grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: we only have a 2 months appt as well, they said they don't do 6 week checks here! Either cut or lasered, I need to see what the ped says.
Btw I'm so jealous of all y'all's long night sleeps, our record is still 4 hours.
apricot / 495 posts
We saw our ped at 1 week, 2 weeks, and 1 month. We don't go back until 2 months.
persimmon / 1436 posts
Ugh my iPhone cracked and I had to resort to using my ancient Blackberry = no hellebee for me for that time Now have my iPhone back and can catch up, hooray!
Sleep for us has been tough -- H won't really nap during the day unless we go for a walk and then once he's asleep get in the car and drive around. The boy likes movement! It doesn't always work, and so sometimes I'm driving home with a screaming baby At night he's regressed to giving me just 3-hr blocks (used to go 4-5 hours the first block, then another 3-hr). I know that's normal so I should be happy, but because he used to go for a longer first stretch, it feels like a setback somehow. However, it takes me 1.5-2 hours to get him back down at night. It's exhausting!
As for feeding, the fenugreek seems to be working and he's not so pissed off between feedings now. He's still hungry every couple of hours, but today at our breastfeeding support group (super awesome to have) he weighed in at a whopping 11lbs (he's just 6weeks, 4days!) so maybe he's just a big eater because he's growing so much/fast. We are still supplementing with 4oz of formula at his bedtime feed, but he will also breastfeed at the feeding so he must want 5-6oz. Wowza.
@mrsclownfish: hello!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: Have you tried using your carrier around the house? J likes motion too so when he won't sleep I put that on and walk around the house. It works pretty well.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: have his feedings spaced out? I just ordered more milk plus which is fenugreek + other stuff.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@marionberry: We have the Ergo with the infant insert and he loved it the first time but hasn't loved it since I'm actually not 100% sure I've got him in there correctly so I need to try some more. What kind of carrier do you have?
@jetsa: they've spaced out some, but not consistently yet. I think it would be longer between feedings if I could just get him to nap during the day! I hope the More Milk Plus works for you, you'll have to let me know. Right now I'm just taking fenugreek but if the other stuff in that helps even more, I want it!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: I should have it Saturday so I'll let you know. He has an appt Monday for his lip tie so I'm hoping after that we'll have answers, he literally won't go more than an hour without eating after work and he goes 3 hours at daycare with bottles. Also I used the Ergo with no insert today and he was fine, he has good neck control but still.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: We have both the Ergo and Infantino Ergonomic which are pretty identical. I just prefer the Infantino for my petite frame. We've never used the infant insert on either.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: good luck at your appointment Monday, I hope it gets sorted does sound like a transfer issue I think I'm going to try the Ergo without the insert tomorrow. H has pretty good neck strength too and when we hold him upright against our chests his legs will splay instead of curling up froggy-style so I think it would work just fine.
@marionberry: another case for no insert!
Hope everyone had a fun Halloween!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@char54: Paige's shots are next week (2 months)! I'm a bit nervous, but I'll also be glad that she'll have some protection from those illnesses.
@MamaMagpie: I have the ergo too. She hates it like poison when I first put her in, but after a bit of walking, she calms down. Bad thing is it has to be consistant walking for her to sleep. Around the house housework doesn't work, sadly.
What do your LO's think of the car? In the past two weeks, mine has decided it's the devil. She screamed all the way from my parents (45 min). I wish she'd fall asleep in there like she used to.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Grace: Jack loves the car as long as we're moving so drive-throughs, and traffic signals are difficult. The car seat with no mivement is a reason to scream sommy DH has taken to walking around the house with him in it if I'm. It ready or something.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Grace: He sleeps in the car seat if he's full but if he's hungry at all he screams at the top of his lungs. We've had one of those 45 min spells too!
nectarine / 2522 posts
I started a sept 13 body goal thread if anyone wants to join me for some motivation!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@jetsa: Goodluck with your appt - I hope you get some answers.
@jetsa: @Grace: E loves sleeping in the car, but same as @jetsa: he HATES it when we stop moving.
I'm attempting the nap transition to his room today to try and get some daytime structure and wean him off the swing before he gets too attached! It's the afternoon here so last nap of the day.... took him 30 minutes and two settles to go down!! urgh! I want him to know its different from night time so I made the room a bit lighter and am playing a lullaby instead of his usual white noise he has at night. Fingers crossed it goes ok and he doesn't get confused at night!
pomelo / 5469 posts
I'm so behind! We've been dealing with some crappy sleep/nap issues all week and I've been reading this in between posting to the 'Bee asking for advice!!
@MamaMagpie: it sound like you're making progress with the feeding! I'm glad H seems more content.
@Grace: at the moment, S is still fine with the carseat. As long as there's constant movement, she'll put herself to sleep within 5mins of leaving the house and usually continues her nap once we get her out of it again. When we're having a bad nap day (so most of this week!) I'll drive somewhere with her just so she gets at least one decent 3hr nap in the afternoon.
@Mrs squirreld: how are your naps coming along? I need to really try hard with getting S down again within 45-1hr as I think that's where I've been going wrong recently.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@illumina: urgh naps were the least of my problems today. I had a rough day. E woke at 1.30am for his feed so I knew something was wrong straight away... He usually wakes around 3.30am. After his feed and change he woke every 30-45 minutes til I gave up at 6.30am.... urgh. He then didn't nap til 1pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was so unhappy. Poor guy. I did have an upset stomach too, so maybe it was something I ate and it transferred to my milk. He seemed fine after his nap this arvo ( napped for 3 hours!!) and went down at 7pm tonight fine... so fingers crossed he hasn't got out of wack too much. I'm sorry your naps aren't going well. We are going away to the IL's tomorrow for the night so I think nap time will be all over the place tomorrow too.
I have my 6 week check up for myself & E tomorrow... I hope all goes well.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
Wow I am so behind! I read lots but am usually on my phone but it's a pain to type replies. I'm on my laptop now and C just went down so I have a few rare moments
@Grace: C likes the car as long as we're moving. When we put her in, we start rocking the car seat...then once we're in the car we have to be driving for her to be happy. Too many red lights and we have a cranky girl on our hands!
@Mrs squirreld: We're having trouble with naps, too. At night she goes down really really well...swaddle, bottle, put her in the bassinet, and she sleeps 8-10 hours straight through. Daytime naps are a different story. You *think* she is out cold so you try to put her in the bassinet. The second she gets in her eyes get wide open and she starts to cry. The only place she'll nap is your arms or her mamaroo. I'm worried that so many of her naps are in the swing and don't want her to get too dependent on it...I think it will be a battle to wean her off!
I had my 6 week check up and everything cleared...glad to have the go ahead to exercise (though I have no idea when I'll have time???) and get back to my normal routine. I like the idea of a weight loss thread...I think I will join in soon!
Okay after typing how great C is at going to sleep at night she has just started to cry in her bassinet, I thought she was out for the I totally jinxed it!!!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
Sounds like the car is what I would expect. I'm not sure what's going on. I changed a bunch of the buckle settings in case something was squashing or pinning her. She still cried on the way to my parents. BUT! On the way back home, she was super tired (not enough naps out there, of course), and she slept. Whoohoo!
@Mrs squirreld: Good luck with the naps! I hope E's feeling better! I'm going to work on naps if I ever get the crib transition figured out. We moved her last Monday night and her long sleeps have disappeared. I hope she gets used to it soon.
@illumina: Paige has the same 30 min naps as your LO, so I'm stalking your othef thread. With her though, I always get her down within the hour and it makes no difference. If I try earlier, her eyes stay stubbornly open - not tired yet, I guess! I'm just hoping this is one more thing she'll grow out of. And we do get the occasionally 45 min nap now, so it is slowly improving!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Mrs squirreld: how is your stomach now? I hope you are feeling better and having a good time with your ILs. We are going to MILs from Friday this week and I am already scared about naps!!
@Grace: haha! well she won't even sleep at all if I'm not holding her now. Apart from night, night seems to be different and she can still put herself to sleep from awake at bedtime and after the first motn feed. After the second motn feed around 5-6am she won't go back to sleep and just cries if left. So I've been up for the day from that time just holding her which has been rubbish. My cousin who has 4 children (youngest 9mths, oldest 6yo) gave me some good advice about baby wearing- basically that's how she got by during the day. So S has been in the Ergo for a couple of hours now whilst I did the housework and caught up with email etc.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@illumina: Mine wants to be up that early too, but I just can't, so she comes to bed with me and sleeps on my chest. I think we might go to do that right now....she's wide awake.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@char54: I hear you about having "time" to exercise. We have gym memberships now but I'm entirely unsure when I'll be able to go. They take babies at 3 months so maybe at that point? Or perhaps before I get home from work? I think at this point I'm more motivated to eat a little healthier.
@grace: That's my fear! That we'll move him to the crib and lose his great all-night sleeps. Hence why he's still in our bed...and he slept on my chest today too!
@illumina: The carrier has been the key to us getting things done during the day too!
@mrssquirreld: I want to join your weight loss thread but at this point I know I'll just fail. I have absolutely no time to lose weight and I'm stuck about 12 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight. I hope you're feeling better and so is little Eli!
Today I dropped J off at daycare for the first time. It's SO hard! We're doing short stretches while I'm still at home so I can get used to it, so I pick him up in about 2 hours, but man, I'm not sure how I'm going to get out the door each day for work without being up at about 5am. It took me about 45 mins just to get him up, fed and ready to go out the door.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: @char51: agreed, time is my worst enemy right now as far as exercise goes. I get up at 5:30 and we aren't home until 5:30-6
@Mrs squirreld: i'm going to join once i remember to weigh myself.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@illumina: much better thank you! We had a great time with the IL's too
@marionberry: that's what the thread is there for!!!!! It's about support whether we succeed or not!!! I just ate half a tub of chocolate honey nougat Icecream... So I'm failing already! When do you go back to work? I can't imagine how hard that 1st daycare drop off must have been. I miss Eli of someone else is holding him and he's in the same room as me!!
So our 6 week checkup went well. We are both doing great! I'm all cleared. Eli is doing great too! Weight is in the 50th percentile so that's great!!! his sleep has been better... Last night he slept 7pm til 4am!!! And then back down til 7am :-).
So here's a question. Has anyone DTD yet? Of course now I've been cleared DH is keen as! Being at our inlaws last night nothing happened... But now we are home... Eeeeeek! It's so scary!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: We dtd last week because my husband was anxious. It was pretty painful and not enjoyable. It'll be awhile before I try again. As far as work, I go back on the 18th. It has been nice this week getting to get used to daycare. I dripped him off yesterday and it was hard but he did great! Today he'll stay a bit longer. Still really unsure how I'm going to get ready and out the door in the morning for work though. I guess I'll be getting up really early.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@marionberry: Ok, so my aunt (had 4 kids and 2 grandkids and 2 step-grandkids), suggested making the crib smaller by rolling up blankets around LO. I did that and upped the temp on the space heater by 1 degree and got beautiful sleeps the past 2 nights. Whether that helped or she just needed a week to get used to it, I don't know!
@Mrs squirreld: We DTD twice and it was great, but I had a c-sec so not really comparable.
So, I think AF might be back. I'm not amused.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: we did awhile ago (before my 6 week check lol) and it was fine a little different not un-enjoyable, but we've not done it again, having a baby and finding time is hard! The thread yesterday about not dtd in a year reminded me I need to intiate it bc I'm sure my DH is missing it.
@marionberry: I get up at the butt crack of dawn it sucks.
@Grace: AF is no fun, I am anxious to see if the bleeding I had last month comes back or of it was just my body finishing healing.
apricot / 495 posts
I had my 6 week appt today and my doc said I need to wait 2 more weeks to dtd which is great because mentally I'm not ready!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: This is what I think I'm going to have to do two and it sucks! I am so not a morning person.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Meltini: so I'm assuming your dr looked everything over at your appt. Mine did not it was just a sit down and talk, write a birth control prescription appt. I'm guessing its because I just had a 2nd degree tear...
@marionberry: Yea, jack still isn't giving us more than 1.5-2 hour stretches either so its not fun but we're used to it.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@jetsa: that's what my dr did, just a sit down chat and write Bc prescription. She said that was all, and then I asked her to check me over bc I was too paranoid to look down there myself lol. I'm sorry you are still up so often did you get any more info on the lip tie?
It's a long weekend here so we are heading to DHs parents house about 5 hours away...I'm a bit nervous for the car ride...I'm thinking she will sleep right through but that means she will be up all night! Packing was an unreal task...I just took a big rubbermaid bin and filled it with all her stuff. I'm sure I'm forgetting something but oh well.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@char54: He has one and my ped referred us to an ENT. I was able to find an ENT with a cancellation tuesday so thats the next step. He sleeps all day at daycare and I wonder if thats part of the problem. He slept 2.5 hours at daycare this am, he doesn't do that for us ever. Naps are hard at home, he catnaps (30 min here and there)
He wakes up sucking in the middle of the night so I know he's hungry so I don't understand. I get that he gets more from a bottle but after nursing last night we gave him 2 ounces of formula before bed and he still got up 90 mins later.
pomelo / 5041 posts
Am I the only one who skipped getting birth control? I figure once I get my period I'll just do natural family planning. We want another lo and we had to go to an RE for our lady one so I'm not too worried.
@char54: No way my baby would sleep 5 hours in the carseat. You are lucky! I hope it doesn't throw off your schedule too much though.
@jetsa: I'm so sorry you're still dealing with crappy sleep. J barely naps during the day but sleeps great at night. I've typically attributed that to eating lots at night. Have you tried supplementing each feed after 5? I think J is growing because he wakes up for small feeds now in the middle of his long night sleep. You might be battling that too.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: I have a script and haven't filled it. My DH still only wants 1 kid and I'm still set on 2. I'm ready whenever to ttc so if it were up to me I'd shred it but she gave it to me so I'd have it if we want it
@char54: we're taking a trip that length next weekend. Jack will probably eat a few times but he's content to sit in it so that's good
@marionberry: we don't supplement often, only when he needs it., ie is obviously still hungry after nursing. I want to be able to say goodbye formula once we correct the lip tie and so I really try to stay away from getting in any sort of routine with it. Also J's never been a great sleeper
pomelo / 5469 posts
@marionberry: I didn't get birth control either. The doctor asked me what I wanted to do about it, but I didn't want any. We've always used nfp and it's worked perfectly. Though we haven't dtd yet (partly because I'm nervous and also there doesn't seem to be any time!!). I doubt I can get pregnant again for a while anyway, but if I did it would not be the end of the world (stressful, but not the worst!).
@char54: enjoy your weekend away! I'm scared to take S too far from home, let alone an overnighter!
pomelo / 5469 posts
Whilst S is still napping and I've got 2 hands to type, I'll see if I can get caught up... I wonder why they decide some naps are going to be 30mins (the worst!) and some are hours? She took a 30min nap this morning and today has decided the lunchtime nap is 1hr15 and counting... I also wonder at what point they decide it's "bedtime" and to start their long stretch? S now wakes up just the once for a motn feed at 3-4am, though it's getting later and later and I've noticed she's only feeding for 10mins max now at that time, so I'm really hoping she's getting ready to drop it in the not too distant future!
Has anyone's LO's had their first injections yet? S's are on Thursday and I'm nervous. Dh and I are both going with her, though I'm wondering whether I should ask him if I can wait outside incase I find it too upsetting
How are their milestones going? S hates tummy time with a passion- literally as soon as I put her on her front she cries! We just do it on our chest instead and she pushes the whole of her upper body up with her arms. She's smiling a bit more now, but not loads... coos a lot more often and has different sounds depending on her mood. I find these really helpful (she has one for "ok, yes, I'm listening", "I'm tired", "I'm happy", "I'm getting annoyed"). She has much more patience for sitting whilst I read to her- I can now finish a 5-10 page book without her squirming! Also she blows bubbles all the time- I didn't think they did this until much older, or are teething?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@illumina: our nap schedule is working well now. Two 2 1/2 hour naps and one 1 hr nap. Only 2 settles on the morning nap and none on the afternoon one today. He's back to going down straight away at his 7pm bedtime too....he's constantly nursing when he's awake though. Not sure if it's his next growth spurt or just adjusting to the schedule. I have E's needles next week. I am dreading it big time. I really really hope DH can get work off I'm not sure I can handle it alone
E hates Tummy time too, his neck seems super strong though he holds it up and looks around for long periods of time. He smiles and chuckles every day during awake time... Mainly at his dad or his E "talks" a lot more now too. So cute! He doesn't blow bubbles but he does drool a lot more now.... There better not be any teeth coming yet!! Haha
pomelo / 5041 posts
@illumina: @mrssquirreld: J goes in for shots on Wednesday and I'm taking him alone so that will be fun. How do I always end up alone for all of the painful moments (circumcision, heel prick, now shots)?! He is also very smiley with lots of talking lately! He does pretty well with tummy time but will only try it for about 10 mins. You guys are doing so much better than me with naps though. His are by no means scheduled and I can't make him take one. With him at daycare now I can't really work with him on it either so I guess it's his daycare provider's problem. Oh and it's my last week before going back to work. Blah! I don't want to leave him!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@marionberry: aww you poor thing! I never thought I'd be one to get upset when she is... but just seeing her poor sad face (the biggest upside down smile ever- it's so cute, but heartbreaking) makes me tear up! Naps are the bane of my life atm, I don't schedule them... I just wait until she yawns or looks tired which is always around an hour after waking up last, and start trying to get her down. Sometimes if I time it right, she goes down awake... but this is super rare, so I end up singing to her for 20-30mins and then she is almost asleep as I put her down. If she doesn't seem like she's going to settle, I let her comfort nurse to asleep and then carefully put her down. That stopped working at around 4-5wks, but has started working again for some reason, so I'm going with it. Whatever it takes!! I'm sure he will do great at daycare... I know it will be hard on you, but think how much you'll enjoy the weekends and moments you do get with him. I'm sure you'll come to value that and appreciate the break and return to a somewhat normal life during the week.
Speaking of which, I always planned to SAHM, though lately I've had thoughts about returning to work part-time when she's maybe a year old. Is there anyone else planning to SAH for the medium-long term? Do you still feel like you originally did now that baby's here?
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@illumina: @marionberry: Our naps are all over the place too...she usually will give me one long one (3 hoursish) but I never know if it will be in the morning or the afternoon. She's been doing really well of putting herself to sleep at night (I put her down drowsy but awake) but in the day she needs to be conked before she goes down.
@marionberry: How is J liking daycare?? I bet this last week is you get any time off for Christmas? That's not too far away! I hope you have a smooth transition next week.
@illumina: I always planned on going back to work after my year is up but now I am seeing myself wanting to stay home. My job allows me to take an additional 2 years (at no pay, obviously) but if I want to get another paid year mat leave for my next child I have to work so many hours in between. I'd love to go back half-time but don't know if it is financially feasible.
We had a great road trip - C slept the entire way - we stopped halfway to feed and change her but not a squawk out of her the entire trip...I counted my lucky stars because I don't know what we would have done if she had bawled for 6 hours.
My SIL is a physiotherapist and she noticed that C is developing a flat spot on the left side of her head (she definitely favors that side when sleeping/lying down) so now I am paranoid and trying to constantly switch her to her right side. We have our 8 week well check this week so I'll ask the Dr about it.
Other than that things are good here...she gets more fun every day with lots of smiles and has even started laughing (especially at her daddy). Those first few weeks when things were so tough and I was so emotional are becoming more and more a distant memory (though there are definitely still tough moments) Can you believe we are already 2 months in??!! They are growing so fast!
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