apricot / 263 posts
@banana330 @strawberrybee Thank you! And yes, @strawberrybee, we were on the May 2017 boards together. It's nice to be reunited here!
I got my ultrasound scheduled for February 4. I was hoping for something earlier, but that was the first morning time they could give me. I'll keep myself busy and distracted in the meantime!
kiwi / 526 posts
Betas went up from 604 on Thurs to 2,354 today. I'm feeling better. That is good, doubling every two days. Now to wait out Feb 23rd!
kiwi / 526 posts
@annem1990: good idea, coloring to keep the mind busy! I will have to pull mine out too.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
Just updated the list with some of the newer appts. This Friday will be a busy day!
September Mamas
September 5 - YouGotMe (#2)
September 8 - Banana330 (#2)
September 9 - Lil bean (#2)
September 13 - theotherstark (#2)
September 14 - StrawberryBee (#2)
September 17 - MsInformation (#2)
September 18 - periwinklebee (#1)
September 22 - annem1990 (#1), mademoiselle3 (#1)
September 24 - Boopers (#2), Lazypanda (#2)
September 30 - Bibliolove (#1), Mrs. K (#1)
TBD - Kemma (#3), matador84 (#3)
January 27 - StrawberryBee, theotherstark, periwinklebee, Banana330, mademoiselle3
January 30 - Lazypanda
February 1 - Kemma
February 4 - MsInformation
February 7 - Boopers, lil bean
February 8 - YouGotMe
February 23 - Bibliolove
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@MsInformation: Congrats!
@Bibliolove: Yay, those are awesome numbers!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
How is everyone doing?
Physically I still feel pretty decent. Nausea and exhaustion have increased a notch recently (6w today) but are still pretty manageable. I'm trying to stay focused on other things and not think too much about my upcoming appointment. My biggest, weirdly specific fear is that we'll have a missed miscarriage and still not be pregnant again by the due date. Not sure why my mind latched on to the latter part, but I'm trying to just stay busy and take things one day at a time. Yay for being pregnant today!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Bibliolove: yay! Great numbers!
@MsInformation: Feb 4 will be here before you know it!
@periwinklebee: ugh, I've been really gaggy lately. I will feel totally fine then suddenly gagging and almost puking. It's getting old. As is the reno, it's moving along but I can't wait for it to be done.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@periwinklebee: I'm feeling pretty good, just exhausted. I don't have much nausea at all, which actually makes me more nervous about a missed miscarriage. I'm nervous about my appointment on Friday But I'm hoping the lack of nausea is more because I'm still going to my barre classes every morning; I've heard excercise has been linked to lower nausea.
@Banana330: I bet you're ready for it to be done! what are you having done, again?
nectarine / 2317 posts
@theotherstark: we're doing a gut Reno of the kitchen and bathroom. We're essentially camping in our house!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@MsInformation: here's to our rainbow babies!
@Bibliolove: awesome, congrats on your betas!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@theotherstark: ditto, except there's no exercise happening here
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Banana330: Yuck. I hope that the gagging lets up - and that the reno is done soon. I bet it will be awesome when it's completed!
@theotherstark: I've experimented a bit with exercise, it doesn't make my spotting worse (and the doctor said it's fine), so I've been doing some every morning. I do think it helps.
papaya / 10560 posts
I scheduled my doctor's visit today...it's a month away but I know it will go by fast!
The hardest thing for now isn't keeping the pregnancy a secret as much as hiding it. I always start to show really early and I feel like my belly is just glaring! I am going to be huge by 10-11 weeks when I go for my appointment. We usually tell people with our babies the day after or of our first appointment.
apricot / 308 posts
@annem1990: I have had to tone my googling down a notch too... I feel like it always just makes me more worried about things I don't need to worry about!
@msinformation: so sorry for your loss but happy that you're back! Congrats!
Today was a good day... I got my beta back and it went from 182 on Friday to 1064 today. I had a visit with the doctor today because I needed a little extra reassurance and they did a transvaginal ultrasound and so far everything looks good. The little dot is measuring at 4w4d and I have my first official comprehensive prenatal exam February 9th.
I've decided I'm going to let myself be happy and excited. If this doesn't end well it will be devastating regardless of whether I let myself be happy and let go of the worries or not. That's where I'm going to try to mentally put myself every day. Sending lots of luck and prayers to all you ladies!
kiwi / 636 posts
@MsInformation: @StrawberryBee: congrats! My loss would have been 2 last week. DH & I acknowledged the loss but he then explained to me that he still didn't want anyone to know of our pregnancy until after the first tri, & only immediate family can know after next week's appt because of that loss. But I reminded him that while we were devastated by the loss, we wound up having a pretty awesome rainbow baby full of spunk & personality. Hoping for awesome rainbow babies to the both of you!
@Bibliolove: awesome numbers! I wish I could have betas to help reassure myself of this pregnancy. Right now I'm consistently POAS and watching the lines darken faster each day til next week's appointment.
@Mrs. K: I'm in the same area as @theotherstark: yay for your ob allowing you to complete an ultrasound & seeing your LO for the first time! Also, those numbers are awesome!
I went to my acupuncturist & she was telling me that I'm so relaxed. I told her that I decided to not worry but am relaxed to the point I probably need to create my own stress to be somewhat normal? 🤣 Also she's been checking both pulses and so far my left pulse is stronger than my right pulse, indicating ! I've decided to just be happy to be pregnant at this moment & definitely looking forward to my appt when I can see this LO & hopefully the heartbeat! DH is coming with me for the first appt since he really likes the ultrasound appts. With our toddler, he came for every prenatal appt & all ultrasounds. He said this time around he only wants to be present for the ultrasound appts and at the end if he needs to drive me since he wants to save his PTO for after the baby comes.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Mrs. K: Yay, those are awesome numbers! Staying positive seems like a great plan - I feel like my emotions are a bit of a roller coast between seeing fresh blood and being worried what's happening with my body right now, feeling nervous about my upcoming appt, and feeling relatively calm. Trying to channel the calm...
nectarine / 2317 posts
@lazypanda: That's interesting the acupuncturist said it's a boy. Did you do it with your first?
My DH came to the ultrasound but I tend to have him skip most of the appointments unless it's big ones (anatomy scan, hearing the heartbeat for the first time).
apricot / 308 posts
@periwinklebee: The ob yesterday at my appointment reassured me that if I ended up spotting after the procedure that spotting during pregnancy in general is very common and to not worry unless it is copious amounts. I think our natural instinct is to be alarmed when we see blood but just try to remind yourself that they say it's common and continue to channel your calm this is such a trying time. Keep me posted on how your appointment goes! praying for sticky babies for us and sending lots of luck and *hugs*
apricot / 308 posts
@lazypanda: thank you! It's nice to see other people who live nearby.. it's such a small world isn't it? Also very exciting about your acupuncturist being able to determine the sex of your baby! I had no idea you could do that! Good luck at your appointment and keep us posted!
pomegranate / 3212 posts
Lurking. Not sure yet if this pregnancy is for real, and if it is, it looks like an EDD of October 2nd. But! I needed to come chime in with symptoms coming and going. It will be the end of me!!
I've been moderately nauseous the last three days and today it's not as bad. But now I'm running to pee every ten minutes. I miss my nausea! It made me feel the tiniest bit hopeful.
kiwi / 636 posts
@periwinklebee: @Mrs. K: I went to acupuncture with my first. My acupuncurist said I had a really strong pregnancy pulse with the right side being slightly stronger in the beginning but towards 10 weeks or so, the pulse switched to the right side slowly becoming stronger. My acupuncturist definitively said she would say girl at 15 weeks & she was right. It's still early to tell now but it's nice having her track my pulse again.
coffee bean / 35 posts
Welcome to all of the the newbees! I love hearing all of the updates. I don't have much going on over here. Just really dizzy and my boobs are a little sensitive. I can't wait until Friday - there are so many appts!
Like all of you I'm nervous. Hope our list only continues to grow, not shrink!
kiwi / 526 posts
@knittylady: welcome! I haven't felt nausea much since Friday. My sister never felt a thing (no tiredness, nausea, etc) during her first tri!
I feel like all we really can do now is drink lots of water and take it easy.
apricot / 308 posts
@knittylady: welcome! so happy to see you here!
Question for you ladies: Do you guys believe in drinking red rasberry leaf tea? I'm trying to switch to a safe tea to drink and came across this and it seems like it could be fairly beneficial during pregnancy... What are your guys' thoughts?
papaya / 10560 posts
@Mrs. K: with my second k drank tea in lieu of coffee but usually a rooibos or green tea. I think RRL tea you aren't supposed to drink because it induces labor? I can't remember!
papaya / 10560 posts
Who all has announced their pregnancy? I'm at the tail end of sept, I think maybe a 23-25th edd but I'm being sooooo paranoid. We haven't told anyone yet and I feel HUGE. I went to meet friends today and before I could even say anything they knew immediately! Plus I was even wearing a loose tunic and cardigan. I show really early with all my kids so I am thinking we might have to tell people well before my first appointment.
apricot / 308 posts
@matador84: yeah I read mixed info on it and I'm not going to risk it at this point I'm too paranoid I had to tell 4 people I work closely with at work, my dad and two of my closest girlfriends. Not sure when we will share the news with more people but trying to wait as long as possible! We are going on a cabin/ski trip in a few weeks with DH brother and sister and their significant others and it is going to be hard to hide not drinking... how do you guys hide the no drinking? I'm going to try to use the antibiotic excuse for a concert we are going to with friends on Friday... At this point the people that know are people I'd turn to if I ended up miscarrying, that's kind of how I figure it.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@matador84: we've only told our parents and one of my best friends who's due with her second baby in six weeks. We're part of a pretty close military community and news travels fast so I'm trying to keep this pregnancy under wraps for a little while yet, I also don't want the news to get back to my work before I'm ready to talk to my boss. My work situation is also a little complicated because I've only been in the job for eight months and I'm the only member of my team with small children so I'm not sure what my boss's reaction will be like!
I may tell a few select friends once we've done our dating scan next Wednesday.
papaya / 10560 posts
@Kemma: are you showing? I know this is your 3rd too and it seems like for me I show earlier and earlier with each child. I probably look now like I did at 8-10 weeks with my other two.
I do have a bit of scoliosis so I think that makes my bump protrude slightly More!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs. K: congrats on your betas, and on getting an ultrasound!
@lazypanda: thank you ️
@knittylady: welcome . My nausea is also all over the place, and only just started (I'm probably 2 weeks ahead of you). Do you have an appointment set up? Can you ask your dr to do betas so you can see where your hcg levels are?
@Mrs. K: I took rrl tea at the end of my first pregnancy. I think I'd be cautious about taking something like that now. I have a giant package of green tea I got at Costco that I'm considering returning. I haven't looked at all the ingredients yet; I plan to before my first real appointment in Monday. Also, I don't drink alcohol usually, so no one ever knows based on that lol. I have cut out coffee and soda (soda wasn't all the time anyway).
@matador84: sorry you're being somewhat forced into announcing! I'm waiting to see how the appointment on Friday goes, and then may tell my bosses next week when they're back in, just to give them a heads up since September-November is a busy time for us. I'm sure with my body type I could hide it for a while. I told a friend at lunch last week since she was asking me how I was doing after the miscarriage, so I wanted her to know the current situation.
nectarine / 2530 posts
And of course the school district we're currently in that I'm trying to move out of (it's not the school, it's the area) just approved full day kindergarten, which I desperately want. Argh! And now I've scared myself reading parent comments on the two districts I'm looking at moving into.
5:30am and I'm holding my wide awake 3 year old, feeling nauseous.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@knittylady: Yay, congrats!!! So happy for you!!! Trying to interpret symptoms is a recipe for crazy hah hah, at least for me. After feeling solidly sick yesterday morning - instead of the usual come and go - it poof disappeared and I haven't even gotten nauseous when hungry since then, which has been the one constant for the past couple of weeks. So weird. I've been bleeding more and took another weeks estimator test this morning - thank goodness it still said 3+. For the life of me, symptoms - and especially nausea - make no sense.... I really hope they don't mean much.
@Mrs. K: I drink a cup of green tea in the morning - I just put a bit of plain matcha powder in with water and whisk it up. I take my prenatal with dinner, as tea can affect absorption, but passes through pretty quickly. I've also been drinking a bunch of ginger tea - I just cut off a piece of fresh ginger and put it in the infuser basket. And mint tea as well. No idea about RRL.
@matador84: This is #1 for me and I'm definitely not showing. Hah, hah I really hope there's something going on in there because there are definitely no changes on the outside! My husband kind of wanted to tell people, like his mother, who I didn't want told (then *everyone* will know), so our agreement is to wait until the second trimester.
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@matador84: You're definitely showing! Nice bump! How many weeks are you? If mine is sticky this will also be number three...
papaya / 10560 posts
@knittylady: I'm only 4-5 weeks!!! I went back and looked at bump pics and I had a bump this size at 15 weeks with baby 1 and 12 with baby 2. I'm going to have to get my maternity clothing down from the attic this week!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Mrs. K: I remember my midwife suggesting it to help stimulate labour. Empty beer can/bottle filled with water works.
@matador84: Holy crap! you aren't kidding you show early! I have heard you show earlier with subsequent children and definitely feel bigger this time than last. But I look like I ate too many burritos, not the cute bump you have! I'm not planning on telling work until after 12 weeks I managed to wait til 16 weeks last time but i don't think I can hide it that long this time.
@periwinklebee: Symptoms really don't mean anything. As much as they can be reassuring.. my second MC I was still puking after we found out there was no heartbeat. Enjoy a few days of lesser symptoms. Friday will be here before you know it.
apricot / 308 posts
@matador84: cute bump mama!
@periwinklebee: @banana330: I think I'll stick with ginger tea since I have that for now. Too much mixed info on rrlt. Thanks for the tip on hiding no booze, I may try that one out on the Tahoe trip
Still waking up early at 5am but not as bad as 3am...
coffee bean / 35 posts
@matador84: We only told our parents, grandparents, and siblings. I'm due on the 22nd. I am waiting until 12 weeks to tell everyone else, including my work. I am just wayyyy too paranoid. I'm not showing yet (this is my first), but I'm hoping to just wear leggings and tunics for the next 6 weeks. That's so crazy your friends knew just by looking at you! So nuts.
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