clementine / 769 posts
It's almost time! I can't believe that I will be 9 months pregnant next week. Seems like it flew by.
grapefruit / 4089 posts
@FancyGem: I feel like we are in the home stretch! I'm 35 weeks tomorrow. I feel like the third tri was dragging by a bit but it's starting to pick up again now. 3 more weeks of work, I'm so looking forward to being off!
olive / 64 posts
@FancyGem: so glad to be in the home stretch! I'm now 36 weeks and barely passed the 3 hr GD test I'm really anemic too so got one iron infusion which was awful, because 40 minutes into the infusion I ended up having an allergic reaction that was super scary! Other than that, all is OK. I took your suggestion and got a support belt and feel so much better already!!
olive / 64 posts
@azjax: Hope you're doing well. I know its been a tough road. Thinking of you!
coffee bean / 32 posts
Just wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing? I'm 36 and 3 today. Everything had been textbook this pregnancy, until Thursday. My blood pressure has been cusp this whole pregnancy, but it didn't go down this time. She sent me to L&D to do a PIH panel and possible 24 hour urine test for preeclampsia. Thankfully the PIH panel and initial urine test came back fine, so I didn't have to do the 24 testing and don't have any signs of it. Just need to relax! I'm a little worried I may go early now, but we'll see. She may bedrest me if my pressure is still high Monday. Hang in there everyone. We're almost there!
olive / 64 posts
@coleycam: we must have the same due date!? Glad to hear everything went well with your results although I can imagine how nerve wrecking that must have been, especially now! I just stopped working and feel like this pregnancy has progressed so quickly...I keep telling baby to bake a little longer, I need a couple of weeks to get her things together lol.
kiwi / 578 posts
@ssmom: thanks for checking in!
DS had his 2nd birthday party this weekend and it was a blast. We also made a mad dash to Ikea to grab some things to finally set up a room for this baby. DH will be off of work this week, and is tasked with packing up his home off/man cave and getting it into a storage unit. We live in a small 3 bedroom apartment, so the kids will have officially taken over, haha.
So far, baby girl seems to be doing well and is measuring in the 90th percentile. I am huge and miserable and tired of people asking me if I'm having twins or telling me that I'm big. Seriously, who says such insensitive things to someone?
My OB is willing to induce me for an attempt at VBAC anytime after 39 weeks, which is a relief. Between the shortness of breath and restless leg syndrome I don't get much sleep and I'd rather just have my newborn if I'm going to be this exhausted.
coffee bean / 32 posts
@ssmom: Yes, October 12th! These little girls need to keep cooking! I'm really wanting an October baby, so I hope she can stay in there until then!
clementine / 769 posts
Glad to hear everyone's updates. I've been placed on a modified bedrest until the end of the week. Baby may come sooner. My stomach has already dropped pretty low. I'm trying to take it easy so that he stays in at least to 38 weeks.
coffee bean / 32 posts
@fancygem good luck with everything!
I had my appt this afternoon and she's diagnosing me with gestational hypertension. I've got to go in now 1-2 times a week for my usual check ups and an ultrasound to make sure baby is doing alright. She currently cleared me for work, but that can change at a moment's notice. She mentioned hoping for me to go for 39 weeks, but maybe 38 (next Thursday... ahh!) if my blood pressure increases more. It's sound like an induction for me, which really wasn't what I was hoping for... We'll see though. I just want baby to be healthy in the end of it all.
olive / 64 posts
@azjax: how exciting to be getting everything together! We just got DH a shed for his things too lol.
I have had the same experience with people asking if I'm having twins or commenting on how huge I am (as if I don't feel enormous enough already!)
Good luck with the VBAC and keep us posted!
olive / 64 posts
@FancyGem: take it easy, get lots of rest and hoping everything works out exactly the way you want it to!
olive / 64 posts
Hi all, just wanted to post a short update. Ironically after I posted the other day about baby baking a little longer....I started having contractions Sunday night (36w3d) into Monday. I initially thought they were BH and called my OB once I experienced 8 of them in an hour. Went to the hospital at 1am, midwife checked and I was 4cm, 80%, -1. My doula arrived and we went for walks and were prepping for labor. Got checked again around 5 and then 9am and was still only at 4cm so got sent home! It was a roller coaster of emotions during those 12 hours. I went from being nervous and thinking, "I am NOT ready!", to "OK, we can do this!", to "I don't want to leave without having this baby" and now, thankful I didn't have her at 36 wks. I haven't had a contraction since returning home! Kind of a crazy experience and hoping she will still be an October baby.
Hope everyone else is feeling good. We really are in the home stretch!
kiwi / 578 posts
Holy moly, we might have some babies soon! Wishing all a healthy and stress free next few weeks!!!
coffee bean / 32 posts
Hey girls! I just wanted to let you know I'm no longer an October mom I'm being induced tomorrow (which is totally exciting and terrifying at the same time!) My blood pressure has just kept slowly rising, despite not showing any other preeclampsia symptoms during testing. My doctor wants to get baby out while we're both still healthy and the blood pressure doesn't turn into anything else. I can't wait to meet her, but I'm so scared of being in the hospital (I'm always a baby about doctor-related things). Wish me luck!
kiwi / 578 posts
Good luck and let us know how goes! Can't wait to hear all about your new little one!
olive / 64 posts
@coleycam: hope everything went well! What a coincidence we both had the same due date and ended up with September babies! Keep me posted and stay in touch
coffee bean / 32 posts
@ssmom: Thank you you! and Congrats! I didn't realize you did end up having yours already (it is a strange cooncidence!)
coffee bean / 32 posts
Hi everyone! Baby Mia Rose is here Here's her birth story:
After being induced with cervadil over night Thursday into Friday, I dilated one cm. After they used pitocin and I dilated to 2 cm, so they broke my water around 11am. They slowly upped my pitocin throughout the day with those contractions getting super close and unbearable....
At 4, my doctor checked me and I hadn't dilated at all! I just HAD to get an epidural upon hearing because I couldn't believe I had no progress and the pain was crazy. It was a godsend. However, 2 hrs later still no progress... My doctor told me that I had 2 options, to get the c section or to repeat the whole process with cervadil overnight because I was reaching max pitocin dosage. I was so upset and frustrated with my body and her (my blood pressure was completely normal my entire hospital stay, which is why we induced!)
My nurse was PHENOMENAL. She said that those weren't my only choices and she was going to get me my vaginal birth. The doctor came in around 7 pm, and checked me... I went from a 2 to a 7 in under an hour! She emptied my bladder to help baby drop and then felt I was fully dilated! It was a miracle and had me start pushing right away. After about 3-4 pushes, she had me stop and got prepped. After 3 more rounds of pushing, the baby crowned and on the next push shed be here....
Then my contractions stopped. It was like bad sitcom as we all awkwardly stood there staring at eachother. She asked if I wanted to try anyway after a few minutes and baby girl was here! 20 mins of pushing and she arrived at 7:30 on the dot. She's been the sweetest little thing since joining us!
cherry / 233 posts
Anyone else had a baby yet? My due date was the 2nd but I'm still waiting! I've had some prodromal labor which I never experienced with my first two pregnancies (babies were born just after their due dates). I'm having an ultrasound to check amniotic fluid levels today or tomorrow and a follow up appointment with non-stress test afterwards. I'm not especially uncomfortable but I'm tired of waiting and tired of people asking how I'm doing.
kiwi / 578 posts
My due date isn't until the 20th but I've had a few high blood pressure readings and some glucose in my urine . I'll be seeing my OB on Thursday morning to weigh options for induction. I am hoping for a VBAC, but Cytotec and Cervadil are not an option for me so hopefully my cervix will be favorable or I go into labor on my own!! I've had loads of Braxton Hicks and some low, period crampy like contractions so I'm hopeful.
clementine / 769 posts
@chanzi: I thought that I was the only one getting annoyed with all of the questions. I know that people mean well, but I don't think they realize how frustrated we feel.
@azjax: I hope everything goes well at your appointment.
I'm having a long and slow "labor". Still not considered active labor even though my contractions are pretty close. I'm starting to wonder if this baby wants to be born.
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