Hellobee Boards


September 2013 Mamas - Postpartum

  1. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @jetsa: yes, the nipple pain has gone away in the last 5-7 days and I'm sooooo relieved! One side was really bad and got blisters and bled Ouch! H has his cluster feeding hours, too...currently going on three hours of it

  2. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MamaMagpie: oh good, you give me hope! Breastfeeding is so hard!

  3. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    1. Mackenzie Elizabeth
    2. 10/10/13
    3. Induction on 9 days overdue. Labored 15 hours and ended up with a 2nd degree tear.
    4. She recognizes our voices!
    5. Seeing the repeated heelsticks as they monitor her low blood sugar.
    6. Am I ever going to be able to trust that she's sleeping without checking her breathing?

  4. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @MamaMagpie: glad the pain has gone away! That must make things 10x better!

    @MapleMoose: yay!!! Congratulations! I love her name. How are you feeling?

    Things have been going really well here...I find every day gets easier and easier. I realized a lot of my baby blues were due to a lack of sleep...she has started sleeping 6-7 hours each night and it is amazing!! I keep waiting for her to regress but so far she continues to be a champ. Pumping has been goin well too, I've recovered from the mastitis which was absolutely terrible. I almost quit but heard good advice to never quit on a bad day. Still supplementing with formula but am pumping enough to give most feedings with breast milk.

    It's thanksgiving here , my favorite holiday. So much to be thankful for this year!

  5. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @jetsa: it may be the hardest thing I have ever done. The physical side is one thing, but the emotional side as well, don't you think?
    @char54: it definitely does make it 10x better!

    Last night H ate at around 7:00pm, which is normal, and then didn't sleep until 5:00am. Five. Am. He was miserable He would nurse for a few minutes and pop himself off, I would burp him and put him against my chest in hopes he'd fall asleep, he would indicate he still wanted to nurse and get really fussy, and the cycle would repeat. I stopped putting him back on the breast and tried to soothe him in other ways, but he just cried and cried. Multiple diaper changes, lots of rocking and bouncing and shushing, lots of comfort nursing...finally, at about 4:00am, I decided to give him a bath since he really likes them -- it was like pushing a "reset" button and he calmed enough to eat a little bit and then slept from 5-7 and again from 8-11. But today has been similar to last night. The pediatric said it may be an early sign of colic. I am praying that's not the case and he's just been having a growth spurt or something. Pray for us!!!

  6. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @MamaMagpie: praying that you have a better night! Ouch - that is so so rough, you must be exhausted mama! I hope you got to take a few naps throughout the day. That's so cute he likes the bath- I wonder if you give one around 11pm tonight if it would knock him out for the night?

  7. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @MamaMagpie: @jetsa: it is most certainly the hardest thing I've ever done, emotionally and physically.

    @MamaMagpie: sorry you guys had such a rough night, that sounds miserable, there is no way my breasts could have handled that! Hope tonight is better!

    @jetsa: Lo is 3 weeks old tomorrow and I am still having nipple and breast pain

    @char54: you are a rock star still pumping!!!! And I am so jealous of all that sleep!

  8. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @char54: @MrsStormy: thanks, ladies It's currently 10:30 and we've just had a feed, so fingers crossed he can back to sleep! I will definitely be using the bath sooner this time, now that I know it works!

  9. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    I swear I responded earlier and it disappeared!

    @MamaMagpie: good luck. It I'd the absolute hardest thing I've ever done both emotionally and physically. I mean you folky have more than 2 hours to yourself and you're the only ones that can Feed them. Middle of the night is the worst!

    @char54: go you for continuing to pump. I've had mastitis already as well and it sucks. I'm do jealous of that sleep!

    @MrsStormy: thanks his 3 weeks as well, the LC said my sores just need to go away so hopefully we'll both be pain free soon!

  10. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @MapleMoose: Great name! Congrats!

    @char54: Wow, so much sleep. I'm jealous. My LO has started doing 2-3 hr stints which is such an improvement over the 1-1.5 hr stints! I can't even imagine was 5 hours feels like...

    @MamaMagpie: Oh my gosh. How did you not go insane? We had a bad evening recently but it was only 5 PM to 11PM. I think I would have lost it if it went on that long.

  11. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @MamaMagpie: I hope your night was better last night!
    @char54: So jealous of your long stretch of sleep! The longest S does at the moment is up to 4hrs first thing after bedtime.

    Honestly you guys, I swear if I'm not asleep or trying to get S to sleep, I'm researching sleep!! She does a good first stretch of 3-4hrs first thing at night, then she'll wake up every 1.2-2hrs after that until about 9am. After her first morning feed she will not nap! As in, she'll start yawning, and I'll either try to put her down or keep holding her and regardless she'll close her eyes for 5mins and then be wide awake again! This goes on and on, with a feed in between, until midday when we can usually get her down for a nap just before we eat. Once she's down, she'll be asleep for around 3hrs, then she'll be awake for hours as per the morning and then sometimes she'll take another 3hr nap starting around 5pm.

    Is anyone else finding it tough to get their LO to go to and stay asleep lately? Also Dh is much better at getting her to sleep than me... maybe she realises by the time he tries that Mummy is no longer available for food/entertainment and gives it up!

  12. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @illumina: how did last night go? My LO sleeps really well at night (8 hours last night!!) but during the day is much more unpredictable and sporadic.

    Ugh ladies- I broke my elbow today I'm so mad at myself - I was walking with my dad and the baby...I got tangled up with my dog and the leash and landed face first.

    Thankfully I have a sling and not a cast, but 3 weeks of no lifting, driving...I hate that I can't really do anything with the baby. I can't change her, feed her or hold her . I miss my baby girl.

    It's thanksgiving here so luckily lots of family are around to help. Im just getting frustrated that the littlest things are now impossible to do. I feel like i was finallu getting in a routine and confident with this mom thing. now i have to sit back anf watch everyone else take care of her. Pity party for one over here.

  13. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @illumina: yes we've had the same sleep issues today. If I leave in the aM I can guarantee a good car seat nap but other than that nada.

    @char54: oh you poor thing! We do well on sleep at night as well, up every 2-3 hours but straight back to sleep during the day who knows!?!

  14. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    @char54: oh my! hoping you heal quickly.

  15. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    well ladies... I haven't posted in a while but I've been keeping up with reading! Main readon is little miss Emily has been keeping me quite busy!
    She was diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia, Torticollis and Colic at her one month checkup/ultrasound. She is a Triple Threat! so poor beeb has to wear a Pavlik Harness, and I have to stretch her neck every day. ugh!
    Thankfully all of these things are temporary and we should have a happy healthy baby soon. The Colic is really wearing me down, and she is very uncomfortable in the harness. I am trying to stay positive though. She will only sleep when I am holding her, so co-sleeping is a no brainer at our house.
    poor thing has horrendous gas too.

    ah well sorry to be a downer but that is my update!

  16. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @char54: Oh my goodness!!! you poor thing - ouch! Hope it heals quickly for you! 8 hours of sleep.. is that in one block??? crazy!!!!! so jealous! lol
    @mrsmoreau: oh my!! Glad to hear its all temporary, poor little one though... it must be mega stressful for you too. Thinking of you. Chin up!

    I do keep up with this board, but find it hard to post on my phone and don't get much chance on the computer these days
    Sleep here is pretty good. Eli goes down at 9pm and wakes between 12 & 1am for a feed and then again between 3am & 4am. Then is generally up for the day around 7am so I think that's fantastic. He generally takes a big 3 hour nap in the morning and again in the afternoon and lots of little 45min to 1 hour cat naps in between those. He is most active, wants to look around/be awake around 7-8am and 4-5pm. Fussiest at 7-8pm. He is so adorable... I seriously can't get enough WE had him in his room for the first time last night. With DH working shift and how noisy this little guy is in his sleep it was the right decision for us. Was scary though... even with video/audio/breathing monitors... lol!!! But he did great, slept great and we slept alot better too.

    We had a rough few days last week, with him spewing, being extremely gassy and having green explosive poos. He wouldn't latch for longer than a minute or too and got really frustrated.... poor little guy. We finally worked out (thanks to google) that I have an oversupply of milk. ALL the symptoms matched up!!! It was basically coming out waaay too fast for him, he'd choke and let go which inturn he'd gulp air causing gas... and because he was so fussy I'd keep changing boobs to try and get him to latch which meant he was only getting the fore milk not the hind milk hence the green poo! SO now we block feed from one breast 3-4 hours at a time then switch so he gets everything out of that breast and gets the hind milk. And I always feed him slightly reclined back so my milk flows a little slower! It worked a treat! Within 24 hours his poos were back to bright yellow and he was much happier and latching like a champ again. SO if anyone has similar symptoms research oversupply as quite often people mistake oversupply symptoms for colic.

    So is anyone trying to get their bubs on a schedule yet? Or just letting them do their own thing? Where does everyone let their bubs nap during the day? We let him nap in his rocker in the lounge... do you think I should be putting him in his room in his hammock where he sleeps at night for the daytime naps?

  17. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @illumina: Mine is similar. It's started getting a bit better in that she isn't fighting sleep as much, but her naps are super short, like 30 min unless I'm holding her or she's in the ergo. But what can you do? As for your DH getting her down, I think it's because you smell like milk. My LO will want to nurse practically hourly with me, but sleep 3 hr with DH.

    @char54: oh no! That's awful, but great that there are people around to help at least. I hope you heal quick!

    @mrsmoreau: Yikes! I hope your LO gets better soon!

    @Mrs squirreld: No schedule for us. My understanding is that it can be an excersice in futility until 3 mo. A routine is emerging though (set by her). We do the EASY routine. Usually involves trying to get her to sleep after 45 min awake. Oh, and she naps in the swing, my arms or the ergo.

    So, Paige does this super-annoying thing whem she's falling asleep. She'll be against our shoulder and turn her head from side to side, as if she's uncomfortable. Over and over to the point where she sometimes wakes herself up. Any of your babies do that?

  18. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @char54: 8hrs wow!! Is that all together?? Do you have to pump during that time? S slept her first 5hr stretch last night and my right boob was leaking all over the place! Also I woke up at 3hrs and 4hrs, I guess out of habit? lol. So sorry to hear about your elbow, that is not good timing. Hope you recover quickly!

    @mrsmoreau: sorry to hear your having a rough time with the colic... but it sounds like you're getting good help with E from your doctors and hopefully she'll improve soon

    @Mrs squirreld: I'm sure I have oversupply too. S has always spit up a fair amount after each feed and lately seems to suffer with gas from all the air she's gulping in. I find if I don't wait until she's super hungry, she doesn't gulp as much though. I also worry she's not getting enough hind milk so maybe I need to do the one breast for a block of time thing? Doesn't your other breast become engorged though?

    S naps either in her moses basket in her room, or more lately in her bouncer wherever we are. Usually the living room. Occasionally I let her nap on me if she won't go down any other way. Or in the car seat or ergo if we're out. The ergo is probably the only surefire way she'll nap- I took her out in it for an hour yesterday afternoon so she could rest!

    She doesn't really have a schedule yet other than she tends to sleep and wake during the night at the same times. Usually I can get her to nap around midday also.

    She was fussing this morning and crying after I fed her, but I put her in her bouncer anyway, turned on my white noise app I just downloaded and I think about half an hour later she's finally asleep.

    @Grace: When she does that is it straight after feeding? S does similar things and can't settle until I've got every last bit of air out of her.

  19. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @illumina: Nope, although it happens more in the evening, so maybe there's a day's worth of gas in there?

  20. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @illumina: yeah try out the block feeding. What colour are her poops? If they are green it means she's not getting enough hind milk. And yes, my other boob gets engorged but once my milk regulates it won't be an issue... In the meantime there is my booby tube ice pack

  21. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @MapleMoose: How are you getting on Mama? Are you managing to get some rest? I hope M's low blood sugar is something that can be resolved fairly quickly

  22. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    1. Name of your LO: Jacob
    2. Your LO's birthday: 9/6/13
    3. Abbreviated Labor Story: I was induced early with high blood pressure turned pre-eclampsia. I ended up on magnesium and bed rest but labored less than 20 hours
    4. Best thing about being a mom so far: Seeing his beautiful face and watching him grow
    5. Hardest thing about being a mom so far: Getting anything done.
    6. What baby-related question do you wish you had the magic answer for right now? How to stop spit up, especially when he does it for about2 hours straight.

  23. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: her poos are a normal bright yellow/mustard colour, so I'm guessing she is getting the right combination of milk?

    @pmerr: Hi! S is similar with her spit up... pretty much every feed, she'll spit up several times. I think she goes through about 3/4 outfit changes per day, unless I manage to catch it in her bib!

    So we took S for her first visit to the beach today!! I'd say she enjoyed it, but she slept pretty much the entire time!

  24. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @illumina: yes it's 8 hours uninterrupted (usually 12am-8am) which has been fabulous....once she's up though she is wide awake! Your beach pictures look so much fun! I need to find a good baby carrier. Which one do you have?

    My broken elbow is proving to be more of a bummer than I thought. I can't do hardly anything and have to rely on someone else especially for baby related things. I'm not used to this and it's difficult. Sigh. I hope this is healed sooner rather than later.

  25. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @char54: correct me if I'm wrong @illumina: but I believe that's an ergo with an infant insert. We have it and a moby. I use the moby around the house (well I just figured it out) and my DH uses the ergo. He likes it, we don't use the infant insert but J was a big boy at birth.

    @mrs.squirreld: we do a type of block feeding I guess. He just feeds on one side each feeding, unless he acts like the milks "gone" and then we switch (this happens rarely and I'll only switch him after 25+ mins)

  26. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Sorry guys I've had the same problem as @mrssquirreld:, in that I keep up with this thread on my phone but writing back to all of you is so difficult until I get a chance to be on my computer.

    @mrssquirreld: Thanks for the info on the hindmilk/poop color correlation. We've mainly had mustard, but on occasion it has been green tinged. Jackson is on a "schedule" but it's pretty much been set by him. We usually get him to bed around 9pm, he sleeps until 2-3pm, then is up at 6 and 9am. From there he gets fed, bathed, fed, then a big nap, followed by some smaller naps in the afternoon. Usually his daytime naps occur in his bouncer or his carseat (if we're out) and he sleeps with us in the bed at night.

    @maplemoose: Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! I love the name! Do they know what's causing her low blood sugar?

    @char54: Aren't those night stretches of sleep so amazing! I loved it the second Jackson finally started doing that. It does wonders for your peace of mind. So sorry about breaking your elbow though! I actually broke mine in the 4th grade and spent about 3 weeks in a sling followed by 6 in a cast, so I feel your pain. It must be so much worse though now because of how it prevents you from caring for your child. That would be really hard for me. Are you doing ok with it? Oh and we have two carriers - the infantino ergonomic carrier and the Ergo. We originally bought the ergo after so many positive stories but when I put it on it was much too long for my short torso. So I went to BRU and tried a bunch on and the infantino is fabulous and so easy to put on. I've been using it to take Jackson grocery shopping each weekend. He falls asleep in it right away if he's any bit tired. I assume DH will end up using the ergo a lot though over time.

    @mamamagpie: You are a saint for putting up with that all-nighter. Did your DH stay up with you at least? The bath at night was suggested to us by our pediatrician as a way to get lo in a nightime routine, but he's not a big fan of baths, so I've continued to do ours in the morning. I'm so happy it's helping your lo get some sleep now.

    @jetsa: I'm sorry you're dealing with breastfeeding pains. Does pumping ease them at all vs dealing with his latch?

    @grace: We had one really bad evening too. It's amazing how easily frustrated we get by it too when it's at nightime versus during the day.

    @illumina: Your lo's sleep patterns sound just like Jackson's lately. I'm not sure if it has to do with growing or something but he's certainly more alert (and takes less naps during the day). For the past two days though he's been sleeping lots during the day so I really don't know what's going on. Jackson also spits up a lot as well and I've found if I burp him often during the feeding he does much better. So jealous you got out to the beach! My lo loves his carrier too. It's a lifesaver!

    @mrsmoreau: Because of Jackson being breech I had spent a lot of time in my pregnancy worrying he'd have hip dysplasia so I'm so sorry that you're dealing with that. So far his hips look good but we'll be getting a hip ultrasound at his 2 month checkup to be sure I think. And to have those other issues on top of that, man you must be supermama to deal with it all. Props to you! At least you're right, in that they're all temporary - it could always be worse. We cosleep too! I never thought I would but it's just so much easier and lo seems to love it.

    As for us, Jackson is a pretty great baby. I really can't complain about much. We're going to attempt to see if sticking him in his pnp at night gives us those long stretches of sleep still tonight. We're worried that he sleeps so well because he's right next to us. I can't believe that tomorrow he's one month old though and that he fits into 0-3 months clothes now (after being born so small). Crazy how time flies!

    I'm personally having some issues with pumping though. J is a great sucker and empties one if not both breasts each feeding. He is also now cluster feeding like crazy both in the AM and PM, which creates a problem in that I'm supposed to start pumping for a stash for when I go back to work. I was told to pump about 30 mins after his first feeding of the day but there's usually nothing left or he'll want fed again around that same time. The two times I've been able to manage this I only pumped out about 1 oz. Honestly, the pull of the pump is so much weaker than lo's suck that it doesn't really work. I'm starting to think that I'm going to end up supplementing with formula once I go back to work instead of keeping up with pumping. Any suggestions?

    Oh I'm gonna go create that thread now for us to post pics of our lo's. I'll post the link in a moment.

  27. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Here's the gold thread for baby pictures. Add yours!


  28. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: can u adjust the suction of the pump? I usually have mine on the highest suction setting. I pump when he takes his long nap in the day as I get super engorged and just feed him from the other. I only pump every second day though as I have so much milk I don't want to encourage more!!
    @illumina: love those pics of you at the beach! I was thinking about taking our dogs to the beach so we might go soon too!!! @char54: We have a baby ktan and a Manduca ( like an ergo) he loves the ktan. I think he's a bit small for the Manduca at the moment. He likes being snuggly

  29. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: I'll see if I can pump during his long nap tomorrow. My LC's had discouraged pumping in the middle of the day since milk is at its lowest, but I may have to. I wish I could put him to bed at night and stay up to pump an hour later, but I'm usually in dire need of sleep.

  30. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: pumping solves the latch issues but I'm having the exact same pumping issues. If I do get to pump I get 1-1.5 oz and we end up giving it back to him because he gets so mad and screams even after feeding and feeding. As far as quantity that's all the milk he wants, so I think that's why it's all I can pump.

  31. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @char54: we have the ergo. Dh loves it and it fits him really well. I've got a short torso, so like @marionberry said, it feels pretty long on me. I'd like to try a sling, maybe the moby and see how I get on with that.

    @marionberry: I'm the same with the thread. I read on my iphone all the time, but it takes me so long to type out a response, I only do short posts on it and then wait to reply to this once I get to my laptop.

    I think the crazy napping, or lack of, was due to a growth spurt... literally in a couple of days she has outgrown all of her tiny baby sized leggings! I've put in an order for some more which I'll pick up tomorrow. Yesterday she napped great, it still took her a little while to get to sleep after her morning feed... but by 11am she was down and napped solidly throughout the day.

    I can't wait until S starts sleeping some longer stretches at night. I find at 8/9pm I'm not ready to sleep yet, so I end up only getting about 2-3hrs of her 5hr stretch. Then I wake up to feed her and I'm so awake by the time she's finished that I can't get back to sleep again. It's almost 4am here, she's been asleep for a couple of hours again and I can't drift off

  32. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @illumina: oh I have the opposite problem... I struggle to not fall asleep when feeding- maybe my chair is too comfy and then this morning I woke up to him screaming on the monitor I wonder how long he'd been crying for.

  33. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @char54: I'm pretty sore but surprisingly walking (slowly, short distances) helps. I'm so sorry to hear about your elbow. Not fun, especially with a newborn!

    @illumina: @marionberry: Thankfully it seems the low blood sugar was due to stress from the last 11 minutes of labor when she kept sliding back in. Her heart rate kept dropping so they eventually made the decision to cut me to get her out. Apparently her low blood sugar was the result of that stress. She's fine now

  34. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    Sorry if I miss replying individually, I'm also finding it difficult to reply from my phone.

    I'm having trouble with breastfeeding. Of course it's only been a few days and my milk hasn't come in yet, but it's a specific issue. M has a great latch, but she won't suckle anytime except between 8-9pm. She wakes up on her own and does all the feeding cues. She nurses just fine then. Any other time we try she opens wide and latches but refuses to suck. I'm pumping a few minutes before BF attempts to draw out my nipples. Then I end up pumping another 15 minutes after feeding with supplemental formula to get a few ml of colostrum. We have an appointment with LC on Tuesday.

  35. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    Just wanted to check in -- like many of you, I'm finding it difficult to find time to post, although I've been reading the thread sporadically.
    A big congratulations to the new mamas to this thread! I hope you're doing well
    I've been feeling a LOT better and finally feel like we are getting somewhat of a rhythm down. H wants to nurse every 1.5, so it's made it difficult to really do anything outside the house except for go to my aunt's home, but I'm finding I don't resent it anymore. He was one month old yesterday and although I'm still really looking forward to the three month mark, I also can't believe he's a month old and it kind of makes me sad!

    Because he's nursing so much, our ped suggested we may want to try giving formula at the 7/8pm feeding. That way, DH can feed him and all that goes along with it (burping, swaddling afterwards, soothing if needed) while I take a break. I think we will start that this week or next. I'm really looking forward to it!

    How are everyone's DHs doing with the babies? Mine loves him to pieces and is trying to be helpful, but sometimes I wish it was...more? Like, he doesn't jump up to get him when he starts fussing, doesn't always know how to soothe him and just hands him to me. I know he is just not very confident, but really, neither am I and I've had to figure it out!

  36. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @MamaMagpie: most of the time Dh is doing really well with S! There are several things that he's much better at handling than me... such as putting her down for sleep/nap time, and being able to comfort her without feeding! He's always so calm about everything too, which I need right now. Though other times he's playing with her when I'm hoping she'll try and nap, or in the middle of the night he turns the lights on when I'm trying to keep it dim etc. I have to bite my tongue most of the time, because he's trying so hard and doesn't really get to spend much time with her because she's mostly nursing or sleeping!

    AFM, we went to our first mother and baby group this morning. I wasn't sure whether we would get it together to go this week because S was being fussy all morning, constantly feeding and not wanting to nap etc. then just before we got to the group she passed out and slept for the whole 2hrs we were there!! It was so nice to meet some other mums with similar age LO's!

  37. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MamaMagpie: Jack eats about every 1.5 too. My DH is doing well but yea there's lots auto deferred to me whether he means to or not.

  38. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MamaMagpie: I think supplementing one meal is a good idea! Sometimes J wants fed like every half hour at night and I've contemplated that. As for DH, he's really great with J at getting him to sleep when I can't and he loves to play with him. At the same time he gets super impatient at night when J is fussy and won't sleep and will start yelling at J which does us no good. But in all fairness DH doesn't get much sleep anyway, so when he knows he's gonna lose more he's a mess.

    Oh so I had a total blonde moment! The reason I could barely get any milk when I pumped is because I have a dual and wasn't blocking the other tube when I was only using one pump. No problems now!

  39. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: @MamaMagpie: we've also contemplated adding a feeding. I gave him 2 extra ounces of pumped bm today and wow, it's like night and day, I have a totally different baby. All fussiness is gone, he screamed consistently for hours last night nothing would calm him and I even put him to the breast and unless I left him on continuously he wasn't happy. I wonder now if he hasn't felt like we were starving him. Problem is I can't find time to pump because if I'm too close to a feeding he thrashes the next time and acts like he's not getting anything. And I'm going back to work so I'd like to get ahead but I'm not getting anywhere currently.

    Also I'm giving up dairy, he has the colic-like symptoms and green poos make me wonder if we don't have an issue there. We feed on one breast each feeding so I don't think its a fore/hind milk imbalance.

  40. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: That's exactly how J acts and I assume he may be hungry too but I've only just started creating a stash. I can't deplete it yet. With work soon, just like you, I really think we may end up supplementing some. He also has colic symptoms so we've been using gripe water and it seems to help some. I'm going to try to get to the pharmacy tomorrow and grab probiotic drops too. His fussiness definitely seems to be associated with gas and bowel movements.

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