Hellobee Boards


September 2014 Mummas - Come out where ever you are!

  1. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @gingerbebe: that sounds so nice! I'm jealous!! You should definitely pamper yourself while there - especially with your good placenta previa news! Enjoy yourself!

  2. butterflyprism

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    Had my 3 hour glucose test this morning, and I'm SO glad it's over with. It took 2 tries to get a vein on the first and last blood draws, so a total of 6 sticks for 4 tubes of blood. Uck. When I was leaving the lady who drew my blood said that with the holiday weekend I won't get my results until Monday, and to eat all the candy and ice cream I want this weekend just in case. Haha.

    I do work 4:30-8 tonight, but then three days off. I plan on doing a lot more decluttering this weekend, and things are starting to look almost decent. A few months ago our apartment looked like something from the TV show Hoarders (only slight exaggeration there), which was a snowball effect during my husband's long medical problems, but I'm getting closer to having it at the point where I'm willing to invite friends over. LOL. I have to give my husband credit too - as we get further along in the pregnancy, he's getting more and more involved with preparations, which is awesome. Since I work full time and he's part-time, it means I often come home from work and get to see that he got a lot done while I was gone.

  3. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @tequiero21: My docs office gave me the form the other day but I forgot to hand it back in after my appointment so I will bring it in next week I guess.

  4. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @gingerbebe: that sounds really relaxing! I would love to float in a pool right now... its so hot and humid here!

  5. butterflyprism

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    @tequiero21 I got the form to preregister back at my second appointment, still haven't filled it out and turned it in. Everything is going well so far, so I don't feel rushed. I think they said that I should give it back at least a month before the due date, so I have almost two months.

  6. farawayyama

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @butterflyprism: My little girl has been hiding from Daddy too, until 2 nights ago, when she did somersaults for him.

    My MIL said the same happened when his father would try and feel his sister, and that once on the outside, my SIL would always calm down when her daddy held her, so here is hoping!

  7. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Kickin' it at the lab on July 5th for my 3-hour. Whoop!

    Our hospital is 45 minutes away from our house, so as a 4th of July "treat" DH and I decided to book a Priceline deal on a hotel near the lab for the weekend. I had to be here early and we'd have access to a pool, so we went for it.

    We spent the 4th with some friends, ate lots of treats, went to check in at the hotel, floated in the pool, and grabbed a late salad for dinner, even though I HATE being out driving on a holiday. We witnessed someone go off the road and smash into a freeway on-ramp in front of us, but then they kept driving along, with a busted wheel and swerving around! DH was crawling at 10 mph behind him, giving them a WIDE berth because he didn't want any piece of that. We only had to be behind them for about a 1/4 mile before we got back to our hotel. Ugh, people.

    I am so sleepy. We went to bed after midnight and I just automatically woke up at 530am. I didn't want to go back to sleep because I heard it could mess with your blood sugar, so I sat up and drank water for an hour and a half before I could wake DH up. We made brunch plans with friends for after my appointment so that I would have something to look forward to (aside from brunch!)

    Hope everyone had a great 4th of July!

  8. Weagle

    coconut / 8498 posts

    Just catching up with everyone!

    @gingerbebe: Great news about your previa!!!

    I haven't heard anything back from my glucose test, which means everything is fine. I wasn't too worried. Sadly, I've been pretty much in the bed since Wednesday. I don't really know what's going on. Nausea, lightheadedness, low fever off and on and I'm SO thirsty! I have no symptoms that point to anything in particular and baby is still doing jumping jacks in there, so my midwives aren't worried. I'm going to ask to go in for some kind of testing if it doesn't get better this afternoon. I'm mostly bummed because the 4th is my favorite holiday and I've had to miss a ton of fun events

  9. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Weagle: Aww, I'm sorry you're not feeling well! Hopefully its just a little summer cold? I hate going from being hot and sweaty and to freezing in an air-conditioned room in the summer. You are sooo lucky about the blood sugar thing. This is the SECOND time I'm taking this stupid test. I have a family history of diabetes, so they made me take a set at 12 weeks and a set now. Of course I failed the 1-hour both times!

    Ugh, this glucola drink is making me so queasy...

  10. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @weagle: hope you're feeling better by now! so hard to be sick and pregnant!

    @gingerbebe: I hope your 3-hr went well...it sounds like you made lemonade out of lemons, at least!

    My summer classes are kicking my butt right now, which is making me look forward to August...I don't want to rush these last few weeks of LO being my only baby, but man, do I want to be done with these classes!

    Hope everyone had a nice long weekend. We had fantastic weather and LO looooved the fireworks. Holidays are so much fun with kids!

  11. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Weagle: I hope you're feeling better by now! Chloe has been sick for over a week. We took her to the ped on Tuesday and she had all the symptoms of HFM but no blisters. They said if a another virus and should be gone in 3-5 days. Well, I caught it and mine turned into strep throat. I got on antibiotics on Saturday but I'm still fighting this cold. I can't stop coughing and I'm dripping in sweat, but our AC is on 70. It's awful.

    I have my 31w appt this morning and I think today is the day we schedule my section!

  12. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @gingerbebe: any news on if you passed? Hopefully!

    @weagle: hope you are feeling better!

    @mrs. jump rope: Yay for scheduling your C-section! Its so soon... crazy! Hope you are feeling better as well!

  13. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    Waiting for the official phone call, but I'm booked for September 2!

  14. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @psw27: @Pancakes: I got my results back yesterday. Sigh. I had a great fasting blood sugar level, and passed the 1 hour and 3 hour draws, but was 4 points over on the 2 hour draw. The national standard, as far as I can tell, is that you have GD if you fail 2 of the 3 hour draws. HOWEVER, my HMO tends to be really conservative about these types of things, so I'm fully expecting them to call me today to be like you have GD or that I have borderline glucose intolerance and that I need to monitor my sugars anyway. I really don't think I have GD, but if I blew the test by a tiny margin, I'm sure I can handle my sugar levels with diet alone.

    HOPEFULLY they will just tell me to watch my portions and that will be the end of it. Or I guess I can challenge the results and take a THIRD glucose test (I mean, I did take the test on July 5th after having lots of treats on the 4th), but I'm at peace with whatever happens at this point. Especially after my previa clearing and reading about what Torchwood is going through, monitoring my blood sugar for 10 weeks does not sound like the worst thing ever.

    DH took me to Costco yesterday and we bought a ton of healthy groceries (lots of yummy salad fixings, nonfat Greek yogurt, berries, etc.) and we've decided just to eat more healthy anyway because at the very least it sounds like I have some mild glucose intolerance.

  15. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Oooh, my doctor just called me.

    1. I was not misdiagnosed with regards to having a complete placenta previa. (I had 2 anatomy scans within a week because they couldn't get heart images of the baby. On one ultrasound it looked like I didn't have the complete previa, and another ultrasound it looked like I did, so when they found that my previa had moved a whole 6cm, my NP was concerned I got misdiagnosed.) The doctor said in the first US, I had a really full bladder, so it looked like my placenta was clear. In the second scan my bladder was empty and the placenta was parked completely over my cervix, so that's the most accurate image of the two. He said I just had incredibly good luck that the previa cleared!

    2. While I haven't had the regional HMO perinatal office call me to confirm the 3-hour glucose test results, according to MY doctor, I shouldn't be diagnosed with gestational diabetes. He said I would be deemed to have GD if I failed the fasting or if I failed 2 of the 3 hourly draws. Since I only failed one of the hourly draws, I technically have "pregnancy induced glucose intolerance" which means the HMO should just have a nurse call me to talk to me about my diet and make some recommendations and that should be the end of it. So barring the HMO perinatal specialists conflicting with what my doctor's telling me, I just have to watch what I eat! YAY!!

  16. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @gingerbebe: Hmm that is really interesting. I wonder why the middle one failed. I think if I was going to fail it would be the first one (when my body was most likely to be processing the stuff I ate from the day before still?). Hopefully they just tell you to watch your diet for a little while and maybe they just will monitor you? 10 weeks is going to fly by regardless!

  17. butterflyprism

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    Took my 3 hour glucose test on July 3rd and didn't hear back today. Crossing my fingers they call tomorrow and everything is fine. If I don't hear anything, they might be waiting for my next appointment (next Wednesday at 30w1d) to let my doctor tell me... in which case I'll assume I passed.

    Next week is 30 weeks?! I can't believe how fast this is going. She'll be here before I know it! The past few days we've gotten a LOT of work done, much thanks to my three day weekend. We still have a bunch of stuff to move out of the living room before we can get the crib and dresser from my parents' house, but I think if I keep working on my end of it at night after work and hubby works on it during the day before HE goes to work, we should just have some last minute things to finish Saturday. So maybe when my parents come to visit Sunday they can bring baby Charlotte's furniture!

  18. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: Wow that is SO CLOSE! Especially because I just talked to my HR department today about our leave policies and at this point, I'm going to try to work until August 29th! Super exciting.

    I think DH and I have a tentative leave plan set up at this point. I am going to try and work until the last Friday in August, at which point I will be just shy of 38 weeks. Work will be BANANAS in August, so I'm nervous how I will handle the added workload and stress, but I have to make it at least until August 15th to get my vacation time for that month (you have to work 11 days out of 20 to get credit). If I can make it the following two weeks, I'll be able to rack up a good amount of overtime in the form of paid time off and get that last full paycheck.

    Between childbirth disability and stretching my accrued leave on a half-time basis, I should be able to make 50% of my salary and keep all my retirement and health benefits until the end of the year. Our office allows you to take a one-year leave of absence inclusive of all leave and disability benefits with a guaranteed right of return, so I can go unpaid from January through September 1 of next year. (In the meantime, we'd jump onto DH's insurance as of January 1, 2015 and just lose out on retirement for that period). Since I wouldn't get paid until the end of the first pay period I'm back at work, we'd be looking at 10 months without pay if I took the full year off. Unclear if we want to go that long, but its nice to know we'd have that option. Work has encouraged me to ask for the full year leave because its never a problem if you want to come back earlier, but they don't like it when moms ask for a shorter leave and then try to extend it. Especially if they have temporary hires covering for you.

    What are you guys doing for leave?

  19. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @gingerbebe: wow that sounds like a move leave program!

    I still haven't decided what I want to do. I work for myself, and am thinking I better wrap everything up by August 17 (I'll be 37 weeks) just in case. As for how long, I don't know. I've saved enough to take off three months, but will likely go back much sooner than that.

  20. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @gingerbebe: I'm not working now, just taking classes, and unfortunately I can't take the fall semester off. Luckily there is just one class that I have to take, plus the GRE at some point (I need to relearn all math, ugh) so I'm hoping it won't be too stressful. With LO #1, I worked up until 39 weeks, at which point it happened to be spring break, and she was born on the last day of break.

  21. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Woot! Did the Target diaper deal and got over 700 diapers, 1500 wipes, and a bottle of baby shampoo and baby lotion for $150!

  22. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Also, I got confirmation from my HMO that I do not have gestational diabetes!! I just need to have a 30 minute consult with a dietitian tomorrow about ways to keep my blood sugar stable since I did fail my 2 hour draw by 4 points. Praise the Lord I don't have to monitor!!

  23. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Pancakes: You can do it! Test prep is all about focused spurts of concentration and at least math doesn't require a lot of reading, just practice. When DH and I were in law school the MOST productive students were the moms - they just did not have the time and energy to mess around. They'd show up to school, do the work, knock out their assignments, and be gone. They were our heroes!

    I feel like Emeril the last two days and want to yell "BAM!" every time I get something baby-related done. Perhaps because it feels like its getting real and getting closer! Previa has cleared - BAM! No gestation diabetes - BAM! Babymoon booked - BAM! Decal for nursery ordered from Etsy - BAM! Getting my leave situation figured out - BA-BAM! Diaper hoard - BAM!

    Mind you I am tired as heck and am dragging otherwise. And all our nursery furniture has been sitting in boxes in our living room for a month. And we need to clean/organize the house so we can call the carpet cleaning service. And, and, and....

    I have to fill out this birth plan questionnaire for my HMO today. Anyone have any pointers or preferences they really liked having? I was so used to the idea of C-section that I have no idea what the heck I want.

  24. butterflyprism

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    After my 3hr glucose test Thursday and not hearing anything Monday or Tuesday, I was so sure it meant I passed.


    My doctor's office called this morning to tell me that my glucose levels were elevated (they never give me exact numbers for test results) and that I have GD. I have to get a glucometer, which my insurance will cover 100% the machine and the supplies I'll need, and I will have to test my blood sugar when I get up in the morning plus two hours after every meal. AND they are referring me to a dietician/nutritionist/whatever that I will have to see to talk about my lifestyle and what changes I need to make.

    I know in the long run it's not a big deal and it's important to manage it so there are no problems with my baby and her delivery, but it's just a big shock and it feels really overwhelming right now.

    Big high fives to everyone making progress on baby preparations - I can't believe we are getting so close!

  25. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @butterflyprism: I had my consultation with the dietitian today. (I didn't end up getting GD, but my 2 hour draw was a little over so they said I have some mild glucose intolerance.) It was like 30 minutes and they just went over the proportions of what they want you to eat. Basically they want me to eat every 2-3 hours, minimize sugary carbs at breakfast, add a bedtime snack, and eat protein with all my snacks and meals. I think its pretty intuitive eating because I just can't eat as much in one meal like I used to so I'm grazing constantly anyway. I was told that a 20 minute walk can bring down your sugars 10-20 points, so if you have a high carb meal or a dessert, just take a stroll.

    The finger pricking, however, I'm so sorry about. At least we're close to the end here and it wont be for too long!

  26. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @gingerbebe: I did the deal too! Got 4 boxes of diapers, and then used the two $10 gift cards to get the bottles I had registered for (Tommee Tippee) because they're running a sale on them right now. $10 for a 3 pack, normally $19 for a 3 pack. Awesome deals!!

    I've been reading everyone's updates, just haven't had much to say. My first shower is on Saturday - I am so excited! Can't wait to see everyone. My mom and friend are hosting it at my house, so I'm also excited for everyone to see the nursery.

    Officially 30 weeks and had my appointment today. So far so good! They did say that they'd start doing internal checks at 36 weeks. Has anyone turned those down? I'm a wuss and really don't want any additional pain if I can help it. I wouldn't mind doing one at 40 weeks, but I feel like there's nothing they can really tell me at 36 weeks. Especially since I'm hearing you can walk around at 3cm for several weeks and still not go into labor!

    Anyone turning down the checks? At least the early ones?

  27. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @butterflyprism: That's a bummer about the GD, hopefully it is easy to manage!

    @littlebit hmm I guess I haven't thought about the internal checks really. My doc told me at 36 weeks I have to get the strep test but didn't mention anything else.

  28. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Littlebit: I got a lot of comments from people about how I shouldn't have done the diaper deal because you don't know what will work for your kid until their born. (Which is true). But I know our HMO sends you home with a package of Swaddlers and that you can exchange or get store credit for any diaper Walmart sells no questions asked, so I figure I'll try the Swaddlers first and then if it doesn't work, just try small packages of other brands and exchange them later. Most parents I've talked to seem to prefer Swaddlers over Huggies with newborns, so I tried those out purely for odds. I also ended up with Size 3 Cruisers and a mix of sensitive and regular Swaddlers.

  29. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @gingerbebe: I had the same thought..Pampers swaddlers seems to be the favorite for newborns. If we don't like them we'll swap 'em for something else!

  30. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @gingerbebe: @Littlebit: Swaddlers with wetness indicator fan over here. MAJOR FAN. Chloe leaked through Huggies like nobodies business.

    My only 'ehh' about stocking up on diapers is you don't know what size you'll need the most of. Chloe went through two boxes of NB diapers in what seemed like a week, and once she jumped to size 1 she was in those for months.

    I'm not stocking up for this baby only because I have no idea how big she'll be, or what size we will need the most of. I'll have a box of NB on hand, though!

  31. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: that is how I feel about stocking up on diapers too, he might be huge, he might be tiny! I don't know what clothes we need either. I'm assuming I will just figure it out as I go? (I have no idea what I am doing as a first time mom.)

  32. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @psw27: yeah, clothes are tricky, too! I got so many at my baby shower that I really didn't have to buy any. But, I have the same concern this time around. We've got NB clothes, 0-3 and 3 months. I figure we will buy what we have to! You just never know.

  33. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @psw27: @Mrs. Jump Rope: Yeah I just got 1 box of NBs and then 2 boxes of 1s, 2 boxes of 2s,and then 3 boxes of 3s. Basically I just got whatever sizes they had since I can exchange them anyway. My friend swears her kid never even needed the NB size, so I'll wait to open that box until we go through a smaller package for sure.

    I'll probably just end up using Amazon Mom once everything settles down, but these prices were better than Amazon, so I jumped on it. Costco sent me a sample of Huggies and a sample of their brand diapers too, so hopefully we can try out a few different ones that first week! My friend says the only ones that worked for her kid were oddly Luvs! So I guess there's no way of telling!

    Ugh, the clothing thing is so annoying. I have something like 8 NB onesies, which seems like a lot if the baby is only going to fit into them for 5 minutes, but at the same time every one tells me you have to change them like a million times a day...and we have these sucky HE washer/dryers that take (no joke) 3 hours to run a wash/dry cycle. SO I don't know if I'm overestimating or underestimating!

  34. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @gingerbebe: Yeah I registered for a few different sizes of diapers and plan to just keep them in the packages and wait and see what we need. I know different babies need different brands though! My friend's son has blowouts in practically every brand except one (can't remember which)....

    I don't have any clothing yet other than a few things here and there but my shower is not until the 26th and I'm sure I will get a bunch. If not, I will just use my BBB coupons or amazon completion discount to go on a little spree come August.

  35. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @gingerbebe: @Littlebit: @Mrs. Jump Rope: i definitely liked pampers swaddlers with wetness indicator best for my twins and thats all i plan to use with the newborn.

  36. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Littlebit: oooh have fun at your shower. kinda sad im not having one for this baby but, we already have everything and all my friends are all over the country so...

    also, not sure what kinda internet checks. when i was getting up there with my first pregnancy, they strapped belts around me to time babys movements and all..... no internal....

  37. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Littlebit: I did not hear anything about internal checks! Ugh, speaking of which, I guess this is the point where I should go back getting waxed....

    @tequiero21: I don't think I'm going to do one either. Both our families live far away, most of my closest friends also live out of town, and the 2 people who offered to host are in my Bible study group and while I love them, it seems sort of odd to have them host a baby shower and have non-church friends or people they've never met show up. Plus, at this point it would have to happen in August, when work is SUPER busy for me, and our parents have already gifted us the big stuff.

    Speaking of which, we just ordered our carseat and stroller today! (Mom is gifting it to us). One of my best friends works at Nordstrom corporate and gets a huge employee discount, so we got the Uppababy Cruz stroller, Mesa carseat, and the stroller travel bag (for air travel). DH and I went back to BBB to try out the strollers again and we still agreed the Cruz was our favorite. We didn't like the way the storage was set up on the City Mini and for some reason, DH was not feeling the jogger style strollers. The Britax B-Ready travel system would have worked, but after my friend's discount (Nordstrom only carries Stokke, UP, and Bugaboo strollers), the UP stroller and carseat were cheaper! After we threw in the travel bag, it ended up being a wash. We'll wait to see if we need a second carseat base, since I am going to be home with baby for several months.

    DH is getting a little annoyed with me because my nesting instincts are starting to kick in - in the form of to-do lists for him - and because work is gonna be nuts in August, I wan't it done THIS month. We haven't set up anything for the baby yet because I don't want to do anything until the house has been cleaned and the carpets cleaned. Even if we hire a cleaner and carpet service, that means the house needs to get organized (namely his crazy messy office) and I am adamant our garage get cleaned out before the baby arrives. Which means DH has to do the bulk of it! And then once everything is clean, DH has to assemble the furniture and move our bedroom furniture around.

  38. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @tequiero21: My doctor said the checks would be to see how far I've dilated (if any) and effaced.

    @gingerbebe: We got the Britax B-Agile and getting it in the mail was so fun! Seems so real! Love the Uppababy, wish I could have gotten my husband on board with it. My husband is ready to kill me to with the to-do list. Right now it's extra bad because I have so many little things I want done before the shower tomorrow! I'm leaving work early today to get started.

  39. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Littlebit: o, yeah, they did that. Can't remember when.

  40. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Did the diaper deal at Target one more time since its the last day. I went armed with manufacturer coupons and Target coupons, so I ended up with 4 boxes of size 3 and 4 Pampers for $78 plus $20 in gift cards.

    I used the gift cards and some other coupons to get 9 pouches of baby food, 3 maternity tops, and a nursing tank. Ended up spending an additional $27 dollars, for a total of $105 for the day, but basically it was like getting 4 boxes of Pampers plus all of that other stuff for free.

    Oh yeah, my morning sickness came back! I was vomming in the morning and at night yesterday, so DH drove me 45 minutes to our HMO's Saturday pharmacy to get Zofran refilled. Le sigh.

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