Welcome to our October 2017 moms.
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
Welcome to our October 2017 moms.
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
coffee bean / 32 posts
Location: CT
EDD: Oct. 3rd
First child? 2nd pregnancy, first child
Any symptoms? exhaustion, cramping, bloating, nausea in the car (this one is new for me)
Who have you told? husband & friend at work
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? My husband and I have been trying for nearly 2 years. We were planning on finally visiting an RE in January...then we received our first positive in December. I ended up having a loss at nearly 7 weeks. This month, my fertility monitor told me to test (earlier than I thought), so I did and I got another positive! Praying and hoping this is a sticky baby!
apricot / 431 posts
EDD: Oct 2nd
First Child? Baby #3, pregnancy #4
Symptoms: morning sickness all day long, bloating, and I'm exhausted but that could be from keeping up with a 3,5yo and 18mo!
Who have you told? Husband, GP, my mom and friends from a mom group. I plan to tell my boss on Monday and although she knows we want another child I'm still nervous..
Current thoughts? We had a m/c in Nov at 6w2d that went unnoticed untill 8 weeks. I'm nervous for everything to go well this time. The weeks go by so slowly! And I worry a bit about how we'll manage with three kids!
cherry / 233 posts
Location: PA, philly suburbs
EDD: October 2nd
First child? Third
Any symptoms? Feeling tired and have a slight belly already but mainly low milk supply and irritation with my nursing toddler! I also had a stomach bug so that could have impacted milk supply too.
Who have you told? Our parents and my sister in law. We planned to wait but my parents bought some plane tickets for a trip spanning mid sept to mid oct.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Feeling nervous about number three and if it was the right choice for us! Worried about being overwhelmed and exhausted all the time, and not looking forward to being pregnant. Starting to get a little more excited again...
olive / 51 posts
EDD: October 1/2 depending on calculator
First child? Second
Any symptoms? None which is kind of concerning
Who have you told? My husband, sister, and my mom group from DS
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Just hoping and praying that this pregnancy is healthy and results in a happy healthy baby
olive / 51 posts
I'm sure there are many more October mom's by now as I got my bfp on Jan 23. Where is everyone? This board is so in active. Come join in mamas!
coffee bean / 32 posts
@sugarbee: I was thinking the same thing! Where is everyone? My last board from my previous pregnancy was SOO active.
olive / 51 posts
@Coleycam yes my other boars were very active, and this one had nothing going on lol. Hope you and I both have sticky babies. WHan is your first appointment
coffee bean / 32 posts
@sugarbee: My first one is on the 21st, right at 8 weeks. When are you scheduled?
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
I'm lurking while I see if this baby is going to stick (I've had a bunch of chemicals so I'm waiting for a nice dark test). I hope to join next week but we'll see!
apricot / 431 posts
@sugarbee: we're due date buddies!
My first ultrasound is next Thursday. I did have bloodtest, hcg levels were good so I hope this one will stick! Anybody else hate the first trimester? It's too slow!!!
olive / 51 posts
@bhbee: fx for a sticky baby for you. I think we're all a little nervous, I know I am
olive / 51 posts
@mrsvdv: Yay. I'm ready for Wednessay to get here so I can have some kind of info. I'm praying everything is going well, if not I want to know that too. I HATE the first trimester, I'm a huge worrier.
grapefruit / 4089 posts
Hey ladies, I'm also lurking... I still feel like it's too early to join! Just wanted to let you know there are more of us out there and hopefully this thread will be a little more active soon!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@Synchronicity: I'm just waiting out this weekend and if all still good I'm jumping in. I need a place to park my crazy for first tri
grapefruit / 4089 posts
@bhbee: I have an appt on Monday so maybe I'll park my own crazy alongside yours after that!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@Synchronicity: ooh exciting! I haven't called my OB yet but I'm thinking it will be 8w or so. Really missing my 6w scan at the RE from the last times!
olive / 51 posts
@Synchronicity: @bhbee: hi ladies good to see more of you. Hope to see you and many more soon. FX for a healthy and happy 9 months
coffee bean / 45 posts
Hiiii everyone. I thought about waiting to join as I had a MC 6 months ago, but I'm trying to be positive and even if things don't work out, I'm going to enjoy this whether it's a few weeks or for life!
I'm from OH.
My EDD is October 10.
This is my 3rd pregnancy, no births yet.
My SO knows, parents, boss and am starting to tell friends (it was a little obvious when I wasn't ordering alcohol for my birthday gathering at a brewery, planned before i knew).
As far as symptoms I've had sore boobs, and a slight sour stomach off and on (closest thing to morning sickness I guess but nothing too bad yet).
I'm trying to be cautiously optimistic b/c of my past mc's, but trying not to worry - which is hard b/c I'm so good at it
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
Ok I'm going to follow in the positivity mode! I've had to take myself off an October board before but whatever will be will be right?
Location: TX now although I have spent most of my life in Midwest or on east coast
EDD: Oct 19 maybe?
First child? Third ... and my 7th lifetime bfp due to chemicals. hoping my last for good reasons
Any symptoms? I'm super sensitive to hormone changes even when not ttc so I started to feel weird pretty early. Lots of cramps.
Who have you told? Just people I don't know on the bee! I'm planning to tell dh this weekend, I wanted to see what happened for a while after testing. May tell some family after first ultrasound, not sure. I think we may get some weird comments about having a third!
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? A little bit of everything. Kind of numb and won't let myself feel anything good. Definitely worried about all that can go wrong but aiming for zen. Also definitely worried about handling #3 and especially the pregnancy. I was sick until 16w last time and dh told me he's going to be working more evenings. But on the flip side I'm excited to tell my oldest if we get that far!
kiwi / 578 posts
Location: Upstate NY
EDD: 10/22/17-ish
First child? 2nd, 4th pregnancy
Any symptoms? Passing waves of nausea and minor cramping
Who have you told? DH, my OB, and the Bee!
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? M/C!!!! This BFP is coming off of a natural M/C cycle, so I terrified of another loss. Also, some bee posted a thread about CMV, so now I am also afraid of birth defects from a virus that I may already have and can't realisitically prevent myself catching if my toddler comes down with it (seriously, like I'm only going to kiss DS on the top of his head? Not change diapers? Wash my hands even more obsessively? Ugh!). Yeah, I am a worry wort.
I will go for betas over the weekend and will see my OB on Tuesday. Because of the recent loss, I will receive extra monitoring.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
Decided to fight my superstitions and call the ob. Scheduled for march 8 aka forever from now!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@azjax: ugh I know what you mean on cmv! Im just going to try not to think about it. We live in a potential Zika area too once summer comes
apple seed / 1 posts
Hi everyone! I've been reading Hellobee since I was pregnant with my first baby, but this is my first time participating in the boards. I found out so early this time so I'm dying to talk to someone about it!
Location: Northern Virginia, 30 minutes outside of DC
EDD: 10/22/17 based on my LMP
First child? Second, my daughter is 13 months old.
Any symptoms? Exhausted, crampy, bloated, gassy (sorry TMI), and I have a really weird appetite. I'm hungry, but nothing sounds or tastes good.
Who have you told? My husband and my sister-in-law who is 20 weeks pregnant. We're telling the rest of my family on my dad's birthday next week. We're going to wait to do a big announcement until after the first ultrasound or the end of the first trimester depending on how much I'm showing and how sick I am - I was super sick last time so we ended up telling people around 8 weeks.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm so so excited, but a little nervous. I know I'll feel better after the first ultrasound (March 16th).
coffee bean / 45 posts
Has anyone here had experience with home birth? I keep going back to the idea. Maybe it's the Aquarius in me but I am drawn to the idea of a water birth.
kiwi / 578 posts
@bhbee: Zika is scary, especially since there is so much that is unknown
@mybell208: I delivered my first by scheduled C-section after a failed ECV. I've had two friends do home births. For one, it went well twice! For the other, she went post-dates AMA and experienced fetal demise. Do you have a care provider that would attend a home birth? Do you know if you're favorable for one? Last thing, the hospital I delivered at had birthing tubs in some of the rooms in the L&D ward, as well as at the nearby birthing center. So, you may be able to have a water birth outside of your home as well.
coffee bean / 45 posts
@azjax We do not have birthing centers where I live but we do have several hospitals around (don't how prevalent a water birth option is and the one I know if I'm not keen to go to). There are a few local Midwife organizations that come to your home. I would have to remain a low-risk pregnancy to work with them.
grapefruit / 4089 posts
Location: Ontario, Canada
EDD: Oct 18th (based on O date, but the midwives have me at Oct 14th for now. I think my date is more accurate! Haha).
First child? Yes!
Any symptoms? Boobs are full and sore, I've had some on and off nausea. Generally feeling good/normal!
Who have you told? My husband, HB, a friend (who is on HB!)... that's it so far! We are hoping to tell our immediate family next weekend. I can't wait to tell my parents!
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm feeling fairly positive but of course have moments of worry that this isn't going to stick. Right now I'm choosing to focus on the fact that I'm pregnant at this moment, and that is something to celebrate!
grapefruit / 4089 posts
October 2017 Mamas!
Oct 10 - MYBELL208
Oct 19 - BHBEE
Hopefully I got everyone! Feel free to copy and paste and edit if needed.
This thread is quiet! How's everyone doing? @coleycam: @mrsvdv: @chanzi: @sugarbee: @mybell208: @bhbee: @azjax: @mrs. dukes:
olive / 51 posts
@synchronicity 1st is fine for now. Guess I'll find out my real edd on Wednesday. Very anxious for it to get here. I'm soo ready to get some kind of confiration hopefully great news. The lack of sympToms is really worrying me. Keep your fingers crossed for me
grapefruit / 4089 posts
@sugarbee: thinking good thoughts for you! What testing will your appointment involve?
I got accepted as a patient with our local midwives (they are in high demand here so I was worried I would get waitlisted or denied!), but my first appt isn't until March 14th. That feels like 6 years away! I have an appointment with my primary care provider on Monday but no idea what she will do... possibly bloodwork? A urine test? No idea!
kiwi / 578 posts
@Synchronicity: That appointment does sound so far away!!! The waiting and mystery of the first tri is really hard! Will you get a dating US when you see your midwives?
AFM, had my first beta draw today and will get another on Monday. I'll see my OB on Tuesday and then we will schedule an US. Starting to feel naseous pretty frequently throughout the day, as well as really tired. When I was pregnant with DS, my boobs went crazay (seriously, I went up a cup size between the TWW and 7 weeks!), but that hasn't happened yet so far. My Wondfos seem to be getting darker and tomorrow I will have officially missed my period so clinging to hope that this baby is staying put!
grapefruit / 4089 posts
@azjax: I have no idea! This process is completely new to me. I think the first appointment is just health history based and then they schedule an ultrasound for after that? I'm a little jealous you get to do all of that so soon!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
First tri waiting is the worst!! I had early scans with my first two due to seeing an RE so 8w seems far away but I wouldn't wish to be needing an RE again so I'll take it.
On the fun side I saw my brother today whose wife is 8w with their #2. He couldn't stop talking about their pregnancy and having four cousins by Christmas and it was kind of fun to have a secret that it could be more!
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