pomelo / 5041 posts
I told my mom and one of my sisters tonight. It was the best moment ever! Now my dad and my other sister to get done over the weekend.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@char54: we told DH's parents tonight and it went really well! I just wanted to let you know We were both nervous at how they'd react but they were SO excited and MIL even made a joke about buying us a sleeper sofa for my birthday
apricot / 319 posts
@char54: Let us know how it goes!
Ladies, I started watching a 3 month old today from 11-5 and it was a total disaster trying to handle my 13 month old and the new baby. My baby was super jealous and clingy Seriously, I wanted to cry along with them...and then I realized that this will soon be my every day. Then I did cry. I'm so happy to be pregnant, but I'm seriously not sure what I got myself into here.
cherry / 153 posts
Congrats everyone! How exciting!
Due Date: September 20th
Months It Took to Conceive: 7
DPO You Found Out You Were Preggo On: 13dpo. This is the first month that I didn’t test early. I only tested because af didn’t arrive. I was starting to think I would never get pregnant and we were planning to switch to NTNP, we had even booked a trip to Las Vegas in March!
Symptoms That Made You Think You Were Pregnant: No af, no spotting which I usually get 2 days before af. Also, my breasts are usually tender after O, and then start to feel less tender a few days before af. My breasts stayed tender the whole time and are still very tender. I’ve had light cramping, very different from the heavy AF cramping I usually have.
Child Number: First!
Where You Live: Colorado
What You're Most Excited For: Right now, hearing the heart beat for the first time!
What You're Most Scared About: Miscarriage. I've waited 7 months for this and it feels to good to be true.
We’ve told our parents and my SIL. I plan on telling a few close friends this weekend, but no one else until the end of the first trimester. I’m so excited and I can’t believe it’s real, but I’m feeling nervous about miscarriage. Anyone else feeling anxious? Any tips for staying postive?
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@MamaMagpie: I'm so glad that it went well!!! I think you're right - everyone is just going to be thrilled there's a baby, regardless of where we are living!
We told my sister and her FI last night. It was SO wonderful!! I had a book called "What Aunts Do Best/What Uncles Do Best" with a note "Love Baby ____". She totally didn't get it at first and thought I was giving it to her because she just got a new puppy and I was its aunt. She told me later she thought I had lost my marbles!!! lol
They were SO excited and it felt great to share the news. We went over to my parents' place later and it was sooo hard not to say anything but I prevailed! I'm trying to hold out until my mom's birthday on the 17th.
Doesn't it make it SO much more real once people actually know?! I am just loving this
@LittleGBee: That sounds like a rough afternoon.... Hopefully with you watching the baby every day your LO will become more used to it. It's probably an adjustment but he's got 9 months to get used to the idea (not to mention he'll be 9 whole months older himself!). It's probably the perfect training having him be around a baby a little bit every day.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Colee: Welcome and congratulations!!! How fun to have a babymoon already in the works...I'm trying to convince DH to bite the bullet and book a trip down south for March.
I'm also really nervous about a miscarriage. They seem so common and prevalent - but I think it's because those are the stories that stick in my head more than the normal/happy pregnancies. Every time I go to the bathroom I half expect to see blood. I am such a worrier though that I really need to enjoy each day of pregnancy and not worry about what could possibly happen. Easier said than done though!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@colee: welcome and congratulations! I absolutely feel anxious, too...I can't help but feel a little bit like it happened too easily (on our first try) and that it's too good to be true! But, from what I see on these boards, that feeling is normal, so we'll just have to get through it! I just try to keep thinking that there is a plan for all of us and at least I know I can get pregnant
@char54: it SO makes it more real when you tell someone! I loves your way of sharing the news with your sister and her FI
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Colee: Congrats and Welcome! I often worry about miscarriage for the very same reason. It took us 10 cycles to get this baby and I can't imagine starting over. But as my friends on here tell me, tell yourself each day, "today I am pregnant and I love my baby". If something were to happen, there's nothing you can do about it, so we just have to start trying to enjoy pregnancy and ignore our fears.
pomelo / 5041 posts
Updated Due Date List...
rosie girl 9/3
misskabers 9/8
nblchicago 9/9
evenstar982 9/9
mrsmoreau 9/9
mrsrey122 9/10
futuremama 9/13
ktgee04 9/13
marionberry 9/18
mamamagpie 9/19
colee 9/20
littlegbee 9/20
mrs squirreld 9/20
char54 9/22
mrsclownfish 9/23
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
How have your daily habits changed since finding out you are pregnant?? It's so strange because besides for the odd cramping I don't feel pregnant. But DH is gone downhill skiing (and I'm sitting here at home, booohooo) ... usually I would totally have hit up McDonalds for lunch since I'm solo but I stopped myself today and realized the little baby needs some healthy food instead.
I've been trying really hard to eat breakfast every morning, healthy meals, and drink lots of water. I don't know how long it will last but knowing someone else is counting on me to have a healthy lifestyle is making it easier!
apricot / 251 posts
@char54: I've also been trying to eat breakfast every day, and drinks lots of water. DH and I both quit smoking as well on the day i got my BFP. that means we've both been snacking A LOT. trying to eat healthy but that's hard when there is still so much chocolate left over from Christmas haha!
cherry / 153 posts
@char54: Thanks! Congrats to you too! I agree with you, it's the sad stories that seem to stand out more in my mind. I'm just so excited! Telling our family has been so much fun. We haven’t been very creative about it though! Your story about telling your sister is hilarious! It must have been so hard to wait to tell your parents! I am excited to have a babymoon, although Vegas is not ideal. Go down south!!!
@MamaMagpie: Congrats! It does make me feel so much better knowing I’m not alone in this!
@marionberry: Congrats to you and thanks for the new mantra! I love it! I see that you are from Oregon. My husband is from Oregon and all his family is there! I’m lucky I married a man from such an amazing state. I love going there! And my college football team is terrible so I like that I get to cheer for the Ducks with my husband!
cherry / 153 posts
I can't stop peeing on sticks! How many preggo tests have you all taken since the first BFP?
apricot / 446 posts
Hi everyone! I'm nervous, but I'm going to go ahead and join!
Due Date: September 22nd - My Birthday!!!
Months It Took to Conceive: 4 - we had an ectopic in August while NTNT and started trying actively immediately after.
DPO You Found Out You Were Preggo On: 10dpo? I had some faint faint faint lines on 9DPO but didn't really believe it.
Symptoms That Made You Think You Were Pregnant: None. Seriously, none.
Child Number: 1!
Where You Live: Chicago
What You're Most Excited For: Hearing a heartbeat!
What You're Most Scared About: Miscarriage or another ectopic. I feel like it's not really for real until we know everything is growing okay and where it should be. I'm expecting/hoping my doctor will order betas for this week when I call on Monday.
apricot / 446 posts
@Colee: I've taken 5 or 6 so far. I don't plan on stopping until I hear good news from some blood tests! Hah! Also really really worried about something going wrong, but trying to tell myself that the odds are greater that everything will be okay....Yikes this is nerve wracking!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Colee: I pretty much used up the rest that I had -- took my initial dollarstore cheapo ... it was faint so took a FRER immediately after which was a bright and clear BFP...then I took a digi to be absolutely sure.
yesterday I took another frer just for fun. I have one digi left but don't know if I'll use it!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@mango.sprays: Welcome and congratulations!!! I think this early time is so stressful... I'm so excited but nervous also! Once I hear the heartbeat I too will feel much better. It doesn't look like that will happen for another 5 weeks though
apricot / 446 posts
@char54: Thanks! So nice to know I'm not the only one feeling edgy right now. I told my Mom this morning and you're right, it definitely feels more real now!
persimmon / 1436 posts
Hi @mango.sprays!!!
Let's all keep that awesome mantra in our heads
So glad to have HB and all of you for support!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
Totally watching Baby Mama on tv right now...it 1:30 and I'm still in my pyjamas...that's allowed when you're pregnant, right?!!
clementine / 959 posts
I was waiting to join this board until I found out whether I was due late August or early September, and it's early September! I had an informal ultrasound at DHs practice this morning and turns out I'm 6 weeks and a day. Even got to see the heartbeat.
Due Date: September 6
Months It Took to Conceive: 3 months, 2 cycles
DPO You Found Out You Were Preggo On: 13ish? I knew before that since my boobs hurt, but we were visiting family and didn't want to test til we got back
Symptoms That Made You Think You Were Pregnant: sore boobs, peeing constantly
Child Number: 2
Where You Live: Maryland
What You're Most Excited For: DS to have a sibling
What You're Most Scared About: they will only be 16 months apart! And being able to BF DS til he is a year. It already hurts, but hopefully my milk will last!
I'll have to catch up on this thread! Congrats to everyone though!
pomelo / 5041 posts
Updated Due Date List...
Welcome @mango.sprays: and @duckduckkristen:!
rosie girl 9/3
duckduckkristen 9/6
misskabers 9/8
nblchicago 9/9
evenstar982 9/9
mrsmoreau 9/9
mrsrey122 9/10
futuremama 9/13
ktgee04 9/13
marionberry 9/18
mamamagpie 9/19
colee 9/20
littlegbee 9/20
mrs squirreld 9/20
char54 9/22
mango.sprays 9/22
mrsclownfish 9/23
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mango.sprays: I did two betas and am still worried something's going to happen. I hope it calms your fears but it hasn't calmed mine. Peed on another stick today just to make sure all was well. Running out of sticks though so maybe just a wondfo once a week from here on out.
apricot / 446 posts
@marionberry: Sorry to hear that the good betas didn't do much for your anxiety. I know I'll still continue to be nervous no matter how much good news we get...it seems like there's never really a truly "safe" time and will always be something new to worry about.
Do I remember you saying that you'd have an early ultrasound with your RE? Hopefully you don't have too long to wait for that.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
congratulations to all the september mamas! how exciting! so many more of you than there were of us last year, haha.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mango.sprays: Ya! It's on January 28th so I'm very thankful I only have to wait about two weeks. I think after that I will feel much better!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Colee: Where in Oregon is your husband from? I love it here too but i grew up here so I'm biased. And I'm the hugest duck fan. Still mad we lost that Stanford game.
grape / 77 posts
@mango.sprays: Welcome! It's great to see another fellow Chicagoan here! I too am in the nervous/worried about MC group. I'm trying to stay positive and keep myself from googling bad stuff!
grape / 77 posts
@colee: Welcome! I'm super nervous too. I've taken 12 wondfos and 3 FRERs. I'm *finally* starting to decrease my obsessive POASing.
Anyone feeling any new symptoms? Today/yesterday I noticed my keen sense of smell and I had a major craving for some crispy French fries. My DH had 2 beers with some colleagues at a happy hour last night, and I told him he smelled like a bar! Oops.
apricot / 251 posts
all this talk about POASing got me going... and I want to share my BFP! I am having a REALLY hard time keeping this a secret (we are waiting to tell anyone until after my appointment on the 22nd)
It is killing me! but at least I can share with all of you!
This is an ept - normally I don't use this brand because I dont think they are very easy to read, but i had a coupon so here it is.... bold blue + !!!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@mrsmoreau: beauty!!!
You know what's AWESOME? Pinning to my secret "Baby" Pinterest board and not feeling like a crazy lady!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
Welcome to all the new sept mummas!
@char54: @mrsmoreau: I have a secret board too! I wish there was someway we could share our secret boards! I wanna see what you ladies are pinning!
I'm having a crappy day today! I want to tell people. We just went out with a group of friends who were all pregnant or had babies and they we all having their baby talk and keep throwing me sympathetic looks and saying "oh you'll understand when you're pregnant/have babies" I wanted to jump up on the table and scream "we've been trying for 6 months and we ARE pregnant!!!" Meanwhile DH is making jokes about he's not ready for kids to throw people off, so ofcourse I burst into tears when we get in the car because I don't want people to think he's not ready for kids when we finally do tell people. Arrrghhh bring on 12 weeks - I hate secrets!!!
So new symptoms- definatley increased sense of smell - it's insane what I can smell.
grape / 77 posts
I totally have a secret baby Pinterest board too! Haha!
@MrsSquirrelD: I feel you on that one. DH and I had dinner with friends tonight where we played the - "Oh we're not sure about kids. Maybe in the future!" card. It just feels fun/like a game hiding it now, and when we come clean down the road, we'll recall how we played it off to them in the beginning. You'll be able to join the convo soon enough - don't let it get to you. No one will think your DH isn't ready - they'll just assume you were trying to play it off!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@NBLChicago: @Mrs squirreld: ahhh I know what you mean- its soooo hard not telling anyone. I went out with my best girlfriends last night and everyone gave me the raised eye when i passed on the wine. I said I was on antibiotics - how long can that last?? Lol
One of my friends has been trying for 15 months and is open with me (but not many) about her struggles. When we were alone she gave me the update and flat out asked me if we were trying yet. I didn't want to say "no" and then have her know I was lying to her when we do announce - so I just said we weren't trying but not preventing. I'm so worried that she will be upset or angry when she finds out- hell, I would be! i know not ahe wont be at me, but maybe at the situation. When the time comes to announce do you think i should tell her first alone? Or will that single her out and make her feel worse?
I want her to get a BFP as much as I wanted mine. Sigh
pomelo / 5041 posts
@char54: Having been on the other end of that one, I'd recommend telling her first but maybe not in person. It was actually better for me to hear via email and text that my friend who had just gotten married was pregnant (while I had struggled for quite awhile to get pregnant). It gave me the time to cry, be upset, and yet still be supportive of her the way I wanted to.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrs squirreld: @mrsmoreau: @char54: I have a secret pinterest board too! Once we pass the safe zone, let's all be pinterest friends (well @mrs squirreld we already are), make not a secret our boards and then we can see what each other are pinning.
grape / 77 posts
@char54: I have some suggestions for excuses you can use when declining booze -
1) "I got wasted pants last night and the 'hair of the dog' will make me sick! Vom."
2) "New year, new me. I've been on a really good health kick lately and I'm trying to cut back on drinking."
3) "I think I'm coming down with something. It's crazy how there's a flu epidemic in the US!"
I used #3 last night - DH actually did get really sick this week so I said I felt like I'm coming down with what we had. I used #2 last weekend with some other friends, but silly me ordered dessert. Oops. It's funny though - I was a bit of a vinophile before this so I'm sure people will catch on soon enough. My friend's husband last night said, "You're not drinking? I'm not sure if I know how to interact with you."
apricot / 284 posts
@marionberry: @Mrs squirreld: @mrsmoreau: @char54: Another covert Pinterester here! I had to make all my 'baby' boards on Pinterest secret last week when I suddenly started pinning waaaay more stuff than usual and a couple of people started to get suspicious...
@char54: We have a similar situation going on with some friends who've had two losses in the last year... I think we'll tell them separately before we go public with the rest of that friendship group, like @marionberry says. All assuming we actually make it to the safe zone ourselves that is. We've seen these guys go through so much they make me both so grateful for our pregnancy, but also so very cautious until we have a scan and get confirmation everything is ok.
I have two 30th birthday parties to attend in the next 3 weeks as well so need to keep on top of what excuse to use for not drinking!
Question for all you ladies... since Christmas I put on *ahem* a few lbs (too many lovely dinners) and had I not got a BFP I would've immediately hit the gym and tried hard to work it all off... BUT, I'm by no means a regular gym-bunny so I'm now not sure how or what type of exercise is ok to do and don't want to risk the pregnancy... anybody else in the same boat and have any tips?
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