nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs. K: I figure no news is good news. I was only called after my second draw results came back (just an ob office, though)
I'm trying not to compare to my previous pregnancies, but it's driving me crazy that I don't have any real symptoms. Then again, I was crazy nauseous and gassy last time and that was a missed miscarriage, so I can't necessarily rely on that! My mind won't stop racing until the ultrasound on Friday. And yeah, I'm still waking up in the middle of the night. I had to go downstairs at 2am and take out the trash, the smell was driving me crazy!
nectarine / 2317 posts
I can tell you where isn't a good idea when you have a good sense of smell and are nauseous... the zoo! The contractors were framing this morning and DH was pulling a ceiling down so we had to get out of the house. I'm trying to stick to outdoor animals like the polar bears and pandas but man the tropical pavilions are ripe!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@StrawberryBee: I've been trying to stay busy and not think too much about the pregnancy or my appt this Fri - as worrying about it won't do me any favors - but it's hard. Every time I feel a little sick or go to the bathroom and notice the spotting - my mind goes there again. At the same time, I don't think I'll feel like I'm actually pregnant until I see a heartbeat and know there's actually a baby in there. I had a little bit of fresh red blood this morning, and though it's stopped now I think it's set off my worry bells again.
@Banana330: Ugh, sorry about the zoo. Just thinking about the smell of elephant poop takes the nausea up a notch
grapefruit / 4466 posts
Anybody else going on their own to the first ultrasound? My husband can't make it and while I know it doesn't really matter - bad news is bad news and good news is good news regardless - I kind of wish I didn't have to go alone.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@theotherstark: Fingers crossed that you don't have a repeat of the bad nausea this time - hope you are feeling decent today.
apricot / 477 posts
@periwinklebee: I did all my ultrasounds in my first pregnancy on my own except for the 36 week one.
The ultrasound place has since moved offices and since I don't drive someone has to take me so I won't be alone for any of these. I really enjoyed having the moment of seeing the baby on my own and attempting to explain it to DH afterwards. At my ultrasound last week for dating before we went in he asked me "is this when we find out the sex?" Lol
ETA: what time is your ultrasound? Could you text someone the whole time? It's not the same but sometimes it helps :).
apricot / 477 posts
@Banana330: the zoo sounds like an AWFUL place to be hah.
I work in university housing, I have not been enjoying the smells there at all. I think the zoo would be about ten times worse.
papaya / 10560 posts
Just joining the board!
Location: TX
EDD: not sure...probably late september
First child? 3rd!
Any symptoms? General tiredness. Some heartburn (that's what made me think I was PG--I only get it while I'm pregnant!)
Who have you told? Just husband!
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? We are really excited especially since we have a boy and girl already. I think we might be TG. The most overwhelming thought right now is will I work next year--if not, will we be able to manage on one income sufficiently, etc. etc. Other than that we are super thrilled.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@periwinklebee: *hugs* DH is actually taking the day for the first ultrasound on Friday. The appointment is at 11am (I was limited on times available).
@matador84: welcome and congrats! I could so see being team green if I had one of each. Did you find out early with your first two?
Another weekend, another house showing. Blah.
papaya / 10560 posts
@StrawberryBee: yes! I found out very early with my son, it was like 11 weeks! 19 weeks with my daughter.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@matador84: Welcome! Congrats!!!
@YouGotMe: That's a great idea about texting, I hadn't thought of that - thanks!
@StrawberryBee: That's awesome that he was able to take the day off! My appt is at 8:30, so at least I won't have to be nervous about it all day.
@Banana330: Hope you're feeling better! I have a random question - when did you get 3+ on the weeks estimator? The ones I ordered from ebay came in the mail, yay! Thank you!
apricot / 308 posts
@StrawberryBee: there's definitely some
truth to that!
@matador84: congrats and welcome!!
@periwinklebee: would you be able to FaceTime or put DH on speaker at your appointment?
nectarine / 2317 posts
@matador84: congrats welcome!
@periwinklebee: I think it was 5w6d... I'd wait until around 6 weeks.
nectarine / 2317 posts
September Mamas
September 5 - YouGotMe (#2)
September 8 - Banana330 (#2)
September 9 - Lil bean (#2)
September 13 - theotherstark (#2)
September 14 - StrawberryBee (#2)
September 18 - periwinklebee (#1)
September 22 - annem1990 (#1), mademoiselle3 (#1)
September 24 - Boopers (#2), Lazypanda (#2)
September 30 - Bibliolove (#1), Mrs. K (#1)
TBD - Kemma (#3), matador84 (#3)
January 27 - StrawberryBee, theotherstark, periwinklebee, Banana330, mademoiselle3
January 30 - Lazypanda
February 1 - Kemma
February 7 - Boopers, lil bean
February 8 - YouGotMe
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Mrs. K: That's a good idea. I should see what his schedule looks like...
@Banana330: Perfect, I should be exactly that tomorrow. I may wait a couple of days to give it a little more time. Thank you!
After having no appetite for two weeks, I've been famished tonight. I wish I could say it's baby growing, but I assume at this point baby only requires a couple of calories!
apricot / 308 posts
@periwinklebee: I've been feeling hungry more often than usual and if I go too long without eating I feel a little woozy. Each day has been a little different for me so far so it's hard to figure out how to handle my body. I had to remind myself too that at this point I don't need much more than what I normally eat lol... Trying to make healthy choices and stay more hydrated (which I'm usually terrible at). I'm hooked on sparkling water these days... how are you feeling? I finally got my beta from Friday which came in at 182 and I will be talking to the ob Monday so hopefully I can repeat the beta then.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
I hope everyone is having a good weekend! I'm at home tonight while my husband is out with friends at a restaurant that only sells poke - no side salad, no soup, just raw fish I'd rather not risk it - and even if it was 100% safe it does not sound appealing. It might actually sound worse than the zoo
@Mrs. K: My symptoms haven't been that consistent either. I feel a bit nauseous at random intervals throughout the day - and getting really hungry or eating something super heavy is a big no - but so far I still feel pretty good. It feels like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop though! with the appt and betas tomorrow! Will be thinking of you!
@Banana330: I woke up at like 4am last night from a dream in which I was using the weeks estimator (crazy pregnant dreams have definitely started), so I decided just to take it. Thankfully it said 3+. I know it doesn't mean much but I'll take any positive sign!
apricot / 308 posts
@periwinklebee: can I just vent and say that the first trimester is really mentally challenging! I am trying not to let my mind get carried away because Friday I was bloated and had a lot of cm and today it seems to have all pretty much vanished. I know I've googled this a million times but symptoms can come and go in a normal pregnancy right? I'm hoping betas will give me some reassurance...
pear / 1548 posts
@Mrs. K: yes, the first trimester can be mentally and physically exhausting because your symptoms are constantly changing. I remember with my first I thought I was doomed when my boobs stopped hurting.
Right now at 5 weeks I am so exhausted! It's my most constant symptom so far this pregnancy. Last time nausea hit right at 6 weeks, so I am just anticipating it coming on soon.
apricot / 308 posts
@Boopers: thank you for the reassurance, I really need it! hoping you avoid nausea altogether this time around!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@periwinklebee: we're potty training this weekend, and had two house showings. Never a dull moment.
@Mrs. K: I was telling DH this morning that I felt 100% normal, not pregnant. Then I felt weird and quasi-nauseous in the middle of the day. This is going to be a long week.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@periwinklebee: yay for 3+!
@StrawberryBee: ugh potty training. We tried that over the holidays but my daughter decided she just wasn't that in to it
@Mrs. K: first trimester can be a complete mind f*** . It's so frustrating.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Banana330: yup, good times! She's three and a half, so we're kinda late. We went all in and used panties during the night, and went out for six hours today on a wing and a prayer. Potty in the minivan, a+
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Mrs. K: It completely plays with your mind! I don't think symptoms mean much at all, but it's so hard not to over-analyze. And time seems to move so slowly. I hope the second beta draw will provide some reassurance.
@StrawberryBee: I hope you have success with both the house showings and potty training! And that this week flies by (I know, though, it's going to seem like forever)
apricot / 308 posts
@StrawberryBee: good luck with the potty training! And fingers crossed you get an offer soon on your house!
@banana330: seriously! So glad I have you ladies to help me through this! The days are dragging as well... I seriously need to take up some new hobbies to help this time go by...
Good luck to all the ladies with appointments this week!
apricot / 308 posts
@periwinklebee: it is so hard! We were at the store yesterday and I almost bought more tests but I held back thank you for the comforting words good luck at your appointment this week! Keep us posted!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Mrs. K: Thank you! I think a hobby is really helpful. I bought a couple of new cookbooks and have made some yummy stuff from them - with MS this hobby might not last for long (I had the idea right before my BFP, as a way to distract from TTC), but I think it's been a nice way to unwind.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@periwinklebee: @Mrs. K: thanks! We have two more showings scheduled for tomorrow (with tons of rain and heavy winds...people need to think these things through a little better). I'm not complaining, but I have no clue where all these people are coming from.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@Mrs. K: I'm on the peninsula! And yes, still having some sleep issues here, too. No fun!
apricot / 308 posts
@theotherstark: hope you've been able to stay dry these last few days! looking forward to a break in the weather before the third storm hits us.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@StrawberryBee: That's great that you have so many people interested in seeing it - really hope that one of them is a buyer!
apricot / 263 posts
Hi everyone!
Location: Chicago, IL
EDD: September 17
First child? 2nd! I have a daughter who just turned four last month.
Any symptoms? Does gagging on my toothbrush count? Otherwise, nothing to report yet.
Who have you told? Just my husband.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I had a miscarriage around 8 weeks in early October, so I think I'll be feeling anxious throughout the entire pregnancy. I saw my midwife for the first time this morning, and I'll get an ultrasound for viability next week (when I should be at six weeks). If the U/S goes well, we'll probably tell our parents and siblings.
apricot / 444 posts
@periwinklebee: I agree one is moving soooo slow. It's so hard not to tell people! I picked up an adult coloring book and an array of colored pencils so I hope that will keep my mind busy in the evenings. It's so easy to get wrapped up in internet searches
nectarine / 2317 posts
September Mamas
September 5 - YouGotMe (#2)
September 8 - Banana330 (#2)
September 9 - Lil bean (#2)
September 13 - theotherstark (#2)
September 14 - StrawberryBee (#2)
September 17 - MsInformation (#2)
September 18 - periwinklebee (#1)
September 22 - annem1990 (#1), mademoiselle3 (#1)
September 24 - Boopers (#2), Lazypanda (#2)
September 30 - Bibliolove (#1), Mrs. K (#1)
TBD - Kemma (#3), matador84 (#3)
January 27 - StrawberryBee, theotherstark, periwinklebee, Banana330, mademoiselle3
January 30 - Lazypanda
February 1 - Kemma
February 7 - Boopers, lil bean
February 8 - YouGotMe
nectarine / 2317 posts
@MsInformation: Welcome.. sorry for your loss. Those early weeks are always tough right after a loss. Fingers cross for your ultrasound next week!
kiwi / 526 posts
I'm just waiting very impatiently to get my second beta draw result today. It was looking good on Thursday and now I have completely stressed myself out, waiting. I've decided I'm never doing a beta draw again unless there is a risk or something. Too stressful!
I have made an appt. with my care provider for Feb 23rd, she will do an ultrasound confirmation (if all goes well) so I'm excited about that! I will be over 8 weeks then.
Hope everyone is doing well, my symptoms come and go. I don't know how my husband can be so calm.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Bibliolove: I think cause it's not happening directly in their body they can be more detached. My symptoms are still coming and going (7w3d). Fingers crossed for good numbers this aft!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@periwinklebee: me too! I guess I've kind of lost hope that this process will ever end ^^;;
@MsInformation: so happy to see you, I think we were both on the May board together
@Bibliolove: I hope you get good news soon on your betas!
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