grapefruit / 4663 posts
@avivoca: he seems fine for the most part. He's not wanting to take a bottle, thank goodness for nursing, and sleep is crappy but other than that. You guys have been sick for awhile, I feel so bad for you! Feel better! Did your supply pick back up?
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@jetsa: oh no!!! Poor thing. What can they do for that? Feel better soon J!
watermelon / 14467 posts
@jetsa: My supply did pick back up, thankfully. Just in time for her to go through a growth spurt and demand more milk. I've had to add pumping sessions to get what she needs now (12 oz), so hopefully I can keep up.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@char54: they don't do anything you just wait it out. He's pretty spotted
@avivoca: that's the way it seems to go isn't it. Jack takes 15 oz a day and pumping 4 times at work barely gets me there. He'd just started sleeping longer at night so I could add a session and then this.
clementine / 818 posts
@jetsa: @grace: @mamamagpie: Thanks ladies. I decided not to go, I'm pretty sure I would have been fine, but I wasn't going to get my own room, and instead of a regular week of working 4 10's I was going to have to work 5 8's and it just basically ended up having too many negatives for me to do it, so I opted out. I'm a bit bummed but not too badly. However this happening basically forced DH and I to decide that I was going to take a momcation soon, I'm going to get a hotel room overnight, and he is going to have an overnight with LO by himself, that way I do get the first overnight away from her done with!
clementine / 818 posts
@jetsa: I'm sorry! That is such a bummer, hope he gets better soon!
@avivoca: I hope your household gets better soon too!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
So our naps are all screwed up so I am going to try 2 naps this weekend and see how it goes. He only takes 2 at daycare so hopefully it'll be okay. My plan is the 2-3-4 schedule, we shall see!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: and @avivoca: I hope your LOs are feeling better!
@mrsstormy: yah it sounds like you made a good choice, and bonus for it being the impetus to have a momcation! Even better! It'll be hard, but not as hard as you think (at least it wasn't for me).
@jetsa: we are going through the two nap transition right now, too. He started taking two 1.5hr naps at daycare pretty regularly so we are just going with it. Right now we've basically gone from being awake for just 2hr stretches to 3hr stretches, so wakes at 7:00, naps at 10:00 and 2:00, sleep by 6:00. It's a pretty early bedtime (which is hard on this working mama!) but right now if he goes much longer than that we get a meltdown and a really rough time getting him down for the night. I'm hoping he will be able to push it to 4hrs after his last waking to go down at 7:00 but whatever works best for him
He had his 6 month check up a couple of weeks ago! We have a giant baby He is 28.5" long (98th percentile) and 19lbs 12oz (87th percentile). It's pretty crazy that my skinny baby, who at one point dropped from 30/40th percentile in weight to 20th, is now such a big guy! Our ped said "holy cow, how much are you feeding him?!" but he gets just about 32oz of formula a day and we have only just added in some solids!
Speaking of solids, how is everyone doing? We ended up starting with brown rice cereal (ped felt very strongly about it so we went with it), then sweet potatoes, then avocado, and next will either be carrots or pears. He did NOT like the avocado haha
So random question -- have anyone's eyes changed colors yet? H's are still very bright blue and I think they'll stay that way, more or less, but I've heard it can take up to 9 months to really be sure!
clementine / 818 posts
@MamaMagpie: Aww, your babe is a big boy! Our solids are going well, we have tried several things, our ped said we didn't have to follow the 3 day rule so she has tried several things. We started with avocado and she wasn't a fan, the next day we had squash, and we have also had carrots, green beans, pear and banana. She loves banana and has liked everything else except green beans, she spit those out everytime she took a bite.
Her eyes have not changes color except to lighten up, they were really really dark when she was born and they are a bright steel blue now, I'm not sure if they will change or not, her dads eyes are a blue green, mine are green, and her grandma on her dads said has SUPER blue eyes, so we will see. I heard they could change up to 2 years....
Little girl had her 6 month appointment and she is still a peanut, she weighed 14lbs and was 26in long, so long and and petite. I'm so glad to have a break from shots for a little while! Are any of your kiddos crawling? We are not, and I'm okay with that, I am not ready for a mobile baby!
apricot / 495 posts
@MamaMagpie: Try mixing banana and avocado. D wasn't a fan of plain avocado but if I mix in a little banana he goes crazy for it.
We are starting to introduce meat which has been interesting. The first couple times he had chicken, he had an upset tummy but I think he is getting used to the animal protein now.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Meltini: Jack spits it out and gags, but he seems to like small amounts of beef. He really liked turkey though I didn't purée it just gave him small bites.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@MrsStormy: yum yum! We will do carrots tomorrow, then squash, banana, green beans, and chicken. I'm excited It sounds like your LO has gorgeous eyes! H isn't exactly crawling yet, but he started to do the most a adorable frog-hoppy thing! It's like he can get his legs to go but hasn't connected that he needs to move his arms as well, bless him.
@Meltini: GREAT idea! I am definitely going to try that next time!
clementine / 818 posts
@Meltini: @jetsa: @MamaMagpie: Interesting, we were not given the go ahead to do food until 9 months. It is so weird the differences between Dr's on preferences. I'm glad to know you guys are doing meat, then if for some reason we decide to do some sooner I wont feel bad!
ETA: I mean we weren't given the go ahead for meat, not food.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsStormy: I'm breaking all the rules. Jack's 6 month appt is a week after his 7 month bday so I'm just relying on what friend's with kids his age are doing. Hopefully I don't get yelled at but he's had a wide variety of food already.
clementine / 818 posts
@jetsa: I mean meat! You are such a rule breaker, but seriously I had never heard that before so I don't think you have anything to worry about!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsStormy: lol! I caught that and yea I think it will be fine. He's 21 lbs already, but he likes milk way more than food!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@MrsStormy: isn't it weird how there are so many differing opinions from peds?! It kind of drives me crazy! Our said 7-8 months and by the time we work through the other foods I mentioned, H will be 7 months so I feel ok about it.
At this point, how often is everyone offering solids and about how much per serving? We are doing twice a day, and giving him two ounces of cereal (either rice or oatmeal) and two ounces of a veggie/fruit. He is usually pretty "done" at the end of those four total ounces, but I see no sign of replacing any bottle feedings. In fact, tonight he wolfed down 6 ounces and then two more when I gave it to him right after because he still seemed hungry (we give him 6oz every 2.5/3 hours). So I think we either need to start giving him 8oz per bottle or add in more solids...thoughts?
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@jetsa: We just went down to 2 naps. It was rough for a while, as I tried to figure out how best to get her to last through the day. But now she's up at 7:30-8, naps at 10 and 2 (each for ~1.5 hr) and asleep for the night at 7:30-8. But it took a good month to get that worked out. How has it been for you?
@MamaMagpie: The last week or so has been like a switch as far as solids go. It's as if she's suddenly realised that food is good! Her favourite now is yogurt. Plain boring old yogurt (except I cheat and mix in oatmeal, so that she gets her iron). It's hilarious to see her get excited for it. She's also getting good at feeding herself. She's had giant bits of banana, red pepper, peas, scrambled eggs and chicken! And handles them so well. It's amazing. Oh, and her dr said to give her everything except honey and cow's milk and that we should move up to 3 meals a day. They aren't big meals, but she has all of them at the same time as us. And I have no idea how many oz it is. I just feed until she wants no more.
As for eyes, P's are slowly turning. They were bright blue at birth and now they are green in the middle, with blue on the outside. I'm wondering if they will be hazel.
@MrsStormy: But crawling is so much fun! I love that LO can just come find me rather than being pissed that I left the room.
clementine / 818 posts
Hey ladies, just wanted to check in, I'm not ready for this thread to die! How are everyone's babies? Who has crawlers now? My lo is pretty close but not quite there, she is however scooting a ton on her behind! Anyone have any fun ideas or activities for me to do with my lo? We sing and dance around a lot, we play with her toys, we go on outings but I never know if I'm challenging her appropriately for her age, honestly I don't worry about it much, but I figured I'd see if anyone had any additional ideas!
@Grace: Good point, that is a BIG bonus of crawling
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MrsStormy: Oooo - good question. I'm not worried about stimulating her, perse, but any ideas of things to make the day go by a little easier or to get her through a fussy time is welcome. So far, my most outside the box activity is folding laundry together. She loves to play in the clean clothes.
Two questions - anyone had AF already? Mine showed up on Sat and it was horrible. So heavy. Did it go back to normal the second time?
Question two - anyone's LO pulling up? How do you keep them from falling ALL THE TIME?? My DD is going to be a giant gooseegg by the time she figures out how to get down. Her method right now is to let go and land on her head.
clementine / 818 posts
@Grace: This is random but I have a teething/chew necklace and she loves it (like this ), I give that to her during her fussy time a lot because for whatever reason it totally distracts her, also Baby Einsteins take along tunes works like a charm for fussy times when we are out and about. My lo also loves to be outside or out and about so those things keep her happy much longer than being in the house.
No period yet, but I feel like it may come soon.... I've been having cramps lately. She isn't really pulling up yet, she is pulling up on me, but not on other things, we don't really have much of anything to pull up on actually other than the couches so I'm not sure when she will really learn that. We do however have a lot of face plants right now from her trying to figure out crawling, she keeps getting one leg stuck under her when she trys to go into crawl position and it causes a face plant. I have no solution other than to watch them like a hawk and have lightening fast reflexes, unfortunately those things are not feasible at all times
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MrsStormy: Isn't it odd what babies gravitate to? Mine loves the Boogie Wipes package.
apricot / 491 posts
@Grace: I was lucky enough to get AF in December. I then went on BCP, which is progesterone only due to pumping, and I get AF every other week.
J loves to be standing. He pulls himself up with my hands all the time, but hasn't really done it too much on other things yet, but he's not crawling yet. He'll get himself in position and will rock. He gets so mad because he wants to move, so he just usually ends up flopping down and crying. It just gets so annoying holding his hands so he's standing constantly so he can "walk" everywhere!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@pmerr: If that happens to me every second week, I think I'll die.
My friend's baby did that. Then she learned to crawl, stand alone and walk within a month. It was like a switch flipped.
apricot / 491 posts
@Grace: As much as I like him being a "little baby", I'm kind of ready to not constantly be holding him when I have to do things!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@pmerr: Agreed! I love that Paige just follows me into the next room when I leave.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@MrsStormy: It's going to be a while before S is crawling--she knows she needs to tuck one knee under and lift herself up onto both, but she doesn't have the strength yet. Meanwhile, she's a solid stander and will stand forever and walk if we are holding her hands. My parents said I barely crawled and was walking by 10-11mths so I wonder if she will be the same.
How is food going for everyone? We are on 2 meals per day (though she still doesn't notice if we skip lunch because we're out) and still doing purees. She is eating well and I would like to introduce more table foods/BLW but whenever we give her anything like that she throws it straight on the floor Also, how much water are your LO's drinking with meals? S is not a fan of the sippy cup but will take a sip or two if we force it up to her mouth. We have a little more luck giving her water in her usual milk bottle, but I don't really want to start that habit. I'm worried she's getting dehydrated as it's getting warmer out and although she's still drinking the same amount of formula, she's not having as many wet nappies lately. Maybe I should offer juice instead of water? I don't know.
apricot / 495 posts
D is trying so hard to crawl. He can either push up with him arms or get his knees under him but he can't seem to do both yet. I'm definitely not in a hurry for him to start crawling. Once he is mobile, things are going to get crazy!
We are doing purees 3 times a day. For breakfast he gets 3 oz b milk mixed into 3 oz of oatmeal and 2 oz of fruit. Lunch is 3 oz of veggies and 2 oz of fruit. Dinner is 3 oz of meat and veggies and 2-3 oz of fruit. He also gets water with breakfast and dinner and gets 4 oz each time. Sometimes he drinks itall and sometimes he doesn't touch it. We are using the Zoli straw cup and he really likes it. He's still getting breast milk 5-6 times a day which is good. Our ped specifically told us not to give D juice because of the sugar content.
We are currently dealing with the lovely Roseola virus and he is working on cutting his top 2 teeth. Talk about a fun week in the Meltini household
apricot / 491 posts
@illumina: I like to give him food 3x/day, but I'm not home most days, so DH usually will get about 2x/day in. We do want to do a breakfast, lunch, dinner routine with milk "snacks" in between. We're doing purees, but we're on WIC so we get all of our food from that. I did get puffs but I haven't been home to sit down and give him some. I'm so excited for when he can eat table food more and we can all sit down and eat together, instead of spending the time feeding him.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@illumina: we're on 2 meals per day, and at our appt last Friday our dr said that's perfect. She said all nutrition is still coming from milk right now so she told us to start 3 meals between 9-10 months. J does ok with it. He eats purees at daycare and then table food at home. I like that he's getting both types, he'll chew the table food but then it normally gets spit back out he loves puffs and yogurt bites as well. He's got his pincher grub figured out but hasn't figured out letting go of the food in his mouth so it's a frustrating battle I just bought a 3 stage cup that has a almost bottle nipple on it j really likes it and understands it maybe you try something like that. We're only giving water bc of the sugar in juice. Here's a link to the cup:
No crawling over here, though he'd like to he just hasn't figured it out yet. His first 2 teeth are working on coming in on bottom. J will pull up if you're holding his hands but not on anything else yet, I think we're in trouble when he starts crawling bc he's already got the leg muscles to pull up with
I got my first pp period last month, it was really heavy at first and then it was normal.
J was 20.5lbs and 28" last Friday. He's a chunker in the top 15% for both weight and height.
clementine / 818 posts
@illumina: We still don't give a ton of solids, one meal a day. Our child care situation will be changing in the next month and when it does I will start doing 2 meals I think (although now that I'm reading responses I'm feeling guilty everyone else has babies getting more meals than one, so maybe I will start sooner than later...) I'm ready to be able to do more table foods too, but so far she spits out most anything that isn't a puree. We only give a little water, maybe an ounce or two with most meals (not all) in a sippy, I don't know how much she gets, but she is still BF so I know she gets enough hydration from that, I'm not sure about formula and water though.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsStormy: at your 6 month appt did your dr say anything about giving her fluoride? My dr suggested it and I'd never heard that before. Also I wouldn't worry about the food, J's second meal is all table food so we're lucky if he eats 2 bites
clementine / 818 posts
@jetsa: Yes! My Dr. did recommend it and I had never heard that either, we do not have fluoride in our water here so that's why he said she needed it. I actually for now have opted to not do it, just because I was uneasy about it and my dentist said he didn't feel it was necessary unless I wanted to. My dentist also told me that since I am still nursing that xylitol is actually good for babies teeth so if I eat some of that while nursing she can benefit from it (I still need to do some research on this, but I found it interesting).
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsStormy: that is interesting! I have lines (stains) in my teeth from too much fluoride as a babe so I'm not doing it either currently.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@illumina: We do three meals a day, although she often doesn't eat very much. I give her finger food usually at lunch or if I can think up something to give her for supper. It's easier to just defrost the puree from the freezer! I started giving her a sippy starting at 4.5-5 months, so she's a pro now. I offer at every meal. She gulps it down, but I don't really know how much she takes. I wouldn't give juice. I imagine it's a slippery slope to where she'll only drink juice.
clementine / 818 posts
@jetsa: @Grace: When you guys do table foods/ finger foods, what do you give? I'm still experimenting with what she can and can not eat yet, so I need ideas.
Also are people just giving like baby oatmeal for breakfast, or something else? I was so excited to start her on solids, now I think it is too much work!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MrsStormy: first I gave her bananas as a finger food. Since then, I've tried cheese, broccoli, cheese toast, raspberries, cheerios, chicken, scrambled eggs, pears and peas. It's surprising how well she does with it.
Her breakfasts are baby cereal mixed with yogurt. I startes buying weird mixed cereals, but they taste odd, so I think I'll go back to oatmeal.
clementine / 818 posts
@Grace: Does she have teeth? I don't know how my daughter would do with toast, she only has about 1/2 of a tooth. We have tried bannana and avocado, I have also given her asparagus (that she just chewed but didn't swallow any), a brown rice spagetti noodle (sucked but didn't swallow), I will have to try some of those other things. She doesn't seem to understand chunks, maybe I should try oatmeal or chunkier purees.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MrsStormy: She does, but she didn't when we started. She just gums the toast. Try to eat it yourself with chewing. It kind of disintegrates. I give the size of half her finger. As for her not getting it, that's ok. She's learning. If you keep offering, she'll get it (and it might take a month).
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