apricot / 251 posts
@evenstar982: I've always been told by my doctors that swimming and walking are good ways to exercise. I am not a regular exerciser myself... in fact when i got pregnant with DS this was the dialog at my first OB appointment:
Doctor: Do you exercise regularly?
Me: Not on Purpose!
hah. but i have also put on a few lbs, i am planning on walking on the nice-weather days with DS in the stroller.
apricot / 251 posts
@marionberry: there is an option on Pinterest to "invite" people to see your secret board... i am willing to test it but dont know what names to search for...? anyone who wants to Pin with me can add me on Pinterest - search for "Jenny Moreau"
pomelo / 5041 posts
@evenstar982: Yay for a fellow Pinner! I too have a few pounds I might've tried to lose before the BFP but after the IUI they recommended no workouts and now I'm able to, but I too am not a big gym type. I've read that they suggest things like a stationary bike or walking on a treadmill. Nothing that raises your temperature or heart rate too high, no crunches, and no heavy lifting. Had we been regular gym rats they say you can just continue what you used to do before baby, but when you're not it's much more restricted.
clementine / 854 posts
@evenstar982: I was at a friend's 30th last night. I just had the bartender pour a N/A beer into a glass. It didn't taste too bad, and everyone thought I was still drinking. It's easy to fake drink liquor too. A friend of mine who is a wine drinker actually brought some wine to a party once that was just grape juice. Not sure if she watered it down a bit or something, but I had no idea, and I was definitely watching to see if she was drinking.
DH and I are going to an all-inclusive in Jamaica with a bunch of couples in a few weeks. I'm going to try to hide it and just drink virgin fruity drinks. We'll see how that goes.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrsmoreau: I just added you.
Mine is: http://pinterest.com/ambular1025/ if anyone wants to follow me. And then I think once you're a friend I can invite you to my Baby Board.
apricot / 251 posts
...and there goes the rest of my plans for the day. I am 100% addicted to Pinterest.
apricot / 446 posts
@nblchicago: Hi! So fun to have someone else local on here!
I'm a total Pinterest addict too!! Thank goodness for secret boards! I think everyone cheered and immediately created a baby board as soon as they announced them, right?
We were with a big group of close friends last night, and I wasn't dying to tell everyone exactly...but I was kind of freaking out that maybe I was acting weird or something and asked DH "can people just tell? do I LOOK like something is up?!?". So yeah, I'm a nut case
apricot / 284 posts
@marionberry: @mrsmoreau: my pinterest is: http://pinterest.com/evenstar982 I'll look you ladies up! Thanks for the gym info, glad to hear we're in the same boat... I figure just be careful now and hopefully those few extra lbs will be somehow 'consumed' by the baby over the next few months, lol!
@futuremama: of course, virgin cocktails! Brilliant idea, I'm a cocktail girl so my friends would be much less likely to notice that.
DH and I are just off to dinner with my folks, my sister and one aunty... we'll have to try pretty hard to keep the baby news quiet.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
Oh yay!! This is me: http://pinterest.com/courtneywoods/
Love that I can share baby stuff with you guys!!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@marionberry: Thank you for your perspective! I think a text/email is the way to go...I don't want to tell her in person and her feel like she has to be happy or put on a brave face. I also don't want to make her feel different or like I feel sorry for her....I just empathize greatly and want to make sure I'm sensitive to what she's dealing with.
@evenstar982: Ha! I could have written this post myself....after Christmas I kept saying "If I don't get my BFP I'm going to go back to WW, the gym and get those last 10-15 lbs off". Now that I'm knocked up I'm not sure how to proceed. So far I've been eating healthy for the baby's sake and doing a lot of snow shoeing which is fun.
coffee bean / 39 posts
Hi Ladies,
I've lurked on here for awhile and am excited to finally join a group!
Due Date:9/8. Also my bday!
Months it took to conceive: 2. I had a miscarriage very early last month after getting pregnant on our first try. We started trying again right away and got pregnant on the next cycle. A little nerve wracking because I didn't get a period in between but hopefully everything will be fine!
DPO: I think 18? With the miscarriage I thought my cycles would be a little wonky but I was having terrible cramps for days so I thought I'd try
Child Number: 1!
Where your live: Chicago
Most excited about: For now, telling people! We told our families very early last time and it was tough to tell them I miscarried. We had an ultrasound on Friday and saw the heartbeat and that was great. We have a picture of a tiny 5w5d blob!
Most nervous about: Another miscarriage. As many of you have mentioned I'm terrified every time I go to the bathroom. My terrible cramps arent helping the situation though the doctor said they were normal.
Looking forward to getting to know everyone over the next nine months.
grape / 77 posts
@Bisou7585: Welcome and Congratulations! Chicago is definitely representin' on this board!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Bisou7585: Welcome! I'm glad the cramps are normal as I have been having them since last week. They aren't happening quite as often anymore but they're still pretty strong when they do happen.
Today I spotted a tiny bit after we DTD. And by tiny I mean I had to squeeze my eyes to see it on the toilet paper - 2 little drops. I started panicking and worrying but DH googled it and it seemed to be normal. I'm wondering if I should call my Dr tomorrow?
apricot / 446 posts
@Bisou7585: Hey welcome! I'm in Chicago and due on MY birthday, too!! How funny!
coffee bean / 39 posts
@NBLChicago. It definitely is! It's especially nice to have local people to chat with
apricot / 446 posts
@char54: As far as I know, that's totally normal after DTD. I would imagine your cervix is especially sensitive these days and I know sometimes it happens even when you aren't pregnant. However, I know it would scare me to see as well, so if calling your doctor to ask will make you feel better, I say do it!
coffee bean / 39 posts
@char54: I've heard that's normal too but I'm a huge fan of calling my doctor. I'm sure the nurses think I'm crazy.
apricot / 491 posts
Due Date:September 17th
Months It Took to Conceive:1
DPO You Found Out You Were Preggo On:16
Symptoms That Made You Think You Were Pregnant:sore boobs, hadn't gotten period
Child Number:1
Where You Live:in a suburb of Rochester, NY
What You're Most Excited For:baby bump, seeing u/s, feeling it, meeting it!
What You're Most Scared About:miscarrying, health issues, etc
pomelo / 5041 posts
Welcome Newbies! Here is the updated due date list.
rosie girl 9/3
duckduckkristen 9/6
bisou7585 9/8
misskabers 9/8
nblchicago 9/9
evenstar982 9/9
mrsmoreau 9/9
mrsrey122 9/10
futuremama 9/13
ktgee04 9/13
merr 9/17
marionberry 9/18
mamamagpie 9/19
colee 9/20
littlegbee 9/20
mrs squirreld 9/20
char54 9/22
mango.sprays 9/22
mrsclownfish 9/23
pomelo / 5041 posts
@evenstar982: the day before yesterday I'd actually lost about a pound due to eating better for the baby. So I agree with you, I'm kinda hoping baby sucks up some of those extra calories, lol.
So symptom update...all I am is really tired. Nothing else really. Slight cramping here and there. Sometimes it worries me that my symptoms are getting less. To the group: what are yours like?
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@marionberry: My cramping has been getting less, my boobs don't hurt as much.....my only symptoms are fatigue and the feeling of having to pee more often. As much as I don't want morning sickness, it would help to know that I'm really pregnant!! lol
pomelo / 5041 posts
@char54: Oh good! You sound just like me. And I totally agree. Some nauseousness would make me feel like I have healthy little baby in there. The 28th just cannot get here soon enough. I know once I see a heartbeat I will feel so much better.
apricot / 446 posts
@marionberry: @char54: Same here re: morning sickness...not going to enjoy it while it's happening, but actually looking forward to it showing up!
I just hit 4 weeks today, so obviously still super early but I have no symptoms to speak of. No cramping, no fatigue, no sore boobs. Still POAS is the only confirmation I have at the moment...
grape / 77 posts
@marionberry, @char54: The fatigue is debilitating these days. I slept in until noon today and I can't keep my eyes open right now. Other than that - enhanced sense of smell, still have sensitive/sore nipples and the acne (of course). I also noticed I tend to bloat when I don't drink my usual 3L of water a day.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@marionberry: @mango.sprays: @NBLChicago: Glad we're all in the same boat! I'm only 4 weeks, 2 days so I suppose it's still early for symptoms. I wish I didn't have to wait so long for our first appointment (Feb 15th..ugh!)
Dh and I talked about telling our families a bit earlier than planned...we are ALWAYS at my parents' place and they are just going to be so thrilled...I'm on Amazon searching for grandma/grandpa books as we speak. This is SO MUCH FUN!!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mango.sprays: @char54: @nblchicago: Glad to hear we're all experiencing the same thing. I can stop worrying so much haha.
pea / 19 posts
Hi Ladies!
Another long time lurker, first time poster. I'm excited to have a group of great ladies to share this with and access to such great resources!!
Due Date: September 13th
Months it took to conceive: 1. Yikes! Still in shock about that.
DPO: Well, I'm not entirely sure. I tested two days after my missed period and got a BFN. At four days late, I finally got a BFP! So I think I ovulated around a week later that I usually do...Curious to find out once we have our first appointment.
Child Number: Our first!
Where your live: SoCal
Most excited about: Adding to our family! We have a lot of fur babies but we're ready for the next step.
Most nervous about: Miscarriage or something going wrong. And, I have to admit, I'm terrified of blood. I get close to passing out every time I give blood, and sometimes when I just think about it. So this is going to be an interesting process... I hope it makes me stronger!
Looking forward to sharing this with everyone over the next nine months!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
Wow this group just keeps on growing! Welcome @izzy:!
rosie girl 9/3
duckduckkristen 9/6
bisou7585 9/8
misskabers 9/8
nblchicago 9/9
evenstar982 9/9
mrsmoreau 9/9
mrsrey122 9/10
futuremama 9/13
ktgee04 9/13
izzy 9/13
merr 9/17
marionberry 9/18
mamamagpie 9/19
colee 9/20
littlegbee 9/20
mrs squirreld 9/20
char54 9/22
mango.sprays 9/22
mrsclownfish 9/23
cherry / 153 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I’ve never been known to turn down a glass of wine, so it will be hard for me to keep it a secret from people I see often. And I completely understand the frustration of not being able to tell your friends who already have kids. One of my friends just announced her second pregnancy and she was trying to convince me that we should “jump on the baby bandwagon.” It was really hard to keep my mouth shut. Hang in there! Congrats!
@marionberry: My husband’s mom lives in Canby and his dad lives in Jacksonville. Such a beautiful state! I feel like Coloradans and Oregonians are very similar. As far as symptoms go, my breasts are so incredibly painful and I’ve had minor cramps occasionally. I’ve also been very emotional when I see heart-warming stories on the news or see anything baby related.
Anyone else really emotional?
cherry / 153 posts
Have you guys gotten a flu shot yet? I never get flu shots because I rarely ever get sick, but with the flu being so bad this year and me being pregant, I'm thinking I should get one. What do you think?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Colee: Canby is literally a few miles from where I live. Very cool! I've had bouts of being really emotional...happy emotional with happy stuff and totally bitchy about other stuff. I'm not really in control of the hormones yet.
I work for a healthcare system so we all get our flu shots regularly twice a year. But I would still recommend you get one now. Talk to your doctor and make sure it's ok at this stage of the game, just to be safe. I read a Danish study that just came out saying autism in kids had been linked to women who got the flu with fevers during pregnancy so I'm very eager to prevent that! With norovirus also being out (which the flu shot will not protect against) do wash your hands a lot and try to stay away from sick people regardless of if you get the vaccine. Your vaccine doesn't get to full strength for 2 weeks.
clementine / 854 posts
@Colee: I'd call to your doctor, but mine told me that she highly recommends it. I got mine in October.
I don't really have much in the way of symptoms. I'm tired and have some waves of nausea here and there.
coffee bean / 39 posts
@Colee: I've never gotten a flu shot but my doctor basically said I had to have it during pregnancy, especially with the terrible flu season this winter. She also recommended my husband get one as well so it's something to look into.
apricot / 284 posts
@NBLChicago: right with you on the debilitating fatigue! I am SO tired by 5pm every day I have been having a nap the second I get in from work... Tuesday will be a killer - I have 10-5 meetings in the city with 2 hours travelling at either end; at this rate I'll end up asleep on the train home and miss my stop!
that's probably just about my biggest symptom right now - the boobs are a bit less sore, but I'm having nausea which comes in waves but very specifically if I start to feel even remotely hungry - so as a consequence I am just eating constantly! (Not gonna be good for keeping the early weight gain to a minimum but c'est la vie, just gonna listen to what my body tells me for now, until I can see the Dr and be told otherwise!)
apricot / 284 posts
@marionberry: thanks for posting (and updating the list) of ladies, so great to see so many September mamas!
apricot / 284 posts
sorry, triple post!
Pinteresters: How do I 'invite' you to see my secret board... do I have to enable you to Pin to it?!
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