Hellobee Boards


October 2017 Moms!

  1. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    happy to say we saw a real baby in there today. I'm not measuring 8w yet (I know I ovulate late so trying to be zen about it) but we're keeping the due date from my LMP as the 17th. my husband decided to go at the last minute and I think he wants to see me more excited than I am - but I'm exhausted and still worried and don't feel excited yet. I think last time I was the same so I know I'll get there eventually if all goes well. I am looking forward to doing materniti21 in 4 weeks - I think between the genetic results and the gender that will make it feel real.

  2. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @bhbee: yay for seeing baby! What was the heartbeat?

  3. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    October 2017 Mamas!

    Oct 2 - MRSVDV (#3), CHANZI (#3), SUGARBEE (#2)
    Oct 10 - MRSDECEMBER (#2)
    Oct 12 - LBEE (#2), COLEYCAM (#1)
    Oct 13 - FANCYGEM (#2)
    Oct 17 - BHBEE (#3)
    Oct 18 - SYNCHRONICITY (#1), BARREMOMMY (#2)
    Oct 19 - AZJAX (#2)
    Oct 22 - MRS. DUKES (#2)
    Oct 23 - CHRISTI70 (#2)
    Oct 25 - MRS.THINMINT (#2)

    Mar 9 - MRS.THINMINT
    Mar 15 - COLEYCAM
    Mar 22 - SYNCHRONICITY - ultrasound
    Mar 27 - MRSDECEMBER - NT scan
    Apr 5 - BHBEE - NIPT
    Apr 30 - BARREMOMMY - NIPT

    comment if you have any updates!

  4. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @mrskansas: I don't think she measured it, I remember her not doing it last time at 8w either. she just said it was fine and no reason to be worried (since I mentioned my anxiety this time). she also said she would let me take a quick look with ultrasound at 12w even though I'm just doing NIPT and not NT this time. so I have that to look forward to.

  5. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @bhbee: That's good! It's nice to see positive updates

  6. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @bhbee: great to have seen your little baby! As far as dates go, I wouldn't be concened over differences a couple of days either way.

  7. Mrs.ThinMint

    apricot / 274 posts

    I had my first OB appointment today. Little bub is doing well with a heart rate of 148, and my due date is officially Oct 25th. I scheduled my next appointment for April 7th when I'll do the genetic testing that will also tell us the gender. It was so nice seeing that sweet heartbeat!

  8. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @Mrs.ThinMint: yay for more good news this week!

  9. chenergized

    olive / 55 posts

    I'm a little late to the party, but I'm so happy to be here!

    Location: WA

    EDD: October 28 (according to an online DD calculator - my cycle is a bit weird)

    First child? Yes!

    Any symptoms? Sore breasts, constantly thirsty, frequent urination, some bouts of fatigue and dizziness.

    Who have you told? Husband, our parents, SiL, and some close friends

    Current thoughts/feelings/fears? It's feeling more and more real as each day goes by. I found out I was pregnant just over a week ago, so it's relatively new. I've taken 5 pregnancy tests so far, just to make sure that this is really happening! My first pre-natal appointment is this Friday (3/17) and I can't wait! I just hope that the baby looks healthy and everything is progressing along smoothly!

  10. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @chenergized: welcome and goodluck at your upcoming appointment!

    My appointment got postponed until Thursday because of the impending snow.

  11. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @chenergized: welcome!

    good luck to all our appointments this week!

  12. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    I saw my baby today! He/She is doing well. Heart rate was good and measuring on track.

  13. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    @chenergized: Congrats!

  14. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @FancyGem: love to hear good news!

  15. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @FancyGem: great to see the baby!

    My appointment today was pretty boring. They are upping my Diclegis to try and help a bit more with the nausea and I'll be hearing from the MFM in the next day or so to schedule an NT scan in about 3 weeks. The OB couldn't find the baby's heartbeat with the fetal Doppler (still too early), so I am going back on the 30th so we can hear it and get some peace of mind.

  16. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @azjax: sorry about all the nausea. I guess at least it's a little peace of mind that things are developing? But really it's just awful. I hope it eases up with new meds!

  17. coleycam

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    Unfortunately, my appointment yesterday got cancelled due to all the snow we had in the Northeast. They couldn't schedule me again until the 29th! Ugh, I'll be 12 weeks and still haven't seen my doctor or had any blood work since my initial "You're officially pregnant because you peed in our cup" appointment and the dating ultrasound! I'm anxious and hoping everything is okay in there! My nausea went away after week 8, but I'm still super exhausted to nap all day, yet have insomnia at night. I'll update in a few weeks I guess!

  18. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @coleycam: sorry for the big delay! Fx everything is good in there!

  19. Synchronicity

    grapefruit / 4089 posts

    @coleycam: hope it goes by quickly for you!!

    I had my intake appointment today with one of my midwives and am THRILLED that I got accepted as a patient there. The quality of care is going to be amazing.

    I have my first ultrasound next week (I should be 10 weeks on the dot) and I'm so nervous that there isn't going to be anyone in there I'm still throwing up most evenings and am tired and all that jazz but.... Is this really happening?? Who knows at this point!

  20. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @Synchronicity: Next week is going to go great! Are you taking anything for the vomiting?

    @bhbee: @Mrs.ThinMint: @FancyGem: @azjax: Glad you all had good appointments!

    Saw the doctor today - 6 vials of blood, one ultrasound (ends up they have a policy that after the first ultrasound confirms heartbeat you never have to leave their office without hearing it and she was worried doppler wouldn't work so sent me over to ultrasound), and a lovely pap smear / exam.

  21. JJ88

    apple seed / 2 posts

    Location: N. America

    Supposedly early November, but has been moved to mid October

    First child? yes

    Any symptoms?
    tired, nausea, picky on some foods that i previously liked
    get a little bit dizzy when standing up for awhile

    Who have you told?
    MIL, a cousin and an aunt
    *we're trying to be cautiously optimistic so no announcing to the world until we successfully pass the first trimester

    Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
    Excited and scared. Vacillating between the two emos.
    We have identical twins, currently praying they are Mo-Di and not Mo-Mo. First ultrasound was too early to see, hopefully the next one will show us better news to breathe a lil bit better.

  22. JJ88

    apple seed / 2 posts

    @azjax: hopefully they get a better pic / sound on your next appointment.
    Well they did say that having nausea is a good sign that our hormones are going wonky and thereby good for the baby (or babies, as in my case)

  23. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    October 2017 Mamas!

    Oct 2 - MRSVDV (#3), CHANZI (#3), SUGARBEE (#2)
    Oct 10 - MRSDECEMBER (#2)
    Oct 12 - LBEE (#2), COLEYCAM (#1)
    Oct 13 - FANCYGEM (#2)
    Oct 17 - BHBEE (#3)
    Oct 18 - SYNCHRONICITY (#1), BARREMOMMY (#2)
    Oct 19 - AZJAX (#2)
    Oct 22 - MRS. DUKES (#2)
    Oct 23 - CHRISTI70 (#2)
    Oct 25 - MRS.THINMINT (#2)
    Oct 28 - CHENERGIZED (#1)
    mid October - JJ88 (#1 - twins!)

    Mar 22 - SYNCHRONICITY - ultrasound
    Mar 27 - MRSDECEMBER - NT scan
    Mar 29 - COLEYCAM
    Mar 30 - AZJAX
    Apr 5 - BHBEE - NIPT
    Apr 30 - BARREMOMMY - NIPT

    comment if you have any updates!

  24. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @JJ88: congrats! I hope you get the news you want on the twins. I know that must be scary. when do you go back?

  25. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @JJ88: twins!!! OMG congrats! I was wondering if we would get a twin mama in our group!

  26. Synchronicity

    grapefruit / 4089 posts

    @LBee: I hope so!! No I'm not taking anything. The midwife offered but it isn't impacting me at work and I have more good days now, so I feel like I can push through. If it were to continue past my next appointment with them in 4 weeks I'm sure my tune will change. How have you been feeling?

    @JJ88: welcome!

  27. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @Synchronicity: I'm okay. It's very similar to DS' pregnancy so nothing I haven't experienced before. I keep joking with my husband that I don't need a NIPT test -- this is definitely another boy based on the similarities (which would absolutely thrill me).

    @JJ88: welcome!

  28. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    So I thought I was definitely miscarrying, because on Sunday (my birthday, no less) I woke up at 2:30am with severe cramping, diarrhea, a little bit of spotting, and reduced nausea. My OB got me in at the outpatient imaging center at the hospital, and it turns out I was wrong! Thank God! Baby is measuring 9w5d and the heart rate was 176bpm. My little gummy bear has arms and leg stumps, too! So relieved. I really thought this was going to be another loss. The OB said my risk for m/c is now less than 5%. I am trying to focus more on the 95% probability of a live birth!

  29. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @azjax: so glad it turned out ok! I'm so sorry you had to go through that!

  30. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @bhbee: thanks. It's so hard not to worry in the early days when you still feel like your in the shadow of a previous loss.

    I saw that you're doing NIPT but not the NT scan...can I ask why? Insurance covers an NT scan for me, but not any of the newer genetic screening methods.

  31. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @azjax: I'm old 35 now so apparently they will pay (as opposed to pre-nipt days when they encouraged amnio for over 35 I think) and as my ob said the nipt has a much lower false positive rate than nt so why not. I had nt scans with my other two and kind of enjoyed the ultrasound part though. Actually what's interesting, they offered my materniti21 after my anatomy scan last time because of a soft marker for genetic problems (false alarm). My ins still wouldn't pay but if you called the test maker and told them that, they only asked you to pay around $250. Not sure if that is still true, that was in 2014.

  32. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    Anyone else tried sea bands? I got some today because last weekend was brutal. I think they may be helping! Placebo or not I will take it.

  33. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @bhbee: I haven't tried Seabands yet but I think I'm going to pick some up when I refill my Diclegis today.

  34. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @bhbee: I tried sea bands with my son and they didn't work great after the first few days. I'm glad it's working for you, though!

    @AZJAX: You didn't ask me, but I'm doing the NIPT despite being <35. My insurance only covers two medically necessary ultrasounds and they deem the NT scan as elective so I was going to have to pay out of pocket for my 20 week anatomy scan if I did it. We priced out both and the NIPT test was less expensive ($140) so we did that. I think @Mrs.ThinMint: is under 35 too and I remember she mentioned she was going to do it. Wondering if she's in the same situation since we live in the same state / a certain insurance carrier monopolizes our state.

  35. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @LBee: I already feel worse today than yesterday so it was probably just coincidence that I felt better. But I'll keep it up for a while just in case!

  36. Mrs.ThinMint

    apricot / 274 posts

    My OB has a deal with their lab that all our their patients are able to get NIPT and the lab just takes whatever the insurance will pay, so even if insurance won't pay anything they will still do it. I'm 27, so my insurance won't cover it. The only catch is that you have to pay your deductible. Luckily, my deductible is only $200 which I'll meet this year anyway with the birth, but I've almost met it anyway due to other doctor's visits.

  37. chenergized

    olive / 55 posts

    I had my appointment on Friday (3/17), and I'm measuring earlier than we had thought. According to my LMP, I should have been 8 weeks, almost 9 weeks along, but the ultrasound showed different. Only 6 weeks... I'm going back tomorrow for a follow-up. My EDD was also pushed back to November 11. It was fun hanging out here while it lasted!

  38. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @chenergized: I hope you get great news at the follow up! Best of luck with November!

  39. chenergized

    olive / 55 posts

    @bhbee: thanks girl! Good luck to you, and all the other October moms!

  40. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @chenergized: goodluck and enjoy the November board!

    Got the NT scan scheduled for April 7th. I don't think our insurance will cover any of the new blood tests but at least we'll get to see the baby on ultrasound. With DS, the doctor was able to correctly assign gender at just under 12w! I wonder if he'll be able to tell again. We saved all of DS' stuff, a ton of which was gender neutral since we didn't disclose the baby's gender or name before birth. I think we will be able to reuse a bunch, since they will be in a similar season (DS was born in late September).

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