apricot / 444 posts
@Mrs. K: Welcome!! I was CONVINCED AF was coming and just took a HPT to confirm. Well it was positive! I have very distinct AF sysmptoms every month and thought it would feel different when I got pregnant, but it didn't. Just some reassurance for you!!
apricot / 308 posts
@Mademoiselle3: congrats and welcome! My boss was telling me all the same thing about September being a great month for a baby
@annem1990: I had to google a list yesterday and I ended up ordering my first "decoy" drink last night- a tonic and lime... only to look on the bottle and noticed that it has quinine in it and when I looked that up apparently you aren't supposed to have that during pregnancy! I was like great... I suck at this already lol also thanks for sharing your experience with your symptoms. It helps so much to hear I'm not alone!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Mademoiselle3: @Mrs. K: Welcome, yay!!!
@Mrs. K: Symptoms are hard to read too much into at this point. I've had a bit of breast tenderness, especially at the end of the day, but pretty mild.
@annem1990: It seems like everyone has different views on what pregnant women should and shouldn't do. My view is that it's mostly common sense, in the absence of a specific complication that calls for particular restrictions.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs. K: *hugs* congrats! I'm 6 weeks (6+2) and only now just maybe feeling a tiny bit nauseous. If I concentrate on it. Trying not to worry about lack of any real symptoms.
@Mademoiselle3: welcome and congrats! I'm also in PA, and my first appointment is next Friday!
@annem1990: My first pregnancy my OB's office was terrible about telling me what I should and shouldn't do. I think I got a pamphlet and that was it. I learned everything I needed from HB.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
I felt like my nausea kicked up a notch yesterday afternoon, and I was especially not feeling so great before bed. It was still quite manageable with ginger, but I made a mental note to check if my insurance covered diclegis as it's early and I want to be prepared if it gets a lot worse. Of course, it's on their list of non-preferred drugs, which means a really high co-pay. I have heard so many people on here complain about this. It's the only FDA approved drug for morning sickness as far as I can tell, so I really don't understand why it's not covered.
coffee bean / 35 posts
@annem1990: That's what I'm hoping! A growing uterus
@StrawberryBee: Wah! Crazy coincidence!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone
apricot / 477 posts
@lazypanda: I feel like girl. LO1 is a girl. Our stillborn was also a girl. And I really feel like my husband is meant to be surrounded by girls his whole life (he has 3 older sisters and was raised by his mom and his grandma)
I will actually be shocked if it is a boy.
I will hopefully find out by 12 weeks because my doctor got provincial health care to cover the harmony test for me this time around (ALLL the testing for me! All the testing for freeeeee)
apricot / 477 posts
@periwinklebee: I swear diclectin (Canadian name) is the most expensive drug ever. I have really good private insurance for prescriptions and in my last pregnancy I paid $100 for a month supply.
kiwi / 526 posts
I'm actually looking forward to the last tri being July/Aug/Sept because it seems really easy to be able to just wear maxi dresses and sandals! No bulky coats, no heavy jeans, etc. Though I might be completely wrong about this!
apricot / 444 posts
@Bibliolove: I agree! I feel like I already have a bunch of flowy dresses that will hopefully still fit Looking forward to not having to spend a lot of $$ on a big maternity coat (thanks Wisconsin winters...).
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@YouGotMe: It's so annoying. I think the issue, at least in the U.S., is that there are generic anti-nausea drugs and so the insurance says, well we won't cover (or cover much of) the non-generic when there's a generic available. But as far as I can tell, the generics are ones that aren't safe for pregnancy - you think they'd take that into account. I know I'm super, super lucky to have overall good insurance and don't mean to over complain (and I don't even need it for now!), it's just annoying to feel like women's issues sometimes get the shaft when it comes to health coverage.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@periwinklebee: I paid $1/pill for Diclegis.
@Bibliolove: My first was born in August, and I had no problems going through the summer in the third tri :). Yay for air conditioning and flowy outfits!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@Bibliolove: it will be winter when I'm in my last tri (I'm in New Zealand) so I'm praying that my winter maternity stuff is going to see me out!
@Mrs. K: this is my third pregnancy and I've been fortunate enough to escape morning sickness during each pregnancy and am having minimal symptoms this time around too. I always find the early days / weeks of pregnancy to be a bit of a mindf*ck because you just have to trust that your body's doing its thing!
kiwi / 526 posts
@Kemma: oh New Zealand! It will be interestng to compare our different healthcare systems in regards to pregnancy and birth. For example, my friend in Ireland is totally against an epidural as according to her it's not common there (she will use gas, which I don't believe is common in the US for pain relief during childbirth). Do you see an OB or midwife?
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@Bibliolove: epidurals are freely available here but gas is a very popular option for pain relief! My "Lead Maternity Carer" is a midwife but I will have access to a public hospital-based obstetrician if I need one. I had GD during my second pregnancy so had several appointments with a local OB towards the end of my pregnancy but my midwife still delivered the baby. Once baby arrives my midwife will visit me at home for six weeks
pomegranate / 3045 posts
Updated list below! Fun to see this growing Please let me know if I missed anything! (@Banana330: hope you don't mind!)
September Mamas
September 5 - YouGotMe (#2)
September 8 - Banana330 (#2)
September 9 - LIL BEAN (#2)
September 13 - theotherstark (#2)
September 14 - StrawberryBee (#2)
September 18 - periwinklebee (#1)
September 22 - annem1990 (#1), mademoiselle3 (#1)
September 24 - Boopers (#2), Lazypanda (#2)
September 30 - Bibliolove (#1), Mrs. K (#1)
TBD - Kemma (#3)
January 27 - StrawberryBee, theotherstark, periwinklebee, Banana330, mademoiselle3
January 30 - Lazypanda
February 1 - Kemma
February 7 - Boopers, annem1990
February 8 - YouGotMe
nectarine / 2317 posts
@theotherstark: ha ha no prob! I was literally just about to do it. I was in a workshop all day!
Welcome new ladies.
@Bibliolove: @StrawberryBee: @annem1990: I'm not looking forward to summer pregnancy. The heat really affects me and we don't have central air! Although I'm finding not having to deal with the summer heat smells in the first tri so much nicer.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Kemma: that's how our midwife care works too. I loved the follow ups after.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Kemma: my DH is Australian and I'm obsessed with bonds gear. The wondersuits are still my favourite pjs for DD.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@periwinklebee: I took it last pregnancy and it really helped manage my vomiting. I still felt super nauseous but nowhere near as bad as I did without it.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
So many appointments next Friday! Eek. I am so impatient.
@Banana330: we don't have a/c either, so I'm nervous about the summer!
As to symptoms, this morning was the first time I felt pretty nauseous; I've had some little bouts of nausea, but they've passed pretty quickly. I didn't throw up, though, thankfully. My last pregnancy, I threw up at least once almost every single day until I gave birth, so I'm hoping I don't have a repeat of that
cherry / 166 posts
My nausea totally picked up this week (I kinda like having symptoms, so I don't mind. Especially since I don't actually throw up.)
But I also keep forgetting I'm preggo. Going through my day, then suddenly, "Ugh. Why do I feel so sick?" Um. Oh yeah. Pregnant! It's like a mini BFP now and then! Haha!
I have my first appointment with the midwives on Feb 7, but I'm supposed to be scheduled for an ultrasound before that. TBD.
(Side note for @banana330 or @theotherstark: would you mind changing LIL BEAN to lil bean on the list. So silly, but when I first signed up to HB, I saw all the usernames capitalized, so I did it, but shouldn't have. Feels like I'm shouting my name at everyone! Ha! I guess I could try to change it on HB, but it hasn't been a priority...)
kiwi / 636 posts
Congrats to the newer BFPs! So busy at work today I didn't get a chance to eat til 1:30 & I was starving! I finally had to pry myself away and get to the break room on a separate floor so I wouldn't be bothered and could eat in peace. I have to really be better about making sure I eat in a timely manner again. It normally wouldn't be hard to do so but it just happened to be a really busy day workwise for me.
@Banana330: @theotherstark: no ac at home either & I was so miserable at the end of my pregnancy; I was so thankful for a spring baby. I don't know how I'm gonna manage with the heat if my pregnancy is similar to the first.
@Bibliolove: while wearing maxi dresses & shorts was nice, it was still hot with my thighs rubbing against one another! so some days I would just wear flowy maternity pants because it kept my skin from chafing.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@LIL BEAN: of course!! I couldn't edit the post, but here ya go
September Mamas
September 5 - YouGotMe (#2)
September 8 - Banana330 (#2)
September 9 - Lil bean (#2)
September 13 - theotherstark (#2)
September 14 - StrawberryBee (#2)
September 18 - periwinklebee (#1)
September 22 - annem1990 (#1), mademoiselle3 (#1)
September 24 - Boopers (#2), Lazypanda (#2)
September 30 - Bibliolove (#1), Mrs. K (#1)
TBD - Kemma (#3)
January 27 - StrawberryBee, theotherstark, periwinklebee, Banana330, mademoiselle3
January 30 - Lazypanda
February 1 - Kemma
February 7 - Boopers, lil bean
February 8 - YouGotMe
nectarine / 2317 posts
@LIL BEAN: I think it went caps depending if I copied it on desktop or my phone...
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Mrs. K: Did you get the results from your blood draw yesterday? I hope you have fun plans for the weekend and that the wait til the second draw flies by! Thinking of you!
apricot / 308 posts
@periwinklebee: I haven't gotten the beta results yet unfortunately so I'm a little anxious. I was a little annoyed because the nurse who ordered them said I'd have the results by 6pm last night and nothing which sent my mind into the place of "what if something is wrong?" I know I probably shouldn't worry and after peeing on so many tests with clear bfps that I'm pregnant but I guess I want to see it "officially." I think DH needs it too because he has heard me say I felt pregnant before only to get a bfn. He is also unfamiliar with the fact that you can't really get a false positive on a test lol. Also, the single beta isn't going to tell me much as opposed to seeing subsequent results to see if there's doubling. I'm trying to tell myself these things so I don't stress over it! Oddly enough the lab ran my day 3 tests yesterday (whoops on their part!) that the first ob ordered and I got those results and was like "why did they measure my estradiol?!" I now have all the results for my day 3 testing, a CBC and prolactin level that was ordered by the fertility clinic and I don't know if any of that information says much as long as they fall in the normal lab values? Anxiously awaiting the beta results...
@theotherstark: I'm in Marin county! Where are you?
@kemma: @strawberrybee: It is so hard to trust that your body is doing its thing!! Part of me is like how can I feel so little when all the hormones are going crazy?! It's pretty fascinating how the hormones are doing pretty much the same thing in everyone but each person's symptoms vary. My symptoms have been fluctuating but I'm noticing a little gas and lots of cm (sorry tmi!). Post meal bloat but nothing too bad and definitely a welcomed symptom because it reassures me that things are happening inside!
apricot / 308 posts
is anyone else having issues sleeping still? I don't know if it is because my mind is like in a million places but I've been waking up at 3 am last few nights and struggling to sleep until morning!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Mrs. K: I'm sorry they didn't give you the hcg results yet - boo. But like you say, one level doesn't tell much anyways. I'm pretty sure I got all the day 3 tests run with my first beta as well because they took 12 (!) tubes of blood, but they never told me anything except the beta level. I think there are at least four of us in this group who had just started seeing an RE but weren't doing treatment yet - crazy!
One of my main symptoms at first was waking up at 3 or 4 and not being able to go back asleep. It went away by around 5 weeks - I still wake up and pee but fall asleep much easier now.
kiwi / 526 posts
@Mrs. K: I was up at 4am again, wide awake. I might start taking unisom solely for the sedative. I want to ask my ob, but havent even made an appt with her yet its not anxiety that is keeping me up, it's hormones.
kiwi / 526 posts
@periwinklebee: gosh 12 tubes?!? Wow, I would faint! Not really, but I hate giving blood.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Bibliolove: Yeah, I felt pretty wiped out for a couple of days after - I thought it was just pregnancy but when I started to feel more energetic I realized it was probably all the blood they drew!
apricot / 308 posts
@periwinklebee: I felt the same way! I was pooped and very dizzy.. I couldn't stand for long periods of time at work yesterday without feeling lightheaded.
cherry / 166 posts
@Mrs. K: Yes! My DD wakes us up in night lately. DH deals with her, they both go back to sleep, and I'm left lying awake for hours. It Sucks with a capital S! After a couple nights of only a few hours' sleep, and nearing a nervous breakdown, I spent the night in our basement guest room. Slept straight through without any interruptions! It was heaven. Told DH I'd see him again in 8 months.
apricot / 308 posts
@Bibliolove: I had no idea the hormones could do this! I am enjoying getting an earlier start to the day but I wish I could just go back to sleep for a little while longer.
On another note, DH and I will be visiting my dad today and I think we are going to share the news with him. I kind of wanted to wait until my mom gets back from her trip overseas so I could tell them together but the last 6 months have been tough for my family (as in- my mom is visiting her family overseas because she is trying to decide if she wants a divorce and my dad's brother passed away before Christmas) and I think he could really use some good news. Part of me wants to wait until 12 weeks but the other part of me is like why not?
apricot / 308 posts
@Lil Bean: That's hilarious! lol Glad you were able to get some rest down in the basement! I can't imagine how challenging it would be to have a LO and feel all the emotional/hormonal ups and downs of pregnancy. I have two dogs and a cat and as soon as I got my I looked at DH and was like- looks like you're on kitty box duty for awhile!
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