grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: we don't warm it, J will drink it straight out of the fridge. It doesn't seem to bother him, so I think it's baby preference.
@MamaMagpie: I know where you're at as that's why I don't pump. If you're momma instincts tell you he's hungry give him some formula, where's the harm?
apricot / 495 posts
Our "schedule" -
8 am - feed and diaper change
9 am - nap (sometimes we stay in bed and nap together)
12 noon - feed, diaper change, get baby dressed
1 pm - tummy time, hang out in swing, check out surroundings
2 pm - nap
4 pm - feed and diaper change
5 pm - LO hangs out with Dad.
6 pm - nap and I pump
8 pm - LO gets a bottle of expressed milk
8:30 pm - nap
10 pm - get LO in PJs and changed
10:30 pm -feed, swaddle, and put to bed
4 am - feed and diaper change
LO only gets 2 baths a week at this point. We usually do them before the 4 pm feed.
pomelo / 5469 posts
There's no 4-5 week growth spurt/wonder week is there? The last couple of days prior to this one have been very fussy with her refusing to nap etc. and then today since 7am she has taken 2x 4hr naps with a feed in between, then another feed and down again and she's been napping maybe an hour so far. Makes me think she must have been working on something recently and then finished? Weird! I'm not complaining... Though she's never gone more than 3hrs without a feed though. Anyone else's LO go for longer day stretches without feeding?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@char54: So jealous of your schedule! We have a keurig too so I'll try that but maybe it will be worth it to get an actual bottle warmer.
@jetsa: All of my pumped milk is frozen so I have to figure out some way to get it de-iced.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: you can just put it in the fridge or on the counter a few hours before you need to use it. My daycare provider said she'd just put how ever many bags she'd need for that day in the fridge that morning, because it's only good 24 hours once thawed
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@illumina: kellymom says there is one between 4-6 weeks. Also we had a week of bad days and yesterday was as you described (well 2-3 hour naps) so maybe it's the same thing.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: @illumina: this gives me hope that next week H will sleep during the day! The past few days he's only slept in very short increments (between nursing) on my lap or chest
grapefruit / 4663 posts
So I'm back to with this week, I'm ready-ish. I'm ready to be at work (I love my job) but I'm not ready to have the babe in daycare. Our daycare provider is so excited, which makes me feel better but I still feel like I'm neglecting him or something, by starting him so early
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Meltini: @jetsa: @MamaMagpie: I just downloaded the Wonder Weeks app- really excited to see what S has been working on this week! Hopefully it's smiling and coo-ing. She's been smiling a few times a day, but I'm not convinced its socially yet.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: I thought you had a little more time home than this. I hope it all goes well because I'll be going through the same thing next month. I have the same thoughts about it - happy and sad all at the same time. Best of luck!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: I'm ready to go back and financially I need to. i intended to take more but life took precedence.
I had a date night with my hubby tonight and had 2 beers (OMG!) I'm so thankful for my mom for opportunities like this
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: I totally understand! How great that you got to go on a date. Did you think about your lo the whole time or were you able to relax? We're going to go out on our first date Friday for my birthday and I'm nervous to leave him.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MapleMoose: I'm so glad the LC was helpful! Hopefully, the strategy was a success.
@illumina: LOL! I didn't even think of monthly photos! Mom fail. Ah well, if I can forget the first one, then the project was doomed from the start. Paige has never fallen asleep nursing during the day. We swaddle her up and bounce her on the ball to get her asleep for naps. She'll only nurse to sleep at night.
@char54: I love the social smiles. I spend all her awake happy time trying to get more!
@mrsstormy: your LO is probably getting as much sleep as mine is with her rediculous 35 min naps every 1.5 hours!
@mamamagpie: is your LO in a growth spurt? They eat constantly during them and it doesn't mean low supply.
AFM, we just finished the dreaded 6 week growth spurt. 5 days of up every hour to eat. Gahhh, I thought I'd never sleep again! But then a switch happened last night and I got 5 hours followed by 3 followed by 1.5 and then we napped for 2. It was bliss!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@MamaMagpie: I meant to say before- I was speaking to one of the midwifes at the mum and baby group I go to about S feeding both boobs until they're dry sometimes... and she said there will always be milk available, even though it doesn't seem like it. Sometimes squeezing the boob will help them to get at it.
@jetsa: date night sounds amazing!! S usually takes a good nap from 7-10pm and Dh and I have started watching movies together in the evenings... it's been really nice to have that chunk of alone time
@Grace: there's a 6wk spurt? Oh gosh, after last week's wonder week I'm not sure I'm ready for the crankyness to resume so soon! Isn't it strange though how once it's over it's like an instant change? S napped so much yesterday and last night we got down to 1 wake up at 3am... then she was super happy after waking for the day at 8am, so we fed, changed and then played together for an hour or more before another quick feed and now she's been napping for 1.5hrs... she went out like a light as soon as she touched the mattress! That hasn't happened in SUCH a long time!
S is now getting much more vocal- we have "baa" on a regular basis now. She is also looking and feeling much more chunky, so I can't wait to see how much she weighs now on Wednesday.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@illumina: Yeah. There's one at 10 days, 3 weeks and six weeks. Then 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months. But it's not like babies know how old they are. Maybe your's did the 6-week one early? I think Kellymom says it's in the range of 4-6 weeks.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Grace: are growth spurts and wonder weeks the same thing? I read that there's a wonder week from wk4-5.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@illumina: Apparently growth spurts are for growing and they eat a ton whereas wonder weeks have to do with brain development and learning new skills. According to the app, they want more cuddles and will comfort nurse more without really eating. I did notice the 4-5 week wonder week a little. She was kind of crabby, but sleep wasn't really affected. I noticed it more afterwards actually. She looked at her toys more, wanted to play more and there were tons of non-stop smiles.
grapefruit / 4213 posts
M is not even 2 weeks old yet but she seems to sleep for 3-4 hour chunks so I suppose that's as close to a schedule as we can get right now. I wonder how the time change to Daylight Savings Time will affect her.
persimmon / 1436 posts
Can anyone tell me about how long the growth spurt lasts? H is now on day three of constant nursing and I'd love to know when the light at the end of the runner appears! I downloaded the Wonder Weeks app and know the first leap is from 4.5-5.5 weeks, but it's different than the physical growth spurt, right? I miss napping during the day!!!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@MamaMagpie: I think ours started last Tuesday and ended when she woke up on Sunday morning. It felt like forever! So glad it was just a phase though.
apricot / 251 posts
@marionberry: I take my pumped milk out of the freezer and just run it under hot water for a little bit. it thaws pretty quickly. then we heat up a mug of water in the microwave (about a minute & a half) and plop the bag or bottle in it for a few minutes. the whole process only takes 5-10 mins.
apricot / 251 posts
@MrsStormy: thanks for your kind words! we are doing ok, we went for an adjustment last week and the doc was pretty impressed with how diligent I have been with her harness. I told him I am not taking any chances, I want her out of that thing ASAP! we got back for another ultrasound on nov. 6th. fingers crossed her hip is in the right place.
her torticollis has eased up tremendously. I only stretch her a few times per week now.
as for the colic.... wellllll that's another story! she seems to have an episode twice a day now. it is quite exhausting
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@jetsa: how did your first day at work go?? Im sure it was harder on you than your LO! The good thing about babies so young are that they are so easily adaptable. Fx it was a smooth transition for you both
C has been really constipated the past few days. She used to be a regular, poop once a day kind of girl. Since Thursday she has started going every 2 days (actually her last BM was Sat night so we are over 48 hours now) and is visibly straining, pushing, fussy. We have tried bicycling her legs, massaging her belly, etc...
She used to be on a mix of formula/bm and the last week or so she has been almost all on bm as my supply has ramped up. Not sure if that has something to do with it? I hate seeing her in pain
pomelo / 5041 posts
@char54: bm should increase her poops so that seems odd to me. Maybe ask your pediatrician what he recommends.
@mrsmoreau: thanks! I tried a similar process today and it worked great.
So I tried introducing the bottle today and ds hated it (I should say DH tried it). Anyone have this problem or have any suggestions? I need to get ds to take a bottle before I go back to work!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MamaMagpie: Paige's shortest growth spurt was 2 days and the longest was 5. Hang in there! They are terrible.
@char54: Is she actually constipated with hard poops? I think that's really unusual for babies not on solids. If she just looks like she's straining and grunting alot, it could be gas. P farts a lot more in the past couple of weeks and visibly strains when pooing now. Also,around 4 weeks, the frequency of her poos slowed down too. I think it's supposed to be normal to go as infrequently as once a week?
@marionberry: Trying to get P to take a bottle is on the agenda this week too. I'll be waiting for your tips! Good luck'
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Grace: Thanks! I'll let you know what I learn.
@char54: My lo strains painfully to poo and fart which is why we introduced the gripe water. It seems to help. He's by no means constipated though as we change tons of dirty diapers.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@marionberry: we started with a bottle when S was a week old. She didn't like it the first time either, so we tried again the next day and it was fine. She gets a bottle maybe once a week now and is happy doing so. My advice would be to have DH keep trying when you're not in the room. Squeeze a little milk onto his lips so he can taste it and when he opens his mouth try and get the teat part in as far as you can. He'll figure it out.
@Grace: I didn't realise poo frequency normally slows around this time... But I have noticed that there is no longer poo there every time I change her and wondered if she was ok! Thanks for the reassurance!
clementine / 818 posts
@char54: ditto what grace said!
thanks everyone for the schedule help, reassurancd.
So quick question, we are going to try to give lo a bottle for the first time tomorrow, and we are hoping that goes well, but how often should we continue to try to have her take one, since I will be going back to work?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MrsStormy: My LC said once a day until you go back and what I've read suggests an evening feeding is best.
@illumina: that makes me feel better. Thanks for the advice!
@char54: my pedi said bm's slow down and may get to one big bm per day in EBF babies. Lo still bm's lots though.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
Thanks everyone - you're right, she's not constipated since when she does finally go its not hard. But she hasn't gone since Saturday and she's obviously in pain...if she doesn't go by tomorrow I think I will take her to the dr to be sure.
clementine / 818 posts
@char54: ok so after I posted last night lo sort of started doing the same thing, when she farts or poos she is obviously straining Dh liked it to when I was pushing in labor, she actually was like pulling off while nursing to do it, it was so sad, you could tell it was painful... Maybe its just a phase but who knows.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@MrsStormy: yes exactly! As she's straining I was saying "push push push Girly" and Dh told me it reminded him of when I was in labor, lol.
She slept all night and is happy as a clam this morning - I'm hoping its passed, but she still hasn't pooped and early evening is when it seems to bother her the most
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
And little girl pooped!!! Yay!! Never thought I would be so happy to see #2!
pomelo / 5041 posts
Today I bought the Avent Natural bottle and he ate 4 oz! I'm so happy because I was so worried. @jetsa: How is it going at work and how's your lo doing with daycare?
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: @char54: my sister was in from SC over the weekend and stayed an extra day so we haven't started yet. We start tomorrow am, I'm nervous but ready I think. I have like 5 bags to bring lol, I keep worrying I'm forgetting something!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@marionberry: oh good! We use avent natural bottles too and C loves them.
@jetsa: good luck!!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@marionberry: I'm glad he's taking the bottle now! We also have the Avent ones, though I'm going to have to buy the bigger size as the ones I got only hold 5oz and she easily goes through that in a feed now. I fed her some expressed milk today and she took it fine from me... so that was good.
@jetsa: Good luck with the daycare/returning to work!
@char54: I hope C is poo-ing better now. S's poos now seem to have tiny cheese like bits in them... poo colour but just bitty. Dh thinks it's normal, but seems weird to me!
We went to another baby group meet up today. So we now have activities on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Soon it will be most of the working week, I'm sure. It's great to get out and to meet other mums and babies of different ages to see what we've got to look forward to
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