Hellobee Boards


September 2013 Mamas - Postpartum

  1. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    @jetsa: you will be fine! daycare is rough at first, but you get the hang of it. also, usually the daycare is stocked up on stuff they need because they are used to people forgetting something! I know when I first dropped off DS I was a nervous wreck, and yes we forgot things from time to time, but it was never a problem.
    Remember, this is what the people at the daycare do day in and day out for many different families - I am sure they've seen it all!

  2. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @mrsmoreau: thank you it's so nice to hear from someone who's been there.

    @marionberry: @char54: @illumina: thanks ladies!

  3. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    Anyone want to share LO's stats? S is 5wks old today. Weight: 8lbs 5oz, height: 52cm. Both are the 9th centile for her age, bless her!

  4. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Work is going well, daycare dropoff was a little un-nerving but we got through it. I've gotten lots of updates from my daycare lady so thats super nice.

    @illumina: Our next appt isn't until next month! Jack was over 9 lbs last time I weighed him on our bathroom scale.

  5. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    Well lo took the bottle like a champ! Woohoo! We gave her a tommy tippy bottle it seemed like it had the slowest flow nipple to me.

    @illumina: I'm not sure what her stats are right now her next appointment isn't until next month. Also I can't believe your lo takes 5 oz! Now I'm in a bit of a panic, last weighted feed we did was 2 weeks ago and she was barely taking 2 oz...

  6. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @jetsa: Thinking of you today!

  7. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MrsStormy: thank you! I was thinking the same thing on the 5 oz, the most Jack has ever eaten out of a bottle is 3.5 oz of breast milk and the dr told me no more than 2 oz of formula when I supplement. I guess it goes to show all babies are different

  8. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @jetsa: glad the drop off went well! I bet the updates are super reassuring . Did you cry? I'm sure I will be a bawling mess, lol.

    This afternoon has been...challenging, to say the least. It was my turn to host baby group this morning so our schedule was all thrown off and our house was topsy turvy.

    When everyone left, LO started screaming for no apparent reason. Dh is away for work, our mamaroo broke this morning (ugh!), my boobs were engorged begging to be pumped, and I was trying to make myself something to eat for the first time that day (Kraft dinner - healthy lunch ftw!)

    Anyway LO was screaming, screaming and only would settle when I picked her up. SO not like her. Nothing has been going well this afternoon. She's finally sleeping on my chest but I'm too nervous to put her down. Meanwhile my delicious kraft dinner is freezing cold and my boobs are begging for the pump. Sigh. I can't wait for Dh to get back into town.

  9. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @char54: I surprised myself and didn't. I was expecting to, but she and the toddlers were so excited to have him I felt better about it I think. I've had days like that I'm so sorry, it sucks. Last time I texted DH a pic of him screaming bc I was just so frustrated.

  10. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @MrsStormy: @jetsa: I found this link, although its talking about formula, I guess the amount of bm would be similar? It says for a one month old up to 4oz per feed. So I would guess up to 5oz for a 5wk old could be normal? http://www.bottlebabies.org/how-much-formula-milk-does-my-baby-need/

    @char54: Aww. I hope your evening gets better! It's tough when they're like that and you're alone

    This is probably TMI, but my discharge is getting kinda EWCM-like all of a sudden, how it used to be mid cycle. I'm scared AF might be coming much sooner than Id like! Does anyone else have this?

  11. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @illumina: also I was told to let my bm baby eat to contentment, so I think yours just must be a better eater than mine :). not that but I'm having what I swear is a period! I thought it was just spotting but it's more than that and has continued for several days. One forum I read said it's not AF but the body disconnectin the umbilical cord, idk.

  12. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @jetsa: I'm glad your first day went well!! I was thinking of you!! Brave mumma!
    @char54: You were HOST to your baby group! wow! I panic at just the inlaws coming over at the moment... I really need to get out. I am going to my mother's group for the first time next week.
    @illumina: no discharge here... but my bleeding has only JUST stopped.. ergh.. I thought it was going to go on forever!

    Hows everyone feeling body wise?? I am dying for my 6 week check and clearance... I really want to go to the gym..and baby & mum yoga.. I need it. Even though I have lost a fair bit of weight and am less than my pre-preg weight, I still have a long way to go til my ideal weight. I need to start eating better too.

    E is doing great though. He's dropped another night feed so now only wakes up once a night around 3am... I feel super super lucky... and will enjoy that while it lasts??
    We also just got a swing and he's been doing his day naps in that... going sooooo much better now...they are alot longer and more regulated. I think I might try slowing migrating one nap a day in his room.

  13. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: my 6wk check is next Wednesday. To be honest I have kind of forgotten about the taking it easy thing- I haven't been playing sports or going to the gym or anything like that but I carry pretty much everything I used to and regularly push the pram up hills! I do still have a little pelvic pain but other than than I think I'm healed. I still need to lose 14lbs- I've come to a bit of a standstill with my weight, which doesn't make sense as I'm getting a lot of regular exercise.

    E sounds similar to S. Just last night she went down to 1 night feed too. She went down at 8pm and then slept to 2.15am, then went down at 2.45am until 6.45am. Dh and I were awake long before her the first time waiting for her to wake up!!

    The one thing I really need to work on is her bedtime routine. Sometimes she goes down easy, but sometimes it can take 1.5hrs to get her to sleep. We usually start with a feed at 7pm and then I think the issue is that this is the only time Dh really gets to see her so he plays with her for a while and she gets overtired. She settles better on the days we bathe her at night, so I think we might start doing this every night.

    What are your LO's bedtime routines like and how early do you start?

  14. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: I have my 6 week check up too and am hoping for the all clear. I did go in my parents hot tub last week for the first time in 10 months... Omg it felt good!!!

    @illumina: her bedtime routine only starts around 10.. We give her a bath .. .I swaddle her then give her a bottle to see what she will take. She usually passes out after an ounce and then sleeps right through till 8 am.

    Omg yesterday was absolutely awful. I don't know if its a growth spurt, wonder week, gas or what - but C was crying all.day.long unless she was in our arms. She only took brief cat naps and would wake up screaming any time you tried to out her down. She looked like she had really bad gas ...gripe water,belly massages, bicycling legs all worked briefly. By the end of the day I was exhausted and crying myself.

    Luckily her night time sleep doesn't seem to be disrupted and she took a long nap this morning so I am hoping (praying?) today will be better . My parents are watching her tonight so Dh and I can have a much needed date night. Funny how even on mat leave I crave Fridays!! Lol

  15. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    I had my 6 week check yesterday and am good to go do all of the things I was already doing lol. There are so many weight restrictions after a c-section but I ignored most of them. I'm excited to take a bubble bath tonight though with a big glass of wine. DH bought us a gym membership (I have about 15 to lose still) but it will be hard to go until he's 3 months and can go to the gym daycare.

    As far as night routines, J usually takes hours to go to bed. We start usually around 7 and he's out typically between 9 and 10. He will sleep anywhere from 5-8 hours after that though. We typically do baths in the morning but I'm going to have to switch them to nights soon since I'll be going back to work. I bet it would help him sleep faster though. It's just lights off and lots of feeds in the dark upstairs in our bedroom until he's out.

  16. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @illumina: My 6 week check is monday. We don't have a routine yet. I feed him when we go to bed upstairs in our bed and then he's out for 2.5-3 hours.

  17. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    Anyone else experiencing what I think might be the 6wk growth spurt? After sleeping really well for weeks and down to one night wake up, tonight after going down at 830pm, S was up at 11, 1, 4 and 6am

  18. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @illumina: He's not waking frequently but he certainly fights going to bed now. We've barely gotten him to nap during the day and they're mainly 20-30 min cat naps. This leads to him just being obnoxious by evening time.

  19. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @illumina: Jack has been like that but I blamed it on the cold he has, though it could either, and the sleeping started first.

  20. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    Well I'm FINALLY joining this thread almost 4 weeks after Leon was born. It will take me a while to catch up but briefly.....Leon is doing well exclusively breastfeeding and had no problem taking a MAM bottle from my husband today (he uses MAM pacifiers) he has been feeding around 10, 230 and 6 during the night. Hoping to eventually drop the 230 feeding in the coming weeks. We are using honest co diapers and I like them.

    Other than that I am feeling much better after my c section but still get tired after walking around for long periods of time.

    Sorry if this was covered earlier in this thread but does anyone have plans to dress their lo up for Halloween? Leon is so little I am just going to do a Halloween onesie.

  21. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MrsClownfish: Lucky you! I'm still struggling to get J to take a bottle. As far as Halloween we had originally bought a costume but he's still too small for it. Instead he has a skeleton pajama and a Halloween outfit.

  22. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MrsClownfish: congrats, it sounds like everything is going great! Jack is going to be Jack sparrow, we are having a Halloween party/Sip&See for him next weekend. we are going to be pirates as well.

  23. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: Such a cute idea!

  24. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts


    So I know I'm the only one who's back at work already but I wish I could stay home with Jack and I absolutely love my job. I'm too much of a control freak for letting other people watch him 40 hours a week, especially while trying to nurse (having people give him more bm than I pump is currently a big problem, slow down the feedings he doesn't need all that!). I think part time would be a better match for me but budget-wise its not in the cards right now.
    I had a meltdown last night about trying to work 40 hours a week and being able to produce enough milk for him. It doesn't help that J has a liptie and I'm almost certain thats why he's still nursing every hour.

  25. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: I'm so sorry! I know it's going to be hard for me too. I'd love to work part time but we can't afford it. I am lucky that my boss will let me do one day a week from home though. Can you tell your babysitter to feed him less if you think he's getting over fed? Can you supplement with formula more if not?

    OMG so I hear everyone including my pedi talk about waking babies up for a feed to extend sleep. Last night J went to sleep at 615 which is about 2-4 hours early for him so I decided I would wake him at 8 to feed him and get him back to sleep by 10. When we tried to wake him he screamed inconsolably for like 20 mins in this half asleep state. DH was so mad. We're never waking him while he's asleep again.

  26. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: they think they're helping, he's still hungry. We've been supplementing more with formula which is fine. I'm off on Fridays so that's better than nothing. Yea I tried to dream feed J before work he wasn't mad but he didn't settle back down so I just ended up giving him to my mil even though he would have been totally out if I hadn't woke him.

  27. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Also I have no idea how people bm get these huge amounts of pumped bm. I'm lucky to get 3 ounces and that's what he eats every 2 hours.

  28. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: I can get 5-6 oz from one breast in the mornings and about 3-4 per breast during the day. I think it's primarily your natural supply and then how often and when you pump. My LC said to pump every 2-3 hours when I go back to work. Have you tried taking fenugreek or mothers milk tea? I've heard they work otherwise you can talk to a doctor about domperidone which is supposed to increase supply. I think @char54 said she took it.

  29. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: I need to try the supplements I think. I just pumped for the first time and got 3 ounces from both breasts and that's normal, it'll decrease throughout the day and by the last time I pump at work it'll be 1.5 total from both. I currently pump every 1.5-2 but I've read several places that I can probably stretch it out a bit. ETA: I asked about it at my 6 week pp appt she recommended fenugreek and blessed thistle and then she'll prescribe reglan if I need it

    I may not want to hear the answers to this but how many times a day do your babies eat? I keep seeing 5-6 floating around the board for 12 weeks and there is no way we'll be there in 6 weeks. He's eaten 5 times already this morning and had a bottle! He normally eats about 16 times per day.

  30. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @MrsClownfish: Congrats on your sweet boy ! Love the name! LO is going to be a ladybug...the costume is 3-6 months so will probably be too big, but it was the smallest we could find.

    @marionberry: Haha, that's my mom's advice too: "Never wake a sleeping baby!!!" Dream feeds don't really work for us either (only tried it once) but her awake time is from 9-11pm so usually she takes her last bottle at 11 and then we all go to bed.

    @jetsa: I've been thinking about you! It must be hard to be away from J so long I sometimes find myself half wishing that I was back at work (I LOVE my job too) but then realize that it would be difficult also. Balance is such a hard thing to find.

    Did you figure out how to get the lip tie taken care of? I think that will make things a lot easier for you. I can't imagine working and feeding so often - try not to wear yourself out (I know, easier said than done).

    C feeds 6 times a day (5x4oz with an extra 2oz right before bed) but they are all bottles so it's probably a different schedule than BFing. How much is he eating when he takes a bottle? Does he go longer between feeds then?

    As for the supplements I did take domperidone - I *think* it worked (I can now pump a bit more) but I developed mastitis a few days after starting it and stopped because I'm scared to get it again. I meet with my OB for my 6 week check up tomorrow and she is also a LC so I'll ask her if it's okay to start back up on them again.

  31. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @marionberry: this is us today. We had an hour nap first thing this morning and then 2x30 mins naps this afternoon. Other than that it's been nursing, about 30mins of playtime and the rest either trying to get her to nap again or stop her crying! Also, I try very hard not to ever wake her. The couple of times I've done it, I've wished I hadn't! I don't like messing with her sleep. As far as the night/bedtime goes, I don't think 7pm is a bad time (although it's not ideal for us) hopefully she'll eventually drop most of the motn feeds and we can move towards 7pm-6am or something.

    @jetsa: I don't count how often she feeds and have even less of an idea how much milk she's even drinking. If I had to have a stab in the dark I'd say 4ozx7 feeds- 28oz? She probably feeds between 6-10 times per day and I know she's taken 4oz whenever we've given her a bottle before.

  32. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @illumina: @char54: Lesson learned! Never doing it again regardless of it means we're up late.

    @jetsa: I probably feed him 6-7 times and then he cluster feeds before bed and feeds in the middle of the night once, so probably like 9 or so. He takes about 4 oz per feeding. I would venture to say your son eats often because he's getting less per feed. If you can supplement to make sure he eats about 4 oz per feed he'll probably drop feeds and sleep better, or so I've heard.

  33. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @illumina: Last weight check was at 5 weeks. She was 10 lbs 4.5 oz. She's 8 weeks on Halloween and must be 11 lbs by now. That's 70th percentile, but I attribute it to being born two weeks late.

    I hope AF stays away a little longer for you!!

    @Mrs squirreld: I've been feeling pretty normal since 4 weeks postpartum. Bleeding stopped at 7 weeks (finally!), which goes a long way to feeling 100%. I'd say the only thing now is that my hips complain when I go for walks with LO in the ergo. Hopefully it's just out-of-shapeness.

    Those are awesome sleeps! Yesterday, I got one wake at 3 and then one at 6 (after going to bed at 9). It was amazing. Tonight we're back to 1.5 hr wakeups after the first long stretch. Ah well. It's exciting that she can do it!

    @char54: I crave Fridays too! It's so nice to have DH around the whole day on the weekends!

    @MrsClownfish: Welcome! I got Paige a ladybug sleeper and I'm taking her to work for a Halloween potluck to show her off.

    @jetsa: That sounds so rough. No advice, just hugs. Paige nurses about 11 times in a 24 hr period. It's 1.5-2 hr during the day, hourly between 6-8 pm and at 2 and 5 in the night. There's no way she'd ever do only 6 times a day. The intervals have lengthened as she gets older, but it's slow going!

  34. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    C had her 6 week well check today...she's 10lb14oz (!!) which is apparently in the 50th percentile - seems big to me, though! Everything went well and we are going back for her next check in 2 more weeks.

    Has anyone scheduled their vaccines yet?? Ours are Nov 18th. I'm dreading them because I hate the thought of her being in pain! My friends say they aren't so bad so I'm trying to trust them. After she gets her vaccines though we can start the Roots of Empathy program which I am super excited about it....C and I will go to my school where I teach and work with a class all year. The premise is that C is the teacher, teaching the kids about empathy, needs and wants, anti-bullying, caring for others, etc. It's a really fantastic program so I'm excited to be part of it and also to get back into the school since I do miss it.

    On another note, AF has returned. Oh well, it was a good run while it lasted!!

  35. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    D was 9 lbs 7 oz at 4 weeks. Also grew 1 full inch since birth (up to 21.25 inches). Right now he is eating between 6 & 8 times in a 24 hour period but he eats for 30 minutes - 1 hour each time.

  36. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Grace: @marionberry: @Meltini: @illumina: thanks guys. Its super interesting to hear I just realized he has a lip tie so I don't think hes transferring milk efficiently causing so many feeds lol. I mean if I can pump 3 ounces consistently and when he takes it out of a bottle he's fine for 2-3 hours, but from the breast hes eating every hour it seems like a transfer issue. We've been supplementing a bit in the evenings because after nursing for an hour he gets so frustrated. We have a ped appt monday and hopefully we can get it resolved. ETA: I had my 6 week pp appt and they recommended fenugreek and blessed thistle to boost my supply the thought being can't hurt might help. She said she'd write me a prescription if I tried them and thought I needed more

    @char54: Ours are dec 5 which is our 2 month appt (no idea why its 2 weeks late, thats just when they scheduled it)

    @illumina: @char54: I think AF returned for me too. The dr office didn't seem surprised which I thought was odd. I've heard it can come back for awhile and then go away again while your BF so I'm hoping it stays away lol

  37. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @char54: S's shots are in a couple of weeks time- she'll be 8wks 1 day. Dh and I are both going to take her in case it's traumatic for her or I! Your school program sounds really fun.

    We had our 6wk check today, everything good. The doctor was really pleased with how S is doing and said she's using all of her joints (whatever that means- how can you not use them?), which is a bit advanced for her age, apparently.

    We also had our first major blowout this afternoon. As in, all the way up to the back of her neck, through her vest, clothes and 2 blankets blowout!! I don't know if it was either because she hadn't poo-ed before then today, or because she needs to move up a nappy size. I think it could be the latter- even though the next size up is for 9lbs+ and she's not there yet. So lucky girl gets 2 baths today, haha!

  38. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    I'm starting to wonder why our pedi didn't do a 6 week check. We scheduled for 2 months only. I'm starting to wonder if he meant at 6 weeks or in 6 weeks when he had me set up the appt. Oh and he finally takes a bottle! Grandma and grandpa have no problem giving it to him and now he lets us do it a but too. I was so worried but feel much better knowing he won't starve at daycare now. Finally J slept 8.5 hours last night. I love it when that happens!

  39. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @char54: His next set of regular vaccines are at 2 months. That's a cool program! My mom brought my newborn sister into my 5th grade class so we could all do a project on babies. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.

    @illumina: I hate blowouts but we've had a few. We moved J to size 1 diapers recently because the newborns wouldn't fit anymore. It seems to have helped a bit.

    @jetsa: Will you be getting the tie lasered?

  40. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @marionberry: mine told me that their two month check up is the only one they can do "2 weeks" early, so it could essentially be a 6 week check up. We are doing ours two days before her two month birthday.

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