Hellobee Boards


Spring 2013 Mamas & Toddlers

  1. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Adira: haha, I guess I'd have to wrap a sign around his neck then
    I guess I'll have to cancel the bday party we are invited to on Sat. I guess I can prevent him from being in to close contact with grown ups but he'll play with the other kids and might infect them and they might pass it on to their maybe pregnant moms

  2. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Pumuckl: Ugh, yes, that sucks, but it probably would be wise for you to not go to the party.

  3. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Adira: Yeah I guess I'll get in touch with the hostess soon... It just seems so stupid because its just one of those viruses that are around all winter causing colds... I'd much rather still live in denial

  4. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Pumuckl: haha, I don't blame you!

  5. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: Oooh, thanks for the helpful link! I only had a chance to skim it but I want to read it more thoroughly when Pete is napping.

    @Pumuckl: I'm a teacher and lots of kids have a virus that sounds similar to the one you described. The students seem fine, but the nurse always has to warn the pregnant teachers if someone has it. Sorry that you may have to miss the party! I wonder how long it takes until it's no longer considered contagious? And my DS has a similar appetite... hardly ever meets a food he doesn't like! So funny! I'm jealous of your toned arms!!

    @Silva: I love the idea of adding veggies through pesto and pasta sauces! I def want to try those smitten kitchen recipes, love her. I've been making muffins from a Paleo cookbook that include shredded zuchini and carrots. Pete has one each morning as well as a green smoothie which I make with spinach, banana, milk, and berries. Then, even if he doesn't eat another veggie all day, I feel like he's at least gotten a few in the morning! And your message about DH attempting pad thai made me laugh! I, too, find it nearly impossible to cook anything during that hour of the day. Usually, we have to get out of the house on a walk or a playdate from 4-5:30pm to prevent meltdowns, then I reheat leftovers or cook something super simple for LO's 5:30pm dinner, and then we begin bath and bedtime. I can't even attempt to cook anything real until he's asleep and he gets it reheated the next day...

    @smurfette: Sorry to hear that R hasn't adjusted to sleeping in the toddler room yet. I get super stressed about naps and sleep as well. It makes me so anxious when I know Pete isn't getting enough rest. I'm curious how he will do at his new daycare next week...
    And those molars sound crummy too! I hope they break through asap and she begins to adjust with better naps.

    @shopaholic: Sounds like a rough week! Although, you would never know K isn't feeling well from IG... she is such a smiley little girl for the camera! Will you DH be around on the weekends to help out more or is he super busy all week? It's so hard to do the solo thing!

    @silver1: Glad the eggs were a hit!! Hope your power cord comes in soon, I would die without internet access!!

  6. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @QueensBee: I'm glad to hear that it is not so uncommon Unfortunately I have no idea whether he is still contagious or not. We do have another pedi visit on Apr 9th so I'll definatly check with the doc then. Although at our going rate we'll be seeing the pedi before that

  7. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Pumuckl: Yes, maybe it is what we call Fifths disease. It is very common (the 5th most common childhood virus!) and dangerous for pregnant women only. I am a teacher too and there are always kids with it.

    OK only admitting this on here. I think I have baby fever. I must be nuts. We are finally just getting the hang of this guy and I was so sick while I was pregnant. I can't believe I would be interested in doing it all over again.... I can't explain why at all!!!!! But we need to wait until late summer because of mat leave timing.

  8. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    Just saw this, I'll play! I'm bad at keeping up with fast-moving threads but I will try to pop back in and catch up.

    LO's name: Luisa
    Age: 12 months (as of 3/6)
    Weight: 23 lbs + change
    Length: I never remember this. But she's in the 75th percentile for weight and height. Which feels small, because from birth up until the 1 yr appointment she was in the 90-95th for weight and height!

    Number of Teeth: 8 + at least 1 bottom molar trying to pop through

    Clothing Size: 24 month/2t pants, 12-18 month tops

    Cruising, Crawling, or Walking: Walking

    How many ounces of formula/BM/milk per day: A morning and a bedtime nursing session, sometimes 1 in the middle of the day. Occasional sips of water and cow's milk.

    How many solid meals a day (and how much): 4ish- I give her bite-sized options of fruit, cheese, bread, raisins, crackers, sandwich meat, etc...maybe 2-4 options at each meal. And usually a pouch or 2 each day.

    Any Words: Uh-oh, mama, dada, thank you, wa-wa (water), done, no, ball

    Milestone you're most looking forward to: I can't think of one! I'm enjoying the walking phase though, it has been just a couple of weeks since she started and it still feels new!

    How's sleep going: STTN at the moment, 11 hrs or so. This tends to change every couple of months but I'm enjoying it at the moment. I hope molars don't screw it up!

    Any plans for TTC: Yes, LO #2 is due in early November.

  9. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @travellingbee: You aren't alone......I never thought that I would get the fever this early. But we won't be starting till late summer at the earliest.

    @tororojo: holy crap 24 month pants! Are they huge on her in the waist? She isn't that much bigger lb wise then R and 12 months are big on her. Congrats!!

  10. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @tororojo: Wow! I can't believe she's in 24/2T pants!! And congratulations on your pregnancy!! I'm so excited for you (and super jealous, haha)!

  11. cheert16

    nectarine / 2631 posts

    Apparently I am super late to this party! Work has been nutso and I haven't been on at all for almost a week!

    LO's name: Bradley
    Age: 11.5months
    Weight: 20lbs
    Length: 27 inches (at last dr appt... he could be longer!)

    Number of Teeth: 8- working on some molars

    Clothing Size: 6 months, 9 months, 6-12 months

    Cruising, Crawling, or Walking: Crawling, cruising, and trying to walk unassisted

    How many ounces of formula/BM/milk per day: 3-4 bottles a day.... get nervous about the big bottle transition

    How many solid meals a day (and how much): 3 meals- a few snacks

    Any Words: mama, dada, yiayia, baba (which I think is supposed to be Papa) and lots of random babbling

    Milestone you're most looking forward to: talking!

    How's sleep going: meh- depends on the day. He is trying to transition to 1 nap- but he still needs 2 because he is WAY cranky when he doesn't take the 2nd one!

    Any plans for TTC: undecided. DH isn't sure he wants more (which is totally changing the family plan we had) I know I want 1 more (can I somehow make sure its a girl??) I am thinking the conversation will be had when Lil B is closer to 1.5/2

  12. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @Smurfette: disclaimer: I mainly buy Circo pants b/c of our extreme suburban location, and I think they run small. I got tired of the 18 month ones riding up like capris so I bought a bunch of 2T ones to fix it. They're a little roomy in the waist but fit pretty well! I bought an 18 month Carter's easter dress and that fits great.

    @Adira: gracias!!! And I hope you get knocked up asap.

  13. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @tororojo: I think Circo runs small too. I just put up all of R's 9 months, and washed the 12 months I have bought.
    @cheert16: My DH said that he would have another today if he could make sure it is a girl. So he is with ya!

  14. cheert16

    nectarine / 2631 posts

    @Smurfette: I have always wanted 2- a boy and a girl! I have the boy- I just need the girl! (although DH is SO AFRAID of a little girl- he said he would have another one right away if I could promise it would be a boy!)

  15. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @tororojo: congrats on the 2nd pregnancy… so exciting!!

    Guys… J took 2 itty bitty steps today unassisted!! I didn't get to see it though - MIL told me. i'm hoping he does it again for me, but i'm excited at the prospect of him starting to walk soon!

  16. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @tororojo: congrats on LO #2! B is also already wearing some 2T cloths. I really miss the quick diaper change options on the cloths larger than 24m though.

    @travellingbee: Good to know!

    @cheert16: @Smurfette: @travellingbee: I never really expected the baby fever to hit so hard. I've been having it for quite awhile and I'm happy we'll be starting soon. I am quite the opposite when it comes to gender preference though - I love being a boy mama. I don't know why I'm so scared of girls...

  17. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: Go J! And be a good boy and repeat for mama tonight!

  18. Munchkin

    grape / 98 posts

    Hi Everyone,
    I joined the HB community after LO was born and I love love reading all of the blog posts. Thanks! This is my first board post.

    LO's name: L
    Age: 11 mo
    Weight: 20 lbs
    Length: 30 inches

    Number of Teeth: 8 (and molars?)

    Clothing Size: 12 mo

    Cruising, Crawling, or Walking: Crusing!

    How many ounces of formula/BM/milk per day: as many oz as I can pump, about 8 on average, and then formula (8 oz)

    How many solid meals a day (and how much): 3 meals, about 3 oz each, it depends on LO mood

    Any Words: hat!

    Milestone you're most looking forward to: walking and talking!

    How's sleep going: (don't ask) - its been a hard week, which is why I think molars are coming - but I need to go back to consistent sleep training (after we go on a long weekend vacation)

    Any plans for TTC: nope

  19. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: Yay steps!!! But boo MIL telling you about it! She should've waited until you mentioned it, haha.

  20. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: Good job J! Now be a good boy and do it for Mommy and Daddy tonight!
    @Munchkin: Welcome!! I love hat is their first word.

  21. cheert16

    nectarine / 2631 posts

    @tororojo: Congrats!!!! So exciting!
    @Mrs. High Heels: Woah that's awesome! Hopefully he puts on a repeat performance!!

    Does anyone not have feed provided at daycare? We don't- and I struggle to come up with new lunches- anyone care to share some ideas?

  22. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: thanks! And yay on the steps! I'm sure he is just practicing so that his trick will be perfect when he shows it to you!

    @Pumuckl: thank you! The diaper change thing didn't occur to me since I have only bought 2t pants so far, that's a good point. Luckily her rate of growth has slowed and she can still wear smaller sizes in rompers and such!

    @cheert16: thanks! I have L in a daycare program one day a week so I don't have to pack them too often, but I usually send a bowl w/some cheese, fruit (pear, cuties, grapes) and something else (sandwich meat, raisins, puffs, cereal, goldfish)- I divide them up w/saran wrap. And a pouch or 2 (applesauce or fruit mixes), and the emergency bowl of cheerios that I keep in the diaper bag. And milk. *ETA* I'm a lazy lunch packer, I definitely don't do more than 3 of those items at a time, just whatever is on hand and fast. Oh yeah and often DH does it for me before he leaves for work. I may be milking the 2nd pregnancy already...

  23. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @travellingbee: I seriously have baby fever too! We are waiting till after our vacation in Nov to start trying which is probably a good thing because 2 under 2 would terrify me.

    @tororojo: Congratulations!!

    @Mrs. High Heels: Steps! So exciting! Shame MIL was there to see it though. Cmon J.. do it for mama!

    @cheert16: Lunches are usually a avo, hummus or cream cheese sandwich with cheese and fruit. Sometimes I do french toast, scrambled eggs or banana pancakes. I usually have some chicken, apple and carrot fingers in the freezer. I have tried boiled egg and avo but she wasn't keen at all. She doesn't seem to mind eating the same thing everyday so I don't worry too much.

  24. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Pumuckl: I am the same actually. I don't really care which I have next, but I would love to have another little boy.

  25. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @AprilFool: frankly two at all scares me!

  26. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @tororojo: Yay for popping back on the thread! And say what?!?! CONGRATS on #2!

    @Mrs. High Heels: Awww! So exciting! I hope he does more pronounced ones for YOU soon!

    @QueensBee: Thank you. Yes, he's not working weekends thankfully!

    @Munchkin: Welcome to the board!

    @cheert16: I feel you on the TTC. Though DH seems to be more warm to the thought, I think I would like to start thinking about it at 1.5/2 y.o too. I'm too exhausted to be pregnant again! lol

  27. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @travellingbee: haha, is it weird that I have baby fever and I'm scared of having two - let alone two under two

  28. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Munchkin: Welcome! Do you have a boy or a girl? (Is that even ok to ask?)

  29. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @AprilFool: @travellingbee: @cheert16: @Pumuckl: The thought of solo parenting 2 is what is keeping me from talking to DH about knocking me up now.

  30. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @AprilFool: Any news on the photog for H bday party yet? Did you have any luck with the emails you sent out?

  31. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @Smurfette: I think what clouds my judgment is time to conceive and then grow the baby. If someone handed me a baby today I think it would have a panic attack but a year from now might be doable

    @Pumuckl: I did find one *happy dance* BUT I totally blew the budget on her. Ooops

    Why can I not go to sleep before midnight lately??

  32. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    I've been introducing whole milk in small increments to K's bottles this week and she's been having terrible diarrhea. She never reacts to cheese or yogurt this way. I'm stopping the milk and once her diaper rash clears up I might try almond milk or 2%? I'm not sure if the 2% is a good idea or not. I guess we'll just have to try a bunch of different things until we find something that works.

  33. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @shopaholic: thank you!!!

    @sheskrafty: That's a bummer about the milk situation! No advice but I hope she feels betters soon.

    Is anyone trying to wean but having trouble? L has been down to 2 nursing sessions a day for almost 2 weeks, but I have caved in a couple of times for a mid-day session because she begs for it! Sometimes I can console her with whole milk in a sippy cup but yesterday she threw an all-out tantrum and I felt so guilty. She will pick up a burp rag, tug on my shirt, point and say "boo" (boob!) -- maybe I shouldn't have taught her that word. I want to wean altogether, but how do you do that when it makes LO so sad?

  34. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Pumuckl: I'm scared of having two under two too, but we're actively trying, haha! We're crazy!

    @sheskrafty: I wouldn't do 2%. When I was discussing milk alternatives with our pediatrician, she said something I wanted to look for is it having enough fat or supplementing with other fatty foods.

    @tororojo: I've been weaning and we're down to one session a day. But a couple weekends ago, Xander definitely wanted to nurse during the day and I refused him. It was soooooo sad.

  35. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    @adira: good to know about the 2%! What types of milk does X like?

    @torojoro: good luck with weaning!

  36. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @tororojo: Congratulations on the pregnancy!!! How exciting! How are you feeling this time around?

    Sorry, I wish I had some good advice for weaning but only sympathy. Pete was pretty go-with-the-flow when he was 7 months, and didn't seem to notice any change at all. It must be hard to see her be upset about it at this age. Good luck.

    @sheskrafty: Did your pediatrician have any advice about the milk issue? Pete had a bit of diarrhea only the first time he had it. I waited a few days before giving it to him again and it was fine.

    @AprilFool: Glad you found a new one! Photos are totally worth it!!

    @Smurfette: @AprilFool: @travellingbee: @cheert16: @Pumuckl: I am also suffering from baby fever! I probably talk about it every night, at least once. Like @travellingbee, I want to time my maternity leave with the school year (I'm a teacher), but I also don't want LO #2 to have the same birthday as LO #1 so I totally overanalyze the timing of it all. And like others have said, I absolutely do not have my act together with one baby (we can barely make it out to get groceries) so I am terrified of doing it with two...

    @smurfette: LOVING the sneak peek of R's birthday photos. Oh my goodness, the cuteness!

    @cheert16: Right now we have to provide lunch at daycare too. It's such a pain and I'd also love to hear some suggestions from others! I usually try to bake two sweet potatoes on Sunday night and then give him half of a potato each day. I also cut up berries and send them in. Cherry tomatoes (cut up) are a daily hit as well. Then, for a little variety, he usually gets leftovers from our nightly meals like roast chicken or pasta or steak. Sometimes I heat up frozen Dr. Praeger fish sticks or chicken nuggets, or cook pierogis. Oh, he also loves good old rice and beans. I hope this helped a bit!

    @jodyblair: Happy Birthday to C!!! He looks adorable! Are you doing today to celebrate?

  37. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @sheskrafty: R was popping around the clock when she first started drinking more milk. Her formula didn't have lactose she was just adjusting. What does the pedi say?
    @QueensBee: Thanks! I posted a thread the other day to the blog post. Did you see that too?

  38. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Smurfette: No I must have missed it! I would love to see them! Which blog post are they linked to?

  39. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @QueensBee: Oh shoot, it was a gold thread. I just saw that you aren't gold.

  40. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Smurfette: Ahh that explains it! Mine expired a week or so ago and I just haven't had a chance to renew. Once I do, I will check 'em out!!

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