kiwi / 526 posts
@matador84: I'm feeling more useless by the day, in terms of walking and moving. My husband has to help push me out of the couch if I get too wedged in and need to get up. Lol. Lots more pelvic pressure and pains now though. We're getting close!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@babybunnylove: sorry about the gbs :(. I also have a head cold and agree that it sucks!
The only way I'd consider a tubal immediately following delivery is if I ended up with a c section and they were in there anyway. Otherwise there's enough going on without tacking that on! It's easier for DH to get taken care of than it is for us.
apricot / 477 posts
Monday at 38 weeks, I had a membrane sweep, I'm 2CM and 50% effaced. Baby head is extremely low but nothing really happening.
I can get put on the induction list next Monday if I want due to all of the mystery bladder pain. I don't know what I want to do yet.
DH is going to be getting snipped over me getting a tubal. Although, we are 95% sure we are finished we are going to leave it for a few months to see if we are 100%
kiwi / 526 posts
Whirlwind day! Being induced (started the induction already) today due to high blood pressure readings all morning. I'm a little nervous at how quickly this is all happening, but for now we are sitting tight and waiting for our little guys arrival.
I went to my routine appt thinking this was a normal day...eeek!!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Bibliolove: oh my gosh! Honestly, I think I would prefer that at this point. Not having to think about it too much beforehand or wonder at timing of going in. Happy baby thoughts to you!
papaya / 10343 posts
@babybunnylove: I am getting a tubal during my scheduled c-section. I would not get one if I wasn't already getting a c-section, but with them being in there anyways, and knowing we are done, seems like a good idea My husband is ALSO getting a vasectomy some time in the next year though. I'm really paranoid. lol
@Bibliolove: Thinking of you tonight, I hope this goes smoothly for you!!!!
I'm losing my mind this week ladies. Although that seems to be a theme through this pregnancy. It's possible I"m just not coping with any of this well, sigh. As those of you on the fb group know, we had a horrible weekend with inlaws and my husband being sick and me having to be up and hosting people. I'm at the point now where basically any movement sends bruising pain through my pelvis, and I have braxton hicks whenever I"m on my feet or walking. So that was fun. Then today my daughter was sick so I had to deal with that. I just seriously need everyone around me to STOP GETTING SICK. I'm so tired of taking care of people. And also I am really worried I"m going to get sick. And work continues to be crazy. I had one of my highest billing months ever last month, which is esp crazy considering all my doc appts and non-billable stuff I had to do. I just feel like work is too much, and my family is too much, and this pregnancy is too much... and yet it's not like I can just not do any of these things. Meh.
Good news is I had my 37w doc appt today and got a certain date for c-section! Sept 25 is the day. I decided not to try to push it back beyond 40 w waiting to vbac... I just can't handle more uncertainty in my life right now. Plus my appeal to the ethics board won and they are willing to do my tubal if I get the c section. It does feel good to have a date and be able to start really planning stuff, esp my exit strategy from work (wooooooooo). lol.
pea / 10 posts
@Bibliolove: good luck to you and baby!!
This baby has been hiccuping so much lately! Multiple times a day sometimes. Anyone else?This is baby #1 and such a strange feeling! Took me a while to realize what was going on. I'm sure it will be much cuter when he's outside
apricot / 477 posts
Quick update from us: had a baby! Four hours from water braking on its own to delivery. Maybe 15 minutes of pushing.
His heart rate kept dropping so the OB on call was in an out of the room with about a billion nurses for quite a while.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mae: yay for c section date!! Pretty soon you will have to be the one taken care of.
@pmh2400: I had a lot of hiccups last Friday. And I think right now lol.
pear / 1586 posts
@YouGotMe: congratulations!
We also had a baby! DD was born Saturday night (her due date). Labor was an hour and a half long.
@Bibliolove: good luck! I hope everything is going/has gone smoothly for you.
pear / 1548 posts
@Bibliolove: I hope everything is going well! Keep us updated!
@YouGotMe: woooohoooo! Congrats! Can't wait to hear more. I hope you and baby are doing well!
@Mae: what a relief that you know the end is in sight! I'm glad you won your appeal to the ethics board.
We also plan for my husband to have a vasectomy after this baby. We were hoping to do it this year once we met our deductible but with the job loss situation we may need to save any of that money for other expenses and wait until next year to do it.
apricot / 309 posts
@cheesetomywhine: @YouGotMe: Congratulations ladies! So happy for you!!
pear / 1548 posts
@cheesetomywhine: oh my gosh I missed seeing your post this morning when I commented. Congrats!!!
kiwi / 526 posts
Ladies, my son is here. I am so blessed. Warning to those not wanting to read upsetting things next.
I will be back to the boards, but later after I recover more. I had severe hemorrhaging and my amazing doctor saved my life. I lost my uterus but I am here! And I get to be my son's mom! That is the greatest gift. to all.
pear / 1586 posts
@Bibliolove: congratulations on your sweet boy! I am so sorry to hear about your complications but so happy that you are doing okay. Rest up mama and enjoy your precious boy!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Bibliolove: wow. Big hugs to you and wishes for a speedy recovery. Congratulations on your son!
apricot / 309 posts
@Bibliolove: Congratulations on your sweet boy! I'm so sorry to hear of your complications, but am glad that you both are ok. I hope your recovery goes quickly!
nectarine / 2530 posts
I thought that I might update this, since I'm starting to lose track . Hopefully I didn't mess it up too badly!
Due Dates
September 7 - Ms.Pineapple (#3)
September 14 - StrawberryBee (#2)
September 17 - Lulu22 (#2)
September 19 - homestylecreations (#2), annem1990 (#1)
September 21 - babybunnylove
September 22 - mademoiselle3 (#1) , Mamag511 (#2)
September 24 - Boopers (#2)
September 27 - Mae (#2) , Dolphin (#3) , Mrs Cotton Candy (#2), pmh2400 (#1)
September 28 - mommygrace (#3)
September 30 - Mrs. K (#1) , sugarbee (#2)
October 2 - matador84 (#3)
Births (Scheduled)
September 18 - Mamag511
September 25 - Mae
Banana330 - Baby Girl is here!
Cheesetomywhine - Baby Girl is here!
YouGotMe - Baby Boy is here!
Bibliolove - Baby Boy is here!
nectarine / 2530 posts
I'll be 40 weeks this Thursday. Had my 39 week appointment this morning: 2cm and still 50%. Doctor breezes in and asks "So, when are we having this baby?" uhm...I don't know? Luckily I have the doctor I really like next week, if I make it till then. I'd rather talk induction with her.
So far I've had someone last week, who I have seen on and off at work this entire year, comment that she didn't know I was pregnant (I'm now down a pound or two from where I started, but I still have SOME bump!)
An older lady at a party this weekend offered this exchange:
Lady: do you know what you're having?
me: Yes, another girl!
Lady: oh...well, maybe you'll have a boy next time.
me: Oh, I'm done, I will not be doing this again.
Lady: Is your husband very disappointed?
...yes, however will our monarchy continue without an heir and a spare?
Oh, and my mother had a conversation with her neighbor (since she just moved, she's known this woman for all of three months). Apparently said neighbor would be glad to babysit our four year old if my mom has something she wants to run out to. Isn't that nice? Uhm, mom, NO. No one but YOU will be watching our child. Not your random neighbor whom we've never met. Why...just...why...!
We still have no name picked out. Carseat is installed, as well as the booster for DD in my mom's car.
nectarine / 2530 posts
Due Dates
September 7 - Ms.Pineapple (#3)
September 14 - StrawberryBee (#2)
September 17 - Lulu22 (#2)
September 19 - homestylecreations (#2)
September 21 - babybunnylove
September 22 - mademoiselle3 (#1) , Mamag511 (#2)
September 24 - Boopers (#2)
September 27 - Mae (#2) , Dolphin (#3) , Mrs Cotton Candy (#2), pmh2400 (#1)
September 28 - mommygrace (#3)
September 30 - Mrs. K (#1) , sugarbee (#2)
October 2 - matador84 (#3)
Births (Scheduled)
September 18 - Mamag511
September 25 - Mae
Banana330 - Baby Girl is here!
Cheesetomywhine - Baby Girl is here!
YouGotMe - Baby Boy is here!
Bibliolove - Baby Boy is here!
annem1990 - Baby Boy is here!
coffee bean / 34 posts
I'm loving all the september babies being born! it's been a while since ive posted but i do follow the threads. @bibliolove praying for you and your recovery and thankful your son is here safe. i'm having a BOY and he's due 9/28 but no signs of labor other than BH all the time! i am soooooo ready to meet our baby!!!!! yall keep the stories coming!
nectarine / 2530 posts
Updated gender for @mommygrace:
Due Dates
September 7 - Ms.Pineapple (#3)
September 14 - StrawberryBee (#2)
September 17 - Lulu22 (#2)
September 19 - homestylecreations (#2)
September 21 - babybunnylove
September 22 - mademoiselle3 (#1) , Mamag511 (#2)
September 24 - Boopers (#2)
September 27 - Mae (#2) , Dolphin (#3) , Mrs Cotton Candy (#2), pmh2400 (#1)
September 28 - mommygrace (#3)
September 30 - Mrs. K (#1) , sugarbee (#2)
October 2 - matador84 (#3)
Births (Scheduled)
September 18 - Mamag511
September 25 - Mae
Banana330 - Baby Girl is here!
Cheesetomywhine - Baby Girl is here!
YouGotMe - Baby Boy is here!
Bibliolove - Baby Boy is here!
annem1990 - Baby Boy is here!
papaya / 10560 posts
So exciting to see all these babies being born!
I'm praying I'll have one by the end of the week. I've been feeling super sick and extra swollen this week so I'm praying I'll get something good news of sorts at my appointment tomorrow. I feel about the same way now that I did at 40 weeks with my first child! I've already made it about a week farther than I did with my 2nd delivery...feeling like a ticking time bomb.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Bibliolove: congrats on your son! Sorry to hear about the complications. Happy to hear you're ok, and hopefully you have a smooth recovery.
@StrawberryBee: thanks for updating! I've had my hands full with two now!
@annem1990: congrats! He's a cutie!
DH went back to work today. Thankfully my mom is helping with daycare drop off while I recover. DD1 has been pretty good lately and I'm super thankful she's still in daycare. DD2 is pretty sweet and doing lots of cluster feeding and snuggling with mom.
papaya / 10343 posts
@Bibliolove: i'm so sorry you had a scary delivery but thank god for modern medicine! So happy you and baby boy are safe, and I hope you're recovering well
@annem1990: congrats!!!!!! he is a cutie!!!
@matador84: i cannot WAIT to hear your birth story when this one comes I hope it doesn't top your last one though haha
I'm still chugging along. 4 people today at work gave me the "you're still here?" Lol. This is my last week at work and i'm WFH 3 days next week, then done! I booked a facial for one of my days off before baby comes, woo!
pear / 1548 posts
@Bibliolove: congratulations! wow, I am so glad you are ok! The same thing happened to my SIL with her third. I hope you are able to have someone help care for you while you care for your new little love.
papaya / 10560 posts
@Mae: no telling how this one is going to go!!! I have major anxiety thinking about it!!
pear / 1586 posts
I guess I shall share the birth story of little miss. On Saturday, her due date, I had my bloody show around 2:30pm. We had done a long walk to the nearby bakery for breakfast that morning in case today would be the day. Anyways, having my bloody show was a major sign with my three others so I showered and cleaned the bathroom. Nothing occurred though so I thought maybe it wasn't happening that day afterall. Did a final house cleaning after putting babes to bed. Around 8pm I decided to go to my mum's house for a visit. I had maybe two contractions within two hours but still wasn't sure as they could've been Braxton hicks. I put her on notice but in case. Got home about 10:15. By 10:25 I started having them five minutes apart but could still text in between so I put a call into the midwife. By 10:35 I texted my mum to come over. I went downstairs and woke DH to tell him we needed to leave as it was time. Contractions were much closer so we finally left around 10:45. We got to rhe hospital probably at about 11, maybe a few minutes earlier. I had missed the return call from the midwife so had to do triage where they didn't expect me to be complete. Finally got into the birthing room After they realized I wasn't kidding and our sweet H was delivered by a student midwife at 11:33pm. She was 8lbs 4oz and perfect. I did not have any tears so have been recovering quite well.
papaya / 10343 posts
@cheesetomywhine: that is so crazy!! i can't believe how fast she came! Congrats!!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Banana330: No problem . Glad to hear everything is going well and that your mom can help out.
@cheesetomywhine: I love birth stories! Yay for no tearing
papaya / 10560 posts
@cheesetomywhine: congrats!!
I went from a 1 to 2 cms and moved down in station at my appointment this week!!
grape / 90 posts
Quick update. Went to my doctors appointment at 8:00 am. I was feeling off and thought I could be having early contractions. Doctor checked me, I was a 3. She did a sweep and that moved me to a 3.5. Put me on the non stress test to see if the contractions were the real thing and how long/far apart they were. Yep! Off to the hospital we went. Currently having consistent contractions and got a round of antibiotics for gbs. Baby will be here today! Excited and nervous!!!
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