cantaloupe / 6086 posts
had a beta this morning so I will hear results on that today and should have some sort of real answer by Wed when I can have the follow-up beta. although I'm expecting bad news, I'm feeling a little better after treating myself and LO to starbucks (she loves the milk) after the RE.
@bushelandapeck: I had LO at MGH too! unfortunately these days I'm at the RE there instead of the OB
pomegranate / 3032 posts
Today in my 1 year anniversary of seeing my BFP! Congrats ladies! you're in for a wild ride
pomelo / 5720 posts
@bhbee: oh I sure hope they come back good! If you don't move too far away we should get together with the LOs sometime I'm thinking of switching OBs because mine is only there on Tues and tht doesn't really work for my schedule. Would you mind pm/sharing who you see?
cherry / 242 posts
@bhbee: I hope your numbers are all up! Wednesday is so far away!!
@bushelandapeck: So did you tell him yet? How did he react?
@Mirage: Hello! Welcome! I confirmed with a digital last night with that weeks indicator... pretty cool how technology can tell you these things these days. Can't wait to hear the doctor's opinion of how far along I am. On your symptoms, what does MS mean?
pomelo / 5720 posts
@mrskoloa: we are on our way home now. Planning to get settled in and then take the test. Will update with his reaction this afternoon. I expect he will be surprised and happy
ETA: MS= morning sickness
cherry / 242 posts
@bushelandapeck: He better be! I'm pretty happy about how close in age your two LOs will be; they'll have so much in common!
MS! I should have known. I think my prenatals are causing some of my queasiness, but as long as I eat a little something whenever I feel it it gets better. What do other people do for this?
pomelo / 5720 posts
@mrskoloa: I switched my prenatal a to the rainbow light brand and that helped a lot. I also onus that sour candy and making sure I didn't get too hungry helped when I was pregnant before. I wasn't super sick with my last one but that makes sense because I had a missed m/c. I stopped having symptoms around 8/9 weeks and found out the baby stopped growing at our 10 week appointment. I'm actually hoping for a bit more nausea this time, if that makes any sense.
kiwi / 656 posts
@Mirage: wow! How strange is that, exact same wedding date and due date. My birthday Is the 11th oct. please tell me yours is not?! Haha.
How are all the pregnant ladies feeling today? Do you have appointments set up now?
All my symptoms apart from slightly nauseous this morning, have disappeared. Feel great! I got an appointment booked today, I see the doctor on Friday
grape / 81 posts
@mrs tartan LOL my birthday is only 2 days off from yours So strange! It would be hilarious if we delivered on the same day.
Still feeling kind of queasy... I have my first prenatal on February 25th, but I have an appointment with my doctor for another reason on February 4th. Hoping to get a little info then.
Has anyone spilled the beans to anyone other than their husband/bf? When do you plan on telling immediate family?
kiwi / 656 posts
That is so strange!
Haven't told anyone yet, I think we will tell my parents this weekend after the doc appointment, then I think everyone else after our first scan. I would really like to see a heartbeat before telling more people than my parents, but we will see. The excitement may get the better of me!
I am going to buy our chihuahua a tshirt that says "I'm going to be a big brother" and then wait until my parents get it
Have you told anyone? When will you?
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
hi ladies, beta was 28 which is not great for 13dpo, though anything is possible. I think I'm going to avoid this board for a while but will try to update when I have a final answer later this week.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
Congrats momma!!! (I'm an Oct. 12 mom and can't believe it's been 2 years since my BFP!) Time flies for sure!
cherry / 242 posts
@bushelandapeck: I totally get it. Symptoms mean something is happening, right? Today I don't feel as queasy so perhaps I'm getting used to my vitamins... I had been taking them for two years, but when I decided to take a break this month, that's when the magic happened, apparently. I think my body is just getting used to all the nutrients again.
@Mrs tartan: I feel good. Energetic! Slightly nauseous, but only if I think about it, or during my exercise class today. My first appt is Wednesday! Probably just a beta to confirm pregnancy.
@Mirage: I am under strict orders not to tell ANYONE until the first trimester is over. It's such a pain... it's hard not to let things slip, particularly since my group of friends still drinks on the weekends, etc. But it's really got me thinking about how I will tell everyone... we are probably having a housewarming in March, that might be a good time.
@bhbee: Good luck!
pomelo / 5720 posts
So, I told DH last night and he was very excited! I think we are both pretty nervous about another m/c though.
I called my OB's office this morning, expecting an early u/s (as I had been told would be the case when I m/c) and was given an appointment date of 3/11 (11 weeks). I said, "no thanks" as nicely as I could without getting really upset, and they are trying to fit me in with someone else around 9 weeks instead (2/26). If you go by my last MP, I would be 9 weeks then, but I think I ovulated 5 days later so I will really only be 8. I'll update about the appointment when I hear back.
As for telling people, we probably won't tell anyone until we hear the heartbeat which would be sometime in early March I think. We didn't tell anyone last time, and I was glad we didn't when we found out there was no heartbeat at 10 weeks. Fx crossed for a better outcome this time....
cherry / 249 posts
EDD: October 10
Age: 32 and DH is 35
When Did You Find Out?: About five minutes ago! We are on 11dpiui
How long were you trying: Three years before taking a break for a few years. Then my sister offered to be a surrogate and this is our fourth cycle trying (one by "turkey baster" method and three through IUI)
Child Number: 1
Where You Live: Right now we're in England but we're getting ready to move to the US again in a couple of months
What kind of provider will you see?: Surrogate will see the RE at first and after that, a regular OB, I think. We're leaving those choices up to her
When's Your First Appointment?: Don't know yet!
What kind of birth do you want?: If it's twins we both are very adamant about a hospital birth but if it's a singleton, I'm leaving that up to my sister. She's contemplating a birthing center, I think.
What You're Most Excited For: At this point, just for everything to move along safely. Since I'm not the one actually pregnant and I live across the Atlantic from the one who is, I'm feeling slightly detached from the usual milestones of a pregnancy at the moment. That will probably change at the first ultrasound video or photo I get though!
What You're Most Scared About: That my sister will hate being pregnant and therefore end up hating me by proxy? hahaha
Symptoms so far: A huge grin? Does that count?
Here's one of my kitties wearing a crown!
kiwi / 656 posts
@however briefly: that's lovely, what a wonderful sister you have. My brother wont even lend me his ipod. haha. So glad you finally got your BFP. Did she send you a pic or phone you? How exciting. Congratulations honey
cherry / 249 posts
@Mrs tartan: She emailed me this photo with the subject line of "What are you doing October 10th?" and I almost deleted it thinking it was spam for some reason.
kiwi / 656 posts
@however briefly: haha imagine if you had! Lovely picture, huge congratulations to you. Have a lovely 9 months preparing for your baby.
cherry / 242 posts
@bushelandapeck: So happy he was happy! I'm still getting mines to warm up to the idea. It's still not real to him. I'm glad you are able to get a somewhat earlier appointment, and I agree with you about waiting until hearing the heartbeat.
@however briefly: How cool! I'm so interested in your journey. You have a truly awesome sister. When you move back to the US, are you moving to the same area as your sister? Also, cute cat. Don't get me started on posting pictures of pets in hats...
cherry / 249 posts
@mrskoloa: Nope, we will be in the north west and my sister is on the east coast but my in laws and dh's extended family and friends are all only three hours drive away from her so staying there for the birth for an extended period won't be an issue which is nice. At least the time difference won't be as bad so skyping and talking on the phone will be much easier!
cherry / 242 posts
@however briefly: You got that right about the time difference... DH and I have been toying with the idea of touring Europe this summer before we're on baby lockdown, and the time difference between Hawaii and London is crazy! I am already wondering about all things most likely inappropriate to ask you, please refuse to answer if you don't want to. Things I am wondering: was the iui done with your folks sperm and egg? are you scared about developing a relationship with the pregnancy because you are far away from her? what will your sister's place be in the child's life once the baby is born?
This situation is seriously so cool, and so full of love, I can't take it! I wish my brother loved me enough to have my child.
cherry / 249 posts
@mrskoloa: I am so open with discussing this!! My sister is a bit more reserved about it though so if I ever don't answer something it's because it's something that might be too identifiable or she's not comfortable with it.
That being said, it's my husband's sperm and my sister's egg. I'm not worried at all about the distance during the pregnancy. It would be nice if I could be there but to be honest, the act of being pregnant has never really appealed to me yet I REALLY wanted to be a mom while my sister was the exact opposite being someone who never ever wants kids but was extremely curious about what it would be like to be pregnant. Anyway, I may feel different about it as the pregnancy progresses and wish I could be there but we'll cross that bridge when we get there, I think
As for my sister, she is super excited to have this special little bond and relationship with her niece/nephew that is more than just an aunt. But she's also relieved that at the end of the visit she can leave the kid with us to take care of, LOL. I was a little worried at first when we were planning this about her getting attached and it ultimately causing her pain but she's been in counseling about this for a while now (at my request) to make sure this isn't something she's going to regret and I'm definitely more confident. It's helped our relationship as well where before we would go months sometimes without talking to each other and now for the past three years we email back and forth practically daily.
It's definitely been an interesting adventure thus far and despite much negativity about it (both our parents and my in laws are very uncomfortable with this entire thing) I am very excited for this next step!
cherry / 242 posts
@however briefly: oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am uber excited for this, so take that, parents! It sounds like you guys have really thought about everything; counseling wasn't even on my radar of things to do when having your sister birth your baby. I'm glad that it has brought you closer, I can't imagine anything more intimate than having a baby together, and really, that's what you three are doing. She is super aunt! Will you/how will you explain to baby when it's time?
cherry / 249 posts
@mrskoloa: Yes, we are planning on being very open about it although we're still undecided if we'll explain from the beginning or wait until elementary school when they can understand better. I'm all for transparency from the beginning just explaining that even though I'm the mama, he/she grew in auntie's belly or something. It's still being compromised on. We're including my sister in much of these normal couples compromises so they tend to take a bit longer to hash out because of all the varying opinions! (or in other words, my poor husband tends to get ganged up on so we take our time in order not to railroad him)
cherry / 242 posts
@however briefly: hahahahahaha ganging up on husbands is what I like to do best! It's how I got married!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@however briefly: This is so exciting! I am so so happy for you! The whole process is so interesting.
Nothing new to report here. Feeling exhausted and sort of "hungover", despite not having anything alcoholic to drink. This was how it felt the last two times as well, so I guess I should take it as a good sign and have myself another decaf coffee
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@Mrs tartan: my next beta isn't until tomorrow, but I'm actually hoping to see dropping numbers. I know in my heart (and from experience) it isn't viable and I'm ready to finish things and move on.
Thanks for thinking of me! Wish all you October mamas the best and hope to be back on another board soon.
cherry / 242 posts
@bushelandapeck: Speaking of caffeine, I'm not a coffee/soda drinker, but I do eat chocolate and occasionally drink green tea. I need to remember to ask the doctor today about that kind of stuff.
Any questions anyone has that you want answers to right away? I don't mind asking. It might also be interesting to see what different practitioners in different areas practice.
@bhbee: Wishing the best for your next cycle.
kiwi / 656 posts
@bhbee: I'm so sad for you, I hope you get your sticky bean soon. Good luck for tomorrow.
pomelo / 5720 posts
@mrskoloa: Good luck with your appointment today! I think we can have 200mg of caffeine per day, if I remember correctly. @bhbee: thinking of you...
cherry / 242 posts
@bushelandapeck: Thanks! It went well. They found the gestational sack! I am five weeks and one day pregnant. My next appt will be on Feb. 20; hopefully we'll be able to hear the heartbeat at that one.
My doctor is pretty funny. I have a girls' night tonight and I told him I wanted to tell the girls that I am on antibiotics so I "can't drink" and I asked him for plausible reasons why I was on antibiotics... he told me to tell them I had vaginitis! Hah!
Anywho, the photo shows an arrow pointing to a dark spot; that is the amniotic fluid. The lighter ring around the dark spot is the placenta. I also found out that my due date is technically September 29, BUT that's pretty much the first week of October, so I'm sticking to this thread!
grape / 81 posts
@mrs koloa that's so exciting! Did you go on your own or was your husband with you? Did they give you any advice that you if t already know?
Random question...when they calculated how far along you were was that from the first day of your last period?
cherry / 242 posts
@Mirage: I went alone this time, my husband was working. He's a firefighter and they have 24 hour shifts. I made sure the schedule the heartbeat appt in February for when he's off so he can come. It really hasn't hit him yet that he's going to be a dad. We've been building a house from the ground up ourselves for the last six months and I think he's so focused on that, that it really hasn't sunk in yet.
Also, the first day of my last period was 12/23/13. I am five weeks from that day. BUT THEN when he was doing the ultrasound, he used the computer to measure the width of the gestational sac, and the screen automatically computed five weeks and one day. Crazy!
Some questions I asked and received responses to:
1) Why is my left breast growing and sore but my right breast is just cruising? A: The right one will eventually catch up, or not, it won't really make a difference in the functionality of the breasts. Or it might. Who knows.
2) Tattoos during pregnancy? A: NO. (disclaimer, I only asked because I was curious, not because I am getting a tattoo).
3) Morning sickness everything? A: Morning sickness peaks at week 9 and tapers off by week 14. Taking Vitamin B6 (25 mg/3x per day) can act as a preventative.
4) Weight gain? A: Gain one pound per month for the first 20 weeks (5 pounds) then one pound per week for the last 20 weeks (20 pounds, for a total of 25 pounds).
5) Food, really? A: Alcohol definitely needs to be avoided. Seafood high in mercury should be avoided. Other foods are typically OK so long as they are cooked through. Medium rare steak is fine as long as it is hot in the middle. Avoid hot dogs, just because they are unhealthy.
6) Due date? A: Due dates are just a place holder; typically women may give birth within three weeks before and two weeks after a due date.
7) Exercise? A: Exercise AND sex are both ok. It is not true that too much exercise can make you "drop" the baby. Stay hydrated, don't do anything high impact, particularly in the second and third trimesters. Continue what you were doing before if you were already exercising. If you were a couch potato, start exercising. If you are a competitive athlete, do not compete in any competitions throughout the pregnancy.
8) Can I use products containing salicylic acid? A: Topical salicylic acid is fine and benzoyl peroxide is fine as well so long as it is less than 5%.
9) What is your opinion on cloth diapers? A: They are a nightmare and the carbon footprint may be as high as disposable diapers. (My doctor had a baby a few years ago.) Save yourself the trouble, smell, and amount of work, and just do disposable. Also, invest in a diaper wipe warmer.
That's it for what I asked him. We had only one bookstore on Kauai (Borders) but it closed down, and when it closed I bought a couple books about pregnancy at a steep discount. Between those and Google I wasn't left with very many serious questions.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@mrskoloa: I was totally browsing this just because we may be ntnp this month although I honestly don't think anything will come of that but in any case your username caught my attention... Are you delivering at Wilcox? Kauai is pretty!
cherry / 242 posts
@googly-eyes: !!! Are you a Hawaii girl, too? No, I'm planning on delivering at KVMH. Wilcox is super medicalized, but KVMH is a certified birthing center... way more my style (although if I really feel the need for the epidural, I am not totally against it). Yes, Kauai is beautiful. It's pouring right now, but they don't call it the Garden Isle for nothing!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@mrskoloa: I lived on Kauai for a liiitttle while as a kid. My brother was born at Wilcox! I'm on the mainland though.
cherry / 249 posts
@mrskoloa: Wow, why did you end up having such an early ultrasound? But how exciting for you! Also, Kauai is totally our yearly vacation destination! My mom was born on Oahu and we have family there and on the Big Island and two of my relatives own condos on Kauai so I spent a good portion of my childhood summers there. We took my husband there for the first time two years ago and he fell so in love with it there that not only do we have our next trip being planned out (probably in two years) but we tried very hard to wrangle it so that we could move to Oahu. Unfortunately, that was not to be (yet) and we're moving to the mid-west next but my husband's nostalgic for Kauai already. Long paragraph short, you are one lucky woman! Fabulous place to live. As long as you don't mind traffic. LOL
We are 4 weeks today and have our first beta tomorrow and will find out then what the next few weeks will look like with a couple more betas as well as the first ultrasound to see if it's a singleton/multiples. There was one large follicle but also two smaller ones that were large enough to be viable so we're pretty confident that it's only one baby in there but man I'm nervous about finding out!
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