cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@mrsmoreau: Interesting. I'm so tired at night that the last thing I'd want to do is try to sooth her in other ways. But it's good to know that it's an option...
apricot / 495 posts
1. David Robert
2. 9/24/2013
3. Went to the hospital the night before my due date to be induced due to a large baby. Cervidil was used and i was told not to expect labor to start until pitocin was started the following morning. Labor started in the middle of the night and it was intense. Next morning I was at 4 cm so my water was broken, pitocin started, epidural given. 4 hours later I was fully dilated and laboring down. An hour later I started pushing. 3 hours later i was told the baby was sliding back up after every push and they started setting up the OR for a c section. I was doing fine and so was the baby so I begged for 1 more hour. They turned my pitocin back on and my epidural off. 50 minutes later i finally pushed David out. Ended up with a 3rd degree tear which took almost an hour to stitch up. Totally worth it though.
4. Snuggling with my little man after breastfeeding and watching my husband and baby snuggle.
5. Recovery from tears.
6. Are we doing a good job in general?
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@Meltini: Four hours of pushing! You are a rock star. After 6 hours of pitocin and two of pushing, I was so happy to be told I could have a c-section! And I'd bet millions you are doing a good job - people who aren't don't generally question themselves.
pomelo / 5469 posts
Is anyone else having trouble getting their babies to sleep anywhere else but in their arms? S is getting worse the past couple of days- we used to be able to put her into her basket after holding her after nursing, but now even if she is sleeping on us, the second we put her down she starts crying. As a result she hasn't really slept properly since 10am (it's 4pm now) when the health visitor came to our house. Dh is working and I cannot put her down to do anything else
apricot / 495 posts
We can get David to sleep in his rock n play but not in his bassinet. I think he prefers the bucket type seat because it is much more cuddly and secure feeling than a flat surface like the bassinet.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@illumina: Not quite the same, but I've found that JT sleeps much less when he's in his pnp, than if he's cuddled in with us in the bed. I actually wish he would be calm when held though..lately he just bawls and he just plain isn't sleeping as much lately either. He was a perfect sleeper and now he fights sleep for hours at night and takes much longer to go to bed between naps now too. Ugh!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@marionberry: sounds like we are in the same boat. She went down in her basket for 30mins before waking up and crying again... it just feels like a massive regression the past few days. I picked her up, fed and burped her and now she's sleeping on my shoulder. I feel so bad because Dh works at home and I'm worried this is all so distracting
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@illumina: @marionberry: I think C is going through a growth spurt - she eats so much more and because I'm giving her bottles its a guessing game of how much to put in - I don't want to waste a drop of my pumped milk! She's definitely awake for longer periods during the day and fusses more if she's even the slightest bit hungry. My DH has also been working at home and I'm worried too that its all distracting for him.
The good news is she seems to have her days and nights figured out and has been going down after each feeding pretty easily. We got a halo swaddle sleep sack that she really likes bc she can be swaddled arms out (absolutely hates having her arms swaddled!!)
My sister slept over on Saturday and did all of the night feedings/changings. Omg. I got 10 hours of sleep and am still on a high from it, lol
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@illumina: It was really hard to put Paige down for naps last week. I spent a lot of time with her in my arms afraid to move. I think it was part of the 2-3 week growth spurt. Tonight though, she's fighting going to sleep. Every 5-10 min, she has a fidgetting session. Gonna drive me nuts!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Grace: it's tough isn't it? Her bad day continued into the night... I tried to let Dh sleep as much as possible by letting her fall asleep on me after each feed. I fell asleep on the sofa a couple of times too, but I was just too exhausted to do anything else or fight to stay awake
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@illumina: Yup, it's awful. Worst is that The tireder I get, the more I find myself getting more frustrated with gritted teeth. I decided that when that happens that I take her to bed with me (we have a firm twin mattress in the nursery). Even doing that, she only slept 2 hours and then wanted to play. I don't know what's up with her tonight!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Grace: hopefully it's just a growth spurt. I never thought I would consider co-sleeping, but seeing as I started napping with her on me on the sofa, maybe I'm part way there and should try it without Dh in the bed. Dh and I talked about trying shifts tonight so he sleeps from 8pm-2am and I sleep from 2am-8am, only getting up to feed. Would that work for you?
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@illumina: I don't know. Hubs becomes a walking zombie if he doesn't sleep. And I feel bad, because even if it means I have to nap all day, I can eventually catch up on my sleep. He can't. We did do that shift when hubby was off work. It was nice...
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Grace: Can you believe we have tried swaddling her again with arms IN and she's been asleep for an hour! Are you having any joy with P?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@illumina: @Grace: Sounds like we're all enjoying that growth spurt! Last night we finally got some pretty decent sleep but it did require constant feeding for about 3 hours before I put him to bed. Our lo also seems to have trouble pooping or gas pains, etc. Anyone else dealing with this?
@grace: do you find that sleeping on your side or overdoing it during the day still hurts your stomach? I get pains on the sides of my incisions still.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@illumina: I decided to put her down in her crib and let her fuss when she woke. I had been pretty quick to get her before because she was in our room and I didn't want to wake DH. She fussed maybe for a minute or two and then fell back asleep. Geez.
@marionberry: I found that the pooping/gas pains thing has gotten better in the last week. Kinda coinciding with saving pooping for the daytime. As for the incision: I've been sleeping on my side for a few weeks and haven't had pain. I did have some pain last week when I took LO for a walk in the Ergo. I just took it easy for a few days after that. How does it look? If it's red or warm, you should get it checked out.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@marionberry: sometimes it does look like she is in pain trying to get something out... but she's still poo-ing many times a day, so I'm not too worried about it. We're taking her to the doctors tomorrow for reflux meds, so I'll mention that as well.
We went to County Hall today to officially register S's birth and get our birth certificates. I nearly sent Dh on his own as I didn't think I could cope with the stress of taking our sleep-fighting baby with me, but I decided I didn't want to miss it and we took her anyway. I fed her in the car when we arrived and she slept the rest of the time.
What kind of interaction/play do you do at the moment, and when? I feel like I should do more/something but when she's awake she either needs feeding straight away or I'm too scared to not try and put her down again straight away that we don't do much.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Grace: My mom has suggested we put him in his crib too but I guess we're just lazy and like having him so close to us for his middle of the night feedings/changings. When he gets a little bigger though I really need to try that. As far as the incision, it looks perfect, so mine just must be healing slowly.
@illumina: We're not worried about lo's pooping either (because he does it nonstop) and the pediatrician didn't seem concerned when we mentioned it. I just feel bad for him. We tried giving him gas drops last night but I'm not sure that helped much. Feeding him before any big trip has been my solution to a peaceful baby too. If I can get him to sleep before we put him in the carseat he's usually perfect for a few hours. As far as interaction/play, we've found he's finally gotten more alert and is staying awake for a bit between feedings. We do tummy time now and just try to talk to him, do airplane, etc. The pediatrician said not to worry about it too much yet, but more as they get a little bit older.
clementine / 818 posts
So I have a question, breastfeeding is getting a bit better, instead of nonstop excruciating pain, I only have about a minute of pretty bad pain with latching on and either no or very slight pain the rest of the feed, but my boobs and and nipples hurt most of the day. Is this normal? A towel still can't touch my nipples, they hurt when they get cold, when she cries, when I sneeze, etc. If you had this did it eventually stop? If so, when?
Also how is everyone doing with the baby blues? I think things are a little better for me since breastfeeding is improving. I still am struggling with feelings of overwhelm sometimes, I stress about DH going back to work, and I feel a bit like my feet are stuck in cement and I can't do anything, the monotony of day to day is hard....
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@marionberry: C has been having gas pains all day...I feel so badly for her! I half wonder if newborns can have ibs because I have it and I know it's genetic. She has diarrhea sometimes but the nurse told me that's normal for breastfed babies. I tried giving her only breastmilk today, no formula, so we will see if that gets any better.
We are trying her in her nursery tonight - we moved her bassinet in there. Last night she fussed and made little noises while she was sleeping - never to the crying point - but enough that Dh got zero sleep and had to work today. We decided to try it for a night and see how it goes.
@MrsStormy: I feel like the baby blues are getting better too - I had a mini worry fest earlier today that I didn't deserve her - she's so perfect and wonderful and beautiful and I feel like I'm flying by the seat of my pants. I'm finding it important to break up the change-feed-pump-sleep routine and love on her by playing and singing and cuddling. I feel like we forgot to do that the past couple days with the busyness of the newborn routine, and when Dh and I took 30 min to just be with her it raised all of our spirits. It reminded me why we are doing the sleepless nights and countless diaper changes!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@MrsStormy: how many days pp are you now? I think I had a lot of those symptoms for the first 4-5 days and then everything cleared up. It doesn't hurt when she latches now either. I kept religiously applying cream after each feeding until the blisters went away. Now I only apply once a day, if I remember!
The baby blues are getting better, I think. I still have at least one tearful moment each day due to feeling overwhelmed and mourning the loss of my old carefree life though. Since her birth I've found my anxiety has reared its head again, so much so that I find it hard to stop worrying and relax to sleep, so I will be referred for CBT- not sure what I think of that, or if it will help, but I'll give it a shot.
@char54: I could have written your last paragraph. So true.
I haven't seen @MamaMagpie or @MrsSquirreld on here recently... I hope they're ok!
clementine / 818 posts
@char54: That's a great point, i do need to remember to make extra effort to love and snuggle her, I think that definitely helps break up any feeling of monotony.
@illumina: 13 days pp I don't even really have blisters or sores now, but I'm still sore....
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@illumina: I started using the playmat this week. She loves looking at herself in the little mirror. I do it right after our breakfast nursing, after we get up for the day, around 10. She's usually content on there for 10 min or so while I have breakfast.
@MrsStormy: I don't know about the sore boobs. Seems like it shouldn't be that bad. Baby blues left me around 2.5 weeks pp. Thank goodness. I hated it. The monotony really got to me too. It really helped to make tasks for myself each afternoon. Tommorow we go grocery shopping, Friday I have a guest. Even just putting her in the carrier and going for a walk to the mail does wonders. Also, I was super scared of hubs going to work, but it was actually great. Gave a feeling of normalcy and broke up the monotony. Weekends are something to look forward to!
grape / 98 posts
@mrsstormy is it possible you have thrush? It can make your nipples very sensitive and painful. Baby can get it too - look for white patches that don't wipe off in baby's mouth. It can be painful for them too. It's a yeast infection basically.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Grace: I need to order a playmat/gym. I've been looking at the Fisher Price Rainforest Gym, which has excellent reviews. It's pricey though, so I'll need to talk it over with Dh first.
I think S has flipped her days and nights around She was napping 2-3hrs during the day, cluster feeding around 9pm-12am and then sleeping some 4hr stretches through the night. The past couple of days she has been cluster feeding first thing in the morning for a few hours, sleeping 3-4hrs during the day and then waking up to feed every 2hrs at night. Any ideas how to flip it back? Also, her spit up was showing signs of improving the past couple of days. I switched to goats milk instead of cow and I think maybe that has helped? Though this morning she has been spitting up constantly... one time she projected it out of her nose and mouth and right across my chest
Maybe I ate something else bad last night, I don't know.
How's everyone doing?
nectarine / 2522 posts
oh my.. I feel so out of the loop!!! DH is back at work today Bit scary. Last few nights have been a bit rough... Eli's sleep pattern has been terrible.. he was soo good with only 2 night wake ups but now.. he is waking almost every hour. I think he has bad gas pains just from his crys and body language... trying to work out how best to solve this. He looks so sad and uncomfortable I hate it!! Poor little guy. I'm also trying to built up the courage to move him into his own room. With DH back at work and with his shift work it will just be so much easier with him in his own room. It's so scary though. Anyone else got bub in their own room yet?
How is everyones healing going? I feel pretty normal down there now and after a 2nd degree tear I thought I wouldn't heal that fast. I've looked and it looks pretty normal!!! hahah Milk production is going amazing and my nipples are fine. I feel really lucky there. Mood wise I feel great... nights are a little tough when you are super tired but apart from that I feel pretty amazing... not sure if that's just me or benefits from my placenta encapsulation!
@illumina: Thanks for your thoughts... I am good.. was just trying to maximise the time we had as a threesome before DH returned to work. SO sad he's back now.
On a positive note Eli is pretty good... I feel like I have won the jackpot with this baby. DH gave him his first expressed bottle of milk last night... it was sooo sweet. We've had him on his playmat a few times too.. he seems to like it
I did a photoshoot and we went and had a photoshoot done so here's a peek at the ones we had done with someone else.
Hope everyone else is doing great.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@illumina: Does she still have days and nights mixed? I think there were some blog posts about it. If I remember right, you get Baby dressed in the morning, make sure it's bright and loud during the day, try to feed often during the day, put Baby in PJs at night, make it dark and quiet, don't make eye contact in the night. I hope to switches back soon!
@Mrs squirreld: Aww, poor baby. Won't to be nice when it doesn't seem so hard for them to fart? Paige is still in our room. I'm thinking after 6 weeks. She so noisy that it definitely keeps me up thinking she's going to cry any minute. Super cute photo!
I'm doing really well. Anyone find that they get a different baby every few days? For example, Paige was doing terrible with sleep earlier this week. Up every 30-60 min at night. Drove me crazy. Then last night she did two 2.5 he stints, a 2 hr stint and a 1.5 hr stint. I felt amazing! And then tonight she just did a 4-hr stint! Now I really feel awesome! Besides that, it's fun to see her really start looking at things. I think she's started smiling too!
persimmon / 1436 posts
I've been so out of the loop these past couple of weeks...I have come on and read some of this thread, though, and it's been a comfort.
@illumina: you are so sweet to think of me I'm hanging in there...
We had my in-laws in town from NJ for the first week and then just my MIL for the second week, and it's hard to believe we've only had one week on our own (H is 3 weeks old today). I was so glad to have had so much help and support, but now I'm wondering if it hindered us a bit. I've been really struggling...I actually went to see my OB this week as I'm not sure this is just the baby blues I feel so ashamed and embarassed. I'm constantly tied in knots, always crying or on the verge of tears, and my normal laid-back attitude has left me completely. I used to be able to cope pretty well with most things, but not these days. I don't feel like myself at all, and I hate it.
I love H utterly and completely, and would never think to harm him or myself, but all of the other PPD symptoms seem to be present. I'm so jealous of the moms who seem to be their normal selves, albeit exhausted, and who are having an easy transition. I feel so wholely ashamed and that if anyone knew, they would think I don't love my baby
DH has been really great, taking on all of the household chores and spending as much time at home as possible with H (he's been back at work for two weeks now). It's just that because I'm exclusively breast feeding, there's not much he can do to help with the "hard" stuff like being up at night. I feel like I'm the sole person to comfort and soothe H, as well as feed him of course, and it's exhausting.
I will see a therapist this week to talk about things and see if it helps at all...I want to avoid taking any meds if I can, I've never been on any prescriptions, not even birth control, and the idea of being on an anti-depressant freaks me out.
Sorry to be such a bummer Anyone else have any experience (first-hand or someone they know) with PPD?
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MamaMagpie: No! Do not feel ashamed! Those f-ing post partum hormones are absolutely no joke! I felt the same way as you. Hell, I'm over with the baby blues and I still think this is freakishly hard and wonder why we did this. I keep telling myself that it gets better. In fact, I spend a lot of time on HB looking at threads about how sucky the NB phase can be. I would be happy as a clam if I could just fast forward to three months. And it doesn't mean I don't love Paige. She's easy to love. The loss of my old life and emotions and freedom is not easy to love.
Also, if your doctor/therapist recommends meds, please consider them. I've been asking almost every mom I know if they had baby blues and it's amazing how many did have ppd. All of them said they felt better on the meds. I have one cousin who suffered with it for a whole year because she didn't want to admit there was a problem. That's a long time to be miserable. She didn't deserve that and neither do you. Just remember that it's the fault of the stupid hormones, it's got nothing to do with being strong or out of control. You can't control it any more than a person with a heart problem can control her heart.
Hugs! Come back and talk to us too. It's so hard to feel all alone.
Oh! And also, lots of people told me week 3 is the hardest. Adrenaline wears off, husband goes back to work and there's a growth spurt. So you are not alone!
...and sorry for the novel. Apparently, you can't shut me up at 4 AM!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: No we still have lo in our room and I don't foresee moving him for a bit. He's been sleeping in our bed for full night stretches and I fear if we move him he'll regress. He has gas pains too and we've been giving him has drops here and there but I'm not sure it helps. I'm pretty well healed from my c section but still have pains here and there on occasion. So glad to hear you've healed quickly!
@grace: we definitely get a different baby all the time. It sounds pretty typical. Every time you're in a routine it changes. Your hints to @illumina about sleep are exactly what we've been doing lately and it really works! I've also noticed that lo is so much more alert lately. He smiles too but only in his sleep or with gas. I can't wait until he can laugh and such!
@mamamagpie: do NOT feel bad about feelings of ppd! It is so common and any mom can understand. I've been lucky not to have it but I think if the counseling doesn't work you really should try meds. I've heard without them it can really get worse. Do you have more friends and family you can ask to help out around the house a day here and there? Maybe that would help ease the stress until you develop your own routine?
Afm, I'm really lucky that Jackson is such a good baby and DH is so much help. I've had moments where I'm annoyed that I'm the only one who can help him must of the time with feeding, consoling, etc but that's just normal I think. I'm struggling to get any milk pumped because lo is a ferocious eater and there's no way I'm getting up in the middle of the night to pump if I can sleep instead. We also just found our babysitter for once I go back to work which has me really relieved. I had been stressing over that. We've taken many outings lately and I love getting out of the house but it's a lot of work! He loves his carrier so since it was actually nice weather the past two days we took some family walks around the neighborhood. I've decided this will be my workout for now.
How is everyone's pp belly looking? Mine is slowly getting better each day but it's nowhere near flat yet. And still 15 lbs to go!
And we should post updated pics of our babies on a separate gold thread or something. What do you guys think?
pomelo / 5041 posts
Oh I must say they after looking at all of our newborns' photos on this thread and the recent one about if they were cute at birth, I think we all have amazingly cute and adorable babies!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@marionberry: My belly looks so silly! There is such a weird pooch under my belly button. I wonder if that ever goes away?
And I love the idea of a gold thread for pics. I'm not comfortable posting pics in the regular one.
pomelo / 5469 posts
This thread has been busy this morning! It's one of those days where S wouldn't go down easy after the health visitor came this morning and now that she is, I've been playing catch up trying to get everything done around the house.
@Mrs squirreld: we moved S into her nursery a few nights ago. We had to do it because she is such a noisy sleeper and although Dh could sleep through, I couldn't! She seems really happy in there though... still sleeps 3hr stretches most of the time and goes down pretty easily, often awake to begin with. Our bedroom is on a different floor to her, so until our monitor arrives this week, I'm sleeping on the sofa in the living room, which is just across the hall from the nursery. I was so tired the other night, I didn't wake up when she cried (luckily Dh did!) so I don't want to move further away at night until I know I will hear it!
@Grace: I'm not sure if she does or not now! She sleeps for the same duration regardless of the time, though she is cluster feeding a bit first thing in the morning as well as early evening, so who knows!! I hear you on having a different baby sometimes... she'll be the same way for a few days and then she'll have an off day where I can't figure her out and then we're back to her usual happy self again. Guess it's totally normal whilst they're not really in a routine.
@MamaMagpie: I'm sorry you're struggling with possible PPD mama! These first few weeks have been so tough emotionally and physically. I do wonder though if like you said, you have been hindered a little with having people around? I only say this because we have been alone with her for the whole 3wks and it took 2.5wks for me to get things sortof figured out, get a bit of a groove going on and feel more comfortable. I was crying multiple times every day up to that point and now I am feeling much better. I wonder if now your family have left, you need to do those couple of weeks on your own to figure things out? I'm not saying don't speak to someone in the meantime because you should if you are worried, I just think I would wait a couple of weeks to see if things settle before starting meds. I took anti-depressants for anxiety/depression during uni and they didn't work for me at all. I felt so much worse and not like myself, I ended up going cold turkey and swearing I'd never take them again. I've been referred for therapy for my pp anxiety... so maybe that will help both of us to cope a little better rather than trying meds.
I just wanted to let you know you're not alone. I had all of those same thoughts.. I love S to bits, but last Saturday I got out of the house for 2hrs on my own, drove into town and wandered about for a bit. I found myself thinking "if I could take it all back, if she just disappeared one day or never existed, would I do it?" and I actually didn't know the answer at the time.
I wish we all lived closer so we could hang out once a week and chat rather than on here!
@marionberry: Glad you are healing well! We are quite similar in that I still have 14lbs left to lose. How much did you put on in total? I was up 40lbs!! So I think I've done pretty well on the loss so far. I'm back in my pre-preg clothes too. My belly needs to be a little flatter and tighter, but it's getting there.
I love the idea of a photo update thread! I've been rubbish at taking photos lately, so maybe that will be the push I need to get myself in gear!
pomelo / 5469 posts
I forgot to add; In a week, S has gone from 6lbs 10oz to 7lbs 5oz! I am a proud mama! How are your babies doing?
apricot / 495 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Healing has been up and down for me. I had a 3rd degree tear and at almost 2 weeks postpartum I feel much much bettee than I did last week but I still feel a little swollen internally and the intense itching from the tear and everything else healing is not fun. My DH starts his 24 hour shifts on Saturday and I am definitely nervous about having to be on my own for that long. I'm lucky DS is an easy baby but 24 hours alone with a newborn will be tough no matter how good he is!
@MamaMagpie: I'm so sorry you are having a rough time. I have known several people who have had ppd and the medicine really helped them a lot.
@marionberry: I've got about 5 lbs to lose but my belly is squishy and weird feeling. I got so used to it being rock hard so now having it soft is just weird!
clementine / 818 posts
@Grace: I totally have a different baby every few days!!! Just when I think we have a bit of routine, that totally changes!
@MamaMagpie: I'm so sorry your going through this! Please don't be ashamed, it's so normal and absolutely no reflection on you as a person or a mom. I think what is an amazing reflection of you is that you are trying to seek help ASAP, you obviously are fighting to do what best for you and baby, that is major. I have had some serious baby blues on and off, I think I might be past em but I am still not sure, DH went back to work today, so I think this week on my own will be the real test of how I am doing.... Have you been able to get out of the house at all? For me that has really helped me get out of funk a few times, it just gives me confidence that I can do this, and it Helps me feel less trapped, more normal. Also keep up with us on the boards (if you want to wall me feel free) it helps knowing others are going through it too, we get it, and we can commiserate any hard times, an celebrate any good, all without judgement. Thinking of you!
@illumina: I totally wish we all lived close so we could be an in person mommy group, seriously getting out of the house saves my sanity, and being with people who "get it" makes it easier! Also we will probably move LO to her own room in the next few weeks, she is just a SUPER loud sleeper, and I'm a light sleeper, I'm not sure the last time I slept longer than probably a 30 minute stretch because of that....
Today was our first day without DH, he went back to work and it went really well, hope the rest of the week follows suit! Breastfeeding is still a struggle, but it a little better, we went back to the LC today, and she gave me some tips, but she has never seen cracks in the location that I have them, but she can't figure out what's causing them, latch looks good but the baby is sucking strange (nipple is odd shaped after each feed) and we can't pinpoint the problem. Unfortunately not real helpful but at least I know I'm not crazy/a wuss....
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MrsStormy: no you're not a wuss! Breast feeding is hard and sometimes painful. Twice I've had these extremely painful stabbing pains in my nipple after he feeds and I honestly took one of my oxycodone to deal with one last time. I'm glad you continue to get help from the lc. You're one dedicated mama!
@illumina: at our 2 week appointment my lo had gone from 5lbs 13oz at discharge to 6lb 15oz. I'm sure he's almost 8lbs now but we don't go back for a few weeks. I should test it with my scale at home. And I gained almost 40lbs too so we're right on tge same track.
@meltini: 5lbs! I am so jealous! Did you not gain much? My belly is mushy too.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@Grace: thank you so much, it was so comforting reading your response I also feel like I wouldn't mind fast forwarding to three months, but then I don't want to wish time away either! I made an appointment for next week and I'm hoping she won't recommend meds yet...I will take them if they're recommended, but I am just so weird about taking medicine.
@marionberry: I did finally ask for help from my aunt and my one IRL mommy friend, and it has helped a lot. I'm so glad you found a babysitter, that must feel like a huge relief. And I would definitely love a thread to post pics of our LOs
@illumina: you are so right about the help we had kind of hindering me...I actually think it prevented me from binding with H like I would've if we didn't have a bunch of people around who wanted to hold him all the time "to give me a break". It's been a little more than a week now and I'm just now starting to feel more bonded with him. Thank you for sharing that you've had the same thoughts, it makes me feel more normal.
@Meltini: thanks, mama
@MrsStormy: you're awesome, thank you so much. I know in my head that it's the hormones and it's "normal", but I've felt like a terrible mother and it was so nice to read what you wrote. I'm just now finding the energy and motivation to start doing little things that I enjoyed before H was born -- coming to HB, going on Pinterest, putting a little bit of makeup on (ok just concealer under my eyes because holy geez the dark circles are out of control) and as small as those things are, it's helping. We tried going to Target this week, my amazing aunt came with me, and it was terrifying and H started screaming and I ended up nursing him in a fitting room But we survived and it did boost my spirits a bit, so I'm going to try really hard to do small errands at least once a week to get better at it.
H is actually a wonderful baby, and is doing really well. He was up to 8lbs 14oz at two and half weeks old (up one pound from discharge weight, 9oz from birth weight) and tomorrow we have his 4 week appointment and I'm sure he's over 9lbs now. Breastfeeding has been constant most days; I'm not sure his latch is very effective and he gets super sleepy about 5 minutes in to a feed, and I think that contributes to him wanting to eat so often. We've been to a lactation consultant three times and each time she's helped me figure something else out so I think I'll make another appointment in a week or so if things don't start to get a little better. But no more nipple pain, so that's great!
I ended up gaining 50 pounds ( !!!!! ) and was already down 35 two weeks pp, which leads me to believe a lot of it must've been fluid retention. We don't have a scale so I don't know how much more I'm down now, but I'm almost back in my pre-preg jeans so that's pretty cool. My belly is soft and squishy but not saggy, and I was blessed to not get any stretch marks, so I'm feeling ok about that stuff at least.
ETA: woah, sorry for the novel!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: did your nipple pain go away recently? J is 3 weeks and it's still painful for him to latch, we're fine after that. He eats constantly from 5-10pm, every 45-60 mins.
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