Hellobee Boards


September 2017 moms!

  1. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Banana330: no more concerns of jaundice! They didn't even have to heel prick today

    And: baby girl has gained back her birth weight and then some! Birth was 5lb 6oz, was 5lb 1oz last Thursday, and this morning was 5lb 9.5oz I'm ridiculously proud lol

  2. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @StrawberryBee: that’s awesome!

  3. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Boopers: @dolphin: congrats!!!
    Zoe Audra is here

  4. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mae: yay congrats!!!! She is so ridiculously adorable

  5. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Due Dates
    September 7 - Ms.Pineapple (#3)
    September 17 - Lulu22 (#2)
    September 19 - homestylecreations (#2)
    September 22 - mademoiselle3 (#1)
    September 27 - Mrs Cotton Candy (#2), pmh2400 (#1)
    September 28 - mommygrace (#3)
    September 30 - Mrs. K (#1) , sugarbee (#2)

    Births (Scheduled)

    Banana330 - Baby Girl is here!
    Cheesetomywhine - Baby Girl is here!
    StrawberryBee - Baby Girl is here!
    Mae - Baby Girl is here!
    YouGotMe - Baby Boy is here!
    Bibliolove - Baby Boy is here!
    annem1990 - Baby Boy is here!
    Mamag511 - Baby Boy is here!
    babybunnylove - Baby Boy is here!
    matador84 - Baby Boy is here!
    Boopers - Baby Boy is here!
    Dolphin - Baby Boy is here!

    12 babies have arrived and we are waiting on 9 more!

  6. babybunnylove

    grape / 90 posts

    Our little guy turned two weeks old yesterday. At his check up they noticed he appeared a slight be jaundiced and checked his levels just incase. I got a call at 5:30 saying they were very high and had to bring him into our children's hospital right away. They put an iv in and took blood work. All the blood work can back normal and his bili levels had dropped 3 points. They sent us home with a bili blanket and instructions to eat every 2 hours (10 minute feeds on each breast). We go back today to our ped for a recheck on his bili levels. If it's high then we are dealing with a hospital stay to figure out why. If it's lower then we continue with the bili blanket at home and continue rechecking his levels. It's been so stressful since he's been born with other medical issues that came up and thankfully got resolved. My nerves have been tested. I just want him healthy.

  7. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Mae: Congrats! Somehow I missed this!

  8. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @babybunnylove: How is he doing now?

  9. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    We're almost 5 weeks! She's been a great little sleeper and eater. My DD1 came home with a daycare cold and now we all have it. DH and I have totally lost our voices and poor DD2 is all stuffed up.

  10. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    Just wanted to update that baby arrived October 3rd after 30 hours of labor and 8 hours of pushing! Baby had high bilirubin so we ended up staying at the hospital for a few extra days to put him under the lights but all is good now happy to be home and adjusting to life with a newborn!

  11. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Mrs. K: congrats! Welcome home

  12. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Mrs. K: congrats!!!!!

  13. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    @Mae: @banana330: thanks ladies!

  14. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Ugh, I don't know where my new post notifications went! Catching up from my last post.

    @babybunnylove: how's he doing?

    @Mrs. K: congrats!!! 8 hours of pushing 😱

  15. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Due Dates
    September 7 - Ms.Pineapple (#3)
    September 17 - Lulu22 (#2)
    September 19 - homestylecreations (#2)
    September 22 - mademoiselle3 (#1)
    September 27 - Mrs Cotton Candy (#2), pmh2400 (#1)
    September 28 - mommygrace (#3)
    September 30 - sugarbee (#2)

    Banana330 - Baby Girl is here!
    Cheesetomywhine - Baby Girl is here!
    StrawberryBee - Baby Girl is here!
    Mae - Baby Girl is here!
    YouGotMe - Baby Boy is here!
    Bibliolove - Baby Boy is here!
    annem1990 - Baby Boy is here!
    Mamag511 - Baby Boy is here!
    babybunnylove - Baby Boy is here!
    matador84 - Baby Boy is here!
    Boopers - Baby Boy is here!
    Dolphin - Baby Boy is here!
    Mrs. K - Baby Boy is here!

  16. sugarbee

    olive / 51 posts

    Baby Harrison is here! Birthday is 10/5 he had to be evicted lol.

  17. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @sugarbee: congrats! Must have just been too comfy

  18. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Due Dates
    September 7 - Ms.Pineapple (#3)
    September 17 - Lulu22 (#2)
    September 19 - homestylecreations (#2)
    September 22 - mademoiselle3 (#1)
    September 27 - Mrs Cotton Candy (#2), pmh2400 (#1)
    September 28 - mommygrace (#3)

    Banana330 - Baby Girl is here!
    Cheesetomywhine - Baby Girl is here!
    StrawberryBee - Baby Girl is here!
    Mae - Baby Girl is here!
    YouGotMe - Baby Boy is here!
    Bibliolove - Baby Boy is here!
    annem1990 - Baby Boy is here!
    Mamag511 - Baby Boy is here!
    babybunnylove - Baby Boy is here!
    matador84 - Baby Boy is here!
    Boopers - Baby Boy is here!
    Dolphin - Baby Boy is here!
    Mrs. K - Baby Boy is here!
    Sugarbee - Baby Boy is here!

  19. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    @strawberrybee: yes ma’am 😳 if you can only imagine the swelling afterwards. Still sitting on a blow up waffle at home but luckily only 1 small internal tear! So glad he is finally here with us bc I was really starting to worry they were going to move me to have c-section after laboring and pushing for so long.

  20. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mrs. K: I don't think I want to imagine the swelling. Ouch ouch ouch! How big was he?

  21. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    @StrawberryBee: he was 7lbs 2oz but sunny side up. My contractions never got regular enough even after the pitocin. They said every time I pushed she could feel his head move but it kept slipping back. So happy it’s lver! Lol

  22. babybunnylove

    grape / 90 posts

    we are doing ok. We did not need a hospital stay thankfully. His bili levels after four days on the bili blanket 24/7 and every two hour feedings went down but not down where the doctor had expected. The doctor says it's breast milk jaundice and it's just going to take a while for it to go away completely. He is off the bili blanket now. He's gained his birthweight back plus some and is 9 lbs 10 oz now. They said we could try to do 24-48 hours of formula and have me pump and save it to see if his yellow color goes down more quickly but it's up to us. His jaundice isn't in the danger zone. It's been so stressful and not at all what I expected. I've got an appointment with a therapist coming up as my midwife thinks it's a good idea to help me cope with everything we've gone through. I'm even more hesitant about going back to work when I have to but we don't have a choice for me to stay home. We are a two income family and I have the health insurance.

  23. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mrs. K: I'm sure!!

    @babybunnylove: glad you didn't have to have a hospital stay, but I'm sorry things are difficult. When do you have to go back to work? I'm in a similar situation; I make twice as much as DH, and until last spring I was the only option for health insurance. Hugs!

  24. Mademoiselle3

    coffee bean / 35 posts

    So sorry I fell off the face of the earth! Our little boy was born on 9/10/17. 8lbs 5 oz, a hell of a birth, but he's here

  25. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mademoiselle3: congrats! Hope things are going well

  26. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Due Dates
    September 7 - Ms.Pineapple (#3)
    September 17 - Lulu22 (#2)
    September 19 - homestylecreations (#2)
    September 27 - Mrs Cotton Candy (#2), pmh2400 (#1)
    September 28 - mommygrace (#3)

    Banana330 - Baby Girl is here!
    Cheesetomywhine - Baby Girl is here!
    StrawberryBee - Baby Girl is here!
    Mae - Baby Girl is here!
    YouGotMe - Baby Boy is here!
    Bibliolove - Baby Boy is here!
    annem1990 - Baby Boy is here!
    Mamag511 - Baby Boy is here!
    babybunnylove - Baby Boy is here!
    matador84 - Baby Boy is here!
    Boopers - Baby Boy is here!
    Dolphin - Baby Boy is here!
    Mrs. K - Baby Boy is here!
    Sugarbee - Baby Boy is here!
    mademoiselle3 - Baby Boy is here!

  27. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    One month appointment today and we're up to 7lbs 7.5oz! (Over 2lbs up from birth) 7th percentile, woohoo!

  28. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @StrawberryBee: good job!!!

  29. pmh2400

    pea / 10 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I forgot to send an update here for the record of baby arrivals! Baby was born on 9/26! We are doing well, just working through his major sleepiness in order to get him to nurse better and fatten up. Totally in love with the little guy!

  30. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @StrawberryBee: yay for weight gain!!

    @pmh2400: congrats!!

    I never realized how many boys our group has! Wow!

  31. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Due Dates
    September 7 - Ms.Pineapple (#3)
    September 17 - Lulu22 (#2)
    September 19 - homestylecreations (#2)
    September 27 - Mrs Cotton Candy (#2)
    September 28 - mommygrace (#3)

    Banana330 - Baby Girl is here!
    Cheesetomywhine - Baby Girl is here!
    StrawberryBee - Baby Girl is here!
    Mae - Baby Girl is here!
    YouGotMe - Baby Boy is here!
    Bibliolove - Baby Boy is here!
    annem1990 - Baby Boy is here!
    Mamag511 - Baby Boy is here!
    babybunnylove - Baby Boy is here!
    matador84 - Baby Boy is here!
    Boopers - Baby Boy is here!
    Dolphin - Baby Boy is here!
    Mrs. K - Baby Boy is here!
    Sugarbee - Baby Boy is here!
    mademoiselle3 - Baby Boy is here!
    pmh2400 - Baby Boy is here!

  32. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mae: @Boopers: thanks!

    @pmh2400: updated! And congrats

    Finally got around to stripping all my cloth diapers Friday. It's obscene how many newborn dipes we blow through 😭. Still unsure if we'll recommit to cloth, but at least they're ready!

    And since she's now over 7 lbs, we used the ergo for the first time yesterday. I forgot how much I loved that thing :). Went to a mommy and me market (I think we're going to sign DD1 up for swim lessons. Maybe gymnastics as well) and then to a marching band event for my stepdaughter. Finally got to see her dorm room!

  33. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @StrawberryBee: sounds like fun! And yay baby wearing for the win! I haven't tried our tula yet, but i've been wearing her in our solly baby wrap and ring sling for about 2 weeks and i love it!

  34. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @StrawberryBee: yay for good gains! We have tried our cloth diapers twice now and both time resulted in leaks. This little one does huge pees and hates being wet. I'm not convinced we'll be using them this time.

    @Mae: @StrawberryBee: We've been using our solly and ring sling lots. She's almost 11lbs now so we just busted out our beco gemini and it's great for her!

  35. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Banana330: she leaked through one of the Charlie bananas (only newborn size we have, and it's on the tightest snap setting lol), but I think it wicked up the insert label.

    @Mae: @Banana330: yay for successful baby wearing!

    Just want to share this pumping hack, since I hate having to clean any more parts than absolutely necessary. I'm sure I'm not the first to dream it up ;). Maybe I even originally got the idea from another bee, I can't remember any more. Basically adhesive tape = directly into bags

  36. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @StrawberryBee: nice! i'm impressed you're pumping already! i did when i was in the hospital for my second surgery, but i haven't busted out my pump at home yet. I'm hoping to leave it in the box basically until I go back to work lol.

  37. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mae: I do it for purely selfish reasons (so that I can leave the house with a clear conscience once in a while and T can stay home with DH ).

    My supply only lasted a few months once I went back to work, so I'd like to have a healthy freezer stash this time. Only have a few bags so far though.

  38. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @StrawberryBee: makes sense! Since my supply sucks and we supplement with formula anyways, makes it easy on me to go because whoever is here can just make her a bottle. Sometimes (often) I'm annoyed we have to combo feed because it takes forever to do both nurse THEN bottle. And washing all the bottles every day. But then other times its so nice because I know anyone can feed her and there is no pressure on me to plan ahead so much!

  39. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mae: it was a relief in a way with DD1 when my supply ran out and we successfully switched to formula. I do get tempted some days to start that process sooner ;). Usually when we're in the car and she's gotten hungry earlier than expected.

  40. babybunnylove

    grape / 90 posts

    Does anyone continue to connect on this board? Just wondering if people keep from being isolated with a newborn.

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