cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Bisou7585: Oh so sweet!! I would love to see its little heartbeat but I think I'm too early. Have to hold out until our first appointment at 9 weeks!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Bisou7585: Me too! I love sleeping on my let's just say the last week has been very restless!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Mrs squirreld: lol! I HATE sleeping on my stomach but thought it would make that embryo I think I'm going to take you & @Bisou7585's train of thought and switch back to my back!
grape / 77 posts
@char54: Glad to see all is good and you're feeling better! I bet you are SO excited to tell your parents. DH and I are *trying* to hold out until after our 8 week 1 day ultrasound to tell our families. We're planning to send our parents and siblings little early-ish Valentine's Day cards with the ultrasound pic. Two weeks until our appointment... 1/29 CANNOT come sooner!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@bisou7585: So awesome that you got to see the beating heart! That's what we get to see on the 29th and I CANNOT wait!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@char54: @NBLChicago: @marionberry: i'm so jealous of all you ladies telling your parents... DH doesn't want to tell til 10-12 weeks... I think he is crazy!
My 1st appt is just prior to 6 weeks...will i be able to see a heartbeat then?
grape / 77 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Maybe your DH will have a change of heart once you have the ultrasound and he sees the heartbeat. I'm sure he'll want to shout it from the rooftops by then! And I *think* you should be able to see the heartbeat by 6 weeks. I just hit 6 weeks today and that's what all the update emails told me.
coffee bean / 39 posts
@mrssquirreld. I was 5 weeks 5 days so maybe! But, I don't think you can always see it that early so dont worry if you dont! The doc was making sure it wasn't ectopic and had a sac/fetal pole. The heartbeat was a nice extra
nectarine / 2522 posts
@NBLChicago: Thanks! I have no idea what to expect at this first appt.. the joys of being a 1st time mum! SO excited yet terrified at the same time - ha, I guess that's parenthood though!
apricot / 446 posts
@NBLChicago: I have an appointment on the 29th too! I'll only be 6 weeks at that point and really really really hoping to see a heartbeat
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Bisou7585: oh ok! Thanks.. so glad everything is in the right place this time for you, must have been such a nice feeling to be reassured!
grape / 77 posts
@Bisou7585: So exciting... did you get emotional? I feel like I'm going to be a crying mess. Can't wait!!
apricot / 446 posts
@Bisou7585: So glad everything looks good for you! I'm sure it was a big relief to get to see a heartbeat!!
grape / 77 posts
@mango.sprays: Woohoo! I'll have my fingers crossed for you. First appointments on the same day, we live in the same city... what next?? I bet we're neighbors or something.
apricot / 446 posts
@NBLChicago: Haha, right?! I actually live in the western suburbs though, so probably not
nectarine / 2522 posts
@NBLChicago: Hahaha... I reckon I'll be a blubbering mess too!
Does anyone remember that episode of friends where Rachel is pregnant and has her first ultrasound and then cries cause she can't "see" the that will probably be me! I watched it last night and was already in tears!!
coffee bean / 39 posts
@NBLChicago, surprisingly no. I've been so nervous about the whole thing that it didn't feel real. I'm cautiously optimistic now.
coffee bean / 39 posts
@mango.sprays: I'm in the near western suburbs so maybe we are neighbors!
pea / 19 posts
@NBLchicago, I love that idea for Valentine cards!! We were thinking of doing something similar as I have my 10 week appointment scheduled for Valentine's morning! I have an 8 week appointment they're scheduling for the end of January as well so I'm hoping at least one of them will provide a good ultrasound picture??
persimmon / 1436 posts
@char54: so glad you're feeling more relaxed
@mrssquirreld: I love that episode! I can just hear her voice saying "I can't even see my own baby!" lol
I'm SO glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks about sleeping on my stomach! I'm in the camp of thinking if I'm on my stomach it'll help it "stick" better. So silly
grapefruit / 4545 posts
Just wanted to pop in and say Hi and congrats to all you September Mama's!
I'm due August 28 and at my first u/s they said my little blobby was measuring a little smaller so I could easily end up being a September Mama!
Wishing you all a happy and healthy 9 months!
grape / 77 posts
@Izzy: I think you should be able to get a good ultrasound pic from either of those appointments. Eeeep - can't wait!
clementine / 854 posts
I've been really lucky with almost no symptoms so far. Of course, this has made me paranoid rather than grateful. Unfortunately, now I know what everyone was talking about when they mention fatigue. I'm considering taking a nap at my desk during lunch. I thought I was going to fall asleep driving into work this morning, and I went to bed at 9:00 last night. The lack of caffeine is not helping the situation.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
hey again, september mamas! hellobee has obviously grown in users, and we didn't have as many september moms last year as you guys do now. but if it helps to refer to old threads, here are the september 2012 posts!
good luck!! you'll be amazed how fast it flies. I told my husband we were expecting today, last year
grape / 77 posts
@futuremama: Sister, I feel you. I'm always cold in the office and the space heater under my desk is just making me sleepier. *Yawn*
pomelo / 5041 posts
@futuremama: Same here. No symptoms really freaks me out. Except still some pretty strong cramping here and there and yes, by 4pm yesterday my DH told me to go home from work because I did not look well...I was just SUPER tired! And I caffeine certainly doesn't help. I will admit that one morning when it was really bad I had a few sips and it really helped me get through the day.
@sorrycharlie: Thank you for the link! Maybe reading those will give us more insight into the fact that people had similar issues/concerns and ended up with happy healthy babies. Thanks!
@nblchicago: Exact same here. Foot heater under my desk just helps keep me tired!
clementine / 959 posts
Hey ladies! This thread moves fast already!
It's interesting reading about how worried you all are - I felt exactly the same way with my first but this time around I'm so "eh, whatever" about everything. I hope everything goes smoothly for all of us!
I didn't realize how much I would have to eat and drink to sustain BFing and a pregnancy! I have to eat a full meal every couple hours and even once overnight now. This is nuts!
My first midwife appt is Thursday!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@duckduckkristen: So happy we have a mom on number 2 to help keep all of us calm. I always say that it will be so much easier on number 2 because I won't be worrying. That's a lot of food! You poor thing!
clementine / 959 posts
@marionberry: I wouldn't say poor thing. I'm kind of enjoying it. Haha.
pear / 1639 posts
@MissKabers: I swell horrible in the summer too, I'm super nervous about that!!!!
pear / 1639 posts
@Mrs squirreld: They told me 6 weeks is pretty much the cut off to be able to see baby, and SOMETIMES they can see at 5 wks 6 days. So don't freak if you can't see!!!! BUT I really hope you can
pear / 1639 posts
@marionberry: I'm on number 3 and still worry!!!! Each pregnancy has been so different, so knew worries have come up!
pear / 1639 posts
@futuremama: I feel ya on being tired! I'm so exhausted!!!I have 2 kiddos at home too, so they drain energy, then I work night shift! No caffiene isn't working, so I have 1-2 cups for work. I just wldn't be able to make it without.
cherry / 199 posts
Wow this thread has touched on a LOT since I last checked in. My first appt is not until Fe 15th due to scheduleing conflicts with my huband's travel schedule.
@Mrs squirreld I plan on sleeping on my stomach as long as possible! I am going to miss it sooo much.
Has anyone thought about what astrological sign their baby will be? My ex was a virgo so I am really hoping the baby comes after Sept 22 and is a Libra!
honeydew / 7295 posts
my baby boy was due september 2nd and born September 7th. Don't get too hemmed in to that due date heheh. Enjoy and Congrats September '13 Mamas!!!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@sorrycharlie: @MrsMccarthy: Thanks ladies! I have totally read the entire thread from September has gotten me so excited!!
@futuremama: I'm also paranoid about a lack of symptoms. Actually, my only symptom is cramping and fatigue. So if I *don't* feel cramping, I start to worry. Then when I *do* start to cramp, I worry. Crazy lady, party of one, right here!
@MrsClownfish: We are appointment twins! DH was making fun of me for saying I hope I deliver a few days late so the baby is a libra.
cherry / 199 posts
@char54 I don't really have any symptoms either except that I was having some weird pains in my mid back earlier today but only on the left side.
My husband is very antsy for our first ultrasound as I am a fraternal twin (as are my cousins and my aunt and uncle) so he wants to know if there are one or two in there!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@MrsClownfish: Ohhh exciting!! Would you rather twins or a singleton??
I think twins would be awesome but I think it might send DH over the edge for our first time around.
cherry / 199 posts
@char54 I would love long as someone wants to pay for the daycare for me Here in NY is is pretty outrageous
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