watermelon / 14467 posts
@jetsa: @MamaMagpie: Hyla does the same thing and like Jetsa, we are co sleeping, though I would like to stop. It's hard because it works, but I would like my bed back and to be able to change positions in my sleep.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@evansjamie: @mamagmagpie: yep I love, love the extra time with him but I'd like to be able to snuggle with my husband. Being back to work, I don't know when I'll have the energy to fix it.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@evansjamie: @jetsa: we've co-slept a few times and it has been great, but DH was sleeping on the couch. Now that H is two months, we are comfortable moving him to his own room and I'm wanting to do it so that DH can come back into our bed...I miss him! I guess I'm just praying that we will get through this before I go back to work, and thinking that having DH sleeping next to me is worth it. I guess I'd rather go through this now rather than when I'm working?
ETA: we've transitioned him into his own room but not the crib yet, he's still in the RnP. But he's getting so long now that that isn't going to work for much longer either! I wish he'd just find his dang thumb already because he wants it SO bad and I know he'll be able to self-soothe like a champ once he can get and keep it in his mouth!
watermelon / 14467 posts
@MamaMagpie: Hyla is getting too long for her Moses basket so we are trying naps in the crib with white noise. We have to figure this out before I go back to work too. We were doing well and then the wonder week/growth spurt happened, and now we're dealing with Thrush and the medicine hurts her belly. I'm hoping to hit it hard this week to get her in her crib.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@evansjamie: oh geez, that sucks! I hope it clears up soon so she can feel better and you can attempt the transition! I'm wondering if I should bite the bullet and put him in his crib, too...it's not like he's sleeping great anyway!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: @evansjamie: Jack's slept in his crib for 2.5 hours! Yay. He's on the floor below us so I don't know when we'll be ready to put him down there, we checked on him every 15 mins lol
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: @MamaMagpie: @evansjamie: We cosleep with J and it works pretty well until nights like last night where he tosses and turns all night. I have started trying to get him to nap in his crib but that only works sometimes. His daycare provider is going to be working on it as well since I'm already back to work. Once we master naps we will work on sleeping at night in his crib.
pomelo / 5041 posts
Can teething start this early?! J has been chewing on his hands constantly lately. Sometimes I just let him gnaw on my finger for a while. It seems to help a little.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: @mamamagpie: jack is between leaps and has been sleeping great in his crib for naps. He's even been sleeping 2-2.5 hours. He's been so much happier too!
@marionberry: J has been doing the same for almost 4 weeks. My daycare provider even noticed it and said she thought he was so I'm guessing yes. She said as soon as the teeth are in the gums they'll start drilling and chewing. I can wait until he masters grabbing so he can hold a toy or something up there.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: So glad the crib is working out! We bought some teething rings but we have to hold them for him right now. It will be great when he can hold them himself. He has started almost holding his paci in though!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: that's great! j can keep his hands in his mouth but he hates all pacis now he either wants the boob or bottle lol.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: that's awesome! I hope he keeps it up!
@marionberry: @jetsa: Harrison is doing this, too! His favorite thing to do lately is bite down on my fingers -- he's got to be feeling some movement and has the urge to chew.
So after five nights in a row of trying to have him sleep in his own room, we are giving up for now. He's just taking forever to go back down (like hours) and I just can't do it anymore. I think he must not be quite ready. Last night he finally stayed down once I laid on the floor next to his RnP and dozed off...that was my sign that he just feels the need to be close to me still. Womp womp
apricot / 491 posts
@marionberry: Jacob seems to teeth sometimes. He chews on his hand a lot, but it looks like a tooth is coming in in the back of his mouth. THere's a little white spot!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
Wow, life has been crazy!! Can you believe our babies are almost 3 months old?? She learns so much every day and is morphing from a newborn into an interactive baby.
@marionberry: Any word on the teething?? C has been drooling a ton and always has her hands in her mouth but doesn't seem to be in any pain. I think she's trying to find her thumb but hasn't had much success thus far!
@jetsa: Wow that's amazing!!! C is still a crap napper. She'll only nap in her stroller, car seat, or mamaroo - ie, if she's moving. It's so strange because night time sleep is no problem, she's started doing 12 straight hours lately and goes down easily. I don't know why she fights it during the day! I want her to learn to nap in her crib, not her mamaroo, but I get maybe 10 minutes before she realizes she's not moving and starts wailing. How's the feeding going? Did the lip tie consult help??
@MamaMagpie: Sorry to hear about the sleep issues everything seems harder when you're exhausted! I agree that he might just not be ready to be on his own yet. Babies are such mysterious little creatures! Hope some zzzs are in your future!
I'm heading to Toronto next week with my parents for a long weekend (my dad has to go for work). It's halfway across the country so I'm getting anxious about being away from C.... it sounded like a great idea at the time but as the trip gets closer I get more nervous!
I admit I'm totally looking forward to a few days of sleeping in, musicals, and shopping though! DH's parents are coming to help him out for the weekend so I know she will be in good hands...
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@pmerr: ahh. That's crazy, I haven't actually looked in Jack's mouth, I suppose I should!
@char54: ENT said the lip tie was too "thin" to cause problems so the ped's office recommended I EP but I just decided to wait it out a while longer and he's now spacing feedings a bit better (90 mins or so) and I'm finally all healed up. I think I'm just going to have a chunk, lol. He's already almost 13 lbs!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
Anyone else feel like their newborn is "gone"? I've spent the last few days looking at him and thinking, where'd my baby go? Don't get me wrong this is better just different. =\
persimmon / 1436 posts
@char54: oh my goodness, what a treat for you!!! I'd be nervous, too, but it will be so great for all of you -- you get to relax and recharge and C and your DH get some serious bonding time! I'm a bit jealous!
@jetsa: yes! My ILs are coming for their first visit since H was a week and a half old and I just keep thinking about how very different he is from the last time they saw him! It's so fun to watch them morph into these tiny little humans as opposed to sleepy little blobs haha
Guess what, guys?! H slept for seven hours straight last night! And then after just a very short feed (only nursed on one [very engorged] side) gave me another three hours! So I got to sleep from 10:30-8:30 with just a quick wakeup at about 5:30. SO thankful! I'm sure it's just a fluke but I am not going to take it for granted
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: ahh that's a great sleep stretch! J did 10:30-5:30 with only 1 wake up and then back down until 7:30 it was great! How much does H weigh? We weighed J last night he was 13.6 lbs!
apricot / 495 posts
I'm jealous of everyone's big babies. At our 8 week appt our ped was concerned because little man only weighed 10 lbs. He was born at 8 lbs 13 oz. We go back at the end of december for a weight check and then we will know if we need to supplement with formula. He's meeting all development milestones and he has continued to grow taller so I'm not super worried. Maybe he is just going to be long and skinny.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: hooray!!! At his two month appointment on the 18th he weighed 12lbs 3oz but then just three days later at breastfeeding group he weighed 12lbs flat...and only got 2oz out of me. It freaks me out but I can't go in for another weight check until Monday so I have to just deal with it. @Meltini: H is a long and skinny baby, too -- 86th percentile for length but 44th for weight
persimmon / 1436 posts
DH and I went out without H for the first time since he was born! Eleven weeks to the day, and boy did we need it. We were only gone for just under two hours and were at a family restaurant about ten minutes from home, where my ILs were watching him, but it was great! I had to force myself to go and then at about the one-hour mark I had a freak out because that's the longest that I've been away from him ever, but I pushed through it and it was great. So good!
pea / 13 posts
Hey all - I've been a reader for awhile but haven't posted. Love reading about other babies the same age as my little guy.
So can we do a quick sleep poll? Curious of your babies nighttime sleep. I'm really struggling with our guy and nervous about going back to work in January on such rough sleep.
He is currently 11 weeks, 14 pounds (!), and our typical night is eat between 7-7:30, down between 7:30 and 8, sleeps 3-4 hours for a feeding around 11:30, up again around 2-3 for another 30-minute feeding, and then after that really choppy/rough sleep into 6 or so. Typically wakes up every 45 minutes after that 3am feeding needing his pacifier reinserted or wanting to be held.
He goes to sleep pretty easily after eating with <5 minutes of rocking and his pacifier. He is eating less and less at his wake-ups, but hasn't extended his sleep at all really since he's been born. And that last stretch of terrible sleep is killing me.
When I mentioned this all to our pediatrician she said it was totally normal. But is it? I cannot sleep while co-sleeping and am getting desperate for solutions. I'm not totally opposed to sleep training of some sort but he still seems young. That said I go back to work at 16 weeks and dread the thought of sleep training while working.
Curious of the pattern for you all! And any genius tips you may have (we already swaddle/white noise/etc.)
persimmon / 1436 posts
@lakeviewmama17: hi! My DS is 11 weeks old and isn't the best sleeper, either. Like you, I'm going back to work in January, when he'll be just shy of 16 weeks, and I'm hoping the transition isn't too crappy! It's hard to imagine getting the kind of sleep I do know and having to work!
Our typical night looks like this:
7:00/7:30 start bedtime routine
7:30/8:00 DS down in his RnP
8:30/9:00 DS finally actually down (it takes multiple settles)
12:30/1:00 wake up, nurse
1:30/2:00 down (usually takes me at least an hour)
3:30/4:00 wake up, nurse
4:30/5:00 down
7:00 wake for the day
So I usually get 3-2-2 with about an hour between each. That hour (and sometimes longer, like tonight) just kills me. If it was a quick nurse or settle, I think I'd be totally fine. He doesn't nap well and I think that's a huge part of the problem -- when we were at my aunts all day on Thanksgiving, he fell asleep while being held by his various relatives (he won't fall asleep on me for more than 10 mins after nursing) and ended up getting more sleep durring the day than usual and slept for SEVEN hours that night. I'm at my wits end trying to get him to nap every day and I'm so worried because I know he doesn't get enough sleep
So definitely not any help to you, but I wanted to comiserate! There are some ladies on here with good sleepers, though, so I'm sure you'll get some good advice
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Meltini: aww. I love my cute little lady! She's only just 10lbs at almost 11wks. Though she was born small at 6lbs 12oz and is growing nicely somewhere around the 15th centile. She definitely has plenty of wet and dirty nappies, so I'm not worried at all!
@MamaMagpie: yay! I'm glad you managed to get a break! My parents have had S the past two Saturday afternoons. This past Saturday we went to see Catching Fire and it was so nice to go to the cinema again! I find it hard to leave her but once I'm out it's ok... I figure she's probably better off with my parents anyways as they are much more experienced with babies than Dh and I are!!
@lakeviewmama17: hey and welcome... congrats on your son S's nighttime sleep has gotten much better the past month... this is our routine (the timing varies depending on when her last nap ends):
6-7pm: last feed of the day
7-730pm: bath
730pm: change into her pjs and put her in her sleep sack and we cuddle on the sofa with her until she falls asleep around 8-830pm.
Then when we're sure she's in a deep sleep we transfer her into the cot in her room. We don't see her again until 8am when we go and get her. I think she wakes up around 730-745am and is happy to look around at her mobile until we get her.
So yeah, we don't do nursing to sleep anymore, rocking or white noise. She has been able to suck her thumb for the past few weeks and that has helped so much in being able to get her settled.
Don't ask me about naps though, naps are the bane of my life... especially later in the day!!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@lakeviewmama17: we cosleep and I'm already back to work but here's our general schedule. This has just started working in the last week or so prior to that it was a crap shoot and can still be.
8/8:30 falls asleep nursing and/or is so crabby I take him to bed
10:30 wakes up and nurses
12:30/1 wakes up and nurses
4:30/5 wakes up and nurses
5:45 up for work, J goes to daycare
I'm surviving well with the schedule only because we cosleep and I just have to wake up enough to stick a boob in his mouth. I don't have any other words of advice and this probably isn't very helpful to you. I also have an 11 week old 14 lb-er
apricot / 495 posts
D naps in his swing from 7:30-10. I feed him at 10:30 and he usually eats until close to 11:30. He goes right down (never takes more than 10 minutes for him to fall asleep. He wakes up between 6 and 6:30 am to eat again. Goes back to sleep when he is finished, usually around 7 am and then wakes up between 9-10. Yes, I am extremely grateful and lucky to have such a great sleeper. He hates to nap during the day though. He is 10 weeks and right about 11 lbs according to my home scale.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@lakeviewmama17: our sleep looks like:
9pm - Start bedtime routine - bath, PJs, book, swaddle, bottle
10:30ish - down for the night
9am - wakeup for day
She has always been a great night time sleeper but her naps are crap unless she is in her swing, stroller, car etc. it's so strange because she is obv tired and will sleep in her bassinet all night but will only give me 10min in it during the day. Blah.
persimmon / 1436 posts
You guys have no idea what a relief it is for me to hear that H isn't the only who has a hard time napping!!! I'm basically obsessed with his sleep and it stresses me out. Knowing I'm not alone is so helpful for some reason!
clementine / 818 posts
Ladies, I'm sorry I've been MIA for awhile, but my LO does not nap, and that leaves me with very little free time! I spend hours everyday trying to get her to take even just a 20 minute nap, it's ridiculous!!!!
@lakeviewmama17: our nights look like this
7:15- start bedtime routine
7:40- last feed of the night
8:30- fall asleep eating transfer to bassinet (yes it takes this long to get her to sleep lately)
4- wake up and nurses
7- wake up for the day
Occasionally she sleeps through until 7 but not normally. Our night sleep is great, but days, ugh! Also it's getting harder and harder to get her down, it sometimes takes 3 tries to get her to stay asleep when I lay her down at night.
pea / 13 posts
Thanks for the info ladies. It is interesting - he is actually a good mapper. Takes 4 naps a day, at least an hour each. Usually one is 2 hours. I rock him down but he sleeps in his bassinet. Wonder if the good naps are ruining us at night.
I am considering sleep training next week. Will let you know how it goes. He is just a stubborn little guy and since he hasn't lengthened his night time at all I feel like it won't happen on its own for quite awhile.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@MamaMagpie: you are SO not alone!! I am still constantly researching sleep! Yesterday was so tough because I took S to a baby group in the morning and then we went back to one of the ladies' houses afterwards and S had only napped for like 10mins here and there on the boob, whereas the others just fell asleep on their playmat or in the pram so nicely... grrr! S was a crying mess by the time we came home However she is sleeping in the cot for a nap now. Weird!
Has anyone experienced signs of the 12wk growth spurt yet? I've heard this is quite a bad one--although surely it can't be worse than the 6wk one? We're 11wks today so a bit apprehensive!! I thought we were in for a rough night last night as she wouldn't settle until almost 11pm--pretty late for her, but she slept through until 8am so it was fine.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@MamaMagpie: Haha I'm totally obsessed too! If she takes a long nap during the day I start wondering what it will do for her night time sleep. She was up this morning at 630 when usually she sleeps until 830. Now I'm all "IS THIS A WONDER WEEK? SLEEP REGRESSION???" My DH is telling me to chill the eff out. lol
@lakeviewmama17: Wow that's great to have such nice day time naps!! Do you have him on a schedule or go by sleep cues? Right now I'm doing sleep cues but sometimes they never come or she fights them so I'm hoping to get on a daytime nap schedule soon.
I have baby group this morning but it is soooo cold and freezing rain out, I'd rather stay in bed. But C is up anyways and it's an excuse for me not to wear my pyjamas all day so I really should go!
pea / 13 posts
@CHAR54 We roughly do a ~3 hour schedule, so I watch for cues but he gets pretty tired and fussy consistently 1-1.5 hours after waking. He RARELY will stay down for a solid 2 hour nap (unless he is in his stroller), but he'll sleep for 30-45 minutes, wake up, I'll give him his pacifier, and he'll fall back asleep. I've tried to extend his awake times a bit during the day to see if it will keep him sleeping longer at night but he becomes a super fussy little guy if he is up too long. Oh well. Praying for better sleep in 2014.
pomelo / 5041 posts
Sorry I've been MIA. With going back to work and the holidays it has been nuts. We co-sleep and we give J a bath around seven then feed him and try to put him down around eight. He usually sleeps really well until around 130 to 2 but sometimes as late as 330. Then I feed him put him back to bed again and he'll usually sleep till around six. I have to sneak out of bed at five to get ready. He is sick right now with a cold so sleep has been a little more difficult.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
Anyone else almost to the point of transitioning out of the infant seat? Ours has a weight limit of 22lbs and 29" but I also read online that if their head is within an inch of the top and Jack's is close to that. What do you guys think?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: J is pretty little so I think we have a way to go still. At least I hope so given we just bought an infant seat for dh's car not that long ago. What carseat do you currently use and what do you plan to her when you transition?
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: we have a graco passage, luckily it was a hand me down so I'm not too upset to switch to a convertible other than, where is my baby going?!? We are looking the the diono radian rxt, it's good 5-45lbs rearfacing and it and the foonf are the only complete steel frame convertibles. I think Jack must just have a really long torso because he's only 24.5" tall and his feet aren't dangling it's just that is head is close to the top already.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@lakeviewmama17: Hahaha that's what I'm hoping for too...new year, new leaf, right?! I'm holding off until after the holidays before I start the crib transition/swaddle weaning/nap training. Ugh the thought of any of those 3 things stresses me out! Life will be so crazy and unpredictable from now until the new year that I don't see the point in trying to get into a routine now. She's done really well with her naps today though ironically - she took a 1.5 hour nap this morning and has been asleep for the past 2 hours this aftn. I'm guessing it's just a fluke though.
@jetsa: C still seems to have a ways to go before she outrgrows it....though it's starting to get heavy to carry. I'm not sure how much longer my arms can hold out before I just leave the seat in 24/7! I haven't even begun to think or research convertibles...our options are so much more limited here in Canada for car seats
@marionberry: How's work going?? Do you get any time off for the holidays? Total props to you ladies back at work...If I get a shower and run a brush through my hair it's a good day. I can't picture having to get myself and C out of the door by 730am when I go back to work but I guess I'll just have to make it work!
clementine / 818 posts
@jetsa: we are no where near her outgrowing her infant seat, she is a peanut, which makes me glad because it was not cheap!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@illumina: @char54: hahaha I'm glad I'm not alone in my obsession!
@marionberry: I hope work is going well! Your sleep schedule sounds like it's working well, too I hope J is feeling better!
@jetsa: H has a long torso, too, and while I don't think he's ready to transition out of it yet, I do think it will be before he reaches the weight limit!
Guys, I have to brag -- today H took a two hour nap (extremely awesome, but wait it gets better) and *put himself back to sleep twice*!!!! I could see on the monitor that he'd woken up but wasn't fussing at all so I waited and he fell back asleep! So proud
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