papaya / 10343 posts
@Banana330: tomorrow is the day!! I'll be thinking of you!! Post pics as soon as you can
@Boopers: thanks! and I know what you mean about feeling bad for LO1. I go back and forth. I am so sad for her that her life is going to change so much. But I"m so excited for her to have a sister. And I'm also feeling badly lately that her last month as an "only" isn't what I want it to be because I am just not physically up to snuff. I'm starting to feel like in some ways she'll have more of me after this because I'll have my body back (somewhat). Maybe its just a justification because I know it's coming and there is no backing out now! lol.
@StrawberryBee: Ugh, coworkers lol. Mine mean well, but no one there has kids and they're just pretty clueless. And I try not to complain much at work, but I think that means they really have NO clue what I'm going through. We have a work lunch almost a mile from our office (up hill) tomorrow downtown. It's from 11:30-1 and I have a doc appt at 1:40. I told them I was going to drive if anyone wanted to ride with, and I got ".......... you're DRIVING?" Um. I'm 9 months pregnant. It's august. It's almost a mile away, up hill. It hurts me to just walk to the bathroom at this point. Also 40 min is not enough time for me to (comfortably) walk a mile to get my car and drive to my appt. And I don't feel like I should have to justify myself! I'm a freaking whale, I'm driving. lol
nectarine / 2317 posts
Thanks ladies! I'm not scheduled until this afternoon so it's going to be a long day of no eating! Fingers crossed I don't get bumped!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Banana330: Thinking of you!!
@Mae: Drive and ignore the rolling eyes, they'll get it in their own time ;). I actually kind of enjoy freaking out our younger coworkers. We have enough employees with young kids that everyone else remembers what it's like and looks out for me. In your situation they'd not only be insisting on me driving, but they'd probably ask to drive me (even though I drive myself in every day).
grape / 90 posts
@Banana330: Good Luck!
I had my 37 week appointment today. I was informed that there was a mix up at the lab and my GBS was compromised so I got to do that lovely test for the second time. They said it will take another 5 days for the results. They did another cervical check which still had me at 0.5 but she said that I'm definitely progressing and that things are a lot softer and his head definitely got lower. I feel like his head could pop out at any point I'm so low and it's gotten worse over the last week and a lot more uncomfortable. My midwife said I'll most likely have a quick labor once it starts. Now it's just the waiting game of when he'll make his would think this being my third that I would be not as anxious and know that I'll probably not having him until my due date, but that seems so far away right now. I just want him to grow and be healthy. I'm also a lot more uncomfortable physically than my girls, so that doesn't help.
papaya / 10343 posts
@babybunnylove: ugh, sorry you have to redo the test!
I just had my 36 week appt. 2.0 and I are still doing well. I got a c-section booked for Sept 20! I'll be exactly 39 weeks. I can always push it back if I'm approaching that day and decide I can stick it out another few weeks... but we'll see what happens. I'm so uncomfortable right now I feel like I might just take the escape hatch.
papaya / 10560 posts
So exciting to see so many scheduled or approaching deliveries!
I got my GBS results emails to me and I'm negative so I'm glad about that. My next appointment is on Tuesday and he'll check my cervix. BUT, that really means nothing to me considering I was a 3-4 for a month before delivering LO1 and not even a 1 and delivered LO2 at 36 weeks. So excited that the end is almost NEAR!!
kiwi / 526 posts
I've been checking in for any updates to our first Sept baby! Who is actually an August babe.
I have my 36 week appt today, I want to find out about nitrous oxide offered at the hospital I plan to deliver. Anyone used this?
nectarine / 2530 posts
@babybunnylove: what a PITA having to do the GBS swab over again!
@Mae: yay for plans
@Bibliolove: I've only learned about nitrous oxide from UK mums (I know it's used in more countries but that's just off the top of my head), so if your hospital offers it maybe do a general thread to get more of a response? As I recall others describing it, it doesn't take away the pain as much as it makes you not care as much about the pain.
Ugh, I wish this kiddo would move more. I've had two weird crampy feelings that I'm attributing to BH. I don't know how to stimulate her to move for my own peace of mind without drinking something high sugar, which I'm not allowed.
papaya / 10343 posts
@Bibliolove: me too!!!!! I'm sure she's a bit busy but I'm dying for an update! Are you in the us? I didn't think us hospitals do nitrous so I dunno.
@StrawberryBee: that's stressful! Really cold water gets 2.0 moving. Also when I rub her butt (which is sticking out all the time now). If that doesn't work maybe ask your doc if you can cheat just to check on her?
apricot / 309 posts
@matador84: I know! I can't believe tomorrow is September! It's getting so real!
@StrawberryBee: That always stresses me out too. I find something really cold or really warm, like tea, helps get things moving sometimes. It never hurts to call though if you are worried!
I have my 36 week appt today. Curious if they'll want to do a cervical check seeing that I'm having a repeat cs. We'll see!
kiwi / 526 posts
@Mae: @StrawberryBee: I'm US-based, my OB said it was "new" at the hospital for L&D and I could be her guinea pig with it. lol.
kiwi / 526 posts
@StrawberryBee: Cold water helps for me too....laying on my left side or back gets him moving too. Laying on my back usually does the trick for me.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mae: @Mamag511: @Bibliolove: I drink cold water all the time and it never seems to phase her lol. I was actually going to go to the vending machine and cheat with an orange juice (or soda if no juice was available) just to get a reaction. Can't lie down unless I go out to my car (I'm at work). I couldn't seem to get much out of her last night while lying down, but I was also dealing with excruciating neck and head pain from sleeping funny (I guess?), so I was really preoccupied. I did use the doppler and I /think/ I got her HB, but there were so many conflicting sounds and nothing jumped out at 150bpm (I think highest I got was 142?).
I had the same thing happen with DD1 and ended up getting monitored at the hospital (she was fine) and sent home with a kick chart (my kids never move as much as those darned charts say they should), so I'm kind of stupidly trying to avoid a repeat. Wish I had a window to check in on her!
edit: she just moved briefly. Thanks kiddo!
@Bibliolove: oh, what everyone wants to be, a pain management guinea pig lol! Here are some old posts I found. Cherrybee was the specific bee I was thinking of.
kiwi / 526 posts
@StrawberryBee: great, thanks! I read through them....I'll have to play it by ear I suppose! Luckily it would be easy to move onto something else fairly quickly if I needed it.
apricot / 477 posts
@Bibliolove: oh! I can answer this!!
I had nitrus when I delivered LO#1. I really didn't find it did much for pain itself but I did help me feel like I was doing something during contractions.
kiwi / 526 posts
@YouGotMe: that's good to hear...was it enough to manage the pain by itself? Were you able to get through transition with only the nitrous?
apricot / 477 posts
@Bibliolove: I ended up with an epidural it was not enough for me.
However, my sister in law swears by it and has only used it for three of her labours.
pear / 1586 posts
I'm still hanging out! 39 + 5 today. All is well! I am apparently driving everyone crazy by still being pregnant though lol.
nectarine / 2317 posts
Hi ladies. She arrived on schedule yesterday afternoon. The scheduled c-section was amazing compared to my emergency one. We got to do skin to skin during the c-section which really helped me focus on her rather than the surgery. She's a sleepy little bean and needs to be roused for feedings. She has a full head of dark hair and the midwife was right about second babies being a pound bigger, she was a full lb over her sister (7lbs15oz).
I'll share a picture and name on the Facebook group.
I'm up and walking around now. The incision pain isn't too bad but I'm getting some trapped gas shoulder pain which is brutal. I definitely didn't have this last time!
apricot / 309 posts
@Banana330: Congrats mama!!! Glad you had such a wonderful experience!!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@cheesetomywhine: lol!
@Banana330: congrats, so glad to hear everything went so smoothly!! Hope that shoulder pain goes away fast
kiwi / 526 posts
@Banana330: congrats!!!
I didn't know we had a FB can I join? I wouldn't want to post baby pics on a public site, but private groups are different!
nectarine / 2530 posts
So, everything's ok, but I did end up calling my doctor this morning because I wasn't feeling a ton (if any) movement and it was starting to freak me out. They of course sent me right to L&D to get monitored. Everyone there was super nice and calm, hb came up on the monitor immediately (she was obviously sleeping at first because it was around 130, then jumped up to 150 once they put a vibrating device on my belly to get her to move). Once they jolted her awake she gave me some nice movements and I think also must have shifted just enough that I could feel her again. Crazy kids! I know exactly where all these gray hairs came from.
At least now I remember how to get to L&D lol.
Boss let me just go home after, so I picked DD up early from daycare and we had lunch out, just the two of us, which was nice.
apricot / 309 posts
@StrawberryBee: Glad you got checked out and everything is ok! I'd have done the same thing! Plus bonus getting to hang with dd all afternoon
Happy Labor Day weekend everyone!!
kiwi / 526 posts
@StrawberryBee: glad all is well! Peace of mind is priceless.
We are officially into Sept!! Woohoo!
papaya / 10560 posts
I have 1 month until my EDD from today, but I am positive there is no way I will make it! I can't even believe how many stretch marks have appeared in the last 2 days. We went out as a family last night and around 2am I woke up throwing up. DH had it out the other end earlier in the night so we are thinking the lettuce in the salad made us ill. I've spent all day feeling awful AND grateful at the same time that this is the only time I've thrown up this whole pregnancy. I forgot how horrible it is!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mamag511: @Bibliolove: thanks! She's been kicking up a storm since, thank goodness. One of the RNs suggested using an electric razor (cell phones don't usually give a strong enough buzz, but I'm sure it couldn't hurt) to jolt them if they're not being responsive.
papaya / 10343 posts
@matador84: oh no!!! i hope that you feel better by now. my DH came down with strep and i'm so paranoid i'm going to get it. illness at 9mo pregnant??? NO thanks!
papaya / 10560 posts
@Mae: Seriously, I totally get it! I've been a total slug today and it's been hard to do anything!
apricot / 308 posts
@banana330: congratulations! So glad everything went well!!
Just popping in to say hi! Can't believe September is here... starting to feel the fatigue! I know maternity leave isn't necessarily vacation but I'm sooooo looking forward to it. My patience at work has worn thin! Hope you ladies are doing well!!
papaya / 10560 posts
How have y'all been feeling?
I had a dr appt yesterday and am 1 cm and he said my cervix is getting soft but baby is still up there. I've been feeling worse and worse by the day. He told me to make sure my bag is packed!!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@matador84: Just had my 38 (almost 39) week appointment this morning. Also 1 cm, 50% effaced, but baby is still up there. I feel a lot of pressure now when I stand up, and have had a couple BH over the last week. Ready to be done!
grape / 90 posts
I had my 38 week appointment this morning. I'm 1.5 dilated, 50% effaced. Head still very low. My second GBS test came back positive. And I'm still dealing with a nasty head cold. I'd really like to have my head cold gone before this little guy comes.
My doctor asked about our plans after this little one appears. We are done with kids. She mentioned I could always get a tubal and they could do it while I'm in the hospital. I feel like having a med-free delivery, but then getting a epidural for the tubal is so backwards from my thought process. I think the husband might be getting "fixed" instead. Is anyone else considering a tubal after little one comes?
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