grapefruit / 4663 posts
J can also easily go belly to back but not the other way. Its good he figured it out though because he's still not a fan of tummy time.
J has started reaching his arms out if he wants you to pick him up, its the cutest thing ever! You have to really watch for it now but I'm sure it'll get more obvious as time goes on.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: awwww isn't that the best?! H reaches for things he wants now a lot, and sometimes wi reach for one of us but it's only happened a few times. So cute!
apricot / 491 posts
@jetsa: Jacob's been doing that over the last week too! I love him reaching!
clementine / 818 posts
@jetsa: How sweet! My LO isn't doing that just yet, but she has started squeezing when you hold her, like a hug, it's amazing!
So random but I just went back to the begining of this thread, because I was trying to figure out the name of someone, but I read the first few pages and was shocked. It's like I've almost completely forgotten some of the crazy things we have gone through, the emotions, and the newness of motherhood (which is weird because it still feels so new), so much has happened in 5 short months!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsStormy: aww how sweet! Isn't it crazy, it's only been 13ish months since we got our but soo much has changed, as I sit here nursing my almost 20 pounder lol.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@MrsStormy: oh my gosh, a hug!!! That's the sweetest! And yes, it's amazing to think about how far we've's kind of hard to believe for me, considering just how at sea I felt even three months ago, let alone almost six months ago. So much changes so quickly that it's hard for me to wrap my head around it! So I've stopped trying and am just enjoying the ride
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@jetsa: Awwwww. I can't wait to get arms reaching for me! I'll melt.
@MrsStormy: No kidding eh? I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's not as bad as at the beginning.
Guys, Paige is crawling! Not fast and mostly on her belly, but it's so cute! And I've discovered that my floor is waaaaaay too dirty.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@Grace: omg crawling?!?!!!! Exciting!!!! Harrison can slowly scoot to something he wants but definitely not crawling yet!
Tomorrow is his first day of "school"! I'm nervous about how I'll feel tomorrow, but right now I'm feeling like it's going to be good for him in terms of socialization and I feel lucky that we've been able to keep him home for as long as we have. I'm also nervous about getting us both out the door on time in the mornings!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MamaMagpie: Just wait! Paige went from slowly scooting to being able to get to where she wanted to in about a week!
Good luck tommorow!!
apricot / 491 posts
@MrsStormy: We get hugs too! I actually got a kiss (or I tell myself I did) when I went to work. I went to say goodbye, he grabbed my face, pulled me in, and open mouthed my cheek!
@Grace: Jacob does a back scoot! He'll lay on his back and "crawl" that way! It's so funny!
apricot / 495 posts
D's way of giving me kisses is to lick and try to eat my cheeks. It's awesome
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Grace: crawling! Ahh I can't wait. We've finally mastered belly to back but back to belly isn't happening yet.
@MamaMagpie: good luck today!
@pmerr: @Meltini: haha yes DS opens wide and "AHH's" our faces, drool goes everywhere but its cute!
apricot / 495 posts
So is anyone still swaddling? D is still swaddled but he is so close to start rolling that I know we need to wean him from it. We've tried a couple times and it was an epic disaster.
clementine / 818 posts
@Grace: @MamaMagpie: We are slowly trying to get to a crawl/scoot I think. She got up on her knees yesterday trying to move, and she is starting to get really frustrated when she can't reach what she wants, so she is motivated!
@pmerr: @Meltini: I've been getting the open mouth to my face too, she like lunges at my face, but I thought she was just trying to put something in her mouth, now I'm going to consider it a kiss!
How have you babes been with rolling? My LO has back to front down but hasn't even attempted front to back in like 2 weeks (she had done it a few times before that...) Also how are they doing with sitting? I don't think we help he with her sit enough, she does it with me but I don't know that my husband does it or our care provider, so she can sort of tripod but not really well or consistent.
clementine / 818 posts
@Meltini: We are no longer swaddling, but we use the merlin's magic sleep suit.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@Meltini: We stopped swaddling months ago. She kept waking up because she was trying to escape. What i did was start using those sleep sacks with the wings on them. I started swaddling with one arm up by her face for a few nights, then both arms, then one arm out (and the wing still wrapped tight around her body), then both arms. Then she started to outgrow that sleep sack, so I would make the wings looser and looser and then I moved her to a regular sleep sack. Didn't have any problems.
@MrsStormy: P does back to front all the time, but only front to back if she's leaning or busy with something. I think she just doesn't care to do it. Sitting is awesome. She really liked the new angle, so I had her sit all the time in the bobby (never used that pillow for breastfeeding, so I'm glad it's getting used now). Now she can sit for long periods, but she'll still topple over every so often.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsStormy: we work on sit but he falls over quickly. We roll front to back but he has no desire to get to his belly even though he sleeps on it.
@meltini: no swaddling here
apricot / 491 posts
@MrsStormy: We don't roll too much. I wish he did. He does really well sitting assisted, and decently unassisted!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Meltini: We aren't swaddling anymore...stopped probably around 4 months and just went cold turkey. She did a lot better than I expected and now I just put her in her sleep sack.
@MrsStormy: C has become a rolling machine lately, especially from her back to her belly. Every morning when I go in to get her, she's on her belly. When she first got the hang of it she would wake up screaming and I'd have to flip her back over. She seems to prefer sleeping on her belly though because as soon as I put her on her back, 2 seconds later she's on her belly, lol.
We did some light nap training last week and things are SO much better. We finally have a predictable schedule which makes things so much easier. It's so much fun watching her become a little person and interact with us and the world. I think these last 6 months of my mat leave will be my favorite...time is flying so fast. Our babies will be a year before you know it!
How much do all your babies weigh?? C is a chunky monkey...haha. This morning she was 18 lbs on our home scale! I'm interested to see how much she weighs at her 6mo checkup next week.
apricot / 495 posts
We are right around 16.5 lbs! Just getting into 6-9 month clothes at 5 months.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@char54: J is right at 20 lb. We won't have a checkup until the end of April but he is a chunky monkey.
ETA: I just realized I used the same term you did lol. My DH calls J monkey boy all the time, DH has nicknames for everyone so it's not surprising.
nectarine / 2522 posts
It's so funny how they all develop differently! E can roll both ways but can't sit yet. I'm practicing with him everyday but as soon as he see his toes he's more interesting in sucking them. He can sit up assisted though.
We started BLW a week ago too since he started to try swiping food off my plate! And yesterday he picked up a cauliflower floret, munched and swallowed!!! It was so exciting!! Anyone else doing Babyled weaning?
Here's an out there question for you all?? Anyone think about TTC again yet? DH shocked the pants off me by bringing it up yesterday.... I haven't got my cycle back yet though so not sure we could actually get pregnant again. Till trying to weigh up age gap pros and cons, but I think we might start NTNP when E hits 8 months.... Eeeek!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I've been ready to ttc since 3 months but I think DH is done. We had been NTNP but I just started the mini pill last sunday
nectarine / 2522 posts
@jetsa: awww has he outright said he's done? Are your cycles back?
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Nope we're still debating and nope nothing yet. He always said he wanted 1, I want 2
nectarine / 2522 posts
@jetsa: it's a huge decision.... I think I want them as close together, but then I feel like I want more time alone with E, then i think it could take forever to get pregnant! DH goes back and forth- he's pretty open about it, just scared I think.
clementine / 818 posts
@char54: I have no clue how much she weighs, I'm guessing maybe 14lbs? She's pretty petite.
@Mrs squirreld: I will probably do a little of blw but I'm not sure that I will fully commit to it, we are going to start solids in a week or so. Also, no we are not even close to being ready to ttc again, but before her I was pretty sure I was 1 and done, now I'm pretty sure I'm not!
apricot / 491 posts
@Mrs squirreld: lolzzz. We've talked about ttc a few years! I had a mini scare at 3 months and I was terrified for every reason in the book (wanted more time with J, didn't want to be pregnant right now, don't want to worry about recovery again, not our timeline). We hope to try in a couple years, when J is about 2ish, at least that's what the plan is now
apricot / 491 posts
How many people are on a pill? I am on Errin (so I can continue pumping), and have "breakthrough bleeding" a lot. The OB said it was normal, but it's been almost all of last month, which really hurt my stash/supply. Anyone have any advice/opinions/whatevs?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrssquirreld: I haven't gotten my period back yet, but we've been NTNP. Given how hard it was for me to get pregnant we're pretty sure we'll have to go in for an IUI when we decide we want another one, but are currently leaving it up to God. I really would love to not get pregnant for awhile though. I'd prefer about a 2 year age gap in my kids. We have done a mix of BLW and purees. He has so far eaten peas and butternut squash from purees and tried a piece of apple and a piece of tomato as BLW. I think we'll primarily do purees because it's easier for us but I'd like to incorporate some BLW too.
@grace: That's so cool that your lo can crawl! J kind of scoots around a bit, turning himself like a clock but isn't to crawling yet. Are you finding you have to really watch her now? And J is tiny. We had a bout with croup last week so he lost .5 lbs in 2 days! He's only about 15.5lbs now.
@mrsstormy: J could roll from belly to back at a really early age but hasn't seemed to care about doing so since then. He did recently master back to belly and I found him flipping himself over in his crib once. He doesn't seem to do it as much as just rolling to his side to get at things.
@mamamagpie: How are you guys doing getting out the door? I found it was hard when he was 2.5mo but now it's pretty easy. I think the key for them is a schedule. Just do the same thing each day.
AFM I got the worst cold ever and it is KILLING my supply. I used to get about 16-18oz at work pumping and now I'm lucky to get 10. If it lasts much longer I'm really going to have to force J onto some formula. What formula do all of you use? I bought some Similac Advance that I was using to mix with cereal but I've only put it in a bottle with BM once.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@char54: I agree with thinking the next 6 months are going to fly compared to the first. And isn't the nap thing glorious? I've finally got Paige napping for 1+ hours at semi-set times and going into her crib awake. It's wonderful!!! I'm guessing P is around 16.5 lbs but I'll find out for sure at her 6 mo appt next Tuesday.
@Mrs squirreld: I'm such a dang chicken when it comes to BLW. I really want to do it, but I'm scared! Tell me what you gave your LO first and how big it was, so that I can try. :). As for trying again, not yet. I'm really not sure if I want a #2 and it makes me feel guilty! I'd like Paige to have a sibling, but having to go through all that TTC again just makes me so anxious. Plus, I certainly didn't love being pregnant and the newborn phase is just not my idea of fun. I think we'll end up re-evaluating every few months and if the desire doesn't pop up sometime in the next year, we might be 1 and done.
@marionberry: I don't have to watch her too hard yet because she's still pretty slow and not that adventurous. She doesn't go exploring more than a few feet away from me. Plus, she's silly. She had the belly crawl down pretty good, but now she's decided that is no good. Now, she gets up on hands and knees, scoots her knees up to hands and launches herself forward. She landed on her nose once. It was pretty funny. She seemed so confused. Anyways, it seems to take a lot of energy and concentration, so she's pretty slow. Ugh, that sucks about the cold messing with your supply. I've heard that it can come back up once the cold is over though. Good thing with formula now is that I imagine it wouldn't mess up his tummy since he's older? I have no suggestions for you. I've just now started using the free formula samples to mix with cereal.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@marionberry: my supply took a hit after I got sick too. No fun! We use Nestle good start, the concentrate kind. Her stomach h doesn't agree with the powder and the ready to feed is too expensive!
persimmon / 1436 posts
Thanks for the luck last week! Daycare went well and he's already starting to get back to some semblance of a nap schedule there this week. I'm craving a more predicatble schedule, right now everything is timed off when he wakes up last -- he doesn't wake up at the same time every day and his naps aren't always the same length. @marionberry: we got out the door pretty well! I think the key for me was making sure everything was ready to go, including putting the water in the bottles so that all I had to do was put the formula in, mix, and go!
H can roll both ways but tends to prefer being on his tummy (I'm having deja vu as I type that...did I already mention that?) and has lately been doing this funny thing where he moves his legs really quickly and gets so excited and squiggly! It's hard to describe but it's like he's trying to hike his knees up underneath him and just can't quite figure it out! So adorable
@mrssquirreld: omg no way are we even thinking about another yet! Honestly, I'm not 100% I want another child, which no one is more surprised about than me! I think it's just that I'm *barely* starting to feel back to normal and most days don't feel like I have my shit together yet, so the thought of adding in another LO to the mix right now is just too overwhelming!
@grace: oh my gosh, that sounds like the cutest/funniest thing ever! Babies are so amazing and entertaining!
@marionberry: I'm sorry about your cold and supply How are you feeling?
clementine / 818 posts
So ladies, have any of you girls left your babes over night yet? I was invited to present at a conference for work next month, I would be gone 3 nights, we are still EBF, so I would have to pump. I also haven't left her overnight yet, I'm not sure if I should go! She would stay with her dad, so I feel like thats a good way to leave her for the first time, but thats sort of a long time! Also has anyone traveled away from lo? I'm not sure how I would manage pumping and transporting the milk, I also wonder if pumping exclusively during those days would hurt my supply since my pumping output is normally JUST ENOUGH as it is. Opinions?
ETA: I have to decide today if I want to go. If it makes any difference it is in San Diego, and we call these trips "work vacations" because while we are working they are still pretty fun and fairly leisurely. I'm not sure how much fun it would be to be attached to a pump so much though....
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsStormy: We left DS with his grandparents for 4 days at 4 months, it was fine. I pumped when I could (3-5 hours between sessions) and my supply was fine when I got back.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MrsStormy: Lol - I am way to chicken to leave LO overnight. What did you decide?
persimmon / 1436 posts
@MrsStormy: you've probably already made the choice, but I wanted to let you know that I've taken work trips several times since going back to work. The first time was hard but knowing he's well taken care of allows me have a chance to relax and see it as a mini momcation As for supply...that's a bit tougher. I had low supply issues even when I was practically glued to him and being away, even though I was pumping, absolutely affected it. But I feel like I was fighting a losing battle and it was inevitable that I wasn't going to be able to continue for much longer anyway, so keep that in mind. If you did decide to go and want any advice/thoughts on pumping and air travel, etc just let me know
grapefruit / 4663 posts
So we have our first childhood 'disease', hand foot mouth over here, on his half birthday no less!
watermelon / 14467 posts
@jetsa: I hate that for you guys! We have an upper respiratory infection/underlying infection in our house right now. I'm tired of sad sick babies. I hope J feels better soon and that Mom and Dad don't get it!
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