cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@MamaMagpie: I'm in a sort of similar situation... There is a possibility that DH and I may be moving across the country due to his job. We will know in a few weeks. We are very close to my family and see them 2-3 times a week. I know my mom is already dreaming about sleepovers with a grandchild, picking them up from school, frequent babysitting....a move announcement and pregnancy announcement would coincide closely and I'm hoping they aren't thinking about what they're losing by us moving.
I think they will be thrilled either way - a baby is a baby!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@char54: that is really tough, I'm sorry Are you going to wait to find out about his job before announcing your pregnancy? I'm sure whichever order it happens in, if you do end up moving, it will be tricky. I feel your pain, lady!
It's funny, because when thinking about you, I think "they will be happy no matter what!" -- guess I should take my own words to heart!
I will let you know how it goes!
nectarine / 2522 posts
I find it so strange that you can't get appointments earlier.. I'll be going in at 5 and a half weeks and they would have had me sooner if the OB wasn't booked out, guess things work differently here.. maybe Australia is just super cautious about pregnancies... or maybe its for vacinations cause I know we get extra shots and stuff.
@char54: That's the thing that scares me about moving too... we'll be two days travel by car away from our families. It makes me sad that they won't be around all the time to see our baby grow but that's life and we couldn't just keep putting off kids so we'd be closer to family. Hopefully I'll be able to make new friends pretty quick by joining mother's group etc.
apricot / 284 posts
@MamaMagpie: @char54: at least (presumably) you're still in the same country as both sets of Grandparents? I know being separated is tough, so I sympathise too - my DH is American, and I'm British - we live in the UK... only 10 minutes away from my parents but his entire family are 5000 miles and a 10 hour flight away. I know his Mom will be kinda sad not to be able to spend so much time with her latest grandchild.
and YES! I'm right there with all of ya on the "praying and checking underwear" thing, especially any time I feel remotely crampy
apricot / 284 posts
@Mrs squirreld: curious about the 'cultural' difference re. appointments - is it just standard practice in Australia to see pregnant ladies so early?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@evenstar982: yep! didn't realise it was different elsewhere until I was on HB. Basically as soon as you get a positive test at home you can call for an appt. I'm pretty sure they just do a blood test to confirm, then perhaps an internal and you get your shots up to date. Some birthing places book up really quick aswell so you can basically get a referral straight away.
apricot / 284 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I've been surprised by the response from my Dr's... I'd have thought they'd at least get you in to confirm the positive result and make a note on your records right away - but fortunately I had been warned by a friend that probably wouldn't be the case... kinda sucks though I at least wanted the receptionist to say "congrats!" lol!
PS must be very late where you are... nearly lunchtime here!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@evenstar982: hehe the reception said congrats to me! lol. I choose an OB who isn't in my current doctors practice so I'm a new client and she asked if I was a new antenatal client and when I said yes she said congrats! hehe so cute. You have appointments quite regularly here too. You have atleast 3 by the time you are 12 weeks.
Nah its only 7.39pm here. as I'm on the West Coast.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I'm so glad there's others dealing with moving/living away from family is really something that I've been struggling with but our lives have been in limbo (Not knowing where we would be) for the past 2 years and we just didn't want to wait any more to start TTC.
@evenstar982: We would still be in the same country but Canada is so big and we would move to literally the opposite's closer for us to go to England than British Columbia!
It looks like we're going to have a choice whether to stay or move. Here's what I'm struggling with:
If we move, the town is REALLY quite lovely. It's absolutely gorgeous, very 'outdoors-y' with lots of young families. The schools are great and it is very community orientated. It really is the perfect town to raise a family. It is an excellent career move for DH. The only drawbacks are that it is SO FAR from family (probably a 10 day drive?) and I wouldn't have a job (but if I have a little one I might be okay staying home?)
If we stay here - still a decent career move but not quite as great for DH. We grew up in this town so we are very familiar with it and the people - we have a great group of friends. I have a job that I love and my family is 5 mins away (his is 4 hours, and we see them about once a month). The town's population however is aging and declining - I wonder what kind of life my children would have here.
What would you guys do??? We have a couple of weeks to decide... it's not going to be easy! Part of me excited to move and start a new adventure with DH. Part of me is very sad to take my future LO away from its grandparents. I grew up with both sets nearby and spent many sleepovers, holidays, and vacations with them - I am so close to my grandparents as a result. My DH on the other hand never had his grandparents nearby so while he acknowledges it would 'be nice' to have family close, he doesn't really see it as a priority like I do.
Wow - that was long. On another note - It's Friday!! Yay!
apricot / 284 posts
@Mrs squirreld: wow, and I thought healthcare in the UK was pretty good... Aus sounds fantastic! Do you have to pay for antenatal care or is it government funded like it is here in the UK?
@char54: I forget how big and wide North America is... wider than the Atlantic ocean by the sound of it! As for the work/moving situation, I'm not sure what I would do in your shoes... personally I would want to have plenty of friends and family around once our LO arrives, rather than having to worry about making new friends in a new place and contend with motherhood... but I'm pretty shy and find it hard to get out and meet new people. I guess ultimately it depends how much better the new job far away would be - and would it be 'worth' the distance. But also depends how long-term it would be for.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@char54: Oh i know it's such a hard decision to make. I really feel for you. My DH started a career where we knew we'd have to move around alot to begin with. And we didn't want to put kids off either. I think we are so lucky with technology these days to be able to skype or video call so they can still interact.
The new place you could be moving to sounds amazing, and I am one of those people who like adventures so I'd say go for it!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@evenstar982: Yeah antenatal care is goverment funded here too so you can have a baby without paying a cent. You can get private health cover if you want private rooms etc but we decided against it since we will most likely be having our baby in a small country town without those facilities anyways.
apricot / 251 posts
@char54: I'm with Mrs Squirreld on this one - a new adventure sounds fantastic. We actually were hoping to move to a new place shortly after DS was born but the job offer for DH fell through - we were disappointed because we were ready for a change.
It would be hard to be away from family, but if it is a much better career move, perhaps you could afford to fly instead of drive?
I grew up in America, with ALL of my extended family in England. It is a different experience, but I was and am still VERY close with ALL of my family, and now with new technology like Skype, etc. you can still see each other quite often. my Grandma uses skype so she can see DS growing up.
Just my thoughts. do what is best for YOUR family. disregard what other people say to do. Do what you feel is right!
apricot / 251 posts
ok totally random and maybe TMI but... my boobs got huge already... literally overnight!!!
I woke up this morning and looked down and there they are...
and they are TINGLING.
magic baby dust for sure LOL
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@mrsmoreau: @Mrs squirreld: @evenstar982: I appreciate all your thoughts on this!! I have to say I *am* warming up to the idea of would mean DH and I living apart for a few months while I finished out my job (he'd miss months 4-6 of pregnancy) but if it's the best move for our family it would be a small price to pay.
I am just happy that the place we would move to is lovely. There was a chance of moving to the USA (no offence to anyone who lives there...I lived in NC for many years and have wonderful memories) but I really wanted to stay in Canada. Moving there would mean giving up universal healthcare, my 1 year maternity leave and after the rash of recent mass shootings the culture is something I'm not ready to take on.
I'm torn as to whether to announce the baby or move first...the move we will know in a few weeks (yes or no) but we weren't thinking of announcing the baby until after my first appointment mid-Feb. I just want the baby news to be a joyous, happy event.
We are telling my sister and her FI though tonight! She is my absolute best friend and I know she will be beyond thrilled. If heaven forbid something did happen I would definitely need her support. I bought a picture book "What Aunts Do Best/What Uncles Do best" and can't wait to see her reaction!!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@mrsmoreau: Haha! I said the same thing to DH and he told me I was losing my mind
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrsmoreau: I hear ya. My DH says I'm gonna need a new bra in like a week. I'm already starting to overflow. For me though, the biggest change has been in my nipples. They're like huge and puffy lol. Are yours different?
grape / 77 posts
@mrsmoreau, @marionberry: My nipples are ginormous too! And super tingly. Haha
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
Does anyone know at what point the nausea begins?? I'm hoping to get through the first trimester unscathed (I know...I've just jinxed myself)
kiwi / 545 posts
Had an ectopic pregnancy so obviously I am out. I posted a thread about it. Good luck to everyone here, stepping away from the boards for a bit.
apricot / 251 posts
@marionberry: now that you mention it ... my nips do look a bit more puffy than usual... my boobs did the same thing last pregnancy but this time it just seems a lot earlier than i expected!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MK0180: I am SO sorry. I know what you've gone through with the IUI and I can only imagine what you're going through now. I am glad you can try again in another cycle, but I know that doesn't make you feel better now. My thoughts are with you and your husband during this difficult time. We will miss you.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@char54: I'm hoping to skip it too. I just read that it doesn't typically start until 6-8 weeks though, so who knows what we'll endure in awhile.
apricot / 284 posts
@mrsmoreau: so sorry to hear that, ((hugs)). Take care of yourself. X
@mrsmoreau: The size of my boobs was what made me test, DH said they doubled overnight!
pomelo / 5041 posts
I thought I'd create our September Due Date List!
rosie girl 9/3
nblchicago 9/9
evenstar982 9/9
mrsmoreau 9/9
mrsrey122 9/10
futuremama 9/13
marionberry 9/18
mamamagpie 9/19
littlegbee 9/20
mrs squirreld 9/20
char54 9/22
mrsclownfish 9/23
I'll update it as we get new additions to the group!
grape / 77 posts
@MK0180: I am so sorry! Take care of yourself and hopefully we will see you on the boards again soon.
pear / 1639 posts
@LittleGBee: Going from 1-2 was pretty easy in the fact that DS is 4 yrs older than DD, so he is pretty self reliant! Although he had some transition issues when she came home. He really tested his boundaries and pushed buttons! I am freaking out about going to 3, especially so soon! I only have 2 hands! And DD is still so reliant on me. I still rock her to sleep for naps and bed, every day. And I feed her, change her, etc. I don't know how I am going to be able to do it with 2 that need the same things!
pear / 1639 posts
@marionberry: Thanks for the list! Your LO is due on my anniversary! Good day
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@MK0180: I'm so sorry. That is incredibly unfair and it must be so heartbreaking. I hope a sticky baby is just around the corner for you.
@marionberry -yes thank you for the list!!
@Rosie Girl: And your LO is due on our anniversary!
olive / 51 posts
If it's okay, I would love to join you ladies! I have been reading hellobee since we started trying, but was more posting about ttc, etc on weddingbee...thought since we are officially preggers, I'd come on over here
My wife and I got married in April - truly one of the BEST days and started trying for a LO in September...looks like 2013 is going to be quite the year for our little family! We are so excited to be mamas!
Due Date: September 8, 2013
Months It Took to Conceive: 4 cycles (but we missed O on one of them, so 3 IUIs)
DPO You Found Out You Were Preggo On: 13
Symptoms That Made You Think You Were Pregnant: none really, I actually felt more preggers our first month of trying...but DW had a feeling, so we tested a day early (and she got to go in and see the test to tell me - it was super cute!)
Child Number: besides our furbaby it'll be our first!
Where You Live: Boston area
What You're Most Excited For: everything! i can't wait for a bump and to hear the bean's heartbeat/see it for the first time...
What You're Most Scared About: besides a loss or something being wrong healthwise, I am actually really nervous about swelling up like a balloon in the summer - i already swell and I would realllly like to not be that super large crazy 8 month pregnant lady on the T in August...Eeeekk! Also, a bit nervous (though it would end up being great) about twins
olive / 51 posts
@MK0180: I know that I just joined, but I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and I am so sorry for all that you are going through
cherry / 142 posts
Due Date: Sept. 13th(ish)
Months It Took to Conceive: 1
DPO You Found Out You Were Preggo On: Not sure when I O'd so it's hard to say!
Symptoms That Made You Think You Were Pregnant: None, just a voice in my head that woke me up at 3am that said 'test!'
Child Number: 2
Where You Live: WI
What You're Most Excited For: Giving my son a sibling!
What You're Most Scared About: Umm this is son just turned 5 months old and now I'm pregnant again. If my math is right they will be 13.5 months apart! YIKES. I have a sister 15 months younger than me and it was wonderful growing up so I'm glad to give my son that but it'll be a lot of work
Congrats ladies!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@MissKabers @ktgee04: : Welcome!! I browse the weddingbee TTC boards but they're way to active for me to keep up! lol. Hellobee is much more manageable (and pretty) for me.
My sister is on her way over in about an hour and I just CAN'T WAIT TO TELL HER!!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
Welcome new ladies! Here's the updated due date list.
rosie girl 9/3
misskabers 9/8
nblchicago 9/9
evenstar982 9/9
mrsmoreau 9/9
mrsrey122 9/10
futuremama 9/13
ktgee04 9/13
marionberry 9/18
mamamagpie 9/19
littlegbee 9/20
mrs squirreld 9/20
char54 9/22
mrsclownfish 9/23
apricot / 319 posts
@ktgee04: You too! Congratulations! I hope this will be a wonderful 9ish months for you!
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