pomelo / 5326 posts
@DesertDreams88: I am not sure. I just called my genetics counsellor so hoping I can go meet with her and do another draw and a scan next week.
nectarine / 2797 posts
@delight: congratulations on your pregnancy! I think those numbers look good so far for doubling, hope things continue to progress for you.
@My Only Sunshine: welcome and congrats. Hope your second set of numbers look good!
@Kelli_Deluxe: Glad to hear spotting is better. Hope things continue going well for you!
I'm 9w2d now. Kind of in freaking out mode. I had an US three weeks ago which showed HB and everything normal for that point. Had first dr. appt the following week which was all talk, and now waiting for next appt on Sept. 25th. I'll be 11w4d then, so we should be able to hear HB on doppler. That's when everything went wrong with my last pregnancy, OB couldn't find HB with doppler and followup scan showed baby had stopped growing around 10.5w. So I'm nervous the same thing is going to happen again and have no reassurance until that point, seems so far away! We will also do blood draw for Harmony test at that appt., so should have reassurance that everything is normal chromosomally shortly afterwards. I'm wishing I had scheduled the appointment sooner, but since I don't want to go alone, I had to work around DH's schedule and that was the only time they could get me an AM appt at the office they can do Harmony draw at. Any advice on getting through this waiting or easing my fears?
apricot / 276 posts
Dipping my toes in cautiously. I think I'm 16 DPO today (not sure of O date). Did a blood draw yesterday and my beta was 94. Currently waiting for the doc to call. I'm sure they'll want to do another draw tomorrow.
I had a CP last fall and a MC 3 years ago at 7 weeks, so I'm nervous. Was really positive the last few days but my beta number really stressed me out and I don't know why. Lol. I know one number doesn't really tell you anything so I'm trying not to worry but it's hard.
apricot / 276 posts
@mamabolt: I have zero advice on easing worrying because I'm a champion worrier. Lol. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. *Hugs*
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I haven't checked in on here in a while. My pregnancy is going fine. Just had a quick check up this morning because my son jumped on my stomach over the weekend and it freaked me out. I'm 23 weeks, baby seems fine and healthy with a heart rate of 156. Both of my boys seemed to have similar heartbeats. 150s and 160s throughout.
To those going through the tough beta numbers part... I'm so sorry for all your stress. I remember very vividly how hard that was. All of your numbers sound great though. My losses were all quite low numbers that were taking a week to double. So much and well wishes to all.
apricot / 276 posts
@travellingbee: Yeah when I miscarried 3 years ago, my beta was like 2500 at 6 weeks and only went up by 500 in two days. So if I keep doubling, I have nothing to worry about. I'm just a worrier by nature. Lol.
But also, my doctors reference is ridiculous! I've looked at a dozen hcg charts online this morning and my number looks to be about average for 4 weeks. And most list a min of 20 for 5 weeks and about 1,000 for 6.... My doctors office says a min of 800 for 5 weeks and 8,000 for 6 weeks. That's doable but it's a stretch from my number and that stressed me out. So I'm ignoring her reference. Lol.
clementine / 957 posts
@delight: @My Only Sunshine: @KrzyRiver: Welcome ladies! So sorry for the losses that brought you here but thinking positive thoughts and prayers for you. Fingers crossed for continuing good beta #s
@mamabolt: The waiting was always the hardest part for me! Especially between the 8 week visit, and then the 10 week and 12 week visits. (I found out about our loss at 12 weeks after seeing the baby and heartbeat at 8 weeks.) The only thing I could do was try to stay as occupied as possible (it wasn't easy!). The time seemed to go so slow between appts/US but then seemed to go so quick. I'm 27 weeks now and time seems to have sped up! Lots of for your next appointment!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@mamabolt: I wish I had some advice about getting through the waiting periods. However, after going through a 22 week pregnancy that was pretty much bad news from the start and many long drawn out waiting periods, I don't feel like I will ever relax through a pregnancy again. I'm full of anxiety myself. I wish you all the best at your upcoming scan
@travellingbee: I'm so happy everything is going well with you! Thanks for commiserating on the beta hell. I think I've spent about 6 hours googling outcomes where betas took more than 48 hours to double.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@KrzyRiver: did doc call to get you in for another test? Mine called this afternoon and wanted to get me in for an ultrasound. The nurse didn't sound super concerned but not really that hopeful. I said there was no point in doing a scan yet because I'm only 4+4 and I convinced them to let me do another beta first tomorrow. I have my FX for both of us!
@HappyBluebird: thank you so much for your well wishes!!
27 weeks for you! That's amazing. I hope you're feeling well and the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing!
apricot / 276 posts
@delight: Yep. I finally had to call and leave a message, but they called me quick after that. The nurse sounded very happy! I go back in tomorrow morning. It won't be exactly 48 hours, but it'll be close enough. I want to go early so that I'll maybe get the results tomorrow instead of having to wait until Friday. Lol. That's strange that they would try and get you in for an ultrasound this early.... 3 years ago I went in for a dating scan (I hadn't had a period in 8 months so I had NO idea how far along I was) and it ended up being too early. They said they can't really tell anything before 5 or 6 weeks. Try not to stress about your numbers tho. If I've learned anything from all my pregnancies, it's that there is no norm when it comes to baby-making. Everyone's different and every pregnancy is different. Some things might be indicators of problems... but they could also be nothing to worry about. It's crazy and not worth stressing over. Easier said than done, I know. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
apricot / 276 posts
@HappyBluebird: Thanks luv! Glad to hear you and baby are doing so well! You're right, staying occupied is about all you can do. I don't work so much these days, so that's hard for me, but I'm trying! Lol
persimmon / 1129 posts
@KrzyRiver: How were your betas?
My betas were 133 on the morning of 14 dpo after being 64 on 12 dpo. I haven't talked to my doc yet to find out my next steps. But my internet research says my numbers were fine. Everything is so different after a loss. I was with a cousin this weekend who's 10 weeks and announced her pregnancy to the whole extended family 2 days after she got a positive test, and she's already stocking up on baby gear. I envy her ability to be carefree.
apricot / 276 posts
@My Only Sunshine: Oh, they were good! They were 233 on Thursday morning. So they doubled from Tuesday! I go in again this morning, which is why I can't sleep. Lol. Your numbers look good. Doubling numbers is what you want.
If my numbers look good today, they're going to schedule my US. If they don't go up the way they want, they'll schedule more blood work. I was able to stay positive all weekend, but now I'm getting anxious again. Partly because my husband and I decided to tell my stepson this weekend after I ran from the dinner table to puke. He had already figured it out days ago tho. He knows we've had losses, but he's never had to go thru it with us. So if something happens, I feel like I let him down too.
Trying not to think negatively, but sometimes I just can't help it.
clementine / 957 posts
@delight: @My Only Sunshine: @KrzyRiver: Hope you ladies are doing well! Fingers still crossed for all of you
AFM, we had our growth scan today after measuring 4 weeks ahead at my appt 6 weeks ago, and then 1 week ahead at my appt 2 weeks ago. Baby girl is measuring right on track for 28/29 weeks, she just has a lot of fluid to move around in in there! So we are feeling better about everything! 11 weeks to go! I can't believe it!
Hope you all are doing well with your pregnancies and for those who have had their babies, hope all is going well at home!
clementine / 957 posts
And just because, a photo from our US this morning.....
ETA: sorry that picture is so huge!
apricot / 276 posts
@HappyBluebird: Aww, what a sweet picture!
I was on cloud 9 after I got my beta results in my email yesterday morning. Thursday it was at 233 and Monday it was 1075. I was so excited cause my doctor said that if the results were good, we'd schedule an ultrasound. But I never heard from her yesterday. I finally had to call and leave a message today. 5 hours later they called me back....and want me to go in for blood work one last time. I can't even tell you how you quickly my anxiety went up again. I'd prefer to not even worry about my beta numbers and just focus on taking care of myself.
apricot / 320 posts
I haven't checked in in a while but wanted to say congrats to the new BFPs and send good vibes to those in beta limbo right now. I know it's such an anxious time.
@HappyBluebird: Very sweet pic.
We got our NIPT results and had our NT scan this week. Everything looks great and we are having a baby GIRL. I got the NIPT results via email so I made pink cupcakes for DH and DS. It's still sinking in that things look good and this is happening!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@KrzyRiver: Did your doctor say your numbers were concerning?
apricot / 276 posts
@simplyfelicity: She sounded concerned on the phone. But I went back in yesterday and my numbers jumped up to 4105! She was so excited, she was practically screeching. Lol. My first ultrasound is next Thursday.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@HappyBluebird: Congrats! The coming weeks are seriously going to fly by!!!
nectarine / 2797 posts
@MoreCoffee: great news! Congratulations on your girl!
@KrzyRiver: glad your numbers continue to look good, gl at your scan!
nectarine / 2797 posts
OB appt on Friday and I am freaking out and convinced the same thing is going to happen as last time, where I went in and couldn't find HB, I will be at the same point in pregnancy down to the day as last time, terrible planning! I have no reason to think this of course, everything has gone normally with this pregnancy since an early bleeding episode, but just can't shake the feeling. I can't talk to DH right now as we had to put down our dog yesterday and he is devastated. It was his beloved pet before we even met so he is taking it a lot harder than me, and I'm sure my feelings surrounding that loss are bringing up other loss feelings too and increasing the worry. I just wish it was Friday morning already, if we hear that heartbeat it will be such a relief...
pomelo / 5129 posts
@mamabolt: ((HUGS)) I fear every ultrasound for same reason. I hope things settle down for you guys soon and the heartbeat brings you some peace!
Ladies, I hit 24 weeks today. WOO!!
I've been stressed about baby girl all week though. It's been insanely busy which means I've felt her less than I did before (or maybe her movements are just starting to feel different? I don't know, but it's back to "is it gas or is it baby??" after a week or two of KNOWING it was her!)
I feel a bit better about reaching 24 weeks, and am hoping since I'm slowing down at work I'll feel her more and feel more secure again.
clementine / 957 posts
@mamabolt: It's so hard to not freak out so I completely understand. I wish I could tell you I found the secret but even know I get a little worried before each appointment. I'm so sorry about your dog. I'm sure its hard for you and your DH. But we are here if you need to vent/talk! Fingers crossed and lots of positive thoughts for you!
@MaryM: Yay 24 weeks!! I'm sure since you've been busy it's harder to notice the movements. I know I tend to notice less when I'm busy. For the last 2 weeks, I am training a new employee who will take over all of my job when I'm out so it's been busy and stressful! Hope things are slowing down for you at work soon!
apricot / 276 posts
@mamabolt: I totally understand. I had my first ultrasound today and I was freaking out all week. My tech pointed out the yolk sac and what she "thinks" is the fetal pole, but didn't tell me much after that. So I'm still nervous and probably will be until the doctor calls me tomorrow. They're checking my betas again too, which always makes me nervous. Hope everything goes well for you tomorrow! *Fingers crossed*
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@mamabolt: I know. It's so hard. When I finally had a good ultrasound, I SOBBED. I was so worried he wasn't in there...and he's asleep on my chest right now.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@KrzyRiver: So happy everything is going well!
@MaryM: Yahooo!!!! When you are more busy, your constant movement probaby puts baby girl to sleep.
@HappyBluebird: You are getting sooooo close!!!!
clementine / 957 posts
@simplyfelicity: ah I know! 30 weeks tomorrow! Hope you are doing well mama!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
I still get nervous before appointments.... But it has gotten a lot better. I focused a lot on counting up the weeks and celebrating.
@MaryM: I almost never feel baby Grant during the day at work, but I feel him a lot when I'm sitting or laying down. I agree with @simplyfelicity, I think more constant movement probaby puts baby girl to sleep or at least makes it harder to sense fetal movement, since YOU are moving so much
nectarine / 2797 posts
@MaryM: @HappyBluebird: @KrzyRiver: @simplyfelicity: thank you all ladies!
I sobbed when they found the HB today. All looking good. NT scan Monday and bloodwork results in ten days.
apricot / 276 posts
@mamabolt: Yay! So happy for you.
Got my results back today. Baby was measuring 5 weeks and 5 days yesterday. Which isn't possible, so he's a little small. Lol. But everything looks good. I go back next Friday to see if they can hear a heartbeat and make sure he's growing. But they told me to go ahead and contact my regular OB so I can schedule my first appointment with her, so I'm feeling much better today.
I know the nerves and anxiety will come and go, so I'm trying to focus on the positive. I have a lot of family in CA, so I went ahead and posted on our private family Facebook group a little baby announcement. My uncles already know, so I knew it would get around and people would feel hurt I didn't tell them. Still waiting to tell the rest of the world tho. Lol
pomelo / 5129 posts
I thought you guys might be good for input. At what point does anxiety and paranoia become general concern?
A week ago, when the baby moved I KNEW it was moving. I've been lying on my side since 8 and I'm not certain if I e felt anything.
When I think I might have felt something a few times, I'm just not sure like I was before.
DH is still in bed so I think I'll wait til he gets up to see what he thinks we should do. I don't know if I want to wait til Monday or call the emergency line.
My head says she's probably just positioned differently... But I'm still so worried
persimmon / 1129 posts
@MaryM: Hoping you felt some good kicks since your post! My OB told me to always just call if I'm not sure. She said she would much rather have someone come in than sit at home worrying.
I went in for monitoring when I was pregnant with my daughter and I hadn't felt her move all morning, It was reassuring to see her heartbeat and have the OB make sure things were OK.
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