pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: That's awesome! What a good boy! Jackson is still dealing with a horrible stuffy nose so night sleep has been pretty crappy the past few days. I too think we'll need a new carseat before we hit the weight limit.
@char54: the first few days getting out the door so early are a learning process but now it's pretty easy. Luckily the older they get the more they'll be fine playing while you get ready.
@jetsa: I think we'll all be looking to you for recommendations when the time comes to switch seats since you're the first doing it.
So what is everyone getting their lo for Christmas officially? We picked up the jumperoo, lots of clothes, this learning walker from vtech which he won't be able to use for awhile, socks and leg warmers which I think should help with crawling.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: I'm so sorry to hear Jackson has a stuffy nose too. Jack has had it from week 1 of daycare and it won't go away!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: Oh man! That's horrible! I hope he gets rid of it soon. I'm ready for Jackson to feel better.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: oh no, poor guy! I hope he gets over it soon!
Anyone feel like they're starting the 3-month growth spurt? Yesterday H basically nursed and slept (on me ) all day and was super fussy if not being held. I'm also fairly certain he's started teething. And he's in a wonder week leap. Poor guy! Luckily he was totally content as long as he was being held and slept well last night!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: yep we're right there with you. My DH leaves for 8 days tomorrow, he's like have fun with the grouchy teething baby all week, ugh. They're still too little for Tylenol or orajel right?
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: oh boy, your DH is getting off easy! I vote you go away during the 6-month growth spurt And our ped said Infant Tylenol is fine, so we ended up giving him some last night when it had been over 1.5 hours of trying to get him down...he was just clearly in a lot of pain and I felt so bad!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: I've heard the same thing about infant tylenol, but I read orajel is actually not recommended anymore. It's a very small risk, but there is some big bad thing that can happen in one in so many kids...I don't remember the long name. Given that its primary ingredient is what I'm allergic to, I'll definitely be skipping it. We picked up some teething rings that you can refrigerate though, which help a little, but otherwise his favorite solution is gnawing on my fingers.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: I heard organic orajel or hylands teething tablets are the best but they both say 4+ months.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
I've been away so long! Like many of you, LO doesn't nap much. I get four 35-45 min naps, so it doesn't leave much time for anything. I think she's just finishing the three month growth spurt. Lasted from 12.5 weeks to 13.5 weeks and my DH was out of town too! It was pretty exhausting. Night sleep has started getting better again, so I'm hoping we're at the end.
Paige has also started chewing on her hands. She likes to shove as many fingers in as possible. Not sure if she's trying to suck or if it's a teething thing. I don't see or feel anything in her gums yet.
clementine / 818 posts
Ladies who are back at work, are you having to supplement with formula, or are you able to pump enough throughout the day? I go back Friday and am just not sure that I will pump enough for her everyday.... I have a small supply, but it's not much.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MrsStormy: So far I've been able to pump enough. I pump the other boob after feeding him before work when I can, then 2-3 times during the day at work. My supply has definitely gone down since I started work so Idk that it will last forever, but so far no need for supplementation and I'm on my fourth week back. Best of luck!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsStormy: I supplement with formula. I pump *just* enough for daycare but if he's hungrier than normal or his routine changes at all throughout the day he gets some formula. Whenever the grandma's watch him, I can count on him getting 1-2 bottles of formula because he doesn't nap as much for them. I feed from both sides before I leave him at 6:30-7:30 and then I pump at 9:30, 12, and 2:30. Even with the formula bottles we have no problems on the weekends when he eats straight from the source. At first it really bothered me but I've decided I don't care as long as it doesn't affect us being able to just nurse on the weekends (I don't like pumping lol)
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Grace: C is also a little hand chomper! She can't seem to get enough of them. She still hasn't found her thumb yet, but I can tell she is trying so hard.
I got back from my trip to Toronto last night ... OMG it was so nice to sleep in, go shopping, go out to eat, watch musicals, and not have to worry about diapers/bottles/dirty house/etc! I really did soak up the whole weekend. I missed her SO MUCH though!! I kept getting DH and my ILs to send me pictures/videos and the Facetime calls were the highlight of my day. I couldn't WAIT to get off the plane and see her, and now I'm soaking in every cuddle. All in all it was a great trip and I'm so glad I went, but I'm happy to be home! I'm convinced she grew just in the 5 days I was gone!
Has anyone put their LO in an exersaucer/jumperoo yet?? I still keep seeing her as a little infant but really she is growing so fast and her head control has gotten really good so I think she might be ready. I don't know when is too soon though. Her current favorite activity is kicking up a storm on her activity mat.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@grace: @char54: H is a hand chomper as well! He gets really frustrated, though, because he can't find his thumb and sometimes can't keep his hands in his mouth.
@mrsstormy: I was wondering the same thing! I go back to work soon and have a tiny stash (12oz) and am thinking we might have to supplement at least at first. When I pump, it's right after a feed and I'm lucky if I get one full ounce, so I feel like if I'm away and pumping instead of feeding that I'll get at least four ounces. I hope so, anyway!
@jetsa: I'm so glad to hear occasionally supplementing hasn't affected your supply on the weekends! I hate pumping, too especially because I get hardly anything and it just seems like such an unpleasant ordeal for so little output.
@marionberry: how much would you say your supply went down? Is it because you're not able to pump as often as you would pump/nurse before going back to work, or do you think it's just because of stress/shift in focus? I'm worried about this as my supply is still just barely meeting his demand
@char54: I'm so glad your trip went well!!! I bet it was absolutely glorious to have a little break, and equally as glorious to get back to that sweet baby We haven't thought about putting H in a jumper yet but maybe in a few more weeks! His favorite thing to do is "stand" on our laps (with support of course!) and "jump", but I don't think he's quite ready yet
apricot / 491 posts
@MrsStormy: I pump enough. I got my period last week and that hurt my supply, but I'm back up to normal now. The period affected my stash, so now instead of being 3-4 days ahead, I'm only 1 day ahead. I need to find a way to boost my supply so I don't have to keep worrying about it.
@Grace: We have very short naps too. It makes it hard to do anything during the day, but he sleeps straight through from about 10-6, then after he eats until 8 (give or take a half hour depending on his mood and growing). He also chews on his hand. I keep trying to give him teethers, but he just wants his hand.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@char54: We got J one for christmas so we'll wait until then probably. We thought he'd love the bumbo but even though he has really good head control its not enough for it yet.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: @MrsStormy: I didn't have a stash when we started bc it just makes Jack mad if I try to pump during the day so we did a day of formula and then went back to bm, he tolerated it fine. Also Jack still eats every 60-90 mins at home so I'm not pumping anywhere near as often at work but that doesn't seem to matter. I read milk has to sit in the boob for 6 hours before your body thinks that its making too much. So I assume thats why my supply has been ok.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@pmerr: I tried more milk plus, it didn't help me very much. My dr offered reglan but I haven't taken her up on it.
apricot / 491 posts
@jetsa: I need to drink more water. I definitely don't do that enough. I also read oatmeal, but I haven't gotten any yet. I go in on Friday to talk to my OB about BC, so I'll maybe ask her if she has any suggestions.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@pmerr: I started taking straight fenugreek in caplet form (had been drinking Mother's Milk Tea without much result) when it was determined by my OB and LC that I did in fact have low supply. It has made a huge difference and although I'm making *just* enough, I know I wouldn't have been able to do even that without it. I get it at Whole Foods but I'm sure it can be found fairly easily. I take nine pills a day and smell like maple syrup, but it's worth it!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@pmerr: I used to eat oatmeal every morning. I stopped about a week ago because I was out of raisins and my supply has actually increased. I don't understand my supply lol.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: I think we will probably have a day of formula as well just to catch up with a bm stash. And that's good to know about the 6-hour thing! H usually eats every 2 hours during the day and if he ever goes longer then that I have it in the back of my mind that my supply might go down! Guess I don't need to worry
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: maybe I need to try this, this is what was reccomended to me and why I started taking more milk plus, but I wasn't impressed with it. Maybe I need straight fenugreek.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: you absolutely should! Seriously, it's a pain in the ass to take so many pills (3 caplets, 3 times a day) but it really saved me in the BF arena. I thought I'd been "taking fenugreek" because I'd been drinking the tea, and my LC was like "nope, it's time to pull out the big guns" lol.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: you convinced me I'll order some lol. It'd be nice to produce too much for daycare instead of just enough but either way ehh Jack's doing great
grapefruit / 4663 posts
Do normal ppl buy things for grandparents or is this just a southern thing? Someone bought my MIL a necklace that says Jack, a baby book (I don't even have an initial necklace or baby book), an outfit for Jack etc.
Also this is the MIL who after being told 10 times not to wait all day in the hospital on Jack's bday, she did anyway so the little things drive me crazy with her. I just feel like she's trying to compete with me over things for my son
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: good! But yes, either way, Jack is doing great! As for the question about gifts for grandmas -- my aunt (who is basically my mom and H's grandma) was given swaddle blankets, a vibrating chair (secondhand from a friend of hers), and a teething necklace! Also, her group of really close friends got us the pack n play we registered for, knowing it would likely be set up at her house most of the time. I think because I love her so much and know she's going to be watching H at least one day a week when I go back to work, it doesn't bother me at all, but I think I'd be kind of weirded out about the initial/name necklace since I don't have one! The chew beads/teething necklace made me go "hmmm" at first but I quickly got over it.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: yea and he was like 2 weeks old at that point, I was like wtf you didn't just have this child! She watches him at our house on Mondays so I guess I should just be grateful but she just drives me crazy lol.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@char54: Five days!! It's been so long, I can't even imagine what 5 days of good sleep is like!
I put P in the excersaucer to try it out, but her feet don't touch the ground yet, so i think she's still too short. I don't want her to be crotch dangling.
@jetsa: I wouldn't mind at all if people got my mom presents. Right now, some of her friends (that I don't know) are giving me gifts. I find it so awkward.
So, I've bit the bullet and have started working on naps. Usually, I've been bouncing on the excersice ball until P has been asleep for 5 min and then transferring her to the swing. I know i have to stop with the swing and stop with the bouncing, so I decided to see how well she falls asleep from drowsy to awake. I read to work on putting down awake before moving out of the swing because it gives them a soothing mechanism while they learn. So far, P is doing great! I've tried for 3 naps so far, and she's only cried maybe 3-5 min and has been asleep by around the 10 min mark each time! And if I she cries for 3 min, I go in and sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and it calms her down and makes her drowsy. It's like a magic song! I'm so proud of my little girl. She's much more capable than I gave her credit for!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Grace: I think I'm going to start working on naps/putting down awake once she hits 3mths next week. I feel like we're behind on this. If she's on/next to one of us on the sofa, she falls asleep fine...but I need to try getting her into her cot consistently. The first nap of the day is usually fine, maybe the 2nd (though mostly she has this out and about in the Ergo or on me) but the 3rd I have to hold her and same at night...have to hold her until she's completely out and then transfer. Problem is, I have no idea how to go about working on the ones that aren't successful, because she'll settle in the cot ok and then within 5-10mins she'll be crying and I've tried PU/PD and the crying just goes on and on and gets more intense...same if I try leaving her for 5-10mins without going in. A few nights we've put her down awake and she's fallen asleep alone, but then woken up 30-45mins later as if it were a nap! So we've gone back to holding her til she's out!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: I'm not totally sure why. I pump three times at work but J's suck has always been so strong and he cluster feeds a lot so I think maybe the pump just isn't cutting it? I just started taking fenugreek and this lactation blend but maybe I'm not taking enough? I'll have to try that 9 pills thing instead of 2-4/day.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@illumina: If she won't settle after you try to settle her, perhaps she's still too young? If it didn't work for me, I wasn't going to force it. I read somewhere that my "homework" for the 3-6 month period was to get her falling asleep in her crib by herself. So I figure if I still have 3 months to work on it, it's ok to take 1 step forward and 2 steps back.
clementine / 818 posts
Well its my first day back at work, and so far so good. My first pumping session went pretty well too, output was not bad at all.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@MrsStormy: that's great! I'm glad your first day back went well.
So C is definitely going through a wonder week/growth spurt/SOMETHING... She is thankfully still STTN but her naps have become non existent, especially if I try and put her in her crib. This leads to her being fussy and overtired at night...which leads to a late bedtime, which leads to more fussiness (you get the idea...it's a vicious cycle). It's very frustrating.
She's sleeping in her swing right now but I am really craving some routine and crib naps. I think after the holidays I will get more serious on establishing one. When our family gets in town for the holidays she will spend every nap in someone's arms so there's no point in trying to start a routine now!!
apricot / 491 posts
@MrsStormy: Yay! Also so jealous that you just went back! I was back at 6 weeks!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@char54: this is us right now! For the last few days we start putting her down at 7-730 as usual and she fusses and fusses and eventually goes down between about 9-10 and once not until midnight! Like C she's still sttn and I've had to wake her most mornings if she's not awake by 8am. She seems to want to sleep more in the day though.
persimmon / 1436 posts
Hi guys! I've been so mia lately -- H has gone on a nap strike again I hope you are all doing better than we are in that department! We bought a Magic Sleep Suit and are trying it out tonight so fingers crossed...he hates hates hates being swaddled but still can't find his thumb (and refuses a pacifier) so being completely free in his crib doesn't work, either.
I go back to work next Thursday (1/2) and I'm dreading it. I don't know how I'm going to do it. I just keep telling myself that lots and lots of other moms do it and it always works out, and that it's actually probably going to be good in a lot of ways for H. I've been basically his primary caregiver for his whole life up until this point and it'll be good for him to have more time with different people (like his dad!).
SoI went and got my hair colored and was gone for about 3.5 hours, leaving H with his daddy. It was the longest DH has watched him ever and when I got home he was like "oh my gosh that was HARD". Um, yah...welcome to a teeny tiny taste of what my world has been for the past 14 weeks! I couldn't decide if I wanted to hug him or punch him. Lol? Since then he's been better about being more hands on, as well as not being so huffy when I ask him to do stuff around the house. I think before that day, he didn't understand why I wasn't getting tons of stuff done since I was "just at home with the baby". Oy.
I hope you are all having happy family time!
apricot / 495 posts
@MamaMagpie: I go back the same day too. I'm dreading it. I have no desire to be a SAHM mom but it makes me sad to think of everything I am going to miss.
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