pear / 1639 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Thank you! We tried for a long time and did fertility tx for #2, so a surprise #3 is pretty exciting! They will only be about 1 1/2 yrs apart, a little closer than we would have planned!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
Hi everyone! It feels weird to be joining this thread...I'm so newly pregnant and crossing my fingers that everything goes well. But DH had a point - I'm such a worrier that I need to enjoy and be excited for each day and not think about the worst case scenario.
Due Date: My ovulation app says Sept. 22nd
Months It Took to Conceive: 2
DPO You Found Out You Were Preggo On: 11dpo
Symptoms That Made You Think You Were Pregnant: Crazy crampy (still am), acne, weird brown CM....the first sign though was probably when DH found me at 2am a few nights ago BAWLING my eyes out...then laughing hysterically! I couldn't control my emotions, it was the strangest thing.
Child Number: 1!
Where You Live: Canada
What You're Most Excited For: holding that little baby in my arms for the first time!!! Planning the nursery with my mom, and especially telling our parents. It will be the first grandchild on both sides and both have been dropping not so subtle hints for the past year, but totally aren't expecting it for another couple of years.
What You're Most Scared About: A possible cross-country move this summer away from my family (for DH's job). Strangely though, knowing I'm pregnant almost makes it a bit easier. I'm an elementary teacher and have my dream job in my current city. Jobs are few and far between at the moment for teachers (especially elementary) so knowing that I will be off on maternity leave for the year makes it easier to move and not have to do the job hunt.
Just a question (it might have been answered in previous posts but I'm rushed at the moment and havne't had a chance to go back and read) - Did you call your doctor right away? Wondering if I should call them this morning or wait a few more days?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@char54: yay congrats & welcome! I totally called my doctor the next day to book in. Appt not til jan 22 though. I totally agree with your husband you need to enjoy each day and try not to worry! I sympathise with you on the moving.. We have to move for DH's job when I'll be 7 month pregnant but hey that life! Lol!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
So I called my family doctor who told me to contact the clinic at the hospital who deals with all the pregnancies - so I did....and my first appointment is only February 15th! They say they only schedule between 10-12 weeks. I'll only be 9 but I persuaded them to let me because my mom's birthday is on the 17th and I really want to tell my parents then.
She said we won't have an ultrasound ... do you think we'll even get the hear the heartbeat? I might call back to ask because that's really important to me. I was hoping to have an early scan just to make sure everything was progessing well. Ack!!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Those are some beautiful lines!!! I swore I'd never be a crazy person who took pics of my sticks but all I've been doing all day is staring at my photos of them!!! LOL DH laughed when I was snapping multiple pics last night. They're just so beautiful!!!!
clementine / 854 posts
@Mrs squirreld: there is a pretty good possibility we'll have to move before the baby is born too. I have no idea on the timing though. It makes me a little anxious having to change doctors and everything, but we'll figure it out. At least we'll be moving closer to family, so that's a relief.
cherry / 199 posts
AHHH! If you are on the Jan POAS board then you know I JUST got a BFP 10 dpo this morning. It is so early but like @char45 said, I am going to enjoy it while I can!
Due Date: September 23 (September 22 is our one year anniversary)
Months It Took to Conceive: 3
DPO You Found Out You Were Preggo On: 10dpo
Symptoms That Made You Think You Were Pregnant: None! 8 dpo I thought my breasts felt a little heavy but really there was nothing. I was so sad because there was nothing I could hang my hopes on.
Child Number: 1!
Where You Live: New York
What You're Most Excited For: Being pregnant and growing a belly. I keep telling myself that I am going to be one of those really happy pregnant people...we will see...
What You're Most Scared About: That I when I POAS tomorrow morning it will be negative
Congrats everyone!
grape / 77 posts
Hi Ladies! I'm excited to be joining this board as well. I am so happy to be pregnant but extremely nervous/worried. Sticky baby dust all around!
Due Date: September 9
Months It Took to Conceive: One I guess? First try, to our surprise!
DPO You Found Out You Were Preggo On: 9dpo
Symptoms That Made You Think You Were Pregnant: No symptoms... the Wondfo test confirmed it! Symptoms that followed included: tender/sore nipples and breasts, exhaustion, gas. Now I'm just tired.
Child Number: 1 - woohoo!
Where You Live: Chicago
What You're Most Excited For: To be able to mold and influence the life of another person in a profound way.
What You're Most Scared About: At this point (5 weeks 3 days), I'm most nervous and scared about MC. I'm just praying the baby sticks, and that he/she is healthy!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@NBLChicago: Welcome! I am in your exact same boat freaking out about MC. My wondfo this morning was slightly lighter than 2 days ago and I was freaking out. But looking at yours you have some that are lighter and then go back to darker, so that has helped put me at ease. How long do you plan to POAS for?
pear / 1799 posts
@NBLChicago: I had never heard of Wondfo testing!! So awesome ... ordering right now. Congrats!!
grape / 77 posts
@Marionberry - Thanks for the welcome and congratulations!!! Yeah - I think the Wondfos can just be funky... some of the lighter ones have light control lines too. I wouldn't stress about it at all (maybe I should follow my own advice, right?).
I'll probably just use up the rest of the Wondfos I purchased. I've reduced my compulsive testing to every other day too. This morning I stopped feeling some of the symptoms I had been previously feeling (namely - gas and tender nipples/breasts) so I took a test and it was the darkest it's been!
@Vegmama - Thank you lady! I hope you get to join this group soon too! Wondfo tests are totes the best because they're so much cheaper -
Best of luck!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@NBLChicago: Your symptoms sound just like mine (gas and tender nipples). And I start to worry when they wane, but have to remind myself some people have no symptoms and are pregnant/carry a baby to term. So I've gotta stop worrying. I just had a talk with my DH and we agreed, in addition to not temping I can't POAS anymore. He's worried I'm stressing our baby out too much.
What's everyone's feeling about caffeine in the first trimester? My dr (when we did the IUI) said act like you're pregnant, no alcohol, no excessive caffeine, take your prenatals. So I haven't had any caffeine since the BFP, but today I am SOO tired and DH made me get a coffee so that I can get just a bit of help. I'll only drink a tiny bit, but still makes me feel like I'm being a bad mom.
grape / 77 posts
@marionberry - Awww you're motivating me to stop temping and POASing too. I should take a page out of your book. As for caffeine, I haven't had it since the BFP either but *do not* beat yourself up over a cup here and there. You ARE NOT a bad mom! I'm likely going to phase caffeine back in after the worry period is over.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@NBLChicago: Thanks. I agree that after the first trimester, I may certainly go back to one small cup of coffee per day (or at least a half). I have a friend who drank coffee her entire pregnancy and her baby is just fine, so that gives me reassurance.
grape / 77 posts
@marionberry - Yup - everyone I know has had coffee throughout their pregnancies. I'm not a coffee drinker - just a cup of black tea w/milk a day - so I'll phase that back in after the first trimester too. I'm glad we have each other and this board to make each other feel better about our worries!
apricot / 319 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Oh, that is a beautiful line.
@NLBChicago, I love the progression!
@MrsClownfish, congrats!!
@Rosie Girl: So exciting! How was the transition from one kiddo to two? How are you feeling about going from two to three?!
My test today (FRER) was the same darkness as the one yesterday and I'm trying to not get myself worked up about it. What will be will be. Those tests only give me a false feeling of control anyway. (But, ugh, get darker!!!) I won't be able to stop peeing on them though, I want to see if they get progressively lighter or darker because our appointment isn't until the 1st of Feb.
grape / 77 posts
LittleGBee - I totally feel you! My 8 week appt isn't until Jan 29th. Between now and then I'm just POASing, worrying and praying for this baby to stick!
Btw - I'm from the Bay Area... lived there growing up/through college (Go Bears!) and my parents/two of my siblings are still out there.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
Hi ladies I'm a May mama so sorry to creep on your thread, but so many of my TTC girls are on here I can't help it! Just wanted to make a PSA: I started a thread about the lines getting darker on pregnancy sticks when I was like 16, 17dpo and the bottom line is DONT DO IT. Stop POASing! You all are pregnant til told otherwise.
This should help!
apricot / 251 posts
Due Date: September 9th
Months It Took to Conceive: 1
DPO You Found Out You Were Preggo On: no idea about DPO, but took the test on New Year's Eve.
Symptoms That Made You Think You Were Pregnant: sore boobs
Child Number: 2
Where You Live: Pittsburgh, PA
What You're Most Excited For: my DS to have a baby brother or sister
What You're Most Scared About: Losing the baby.
Congrats to all you other September '13 mamas!!! Loving this!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
So I had my first crazy mama moment today...I called back the OBS clinic and asked if my first appointment (which is only at 9 weeks!!) would include hearing the heartbeat. She said "it may - the doctor may use the ultrasound machine if she can't hear it with the doppler" to which I replied - "oh! So she will try to hear the heartbeat either way" and her answer was "MAYBE". ??!!
Anyway. When we go I'll push hard to get the heartbeat and possibly an early ultrasound.
@marionberry: I chucked my thermometer a few days ago and it is SO LIBERATING! I have a FRER and a digi left so I *may* use those up - would hate for them to go to waste!
pomelo / 5073 posts
@char54: the reason they said maybe is because sometimes it's hard to hear that early. They would rather not try to find it and fail causing you undue stress than promising you will be able to hear it. There was a thread a while ago of when we people said they heard the heartbeat for the first time. That might be helpful to check it out.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@JoJoGirl: Oh girlie. ILY! This totally helped me feel better. Thank you! I knew I should trust my beta numbers more.
@MrsMoreau: Welcome to the group! So excited to have you!
@char54: I think I'm saving my last digital for any photo need for a pregnancy announcement. That might be one reason you save one. I put my thermometer in a drawer so I'd have to move to get it but I think I'm gonna tell DH to hide it, just to ensure I stop.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@NBLChicago: My appt is Jan 28th, so we'll kind of be appt buddies. I'll only be 6.5 weeks at that point though.
grape / 77 posts
@JoJoGirl: Thank you for posting that link!!! Super helpful and reassuring.
@Char54: I say push for the ultrasound! I assumed it was routine for OBs to do ultrasounds by 9 weeks. I had a question for my OB and her message back included: "...When you come in for your first visit we will do an ultrasound and make sure everything looks appropriate and we see a pregnancy with a heartbeat." Push for one!
@marionberry: Yay to being appointment buddies! If all is well, I'll be 8w1d by then.
apricot / 284 posts
@char54: @marionberry: I'm jealous of you ladies, getting appts already, I called my Dr's and they said they won't see me until 8-10 weeks and to call back once I reach 8 weeks to make the appt! That'll put me at Jan 28th (my mum's birthday) but I guess appt will be early-mid Feb, but I won't know for another 2 weeks. It's a major shame not least because I really want to tell my parents on mum's birthday, but daren't tell them until AFTER we've had the appt, just in case of bad news.
Did some math today and realised I screwed up with my original EDD, it's actually about 9th Sept, not the 23rd (must've turned some extra pages in the diary!).
@NBLChicago: @mrsmoreau: looks like we're Due Date Twins!
How are everyone's symptoms now? I'm getting awful lower back ache when sitting for long periods, and had horrible (gassy, sorry tmi!) cramps tonight... but on the plus side I took another HPT this morning *just because* and the preg line appeared BEFORE the control and was waaaaay darker
grape / 77 posts
@EvenStar982, @mrsmoreau: Yay for the 9/9 babies and their mamas (and all September '13 babies/baby mamas)!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@evenstar982: The only reason I'm getting an appointment that early is because I had infertility/got pregnant on an IUI and I'm still seeing my RE. They'll do this ultrasound and then if all is well, probably then release me to an OB who won't do another until 10 weeks or so. It is one perk of infertility though..early ultrasounds. My symptoms have been pretty weak today. Yesterday I was SUPER gassy. It was nuts! So I feel your pain.
apricot / 284 posts
@NBLChicago: oh 9/9, hadn't even realized that, hehe!
@marionberry: yeah I figured it was to keep an eye on things with your RE... but yep, still kinda jealous I guess all most first-time mamas want is to SEE real confirmation there's an actual baby growing in there and it's not all just a figment of our imagination... though my goodness those cramps earlier were not imagined... but there's worse (but oh-so-worth-it) pain to come I guess! x
apricot / 319 posts
@NBLChicago: Nice! I came here for college (Go Bears!!) and never left.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@evenstar982: I would want to SEE confirmation too if I were in your shoes. There's negative sides to it as well though. I had to go in and test my hCG and then wait and test again in two days to make sure it doubled. It was great reasurrance in the end, but it was also really scary waiting to see what the result would be. I wanted to just be pregnant and live in (even if fake) bliss until my appointment.
persimmon / 1436 posts
Since we recently moved to the Bay Area from NJ, I was going to be a new patient and called weeks ago to set something up. The receptionist was super nice and when I told her we were TTC, she asked when I would know either way (BFN/BFP) and told me to call back when I knew so that the appropriate appointment could be set up. I called her with our good news and she set me up for 7-8 weeks, which is Feb 4 and happens to be my 30th birthday! She said they will do an ultrasound then...based on your guys' posts, that seems a little early...hmmm.
So far, symptoms are: heightened sense of smell, sore breasts, slight "off" feeling(not quite nausea, but not quite right), constant peeing!
Also...I totally look at the picture of my BFP all.the.time. Haha glad I'm not the only one!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Jennimac: Very true - I won't be (that) upset if I don't hear it because it's too early - but I wanted to make sure they would at least TRY to see it. In her original description of the appointment it just sounded like meeting with the nurse, taking my medical history, and the doctor maybe doing a pap smear. She just kept giving me a 'maybe' when I asked if the doctor would try to look for it... I'll work on my persuasion though
Worst comes to worst I can pay the local ultrasound place $25 to hear it. They generally do gender scans and the 4D ultrasounds but I'm not interested in that..I just want to know our little baby is healthy and growing!
@evenstar982: I want to tell my mom for her birthday, too! Our apt is on Feb 15th and her birthday is the 17th so perfect timing! Fingers crossed it all works out for you, too.
@MamaMagpie: Hahaha!! The pictures are just too adorable! I won't even be able to stand it when I do get a u/s picture some day!!
Is anyone else super crampy??? For the past 4 days it has been on and off - not too intense, but constant and definitely there. It kind of feels like AF is just around the corner...every time I go to the bathroom I hold my breath and hope not to see anything.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: If they do a transvaginal ultrasound they can at least see the heartbeat if not hear it around 6 weeks, so not too early. Many OBs do not have that in their office though and they're just using a doppler to hear for heartbeat, and that's why you usually can't hear until much later.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@char54: I've been crampy. They'd always been kind of minor until yesterday morning I had some pretty strong ones and I'm having some right now that are kind of medium feeling. Cramps are totally normal at this time in the pregnancy, but it has me checking my underwear all the time too.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@char54 and @marionberry I'm super crampy, too, and keep saying a little prayer every time I go to the bathroom. Even though it's normal, it's freaking me out!
pomelo / 5073 posts
@char54: and @MamaMagpie: we saw the HB with abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound at 7 wks 2 d. We couldn't hear, but definitely saw it.
persimmon / 1436 posts
So DH are going to tell his parents this weekend, choosing them to be the first to know.
DH is so excited to tell them, but I'm afraid he's not anticipating that the announcement *may* be bitterweet -- we recently moved across the country from them (something they never thought was a possibility until about a year and a half ago) and are now closer to my family. They are still just getting used to us not living 15 minutes away, and we had told them that we were going to wait a year or so before starting a family because we wanted to be sure of where to settle (NYC area or SF area). Well, we became sure that CA was the place and started trying, and here we are -- all in one month!
Also, telling them this huge news over the phone is going to be hard on them, too, I think. I'm just dreading my MIL bursting into sad tears and my FIL being congratulatory but stoic and kind of cold (he does not talk about feelings).
Please tell me I'm over thinking this?! They are going to be ecstatic over their first grandchild no matter what, right?
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