinterest boards and have some fun!

    Time goes by super slowly - the two week wait quickly becomes the one month wait as you wait between appointments. Whenever I feel like I'm getting too ahead of myself, I remind myself that I'm going to be the biggest come summer and need to get stuff done NOW. You have an even better excuse because you are going to be in your "honeymoon trimester" during the heat of the summer (when most people get a lot of their stuff done) and you will be SO glad you got everything squared away early.

    Sorry for the novel!

    Oh yea.. when all else fails, I obsess over this website and the various things that are/will be happening to the baby at various points: http://www.justmommies.com/pregnancy_calendar.php

  14. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    @Sprite: thank you we wanted to do something unique so thanks to Pintrest that's what I came up with. Yes I made the onesie, I actually made one for eacy grandparent :happy:! I am starting to get stir crazy and impatient waiting for 4/9 to get here, but haven't come up with any good ideas as of yet.

    @BakerBee: Those are all great ideas, I'm sure I'll be using many of them.

  15. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Lolo: I think I'm already having pregnancy brain, too! I keep forgetting and mixing up words, especially late in the evenings when I'm really tired. The other night, I tried to say something about a "fail safe" and it came out as "sail fafe." Unfortunately, that's not the only one recently!

    @katieleigh_82: I hope that zofran does the trick for you!

    @Sprite: I've had so much time at home recently (will winter ever end???) that I'm not sure what to do with myself anymore. I'm with you on feeling it's too early to do much more than look at a few pictures online. I did find a cool book at the library called Pregnancy Day by Day where each page is info about what happens that day. Sort of like several of the apps that I've also obsessively checked each day. I am working on crocheting a baby blanket for a friend who is due next month. I feel kind of bad since I had a hard time relating to her while she was KU and I was going through IF stuff, but I finally feel like I can be truly excited and happy for her.

  16. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    Has anyone found or started a good pregnancy journal? I still feel like it's early enough that I don't want to jinx anything, but if our ultrasound goes well this week, I might order one.

  17. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    oh my goodness! It is getting harder and harder every day to not scream from the roof tops that I am prego! We had a potluck at work today, so 95% of staff were sitting in the staff room. A staff member announced they are taking a leave to go and work in South America. Everyone was talking about it, and how "they knew someone would have to go on a leave next year, I guess it is you" meaning that instead of a maternity leave it would be her. She said that she has known since October that she is leaving in July and someone commented it is like being pregnant and you cant tell anyone. She was like that is exactly it!!
    I was dying!!

  18. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @BakerBee: thank you!! I needed this list so much. I'm not wanting to jinx anything before my first appointment (a week from Friday-such a wait!), but definitely would love to pass the time somehow. Researching gear would be great, and also learning about the hospital we'll deliver at.

  19. petuniasandpearls

    cherry / 220 posts

    @BakerBee: Good call on ordering/browsing maternity clothes.

    I told my husband that he's got to get my box of maternity clothes out of the attic next weekend. I am a SAH/WAH mom so I wear yoga pants most of the time but I tried my jeans on this weekend and they are uncomfortably tight. I've already got a serious baby bloat, but I guess that's what happens when you just had a baby 15 months ago.

  20. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @Lolo: oh my gosh, me too. I am making dumbo mistakes left and right. I did not expect pregnant brain to kick in so early! In general, our symptoms are pretty similar.

    @Sprite: We aren't planning anything til we're further along. I think once we hit 10 weeks, then we'll start actually doing things!

  21. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    First round of nausea hit this afternoon. Not too terrible, but dinner is on the couch tonight and consists of chicken broth, popcorn, and hot lemon water with honey.

  22. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @thisisme: awww...feel better. Does the nausea bum you out, or reassure you that things are "happening?":-)

    AFM. I think I'm on the middle of my first wave of true tiredness . It's not bad enough that I can barley keep my eyes open, but I tutored students for the last two hours and wanted to inject caffeine into my system because I was struggling to stay awake! I slept 7 hours last night so know it isn't that I didn't sleep enough. Maybe, just maybe, it might be the pregnancy?! So far I've just been a yawning fiend, but it feels different today. Who knows!

  23. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: how'd your half go? I ran a half in October for the first time. I have a 15K this weekend! My pace has already slowed by about 30 seconds to even a full minute per mile, but I am so thankful to be pregnant that I can't even care about being a slowpoke! I intend to make this race my last long-ish race for a while. FX the pregnancy progresses well and I can keep doing (sloooow) miles for as long as my balance allows:-).

  24. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Chicalgobee The half went pretty well. I normally run 10 minute miles, and I finished in 2:15. My PR is 2:05 for a half and my worst time was somewhere around 2:20/2:25. My goal was to finish in 2:30, and/or not pass out, so I was very pleased. I kept my pace under 10 min/miles for the first half, and then I had to fall back after the really big hill, which just wore me out. I also didn't eat as early as I should have - I had a big snack around mile 9. I think for a 15k I would have been fine, it was just the last three miles that got a bit exhausting. I'm doing an Olympic distance triathlon in May, but this was my last long distance running race. I'm planning on doing a couple of 5ks.

    @Sprite I mean, I signed up to run a half marathon and then an Olympic distance triathlon and I obsess over my training, but maybe that's not the kind of suggestion you are looking for? I find it hard to spend time with other people because we can't tell them, but it also totally distracts me from what is going on.

    Is anyone else hitting the mood swings? So yesterday, my flight wound up getting so delayed that I wouldn't make my connection, which meant I flew out this morning instead, in a massive snowstorm, so I spent 3 hours waiting on the runway, eventually got to my second leg of the flight, which I had to be bumped to the next flight since we were so delayed, and while I begged for an aisle seat, they didn't have any, and then they gate checked my bag and then when I finally sat down, they told me the TVs in my row didn't work and I burst into tears. That's normal, right? It was SO EMBARASSING. I feel like, first of all, if I was showing, they would have made more of an effort to find me a seat, and I would have felt less ridiculous being the hysterical crying pregnant lady.

    I'm fine now, I made it to my hotel in one piece and I just ate a whole bunch of vegetarian sushi, which I've been craving for the last week. Why am I craving all of the stuff I can't have? I also really want a margarita.

  25. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Chicalgobee The half went pretty well. I normally run 10 minute miles, and I finished in 2:15. My PR is 2:05 for a half and my worst time was somewhere around 2:20/2:25. My goal was to finish in 2:30, and/or not pass out, so I was very pleased. I kept my pace under 10 min/miles for the first half, and then I had to fall back after the really big hill, which just wore me out. I also didn't eat as early as I should have - I had a big snack around mile 9. I think for a 15k I would have been fine, it was just the last three miles that got a bit exhausting. I'm doing an Olympic distance triathlon in May, but this was my last long distance running race. I'm planning on doing a couple of 5ks.

    @Sprite I mean, I signed up to run a half marathon and then an Olympic distance triathlon and I obsess over my training, but maybe that's not the kind of suggestion you are looking for? I find it hard to spend time with other people because we can't tell them, but it also totally distracts me from what is going on.

    Is anyone else hitting the mood swings? So yesterday, my flight wound up getting so delayed that I wouldn't make my connection, which meant I flew out this morning instead, in a massive snowstorm, so I spent 3 hours waiting on the runway, eventually got to my second leg of the flight, which I had to be bumped to the next flight since we were so delayed, and while I begged for an aisle seat, they didn't have any, and then they gate checked my bag and then when I finally sat down, they told me the TVs in my row didn't work and I burst into tears. That's normal, right? It was SO EMBARASSING. I feel like, first of all, if I was showing, they would have made more of an effort to find me a seat, and I would have felt less ridiculous being the hysterical crying pregnant lady.

    I'm fine now, I made it to my hotel in one piece and I just ate a whole bunch of vegetarian sushi, which I've been craving for the last week. Why am I craving all of the stuff I can't have? I also really want a margarita.

  26. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    Oh mama's looks like a lot of us are in the same boat symptoms wise. I am 6 weeks today & had my first experience of nausea, I could barely brush my teeth this morning & driving to work was hell but I forced myself to eat some fruit & yoghurt & oh boy my appetite came back with a vengeance. My stomach was growling so loud by 10am that I can to go to the staff canteen & order a sandwich (with jalapeƱo's, cheese & mustard-what?). I had to use every ounce of will power I had not to buy a donut. Then after my sandwich I felt SICK-like bad hangover sick. The only thing I could think about eating at lunch was cheesecake & chocolate milk. I am usually a healthy eater & I'm hoping this is not a sign of things to come. The thought of the lovely super green soup I've made for dinner is not appealing right now...

  27. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Lolo That's where I've been since last week. Sorry to hear it. First of all, as soon as you wake up, eat something - saltines, gingersnaps, crackers, whatever. Before you even get out of bed. It helps SO MUCH. Then, I've been just eating a cracker or two or ten every hour or so, which keeps the nausea at bay. When you do eat, take it slowly - I find that if I go one bite in the wrong direction, the nausea comes back. I've been eating a lot of simple food - pasta, pizza, fried rice with almost no soy sauce, oatmeal w/ maple syrup, etc. I bought some string cheese today because I've heard good things about that. I also try to snack on healthier options, like trail mix, if I can handle them. I'm sadly having issues with vegetables, but if I put a small amount of veggies in with pasta, etc., I can handle them. I bought some baby carrots to snack on at my conference today, I'll let you know how that goes.

  28. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    @ms.mermaid thank you so much for this. I will try it tomorrow. Let me know how it goes with the carrots, I'm usually a veggie lover! I have yoga tonight & it is not an easy class I am hoping the cheesecake and chocolate milk stay down. I am determined not to be defeated by the exhaustion and nausea so early on!

  29. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    Back to the doctor today because of some more bleeding yesterday/last night. This is getting old, fast. Anyone else having small cramps or "pulling" feelings in their lower bellies? The pulling I feel more toward my hips, but the pressure/cramping (though mild) is in the bottom center.

  30. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @BakerBee: these are some really great ideas, thank you for sharing! I'm definitely going to add these to my list!

    @thisisme: so neat that you can crochet! I bet your friend will really appreciate the blanket you're making. I haven't done a pregnancy journal, but I have written a couple blog posts that I may or may not ever publish. I want to remember the time in one way or another, but typing is so much easier than handwriting.

    @Ms.Mermaid: oh no, your trip sounds like it was so stressful! I hope the return flight is a lot less dramatic, and you actually get a row with a working TV!

    @Mrs.Panda: Sending lots of good thoughts to you that this latest bleeding episode is nothing! FWIW, I've had on and off period cramps everyday since a few days before my BFP.

  31. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @Sprite: Have you had any spotting? I think the pulling feeling is normal, maybe just the uterus expanding. Why can't 3:30 come soon enough! Plus he's a doc that is habitually late... I'll be bringing a book.

  32. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: No, no spotting yet, although I check for it constantly. Just lots of annoying cramps. I know spotting is super common in early pregnancy though. But knowing that I'm sure isn't much reassurance. Hope your doctor doesn't make you wait too long!

  33. MarieJ

    pear / 1579 posts

    I can not keep up with this thread! We went out of town Thursday- Sunday of last week & I was slammed at work yesterday so I'll have to sit down tonight with my laptop & catch up!
    @Mrs.Panda: I hope your appointment goes well. Sending good, happy thoughts your way!

  34. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: this is me every day! cramps come and go, nothing major, but I know if I have pushed myself to hard. If I walk really fast I get cramps. My hip flexors and hip area are so achy. I have been stretching them constantly thinking it is just because I am not working out my normal amount (try never right now!!).
    Everything I have read says its normal, especially for first time moms. Everything has to stretch and move!!

  35. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @MarieJ: Thank you! I'll keep you all updated!

    @MrsScottish: I'm not so worried about the cramps (though with my bleeding they are a little more worrisome) I'm more concerned about the bright red spotting I had a super vivid dream I was BFing though, that was weird!

    @Sprite: It's still good to hear that spotting is normal. I had come to terms with the brown/pink spotting but the bright red is what gets me!

  36. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: yeah, I would be too! Good luck at the appointment today! I dont go back to my doctor until April 10th, and then I see the OBGYN on April 23rd I think.... U/S June something... so far away!!!

  37. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: good luck at your appointment today! please keep up posted.

    I have been getting cramps for the past 10 days. Typically at night, they wake me up. I have noticed they've been less frequent and not as painful. But for about a week they were REALLY bad, I was convinced I had a tubal pg. When I went to my Dr last week she said everything looked okay. I am 6 weeks today, and I go back again for another u/s on March 27.

  38. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    Good luck at the appointment @mrs.panda must be so stressful. Let us know how you get on.

  39. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Lolo: add me to the list of mamas who hit 6 weeks (today!) and felt nauseous! No throwing up, but I have a constant level of feeling nauseous and have since 7 AM. It isn't terrible, but it's there!

  40. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: good luck! Report back ASAP!!

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