Hellobee Boards


October 2017 Moms!

  1. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @Synchronicity: Thanks! Any hunches on whether you're having a boy or a girl? I've read that mother's intuition is 60% accurate, so slightly better than the 50/50 chance that gueesing or Hellobee polls afford haha.

  2. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @LBee: I'm already busting out of some of my regular clothes and am in my fat pants. I am looking forward to things warming up a bit so I can pull out all of my maxi skirts and dresses.

    Feeling occasional movement which is surprising because I've got an anterior placenta again.

  3. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    @sugarbee: Congrats on the boy!
    I think I'm having a girl.

  4. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @FancyGem: when is your gender reveal party?

  5. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    @azjax: Yay! Congrats!

    I'm feeling more movements. I have felt movements for a while, but I wasn't sure. The baby's little kicks are getting stronger. I have noticed that the baby doesn't like when my husband presses on my stomach to feel him/her. lol
    I can't wait until my anatomy scan.

  6. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    @azjax: May 13th. My scan is on May 10th.

  7. Synchronicity

    grapefruit / 4089 posts

    @azjax: nope! I've had a couple of baby dreams and the baby was a girl but I'm not reading much into that. I'm so eager to know!!

  8. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @FancyGem: right before Mother's day, how fun! How will you reveal the gender?

  9. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    @azjax: We are having a party with snow cones, a seafood boil, etc. I'm working on the game that my husband wants us to play to do the reveal. He wants it to be a day of games between pink vs blue. lol He is competitive.

  10. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    @Synchronicity: I keep dreaming of a baby girl too.

  11. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    Is a anybody thinking about names yet? Boys names were really hard for us and we went into delivery with what we thought would most likely be our son's name and a second name in case it didn't suit him.

    For girl names, I have an absolute favorite and it is hard to seriously entertain anything else.

  12. coleycam

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    My appt. today went okay. Just a general check in and reviewed my blood work, which was fine. I'm a bit deficient in vitamin D, which made my husband laugh because I'm super pale and now need supplements because I'm not able to get into the sun often! Oh well... I'll take it if that's the worst thing! Baby's heartbeat was strong at 140 bpm and quick to be found easy too. My next appointment is the anatomy scan on May 25th! Can't wait

  13. coleycam

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @azjax: My husband and I have had one name for each gender picked out for a while, but I still want a back up for each...and I we're still not 100% for our girl name. Too picky

  14. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @coleycam: names are hard! Especially if you have differing tastes. We ended up going with our top pick for DS but I'm glad we had a backup just in case!

  15. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    OB appointment today was pretty standard, and I picked up paperwork for the quad screen to do next week or the week after. Anatomy scan is on May 16 and I'll have my monthly appointment on the 25th.

    Any other appointments coming up?

  16. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    October 2017 Mamas!
    Oct 2 - MRSVDV (#3), CHANZI (#3), SUGARBEE (#2)
    Oct 10 - MRSDECEMBER (#2)
    Oct 12 - LBEE (#2) , COLEYCAM (#1)
    Oct 13 - FANCYGEM (#2)
    Oct 14 - SYNCHRONICITY (#1)
    Oct 18 - BARREMOMMY (#2)
    Oct 19 - AZJAX (#2)
    Oct 22 - MRS. DUKES (#2)
    Oct 23 - CHRISTI70 (#2)
    Oct 25 - MRS.THINMINT (#2)
    mid October - JJ88 (#1 - twins!)
    Apr 29 - MRSDECEMBER
    Apr 30 - BARREMOMMY - NIPT
    May 10 - FANCYGEM - anatomy scan
    May 16 - AZJAX - anatomy scan
    May 25 - AZJAX, COLEYCAM - anatomy scan
    comment if you have any updates!

  17. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    I am feeling the baby move more, which is exciting. Trying to finalize names. I want to have it all together by my gender reveal party.

  18. ssmom

    olive / 64 posts

    Hi bees! I've been a lurker for years but am glad to be joining in!

    Location: NJ

    EDD: Oct 12th

    First child? 2nd (3rd pregnancy though)

    Any symptoms? Had all-day sickness for weeks and am starting to feel "normal" again, finally!

    Who have you told? Immediate family and close friends, coworkers who have asked about "the bump"!

    Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Ton of anxiety (and meeting with a super awesome therapist to get me through it). Our second pregnancy ended early but was heartbreaking and lifechanging. It has taken me until just about now to allow myself to accept that this pregnancy is different, that it's real and that it's going well.

  19. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    @ssmom: Congratulations and welcome! You are due a day before me.

  20. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @FancyGem: are you picking boy and girl names? That's twice as hard, haha!

  21. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @ssmom: welcome! I also had a loss immediately before this pregnancy, so you're not alone in feeling apprehensive! Fortunately we have each other to talk about the pregnancy fears and emotions. Do you have any appointments coming up? Any hunches about whether baby #2 is a or a ?

  22. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @MrsDecember: hope the packing and organizing for the big move is going well! Has your DH been billeted yet? Let us know once you land stateside!

  23. MrsDecember

    pea / 6 posts

    Checkin in with an update. Found out last week we're having baby girl #2! :). Her name is Nora. We also got a call this weekend that my integrated screening came back positive. 1 in 240 chance for DS. I'm not really sure where to go from here or how I feel. When you look at the numbers, it's a 99.5% chance all is well and a .4% chance of something being wrong. I can't seem to understand how those odds can even warrant a "positive". I hate this stupid test and really regret doing it. I opted out with my first daughter but truly expected to get a negative and decided since I'll be switching providers when we move, that I should do all testing. I wish I never did it. Now I'm faced with either worrying all pregnancy (even though the odds are fairly low, the stupid labeling or "positive" is really bothering me). My dr suggests doing the NIPT but it's $1200 and we're not sure if insurance will cover it. We're waiting to hear back. And to be honest, while that test is way more accurate, it's still just a screening test. It still won't tell you for sure. I'm really not ok with doing an amino with my offs. It would be different if I were 1:10 or something. Anyways, I don't know what to think or how to feel. I'm so stressed with our move and now we have this on our plates and have 2 weeks with our current dr to ask questions and determine our next course of action. I feel like it's stealing all of my joy and it's really upsetting.

    @azjax we are still waiting on orders :/. We leave in 19 days and have no orders. So no plane tickets booked, no movers scheduled...nothing. I'm a big mess right now.

  24. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    @azjax: Yes! Less than 2 weeks away from my gender reveal!

  25. Mrs.ThinMint

    apricot / 274 posts

    Hi everyone! Sorry that I feel off the face of the earth there for a bit! We found out we're having a girl. Her name is Ruby Kate and I am so excited. We are done after this baby, so I was really hoping for a girl so that we would have one of each. I'm 14 weeks and still feeling sick, but I'm much less sick than I was with my son when I had HG. Things have been super busy around here. We sold our house and have started packing. We're moving to an apartment for a couple of months while our house is being built. It should be done in Aug.

  26. ssmom

    olive / 64 posts

    @FancyGem: thank you! that's so exciting!

    @AZJAX: just had my 16 wk this past Friday and will have anatomy scan this month on the 26th. I shared my concerns/anxiety with the nurse coordinator and she told me to come in for a quick check w/ the doppler anytime I'm feeling remotely anxious, so knowing that's an option has helped give me some peace of mind!

    Given the m/c we had absolutely no preference on boy/girl but we found out two weeks ago that we are having another girl

  27. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    October 2017 Mamas!
    Oct 2 - MRSVDV (#3), CHANZI (#3), SUGARBEE (#2)
    Oct 10 - MRSDECEMBER (#2)
    Oct 12 - LBEE (#2) , COLEYCAM (#1), SSMOM (#2)
    Oct 13 - FANCYGEM (#2)
    Oct 14 - SYNCHRONICITY (#1)
    Oct 18 - BARREMOMMY (#2)
    Oct 19 - AZJAX (#2)
    Oct 22 - MRS. DUKES (#2)
    Oct 23 - CHRISTI70 (#2)
    Oct 25 - MRS.THINMINT (#2)
    mid October - JJ88 (#1 - twins!)

    1 4

    May 10 - FANCYGEM - anatomy scan
    May 16 - AZJAX - anatomy scan
    May 25 - AZJAX, COLEYCAM - anatomy scan
    May 26 - SSMOM - anatomy scsn
    comment if you have any updates!

  28. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @Mrs.ThinMint: good luck with the moves! It seems like you will have just enough time to settle in before baby arrives.

  29. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @ssmom: that's nice that you can drop in anytime! My anxious nature prompted me to buy a home fetal Doppler when I was pregnant with #1 and it really does help calm my nerves, especially before I can feel regular, predictable movement from the baby or if I think movement has slowed.

  30. MrsDecember

    pea / 6 posts

    @azjax: yes! We're headed to West Point, NY IN 8 days!! 😳😳😳😳 so close!

    I realized I haven't followed up since our 16 week apt. Holy cow, so much has happened. For starters, we found out at that apt that we're having our second GIRL 💕 Very exciting. Everything looked great and we ended with a blood draw to finish out our genetic screening ( we did the integrated serum test which takes your NT scan, 12 week blood work and 16-18 week blood work and combines all three before giving you a result). A lot of people have a 1st and/or second trimester screen and find out results from each screen whereas this one doesn't give any results until the end) Anyways, long story short, I screened positive 😳 1 in 240 chance for DS. They suggested taking the NIPT which was a struggle to get insurance approval but after paying out of pocket $1200, we were told it would be reimbursed. The wait for those results was pure hell. All of that on top of getting ready for an international move was just too much. I didn't cope well. Got the call today that my results are low risk for all chromosomal abnormalities. I have never cried so hard and uncrontrollably. This really shook me to my core and made me realize a healthy baby is NEVER a given. So, false positive for me. I will never take that stupid test again. So much unessecary stress. If I have to have answers for the next (if there is a next) I'll go straight to the NIPT.

    So, that's been my life the last 2 weeks. I'll peobably be MIA for a bit as we move and transition back stateside. Anatomy scan is scheduled for next week (the day before our flight). We're taking a layover in Hawaii and I have never been more excited to take a mental break and relax!

    Best wishes to everyone on your future apts!

  31. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @MrsDecember: wow I somehow missed your post! First off, I completely understand the worry on screening positive for DS. I just went through this and it turned out that I have a baby girl without trisomy. The worry was crushing and robbed me of a lot of joy. $1200 is a lot of money, right before a move! If you won't do an amniocentesis, I personally would consider the NIPT. However, we would consider TFMR if baby was very poorly. If that is not something you would consider, then maybe it is better to stick with covered ultrasounds and screening tests. I hope you get orders soon and land safely stateside!

  32. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @Mrs.ThinMint: congratulations on the girl and good luck with the move!!!!

  33. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @MrsDecember: Ahhhh congratulations on the good results!!! I'm sorry you had to go through the worry and welcome to the East coast!

  34. MrsDecember

    pea / 6 posts

    @azjax: I'm not sure what happened but it seems like both of my posts just posted at the same time. So sorry for the confusion and double info on some parts. I typed the first post last week and realized it never posted. I was too tired to type it all up again. Then today I just typed my follow up but after I hit submit I guess both posts went through. Weird. Anyways, thanks for the words of encouragment. That really was such a horrible time of waiting to know if my life would be how I always envisioned or if it was about to be turned upside down. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. So sorry you went through it too but I am so happy we both had great outcomes! Now I can enjoy the last week we have here in Korea and hopefully enjoy the rest of this pregnancy. This little chick has kept me on my toes from day one!

  35. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    @MrsDecember: I'm glad that you had a good report!

  36. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    It's a :boy:!

  37. Synchronicity

    grapefruit / 4089 posts

    @FancyGem: congratulations!!

  38. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    @Synchronicity: Thanks!

  39. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @FancyGem: congratulations on the boy !!!! Have you selected a name?

    Had the anatomy scan and the baby is definitely a girl! So far everything looks ok, we are just waiting for AFP blood work to come back so we can fully rule out open neural tube defects.

    How is everyone?

  40. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    @azjax: Congrats! I am thinking about naming him Tyson.

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