Hellobee Boards


September 2014 Mummas - Come out where ever you are!

  1. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @gingerbebe: I must be super out of the loop, I have no clue what the diaper deal is! And I've been feeling sick also, darn it 3rd trimester!

  2. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Boogs: I had to drive 45 minutes each way to our HMO's Saturday pharmacy to get my Zofran refilled. KILL ME.

  3. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @gingerbebe: @Boogs: I had to take zofran today too. It's the curse of the third tri.

  4. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @gingerbebe: @Mrs. Jump Rope: I took it today also. Between that and having to take so much iron I'm scared of the problems it will cause lol.

  5. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts


    Also, I'm SO tired. I took 3 naps yesterday and went to bed just fine. And I still woke up exhausted. I was about to go to bed at 6pm tonight but have been fighting to stay up for a little longer.

  6. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    I'll be so tired and especially want to sleep around 1-2 every afternoon, but come midnight and I'm wide awake.

  7. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    I am also so tired lately. I think I went to bed at 9 last night and could barely get up at 7.

    I also feel like complete crap today. I think I am having a lot of BH but it also just feels like the baby is taking his butt and jamming it out of my stomach just below my ribs... can't decide if I should call the doctor or not since its happening kind of a lot and I am super uncomfortable. Blah. The last thing I feel like doing is walking to the doctor in this humidity.

  8. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @psw27: I have been having BH's every night when I lay down in bed. They've started to actually feel a little painful lately, instead of just tight, so its annoying. Last night, I felt the BH in my back - I guess the boy was positioned weird. Holy uncomfortable!

    I had to call L&D just now bc on top of all my crap symptoms, I started getting terrible right shoulder pain radiating up to my jaw this morning and I wanted to make sure it was nothing serious. She told me I was probably fine, but that there's been a virus going around that's been making every preggo in our area call into L&D (vomit, extreme fatigue, nausea) so that hopefully my symptoms will pass. The shoulder pain could be anything, including gas or GI issues, and considering I'm back on Zofran, I guess that's possible. Le sigh.

  9. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @gingerbebe: That's a strange pain, are you feeling any better now? Hopefully you don't catch the yuck that is going around!

    I'm always so leery to call for some reason. I guess cause I don't want to seem like a drama queen or something. I feel better after chugging a lot of water, most of my BH are caused by overdoing it or being dehydrated. I feel a little better, he seems to have scooted down a little bit thankfully... just trying to get through the work day!

  10. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @gingerbebe: that bug is going around here too! Hope you feel better!

    @Boogs: I took half a pill & it helped make the nausea bearable and I didn't suffer from constipation! I consider it a win.

  11. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    Am I the only one not having BH yet?! Weird!

    I do have HORRIBLE acid reflux/heartburn/indigestion though...so I'm still suffering.

  12. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: Half pill seems to mostly be working for now thankfully!

    @Littlebit: I have all that, I'm thinking it's what is causing the nausea. It just means our kids have a lot of hair.

  13. butterflyprism

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    @littlebit No BH for me either. 30w today.

    We are pretty much done with turning the living room into the nursery. This weekend my parents came down with the dresser (the floor model and it was on clearance, so it was cheap and didn't have to be assembled) and the crib (my Dad helped my hubby to put it together). They also took a bookcase, and a coffee table that we are giving to my brother for his new apartment. We are waiting for the mattress to be delivered for the crib, and I have a couple things to hang on the walls, probably tomorrow. But mostly done!

    And then my baby shower with family and friends is on Sunday, so hopefully we get a lot more of the things we need. I know someone bought us the swing off our registry, so that's exciting. And I'm excited about the bottle starter set (the Munchkin LATCH system) that someone bought. Plus I was worried about whether anyone would buy our stroller, since it's an expensive travel set with the infant car seat. But I found out the family of one of hubby's best friends (he officiated our wedding) is planning on going in on a gift card for us -- the parents, plus three kids and their spouses. I honestly think that will either pay for the stroller outright or at least cover most of the cost, so if we don't get the stroller Sunday we should be able to get it ourselves.

    Still waiting to get the glucometer in the mail from my insurance company, so when I go to my 30 week check-up tomorrow I will get more info about GD but nothing to report to the doctor yet. Also still waiting to get a call from the nutritionist to schedule an appointment.

  14. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    It's kind of cool that I can identify body parts now and know what's kicking me. She's head down & Chloe giggles and asks to touch the baby's butt. She says it's "bum-y and squishy!"

    But it makes me wonder how exactly she's curled up in there. I've been feeling pokes in my hip bones and it's a weird feeling!

    Today she shifted from my right side to the left, and her little butt lifted my whole upper belly. It looked so contorted!

    I never really had this with Chloe. She was firmly planted against my right side, breech the entire time, and was happy to stay put. Lots of wiggles and super strong kicks, but I don't remember my whole belly moving like this before.

    I caught it on video today. It looks kind of creep!

  15. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: Little man is like doing the windmill or something in there. Sometimes the butt is on the left side. Sometimes its on the right side. Most often I feel him kicking pretty high so I think he's head down (he was at the last ultrasound), but I'm also having twitches and movements in my hip area too. I feel like he's doing snow angels in there!

    DH smashes his face into my belly at night and talks to him before bed and sometimes he gets kicked really hard in the face. DH thinks he's telling him to shut up.

  16. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @butterflyprism: Hope your shower is fun!

    I finally got convinced into having one. I tried really hard to talk these two ladies in my Bible study out of it, but it got to the point where I was going to look super rude, so now we're doing a low-key co-ed shower with people we know from church. The only thing is, the only time they have available is when I'll be 38 weeks!! So hopefully little man doesn't make an early appearance.

    Stroller, carseat, and stroller travel bag are en route to our house, and I have some NB and 0-3 clothes, but I'm starting to worry our son will end up big for some reason. So I bid on a lot of used 6-9 month clothes on Ebay today. DH was like "can't we just dress him in a pillowcase for a few months?" I sorta wish we could!

  17. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @Boogs: I hope so!! This stuff is no joke. I actually just made a call to my doctor to see if I can get a prescription. Nothing OTC is working anymore It doesn't matter what I eat, how little or how small.

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: @gingerbebe: I'm jealous of y'all with big movers! I feel movement all day long, but never BIG movement. Certainly not enough to capture on a video...my husband still hasn't felt him move yet - he stops moving the second he puts his hand down.

  18. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Littlebit: That sucks - our boy moves WHEN you put a hand down. I don't know if he's reacting to the sudden temp change or what, but he will almost always give a high paw if you put your hand there long enough.

    Also, I just started carrying Zantac in my purse because I'm not having the heartburn all the time, but when it kicks a leg up, its no joke.

  19. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I can sometimes figure out body parts, like last night there was a butt around my rib cage. Another day there was an arm poking near by belly button and I had a weird, hard lump there for a while until he finally moved. The hip pokes are some of the weirdest feeling ones!

    @Littlebit: Hopefully they can help you! I actually wish there wasn't always such big movement, it can be super uncomfortable and painful at times. Have you played around with holding a flashlight to your belly? You can get movement from that so maybe your husband would have luck feeling something then.

    @gingerbebe: Check the classifieds here also, there have been some great boy lots. And no matter how big your baby is they will probably need at least some 3-6 month stuff also.

  20. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: my kid is moving around like crazy too. Much much more than the twins. I figure there's a lot more room in my belly, since he's in it himself.

    @butterflyprism: have fun at your shower! Showers are so fun! Especially when u get nice gifts hehe.

    @gingerbebe: I'm glad u r doing a small shower. It's nice to have one and get gifts, even if it's small things like clothes and what not.

  21. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Boogs: I don't remember the hip kicks from Chloe. I had lightening crotch so so so bad though. I haven't felt that yet (whew)!

  22. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Zofran constipation is back. Took Miralax before bed last night and had a cup of coffee this morning to try and get things moving. There's no room in there for backups!

    I'm getting hot flashes too. I'll be sitting in my office feeling fine and then it will be like OMG I'M SO HOT WHAT THE HELL. A/C is at 71 degrees in the house at all times.

  23. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I don't remember either!

    @gingerbebe: I get those, and when I do I feel like I'm about to pass out. I literally have to sit in front of a fan with water until the spinning stops.

  24. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @butterflyprism: Have fun at your shower!

    @gingerbebe: Glad you finally gave in to a small shower!

    @mrs. jump rope: I get the weird contorted bum sticking out thing right by my ribs. He definitely moves around pretty wildly at times - it can really hurt! I also get these smaller flutters down low, and I think he gets the hiccups about once a day now. So weird...DH definitely gets kicked when he puts his hand on my belly, I think LO can feel the warmth.

    Figured out that my discomfort yesterday was totally a growth spurt. I swear he grows on Sundays and Mondays... by Tuesday I always feel better!

  25. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Hi everyone. Nothing new to report here except that I had to get up like 5 times to pee last night! Is this where things start to get way worse?

    Work is soooo hard to sit through. Sitting in my chair all day is uncomfortable, everything gets on my nerves, and yesterday I just wanted to scream. I just keep motivating myself that its 6 more weeks. Next week will be a short week since I'll be out of town, and then we should have one more semi-normal week before things go insane at the office in August. Then its all about getting to August 15th so that I can get my 2 vacation days for the month. Then its just day by day until the 29th! Cannot wait.

    Our car seat, stroller travel bag, and pack n' play arrived last night. Holy crap those boxes are huge! Stroller is en route and apparently more stuff is coming for our shower. Next to the crib box and the mattress box, all this stuff is taking up our whole living room. Why does a tiny person need so much stuff!?

    Hope everyone's doing okay!

  26. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @gingerbebe: I'm the same way. I have pregnancy rage right now. Everything and anything is setting me off. DH took Chloe over to my parents for awhile last night so I could have two hours to myself. It was great and helped me cool down! I don't even know what I'm annoyed with!

    We went to BRU tonight and bought a few of our last needed things. We didn't buy everything because he was price matching & we could get better pricing on Amazon. I bought most of my needed pumping supplies.

    And we bought the closet organizer today, so he will put that together tomorrow. Then the room will be DONE.... Except for the decor I still haven't committed to.

    I have the same mantra... Six more weeks! I'm starting to get really scared of my csection. I wasn't this nervous for my first one!

  27. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: Do you guys have an FSA? Pretty much all breastfeeding equipment is covered as an eligible expense. I even got soothie pads, storage bags, lanolin cream, and my bra with our FSA. Hopefully LO and I can breastfeed because there's a LOT of boob stuff in here!

    Preggo rage is real. I wrapped up a meeting today with another attorney in 12 minutes by saying "if they want to exclude those gibrones, that's not my problem." Super profesh.

  28. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @gingerbebe: I find sitting at my desk to be incredibly uncomfortable too. I think because he is sitting so high up in my ribs! FYI the stroller box is also huge! I got the UB vista and it has been in my office for 2 months because I don't have space for the box at my house and I don't want to put the stroller in my garage yet.

    @mrs. jump rope: you're so on top of things! I finally ordered my glider last night (which won't be here in time but oh well...)

    I've been reading the blog posts about what moms need post-delivery to recover - I need to make an amazon order of all of my recovery supplies (giant pads, witch hazel, tucks pads, lanolin, etc.) Anyone have any suggestions?

  29. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @psw27: My coworker told me to get Poise pads now and start wearing them in a few weeks because the incontinence, discharge, and possible water breakage thing gets gross towards the end. I'm trying to hold off until like 34 weeks until we get there tho.

    I've got some puppy pads to sleep on once we get a little closer and for afterwards, because I was told they are helpful (or just to throw on the changing pad).

    Some mom told me to make a witch hazel solution and keep it in a spritz bottle to use after the bathroom. She also told me to spray the solution on giant maxi pads, wrap them individually in foil, and stash them in the freezer for homemade padsicles?

    I'm considering buying a belly support band, mostly because I think I may need one BEFORE labor. My back is starting to hurt when we go on our evening walks.

  30. Weagle

    coconut / 8498 posts

    @psw27: @gingerbebe: I wouldn't go too crazy on the personal hygiene buys. Pick them up as needed. I definitely never needed anything as much as Poise, before or after. I was wearing Always by the time I left the hospital, and I ended up just taking a TON of stuff with me from there. They'll have extra ice packs, mesh panties, etc. Once I was home I did use the mesh panties a couple of times, but I was over using the really bulky stuff after a day or so. Eventually you just want to feel normal. The only thing I didn't have that I will ask for this time is prescription suppositories for hemorrhoids. That was my biggest post-part struggle and caused all of my pain.

    ETA: I preferred nipple butter to lanolin. Less sticky, easier to put on, and easier to wipe off before a feed.

  31. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @gingerbebe: I've heard about the puppy pads and the witch hazel pad-sicles. I should just make a running list. I also have been considering a support band for the next few weeks, things are feeling heavy on my walks to and from work...

  32. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @Weagle: thank you! good to know. My friends have mostly said to just "steal" as much as you can from the hospital! I don't want to go too crazy and have a bunch of stuff I don't need!

  33. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @psw27: @Weagle: @gingerbebe: I've started adding postpartum items to my amazon wishlist. I figured I'll take everything they give you from the hospital and then when I get home decide what I need more of and make an amazon prime order. Shouldn't take too long to get and I won't have to leave the house!

    Pads, liners, dermaplast, and disposable nipple pads are on my list so far. I'll probably pick up some larger black cheap undies a little bit before to have on hand too.

  34. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @psw27: Fortunately I already had the puppy pads in the house bc people needed to change baby diapers at Bible study at our house. I agree with @weagle that we probably don't need THAT much stuff. I had a 3 week stay in ICU at our HMO's hospital about 2 years ago and they gave me SO MUCH CRAP. I imagine they will be quite generous for post-natal stuff too.

  35. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Littlebit: @psw27: YES! I've been doing that actually - I keep all the stuff in my "save for later" list on Amazon so I can just pull it up if I need it. I'll just make sure I have some huge pads at home beforehand.

  36. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @Littlebit @gingerbebe That is basically my game plan - save for later list and then amazon prime it to arrive when I need it. Eek. Can't believe its almost time to think about post-partum recovery!! My friend is packing her hospital bag this weekend (she is due a week before me...) and I was like holy crap, I don't even have a crib in the house!

  37. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @psw27: @Littlebit: I preferred the Always pads with wings. I didn't bleed super heavily once I got home. I took mesh underwear and the large pads from the hospital and did wear those a day or two. I definitely wore them home! But Alsays worked well for me.

    The other thing I'd add is colace. Maybe it's because I had a section but the nurse have me stool softeners every day while in the hospital. They worked wonders. I took them for awhile at home too, and never had a problem or experienced any pain/constipation.

    Also loved my belly band. I have a pregnancy support belt and it's different than the band I got from the hospital. My hospital band was the same width and covered most of my belly. My support belt is curved and fits under my bump. My insurance always covered the belly band, so I would find out if you can get one for free! The hospital will fit you before you're discharged.

  38. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: Adding colace to my list now and will make a note to ask about the band too! Thank you!

    @psw27: I know, this is all so crazy. Time is flying!!! I just started filling out maternity leave paperwork. So weird.

  39. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    Oh, and I started thinking about my hospital bag.

    Last time, I packed a few outfits for Chloe. We ended up keeping her in the tshirts and swaddles the hospital provided. Our hospital did provide diapers but they had wipes I didn't care for. I also packed a handful of clothes for myself and bled through my pants, so after that experience I said screw it and stayed in my hospital gown. I really didn't want to be creating more work for us (laundry) for when we got home!

    So this time, here's my list:
    - toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, face wash, toothpaste) from the travel section at target
    - flip flops for walking halls and the hospital shower
    - my robe and nursing tops
    - something to come home in
    - Chapstick, phone and camera chargers
    - going home outfit for baby (NB outfit and 0-3 outfit)
    - diapers, wipes
    - nail files (Chloe was born with long, sharp nails!)
    - soft blanket
    - burp cloths
    - nipple cream
    - nursing tank
    - pillows from home
    - garbage bag to take home dirty clothes

  40. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: Super useful! Question..I have two robes. Not sure which one to bring/is more appropriate? One is a grey, thin, short robe I use when I get out of the shower (looks kinda like this: http://www.target.com/p/gilligan-o-malley-women-s-robe-assorted-colors/-/A-14887800#prodSlot=medium_1_2&term=robe). The other is a black, thick, long robe I use more during the winter when I'm cold (looks kinda like this http://www.target.com/p/hanes-men-s-cozy-robe/-/A-15246141#prodSlot=medium_1_7&term=robe)

    Which do you think I should bring? I think the black one will 'hide' more and probably be more comfy, but I don't know if it's too big to be hauling to the hospital?

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