pomelo / 5469 posts
I think her birthday will be pretty small...just close family and friends and a few of my new Mummy friends and their babies the same age as LO. I've been to a couple of her friend's 1st birthday's recently and they have been similar and nice and laid back.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsStormy: ours is going to be huge. We have the youngest kid in our group of friends so if we don't follow everyone else's lead I'm afraid we'll upset someone for not inviting them. We're looking at sending out 35 invites so 60-70 ppl invited my guess is we'll have no more than 35 show up but who knows.
pomelo / 5469 posts
Did you ladies share what theme you are having for LO's party? I was really against having a theme for ages because I didn't think I could be bothered to do it...but I was looking at invites and saw these cute giraffes ones and decided to go with a safari theme! Also I've just ordered a custom cake, similar to this one...now I know I'm going to go overboard!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@illumina: I'm not sure if there will be a theme. I think I'm going to make a hungry hungry caterpiller cake, but there won't be invitations. There may not be decorations either, since she's too little to play with balloons or streamers and there won't be any other kids there. I might make the food from the book though.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@illumina: we're doing an under the sea theme because it goes with his middle name and he loves water!
clementine / 818 posts
@illumina: That cake is amazing!
I sort of wish we could have a smaller party because it is starting to stress me out....
@Grace: I'm not going to do a ton of decorating either, probably just balloons since my daughter loves them, and I'll decorate the high chair for the cake smash.
@jetsa: we have a similar thing too, we only have a few friends with kids, but they had huge 1st birthday parties for their kids, and invited all of the friends, so I feel like a tool not inviting everyone.... Not sure what we are going to do yet. Where are you having your party if it's that big?
I just saw the post on first words, do any of your babes have any words yet? My daughter doesn't, I don't think we talk about what things are called or what we are doing enough, but we do talk to her a lot. She says dada and mama now but it's more indiscriminate babbling. She is starting to make new sounds like she's talking in baby language now as opposed to just babbling.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MrsStormy: Just babbling (finally!). I had a dream she said bye-bye though. I was so shocked.
clementine / 818 posts
@Grace: oh good reading that thread about babies saying like tickle or bubble at 10 months I was starting feel like I failed her by not speaking to her enough, because I don't really think she is close to saying a word.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MrsStormy: I'm going to go torture myself by reading the thread. Paige is late to the babbling/talking - she's more interested in physical stuff. But the dr said that she'll get there eventually. I think we'll be lucky if we get a word out of her by her first birthday.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsStormy: @Grace: j babbles but there's no words yet. We just filled out his 9 month ASQ and he's definitely not hitting all the bubbles in communication although he does in most other categories. I missed that thread and I'll avoid it now bc I feel like I've done something wrong.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsStormy: we're going to have it at home, if everyone shows up we'll be shoulder to shoulder I'm guessing we'll be lucky to have 1/2 show up
clementine / 818 posts
So how many naps are your babies taking now? I'm trying to figure out when most babies go to one nap, I feel like my daughter has been on the later end of cutting naps, but I'm really not sure what time we should plan her birthday party because of this.....
pomelo / 5469 posts
@MrsStormy: She's just taking one now from 12-2/3pm. We transitioned last week because getting her to take the 2nd was really hard and bedtime was a struggle so we went cold turkey and pushed the 1st nap back. It's working well and has really freed up our day. She has always dropped naps on the early side though so I knew it was about the right time.
Her birthday party is 3-5pm which I figure will also suit the 2 nap babies.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MrsStormy: Mine is still on two. We've started limiting her morning nap to 1.25-1.5 hours though, to make sure she's tired enough for the afternoon nap.
clementine / 818 posts
@Grace: I can't imagine a world where I had to limit naps! I'm lucky to get a 1 hour nap... ever, at all
pomelo / 5041 posts
Jack takes two naps still -a short one around 9 or 10 and then a longer one around 1 or 2. He sleeps through the night now too which is amazing!
As far as talk he had babbled since 3 months and he understands what many words mean but he doesn't seem close to real words yet.
What about pointing, clapping, waving goodbye? Jack doesn't do any of those yet. We have taught him to give kisses, being us his hand and high five though.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@marionberry: The pointing thing she figured out on her own and it just came out of nowhere one day...now we can say "point to the car, point to the TV etc." and she knows to do it. Clapping and waving we had to show her over and over again! With waving we would say "wave bye bye to X!" and then wave her arm until she got it!
She also says car, cat, dog, ba (ball) and pear. But none of them are without us first saying "can you see the cat?" and then she'll go "cat!". She understands so much more though, it's scary...like come here, do you want dinner/milk/bath/bed/book etc. and she'll go "yeah!"
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@marionberry: Mine used to give kisses, but now she won't do it. She's giving hugs though, and that's pretty sweet. It's been hard to teach her to clap or high five or anything because she's really stubborn and doesn't want us to control her hands. Hahaha, and she's only wave hello. Refuses to wave goodbye.
@illumina: It's crazy how much they understand eh? One day I discovered she knew what book, lie down, and book was. And it's just exploded from there. I need her to start with the words though. Right now, there's a bunch of whining when she wants something.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: we were just at the dr and we're told that actual words come more easily to girls. Boys grunt, do rasberries, vehicle sounds etc. before they get words. I was comforted I was worrying. DS does high 5 too!
We're on 2 naps normally 9 and 1ish. DS waves (ish I wouldn't have counted it but dr did) plays the "drums" and high fives.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@marionberry: I think they are all different. Her language is way ahead of her movement...like she only just started crawling a few weeks ago at 10 months, which is considered late, I guess.
apricot / 491 posts
@illumina: Cute! We'll be doing a football theme!
@MrsStormy: We're about the same with the words. He will say mama and dada, but it's mostly all babbling. I swear I've heard him say all done, but I'm not sure. We're walking, though. He still likes to hold hands, toys or furniture, but he'll also go across a room, too. We also take about 2 naps a day. Hopefully the timing will be good with his party, but he's usually decent if there's stuff happening. We'll see!
persimmon / 1436 posts
Hi ladies
I haven't been on in about three months...pretty major, stressful life stuff happening. But I'm ready to check back in and try to catch up! I'm looking forward to learning how well everyone is doing. I've missed you guys, really! Also, I'm in total denial that our bebes are all almost a year old already
persimmon / 1436 posts
Just caught up Here are our updates:
Height: 29.5" at his 9 month check up (I swear he's grown an inch since then!)
Weight: 25lbs at his 9 month check up -- he's a giant!
Food: the dude eats pretty much everything! Our ped gave the ok on table foods so we try to have fun with it. We don't exactly give him table foods, but usually he eats anything he can feed himself! Favorites right now are turkey, blueberries, sweet potatoes, mozzarella, and egg yolks. We are doing 4 bottles a day, so about 24-28 oz of formula a day, plus three meals and a snack every day.
Sleep: we went through a really rough patch with sleep, decided to sleep train, and had freaking awesome success! He had never in his life been able to fall asleep on his own, it had always had to be eating or an intense walking/swaying/shushing routine, and after less than a week of gradual extinction, he will lie his head down and go right sleep! He sleeps 7-7 and we recently went to one nap a day from 12-2:30. Of course, now I've jinxed it
Language: he says mama a lot, sometimes it means me and sometimes it's just when he wants something or is upset. He also says dada sometimes and babbles a lot. He just learned how to clap, he's waved bye bye a few times but isn't consistent with it, and he does a funny Spider-Man wrist point haha. He knows to point to our noses, eyes, ears but won't point to his own, and he understands "sit on your bottom" in the bathtub
Toys: anything with moving parts! He will open and close and spin and lift and pull anything and everything. Any bigger toys, like the activity table or walker, he will turn upside down and try to figure out how the work (or so we tell ourselves!). He also uses anything that's not bolted down as a walker!
Mobility : he's been crawling for several months and is so close to walking these days. He has the strength and balance, just not the confidence -- he'll cruise along everything including the walls, and sometimes doesn't realize he's not really held into anything and then will sit down when he does. So funny
We are going to do a small "hungry caterpillar" birthday party with family and just a few close friends I'm excited but also overwhelmed because I just have no idea when I'm going to have time to plan and prepare!
I've loved following some of you on IG, especially while I've been off the Bee. I'm nmgreene there if anyone wants to connect there Here's a pic from yesterday...he looks like such a little boy!
clementine / 818 posts
@marionberry: My daughter waves, claps, stomps, and raises her arms up in a "hooray" but she does it all on her own terms, not on demand or in response. No pointing though....
@illumina: wow! That's great language. I think my daughter might be using mama and dada intentionally now, she also says mum mum which we think in in relation to wanting to eat.
She really isn't super close to walking I don't think. I actually think she is capable (she has been standing independently for over 2 months) but she just isn't really interested. She is so independent she doesn't want to hold our hands and walk, plus she is pretty cautious.
pomelo / 5469 posts
What are you ladies getting your LO's for their 1st birthday? I can't believe it's almost upon us and I need to get ordering! So far my shortlist is:
Mamas & Papas rocking horse
more Eric Carle books
toddler Converse shoes
a wooden puzzle
Mega Bloks
I really wanted to get her some wooden play food, but I don't think they're recommend until 2 or older.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MamaMagpie: I hope the sleep stays good for you! We are doing a Hungry Hungry Caterpiller birthday too, except just with the cake. I don't think we'll decorate this year.
@illumina: Paige's presents came from Amazon yesterday! We got her a shopping cart and a big-girl plate (with a suction bottom, so hopefully it stays put). Then we got some felt play veggies from Ikea to put in her cart and some wooden cars (because she's started to like pushing things). The cart is 18 or 24 months and up - I think because by then they can walk well and won't flip the cart. I read that you can fill the base with sand and it becomes much more sturdy. We'll see how it goes. The play food is 3+ and I don't understand that. They are way too big to be a choking hazard, so I don't know why the rating. So I say, use your common sense with the age ratings. I also want to get her some books. She also needs a few fall clothes, but I'm not worried about getting that before her birthday. She'll have plenty of things to open.
clementine / 818 posts
We got lo balls and will make a ball pit, we got her a sand box, I'd like to get her a few new books, and her big present was her convertible car seats that was expensive enough to trump everything else!
@illumina: @Grace: The library story time we go to has play food for the kids to play with and lo loves it, I don't think I would worry about getting it before age 2.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Grace: ahh! Congrats little one! We technically have 12 more days here but his party is over and I've stopped pumping at work!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Grace: J's birthday is a week away and I have so much to do still to prep for the party. We just got J a helicopter and car he can push and a musical piano. He really didn't need anything and I know he'll be spoiled by family.
clementine / 818 posts
@Grace: Happy birthday lo (paige right?)!
We have about 2 more weeks until her birthday, how has it gone by so fast!?
@marionberry: I have a ton of prep to do too!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@jetsa: Thanks! And no way! We have to see if we can make it to 111 pages like the Sept pregnancy thread!! How was the party and where are the pics?
@marionberry: I love how you *just* got him three awesome presents.
@MrsStormy: Thanks! Yup, it's Paige.
I decided to split up presents, so this afternoon she opened some books and her new plate and cultery from us and this huge box of clothes that her aunt sent. It took a long time to get her interested in it. I'm glad we decided to split it up!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Grace: That's a cool idea - to split up the presents. I think we might wait to give him his presents from us until after the party, in the event that we get any duplicates. I said "just" because they were cheap and so we didn't spend tons of money on him but I'm really hoping he likes them. Right now his favorite toys are just normal things like the cooler or the bar stools lol - anything he shouldn't be getting into.
clementine / 818 posts
@Grace: Great idea to split them up. We actually said no gifts to all the people we invited, but so far I don't think anyone is following that it is sweet but she REALLY doesn't need anything, oh well.
clementine / 818 posts
I'd love to see birthday updates if anyone has any, our party isn't until this Saturday.
Also it's official we have a walker! She's adorable when she walks, but I really don't feel like I was ready for it... Walking opens up a whole new world of parenting!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MrsStormy: Yea!!! I'm still waiting for walking. Waiting and waiting and waiting. Totally way to impatient.
We decided to have one-year old professional pics taken yesterday and we have the "sneak peek". I'm so happy we got them done - worth the money! I posted them in our gold thread 'cause I'm protective of pics on the internet. http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/september-2013-mamas-baby-pics/page/2?replies=60#post-1868438
grapefruit / 4663 posts
I know of a couple of us who are having #2. I'm due in May
Anyone else thinking its time for a sibling?
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