Hellobee Boards


September 2014 Mummas - Come out where ever you are!

  1. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Littlebit: I'm not a robe person but wanted one this time around. I hated getting fully dressed every time we had visitors at the hospital and at home!

    I got a lightweight robe from plum pretty sugar and love it so much. I wear it around the house now!

    Since I really don't have experiment I say trust your gut. I like that mine is lightweight, takes up very little room once folded, and provides coverage.

  2. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: Thanks! I think I'll pack the grey one for the hospital and bring the big black one but leave it in the car. That way my husband can grab it easily if I decide I need it, but it won't be cluttering up our room if not.

  3. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @littlebit: I bought a robe from target similar to the grey one you posted specifically to wear at the hospital during my last pregnancy; for me it was a great weight and length to wear and I did appreciate having it to cover me up.

  4. Weagle

    coconut / 8498 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I had to chuckle a bit when I made my hospital list for this time. It's about half as long as it was with LO. DH's reaction - "Did we pack and take bags to the hospital when LO was born?"

  5. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: Thanks for the great list! I didn't even think about a robe and I don't own any nursing tanks yet so I should probably invest in some sooner rather than later.

  6. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Weagle: yup! We packed soooo much last time! Now it's one bags worth.

  7. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    I'm thinking of getting one of these old school grandma duster robes (or house coats or whatever you call them). Not quite nightgown, not quite bathrobe, but can easily unzip for nursing.


  8. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @psw27: good point on the nursing tanks!

    Anyone have any recommendations on some? I don't want to spend a fortune. Basically just some cheap functional tanks to get me through maternity leave. Anyone know if the target ones are any good?

  9. Weagle

    coconut / 8498 posts

    @Littlebit: I used the Target ones, and they're fine for just bumming around the house. I didn't like wearing them under clothes, but I always feel like shelf tanks of any kind are too bulky under clothes. I like wearing the BeMaternity super long and stretchy maternity tanks as a base layer when needed. Good coverage, east to pull down, and one less layer of snaps.

  10. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Littlebit: I have been LOVING the Liz Lange maternity tanks from Target - they are long, stretchy, super soft, and don't have any shirring on the side, so they aren't obviously maternity. I just checked and they seem to be stretchy enough to pull down for nursing, so I may just stick with these guys!

  11. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Randomly hilarious anecdote of the day. DH has not really been involved in our registry so he has no idea what is or isn't on it. Because I lost my sense of smell after brain surgery, I was just going to use a small trash can for diapers and empty it every day. Then I realized well, DH can smell, so maybe he would care. So while we were at Target last night, I asked him if he wanted me to register for a Diaper Genie, expecting him to say no.

    He was like "WAIT, we didn't register for that!? We absolutely need one, my mom told me that was extremely important to have!"

    - "Uh, okay, I had no idea you had such strong preferences about a diaper pail. Anything else you need?"

    "No, I don't think so. I just really want to make sure we have that diaper thing. Oh, wait do we have baby straight jackets?"

    - "Excuse me?"

    "My aunt said that you have to put your kid in these straight jackets so they don't move."

    - "Like a swaddle blanket?"

    [DH pointing to a Halo sleep sack] "Like these things. A straight jacket."

    - "Yes, we have registered for those."

    "OK good. Why do we need those again? I was just told they are important."

    - "It just helps them sleep supposedly."

    "Well then we should definitely get a lot of those."

    -"Anything else?"

    "No, I think we're good."

  12. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Littlebit: I bought a bravado tank today from target. I think it's called felicity? It's incredibly soft and comfortable. Two thumbs up!

  13. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @gingerbebe: I've been using the same ones for pregnancy (love them!) but was hoping to find something with a built in shelf to give a little support for around the house when I'm not wearing a bra.

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: Thanks! Will look into them!

    @gingerbebe: LOL. Oh men. I was trying to explain why I needed nipple cream, nipple liners, etc. and my husband just sat there with his eyes bugged out. He couldn't believe that nipples actually crack and (possibly) bleed while breastfeeding. I'm with him though, it sounds terrifying!

    @Weagle: around the house is all I plan on using them for..so I think I'll grab one to see how I like it. Thanks!

  14. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    I'm starting to feel like we're in the home stretch! I had a dentist appointment today (holy bleeding gums! I felt so sorry for the dental hygienist), and made appointments for DD and I to get our hair cut in the next month or so. Next up is getting the dog to the groomer. Even though we still have things to buy for the baby, I feel so much better getting these things checked off. Now to plow through my last 2 weeks of summer classes...

  15. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Pancakes: ha! I scheduled a hair cut and color for at 36 weeks so I'd be fresh for delivery! I figure it'll be a good 3-4 months before my next appointment

  16. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @pancakes I went to the dentist a week ago. The blood was pretty heavy! She said it was normal but I could tell she felt bad and thought she was hurting me.

    @Pancakes @Mrs. Jump. Rope I made a hair appointment too - just a trim but I figured it will probably be a while!

    @gingerbebe that's so funny. My DH has no clue what is going on with half of the baby "equipment" items... I love your DH's strong opinions though! so funny!

    @littlebit: my DH got a lesson in nipple creams and pads and some of the issues that come along with BF the other night... I also explained about leaking (even before birth) and he was shocked!

  17. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    Hi everyone, I've been off the boards for a while so am just catching up with everyone's updates. I have about 8 weeks to go to due date and am still working full time which is getting more and more challenging. Although the end is now in sight, I'm using three weeks of annual leave before starting maternity leave so only have 4-ish weeks left at work, seriously cannot wait...

    In terms of preparation, we haven't made much progress other than getting lots of equipment and boxes out from storage and turning the guest bedroom into a disaster zone. We did decide to go ahead and tear down the front porch and renovate the 110 year old brick front of our house at the same time. I'm sure the baby will appreciate our way of prioritizing/procrastinating...

    Hope everyone is doing well and not suffering too much in the summer heat.

  18. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    I don't know how, but I slept from 11pm until 6:30am without waking up once to pee.

    So THIS is what rest feels like...!!!!!!

  19. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: HA! I've stepped up my game to peeing 3-4 times a night this past week AND having dreams about peeing while I'm asleep. I also noticed on my trip this weekend that I had to pee like....every 30-60 minutes. Super annoying.

    @London Mama: We just have a bunch of stuff in boxes. Haven't set up anything yet! We are such procrastinators. I have 5 and a half weeks left at work and its getting a lot harder. I hit 32 weeks on Saturday and I got so much bigger almost overnight. Belly is bigger, the stretchmarks are bigger, the boobs are bigger, I had to widen the straps on my shoes, feet/ankle swelling is a nightly event...Even my coworker said something this morning and I was only gone for a few days.

    Our trip was okay - we had some travel snafus that messed up our schedule and I got tired out a lot more than I thought I would, but I did have my prenatal massage at a well-reputed place yesterday and OMG that was magical. DH wants me to get one more often because I was SO much happier afterwards. I had no idea how much pain I had been putting up with!

    My mom mentioned my hair looked haggard yesterday when we had lunch with my parents so I guess I need to do some maintenance too! I was going to get a gel mani-pedi during our trip, but I decided to wait a little closer to deliver to do that, since I probably wont be able to go back to get it refreshed. DH said he needed a teeth cleaning, so we may go do that together too.

  20. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I'm a little jealous but mostly so happy for you! When I only have one wake up, it's a good night. Soaking up my rest while I get it!

    Is anyone else planning to work right up until labor? I really want to save my paid time off for after the baby is here, so I'm going to take 16 weeks...but that doesn't leave me time to take before the baby.

    The craziest news I have is that we're in escrow on our first house! If all goes well (fingers crossed), we'll be moving when I'm 36 weeks! I don't know what we were thinking, but the right house just came along at the wrong time! I'm hoping for all of the next nine weeks and then some before the baby comes so we can get settled.

    I had my first shower and I got all receiving blankets, swaddlers and towels (plus my rock n play). I really hope people pay attention to all the bottle/bath and diaper supplies for my big shower in a few weeks or I'll be spending a small fortune on Amazon next month!

  21. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @LatteLove: I just don't think I can make it until delivery! I'm due September 13th and work is going to be crazy the entire month of August. Then it will die way down. So theoretically I COULD work until my due date if I can make it through August, but its going to be SOOO bad around here. Right now, my mini-goal is to make it to August 15th (aka 36 weeks) to get my 2 vacation days for August. My real goal is to make it till Labor Day so I can get a full paycheck for August and get my paid holiday. We shall see!

  22. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @LatteLove: I'll be working up until I go into labor. I'm stock-piling my PTO and even then I'll still have 2 or 3 weeks of unpaid time on my 12 week leave. I'm not willing to use any of it before he's here! I'm reallllllllllly hoping he comes on time, or a week early. Working through 41+ weeks sounds like torture!

  23. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @LatteLove: I SAH right now, but with my first pregnancy, I worked up until 39 weeks, and then my due date happened to be over spring break, but I felt fine and could have kept working until she came. I could only take 7 weeks off, so I didn't want to use any of my leave up ahead of time.

  24. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    @LatteLove: if I didn't have the luxury of 52 weeks maternity leave I'd also be trying to maximize time with baby. As it is now, I have to use my remaining vacation before starting maternity leave and then have a whole year off if I chose to take it, so I'm starting my leave at around 36-37 weeks.

    I'm also finding it harder now with my second pregnancy than I did first time round, I guess because I have no time to look after myself. And DS1 still wakes up multiple times every night so sleep is a scarce resource in our house!

  25. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    So question for everyone. How necessary is a pack-n-play? We have a crib, and we'll be using a rock-n-play as a bassinet the first couple months. Do we need a pack-n-play also? I put one on the registry in case someone wanted to buy it, but I'm unsure if we need to buy it ourselves when we get the registry completion code. Leaning towards no. Our house is only one floor, and under 1,200 sq. ft. so it's not like we have to walk 3 flights of stairs to get to the crib. Also, our bedroom is right next door to the nursery, so it's not like it's a long walk to his crib, plus like I mentioned, we'll be using the rock-n-play at first. The only thing I can really see us using it for is travel, which we don't do much of (and probably wont be doing much of the first year). But maybe I'm missing something?

  26. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @littlebit: I would say no. We were in a similar layout to you when our first was born, and we did have a pack-n-play that we used as a bassinet for the first 3-4 months, but we also didn't know about the Rock-N-Play! This time, I think if we are lucky enough to borrow someone's rock-n-play, I won't even worry about setting up the p-n-p. If you do get one, I recommend getting the least expensive one, without all the bells and whistles. My mom bought one like that to keep at her house and it was nice not to have to drag ours, and then we ended up buying a GoCrib for travel, which I prefer over the p-n-p anyway.

  27. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @Pancakes: Good point! My mom bought one for her house so I could always borrow hers for traveling...and the one we registered for was a super cheap one to begin with. Thank you!!

  28. Weagle

    coconut / 8498 posts

    @Littlebit: We've used it a lot more than I ever expected! We travel quite a bit, so it's used then. And we also often put LO down at friends' houses and friends use it to put their kids down at our house a lot. Actually, I think we've used it more after she turned 1 than we did in the first year. We got the cheapest Graco and it works well.

  29. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @LatteLove: I too plan to work until I go into labor. I only get 12 weeks (could push it to 18 I suppose) and it is mostly unpaid so I will be stretching things as long as I can!

    @littlebit: I registered for the cheapest graco one and I am assuming we might just use it for travel via our car (which we don't do a lot). We do have a 2 story house though so it might come in handy to have it set up downstairs if I am cooking or doing something. I have no clue.

  30. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @Littlebit: I have no experience but the main reason we registered for a pack-n-play is to keep in the trunk of our car for when we visit friends and family at nap times and in the evening. So not so much out-of-town vacations or travel, just day-to-day trips out of the house.

  31. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    How is everyone feeling?

    All is well here, just waiting on my DH to get back from the UK tonight and my shower is tomorrow. Work is dragging by! Come on 5 o'clock!!

  32. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Hewo hoomans.

    I just got back from my OBGYN appointment. I will be 33 weeks tomorrow and just scheduled my last 2 appointments, for a total of 3 remaining! Super surreal feeling!! Right now, I'm going back in at 35.6, 38.3, and 39.3. If I haven't gone into labor, then they will want me back on my due date. Crazy!

    My doctor, who's usually pretty tough love actually surprised me today by really encouraging me to take off from work at 36 weeks. I'm allowed 4 weeks of disability before birth under my benefits and I guess if I'm overdue, disability will cover me until I deliver. I'm trying to see if I can make it to 38 weeks, since disability is only 50% pay and work will be shorthanded without me during a super busy time. We'll see how bad I feel. Doctor commended me for wanting to stick it out, but told me at any point if I need to leave, he will send an urgent note over. Nice to know I have the option though.

    Had my biggest weight gain to date. At my 29 week appointment, I had gained 5 pounds the entire pregnancy, but today I had gained 4 pounds in a month! I knew I got bigger this month, but it was surprising! Hopefully baby boy isn't going to be too huge! They really want me to gain a total of 15 pounds this pregnancy and I've still got 7 weeks to go so...Hmm. I guess I'll have to be a little more careful.

    Our stroller and car seat and wall decal came! DH has to assemble the stroller and we really need to start organizing our bedroom because the baby's STUFF is starting to hoard our living and DH's office. So many boxes!

    3 more hours until I get to go home....Can't wait! Happy Friday!

  33. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @psw27: How was your shower?? PS. I never said thank you for all the Boston recommendations...thanks so much!

    @gingerbebe: wow, good job, mama! I passed 15 pounds gained a looooong time ago! Also really nice that you only have a few more appts. At my OB practice, we have to go every week starting at 36 weeks. Definitely a pain since I have to bring DD AND pay for parking.

    I scheduled my 36 week ultrasound to check on my previa...fingers crossed that it's long gone, since it was marginal at 20 weeks. I'm planning a sprinkle for a friend due 10 days before me for next weekend, and then some sweet friends are hosting a very low-key get together to celebrate baby the following week. I also signed DD up for our hospital's sibling class and DH and I up for a tour of L&D...I feel like once the calendar hits Aug. 1, it's going to be crazy. For such a long time, we had NOTHING on the calendar in August and now it is filling up fast!

    Does anyone else's LO move like crazy in the evening/at night? This is my time to get my schoolwork done, but with all the kicks and jabs it can be hard to concentrate!

  34. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Pancakes: yes baby likes to have a party every night! The movements are so strong now!

    My feet are so swollen! We did the first round of work on our baby nook today. Crib and stroller are assembled, master bedroom furniture moved around, our clothes sorted and organized to make room for baby junk. Still more to do but good progress for one day. DH's office is next on the list. We are going to put our spare twin bed in there so one of us can sleep and we are going to keep the pack n play in there so DH can park him somewhere when he's watching him. Will post progress pics in the nursery thread.

  35. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @gingerbebe: I'm swollen too! I'm surprised it held off this long. We went to a wedding last night and I think the heat combined with the humidity and me not having my feet propped up did it. They're like balloons! It's gone down a bit but I'm surprised that they're not back to normal after being home and propping them up overnight

    My hands are really swollen and I think I have to take off my wedding band!

  36. Mrs.Hawk71

    cherry / 172 posts

    DH and i are going to tour the birthing center at our hospital today!! I'm so nervous for some reason...lol But excited at the same time. Has anyone else done so yet? or plan to? We also bought our last big item yesterday...the uppababy vista! So in love with it, can't wait for our first walk together as a fam. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend

  37. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @Mrs.Hawk71: Exciting! Yes, we did our tour a couple weeks ago. It was crazy and made everything seem so real! We also purchased our last big baby item recently - the video monitor. Now we just need to finish up with the small stuff. I can't believe we're already at this stage of pregnancy.

    How is everyone feeling? At my 32 week appointment we confirmed that baby is still breech. They mentioned that if he hasn't turned by 37 weeks that they would schedule a c-section for 39 weeks. I know he still has time to move but I'm nervous. I actually don't mind the idea of a c-section, but I would like to experience a little bit of labor and the excitement of rushing to the hospital. I guess we'll just see! I've been doing cat/cows to feel like I'm doing SOMETHING but so far no dice. I feel kicks/pushes all the time but he's never been a big mover so I'm a little skeptical of him all of sudden making huge movements.

    My doctor gave me protonix for my horrible acid reflux/heartburn and it has been such a life saver! I'm feeling so much better.

    Oh, and I've slowly started adding things to baby's diaper bag! So weird.

  38. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @Pancakes: shower was great! How did you enjoy Boston? I hope you had good weather while you were here (and yes to the jabs at night, sometimes if I get up to go to the bathroom I have a hard time settling back down cause he is rolling around in there like crazy!)

    @mrs. hawk: we haven't gone a tour yet but we will be in August I think! I need to sign up soon! We got the Vista too and I'm so excited to stroll the neighborhood with our little guy

  39. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    Burst into tears twice in public in the last week, once to DH but not because of what he said but the way he said it. Poor DH didn't know what hit him. The second time was in central London walking down one of the busiest streets because it was so hot and I was tired and hadn't eaten, some construction workers stopped me to make sure I was ok. Quite sweet of them really but I felt like such a baby...

    So I guess the answer to how I'm feeling is one big hormonal mess! It's been unusually hot here in London and I can't stand it as there is no air con, not on public transport, not at home, the only place with air con is the office and they don't even switch it on half the time. If the weather continues I'll have to camp out in the frozen food section of my local supermarket.

    Is anyone else worried their baby is sunny side up? I'm pretty sure he/she is head down but I feel so much movement to the front of my belly, and considering my placenta is anterior, it makes me think baby's back must be to my spine with the legs and arms kicking outwards...

  40. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    Oh, another question - have you all decided on a name 100% definite for sure? We haven't even begun to agree on a name and now with 7 ish weeks to go I'm feeling stressed.

    DH likes tough guy names, if baby is a boy he'd probably name him Blade or Riddick. I on the other hand like extremely traditional names, like Edwin or Wilfred. And then there's the fact that I speak one language, DH another and we live in England so the name needs to work in three cultures/languages. Luckily we have 40 days until after baby is born to decide, we might need the extra time!

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