Hellobee Boards


Summer 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Shimmer: you're planning on a vaginal birth with twins? That's awesome! So many women I know just go ahead and say, okay - twins, c-section. Do it. I love hearing about Mom's that want to have a vaginal birth with their twins!

    As for the nursery - think of it as a place where you will want to spend lots of time. Maybe pick a color you love for the walls and push yourself to get your husband to paint it (hehe) so it's fun to be in there. Or, put your favorite chair/nursing chair in there. Sit in it a bit. Then you'll want it all to be perfect so you can sit in there and see it all prettied up.

  2. Shimmer

    kiwi / 553 posts

    @mediagirl: I am! I chose a midwife group to deliver with before I knew I was having twins, but they've delivered many sets of multiples before so I have no reason to switch unless there's a complication. And by vaginal, I by no means mean unmedicated - holy cow, give me the drugs! Lol... I say it half-joking. I have a pretty high pain tolerance so I think I can get pretty far, but my midwives have encouraged me to get an epidural "just in case" - the second baby might turn after the first is born, so they'll have to manually turn him back... I don't want to feel that! Plus, if I need a c-section, the epidural is already in place. In the hospital I'm delivering in, multiple mamas have to deliver in the OR no matter what - just in case. So much for a soothing birthing room! I can labor for however long but the glaring lights of the OR will be there for the main event!

    Thanks for the suggestions with the nursery. I definitely am making hubby paint it - but I haven't even gotten my hands on the paint yet! lol I just need to get my butt in gear. My shower is this weekend and we are going to have an insane amount of stuff to bring home!

  3. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    Bah, I just had my check-up yesterday and found out that my OB will be "on vacation" when I'm 38-39 weeks! She won't be back until I'm 39w3d!!!!! AHHHHHHHH.

    One of the reasons I chose her is because I wanted my OB to be the one who would be at my delivery (she's not part of a group; she owns her own practice). So now there's a chance that I'll have a back-up deliver LO if I happen to go into labor that week. Her office staff said she might not go out of town that week, so she'll still be on call for deliveries... but STILL. WAH.

  4. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @HabesBabe: oh no that sucks. But then again, maybe you will go right on time! I went into labor on my due date!! Then she will be all refreshed and ready to go!!!

  5. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Shimmer: Actually 4 since my sister in law is due Sept 9th! Crazy to think about all the little ones running around next summer And as far as the nesting...I could use some motivation too! I keep saying I'm going to start on the nursery but then I never do. Let's hope he doesn't come too early or there will be no place for him to go!

  6. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    @mrs. wagon: I have a feeling I'll be late, anyway... but you never know! 38-39 weeks is totally normal for a baby! WAH

    Not to mention, I am totally lost and confused about my maternity leave. My company just switched the way they handle leaves (there's a new web portal for us to submit claims, etc.) and of course, the portal doesn't recognize me as an employee, which means they have to contact my HR to confirm my eligibility, and we have a company-wide shutdown all next week. FANTASTIC!

  7. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @HabesBabe: ugh!!! can you meet with someone in HR tomorrow before the shut-down?? not cool to leave you in the dark about changing policies!!!!!!

  8. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @HabesBabe: I need to create a chart to keep track of how my company does maternity leave. I've literally been working with HR since JANUARY (4 months pregnant) to figure it out! I'm now 36w, so, yeah, it's taken awhile. And it's still confusing. Good luck!

  9. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    @mrs. wagon: My HR contact skimmed over my long-ass email (seriously, I included a chart) and said she would respond to all of my questions tomorrow. I'm grateful that I live in CA and we have one of the "best" maternity leaves in the country, but it's still so confusing! FMLA, CFRA, CA PDL, CA PFL, PTO, etc.). She said not to worry about the 30 day cut-off and that I don't need to add any more stress... HELLO! I have a mortgage and this is our first baby. Of course I'm stressed, especially since I only want to take off when I can get paid!

    @pregnantbee: I started reaching out to HR in January, too! I think my HR lady thinks I'm a spaz.

  10. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @HabesBabe: I'm in CA, too. Feel very blessed when the leave I do get, but it's SO confusing! I get paid leave through my job for 90 of paid medical leave for when I physically can't work. Then it switches to FMLA when I simultaneously have to spend down my accrued vaca time. Nobody can tell me if I'm also eligible for PFL, so that's been a frustrating part of it. Ugh.

  11. Shimmer

    kiwi / 553 posts

    @HabesBabe: @pregnantbee: Wow, I'm in NJ. My leave was "Oh, you're going on leave? We'll use up your {non-existant} sick/vac time and then FMLA will kick in. We might have a job for you when you come back."

    Luckily (? not really, the pain really sucks!) I'm out on disability so I have disability pay that can help out until the boys come.

  12. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @Shimmer: Sorry that you're out on disability and that you're in so much pain. That can't be fun. At least your HR has a clue about their own benefits

  13. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Shimmer: I feel your pain, my maternity leave is not great either. 6 weeks for vaginal birth or 8 weeks for c section and then you have to use your vacation/holiday leave or go unpaid. And with FMLA they only have to leave your job for you 4 months.

  14. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    Are you ladies all ready for Memorial Day weekend??? I'm super psyched for our BBQ on Monday!!! The great thing about BBQ is that as long as I stay away from potato salad, it's pretty GD friendly!! I can't wait to pig out on burgers (bottom bun only), brats (without the bun) and the sugar-free trifle I'm going to make!!!

  15. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @mrs. wagon: Yesssss! I can't wait for the three-day weekend! Today is going quickly but I have so much to do still! I can't wait for 5pm to get here already. I want some watermelon!!!!

    @krsmall, @Shimmer, @HabesBabe: I hear you on the HR hassle and leave. I finally figured all of mine out today. I'm so thankful to have a lenient owner. I work at a company of 15 people. Our policy states that you don't accrue time off while you are on extended leave. I complained about it and the owner is waiving it! So, with short term disability for 5 weeks, plus my PTO roll-over from this year and PTO for next year (our fiscal year starts July 1), I will be fully covered for my 12 weeks that I'm out of the office with nothing to spare. That makes me so happy.

    I'm still glad I saved up 2 months pay just in case. Now we can use that as more emergency savings when the time comes (like when I need to take time off work unpaid until June 30, 2013)!!

  16. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mrs. wagon: I'm so ready for the weekend! I totally plan on hitting up the pool. I really don't care what I look like in a bathing suit I just can't wait to be in the pool. We are also doing a ton of work to the nursery this weekend, which is good since we have done nothing so far. I'm also going to try and hit up some sales this weekend!! Your bbq food sounds delicious!!

  17. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mediagirl: Wow, 2 months PTO that's awesome! I unfortunately used all my vacation last year for our wedding. Funny fact, our LO is due on our wedding anniversary and DH's birthday!

  18. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    oh, I also wanted to chime in about the groin pain. OH, the groin pain.... I am in so much pain today!! What the heck!!! I feel like my vagina is going to fall off. Sorry. That is disgusting.

  19. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @mrs. wagon: Hahahhahaha. I promise you, your vagina will not fall off. You may need Mr. Wagon to help you move your legs as you get out of bed or put on undies but the vagina will always be there. Dude, I'm so glad someone else is complaining about the groin pain. I thought I was the only one whining about it!

  20. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @mediagirl: omg... some days I'm fine but days like today I want to stuff ice up my skirt!!!! oh my. We let the dogs sleep in the bed last night and I practically crushed one of them trying to get up this morning... I was like, sorry honey but you're gonna have to either move or die by crushing because I cannot do this if you are sitting there!!!

  21. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    @pregnantbee: where in CA are you? maybe we can join forces and make our HR depts give us answers! why would you not qualify for PFL? that sucks that no one's been able to give you a straight answer.

    @Shimmer: ugh, booo about the pain, but semi-yay for getting disability pay!

    @mrs. wagon: we're going to have a super-small BBQ at our house w/ hubs' parents. we just got new windows installed and MIL wants to see the rest of the shower gifts i got (she hosted my baby shower, so she was running around a lot)


    @mediagirl: that's awesome that you have your leave/PTO figured out! i wish i could accrue time off while on leave, but i work for a bigger company and "rules are rules."

  22. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    Hi ladies!! I feel so behind since I missed a day on here.

    The groin/pelvic pain is so awful some days, "putting an ice pack up there" made me laugh though (and gave me chills!)

    So I had a 38 week u/s yesterday and Baby E is 7lbs 9oz right now (estimate) so it looks like she'll be a pound more than that if I go to 40 weeks. But the u/s tech said she has long legs and seems like she'll be a tall/long newborn! I didn't get an internal but I will next week.

    Also, I saw "What to expect when you're expecting" with DH last night, has anyone else seen it? I thought it was going to be worse than it was but I laughed through it!

  23. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    Um, what the hell??

    I didn't want to start a new thread because this is pretty graphic... but I just went to use the restroom to pee, and when I sat down I felt a sharp pain in the perenial area, like a pop. It took my breath away. I was like, what? That almost felt like I tore down there. Then when I peed it stung, and when I went to wipe, there was a spot of bright red blood on the tissue! I blotted the tissue a few more times and there was more blood! (not a ton.) Has this ever happened to anyone?!? This baby has got to be pretty freaking low to cause this much groin pain today and then tear my perineum????

  24. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @mrs. wagon: dude, that's weird. Call your OB. Like 5 minutes ago. I don't think the baby could tear your perineum, though. I'm not sure what that could have been....

  25. chrispygal

    persimmon / 1205 posts

    I don't know how I missed this thread - I am due July 25th.

    @mrs. wagon: I agree to call your doc asap. That sounds weird to me! I'm sure everything is ok, but better safe than sorry! Keep us updated.

  26. leelee

    persimmon / 1194 posts

    @mrs. wagon: me too! I have been feeling some major discomfort down there. That plus the back pain and swollen feet have made me totally grumpy at work today

  27. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    So the good news is that my anemia blood work came back perfect...38.3, she said the ideal range is 34.9-44.5. And told me my low blood pressure reading was almost certainly because of the fasting/lack of good hydration (the drink made me so sick all I could do was sip at water), though I likely had mild hypotension yesterday that it wasn't something I should be concerned about unless I find myself dizzy and/or fainting.

    The bad news is I failed my 1-hr glucose screening....by a lot. The OB RN that called said that their cut-off is 125, mine was 160, and I had fasted starting around 10PM the night before. Bah.

    She said of course there's every chance of passing the 3-hr, but I have a very strong history of diabetes in my family (like 3 generations on both sides) so I'm not at all confident. I'm actually less upset with the idea that I might have GD than I am with the reality of having to take the 3-hr screening. That stuff made me feel like shit.

  28. Shimmer

    kiwi / 553 posts

    @mrs. wagon: Ugh! Yeah I would call the doc too... that sounds strange. I've had the popping (it's my pelvis "clicking" in the front) but never with blood. Hope all is well!

    @FutureMrsMcK: That sucks about the GD results - I hope you pass the 3 hour test!

    +1 for the groin pain! Ugh it feels like my pelvis is going to split in half!

    @mrs. wagon: P.S. The vagina falling off comment made me LOL... and I don't do it that often! I can totally relate!

  29. chrispygal

    persimmon / 1205 posts

    @FutureMrsMcK: So sorry you failed the 1 hour. I did as well, and dreaded the 3 hour! It wasn't fun, but it was ok. The people were really great to me and put me in a private room where I could relax in a reclining chair and they did all the draws in there. I definitely felt like crap for a while afterwards and would recommend bringing something with you to eat before you leave. It's not fun though, so I feel for you. Good luck, and I hope you pass!

  30. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    Hi guys! I'm fine! Literally just split my skin sitting down. A tiny cut nowhere near the baby opening. Just waiting to get tested for preterm labor just in case! Just wanted to let you know that I'm not having a baby or anything today!!

  31. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @FutureMrsMcK: I'm sorry I hate that test. I don't even think its accurate or healthy...I would rather check my blood sugar every two hours after a meal than take the glucose test.

    I also failed the one hour (by a few points) then failed the 3 hour (also by a few points) so my GD is diet controlled but still kind of a pain! I found out that just walking an hour a day really controlled my blood sugar though. I hope you don't have to go through all of this though--and sometimes the 3 hour doesn't feel as bad as the 1 hour (I did it with my last pregnancy too)

  32. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @mrs. wagon: whew! Glad all is okay (hopefully not preterm labor though)

  33. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    Just sitting here in the hospital room listening to my baby's beautiful heartbeat!

  34. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @mrs. wagon: thank goodness everything is okay. Pretty cool you're just sitting there listening to your baby, though. Will you get out soon?

  35. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mrs. wagon: I'm glad everything is okay!

    @FutureMrsMcK: Thats a bummer about failing the 1 hour test. Hopefully you will pass the 3 hour!

    @HeatherlovesKenny: I'm glad your 38 week u/s went well. I was curious if that movie was good. It didn't get the best reviews in the few articles I saw on it, but I thought it looked cute from the trailer they are showing on tv.

    @Shimmer: You are a better woman than me. I'm freaked out about pushing out 1 baby, much less 2.

  36. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @mediagirl: I got out relatively quickly... took an hour nap because the OBGYN got called to an emergency c-section (since it was after hours for the office I had to go in to the hospital and be seen by the OB on call in labor and delivery) so I had to wait until the next OB came in to cover for her.

    Basically they found a small tear in my skin... I DID split my skin just by sitting down. No idea how or why it happened, but it was nowhere near the vaginal opening (more towards the rectum but nowhere near that as well... kind of in the middle) and it was about 2 mm long. They kept asking if I was constipated lately but I haven't been! If anything, I'm the opposite with all the artificial sweeteners I've been eating with my GD. They took a culture to test for herpes, since that would be a concern for pregnancy (if you have herpes and you deliver when you have an outbreak, you could pass it to the baby) but they said they doubted it would be that because it looked like a small cut or abrasion, not any kind of raised sore or anything.

    I got really upset at the idea of having an STD, but again, it's so unlikely. And I do have the type of herpes that you get in your mouth (I get it on my tongue, not coldsores on my lips, which is the more common kind) so even though Wagon Sr. has been my only sexual partner, there's a possibility it could be herpes down *there* and I just didn't know until now.

    UGH. So if I test positive for that, there's ANOTHER possible reason for a c-section. They won't let you try to deliver vaginally if you have an outbreak when you go into labor.

    Anyway. That's that, and everything is fine, and the doctor thinks my skin was just sensitive and with the increased blood flow of pregnancy (and the baby sitting so low, which is common for a second pregnancy) I just got this cut randomly. My goodness.

  37. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    Also just wanted to chime in and say that today we re-arranged our bedroom for the baby!!! We set up the pack and play bassinet and changing table attachment, and moved the dresser into the room. We may bring a glider and ottoman into the room as well, but we'll wait on that. We also moved our mini fridge and chest freezer out to the hallway outside of our bedroom, so that will be breastmilk refrigeration and freezing central.

    I feel SO GOOD that we finally did this... now we are really prepared for this baby. Well, not really... we still have a bunch of gear to buy and we have zero diapers. But at least she has a place to sleep! And we got rid of a bunch of junk lying around in our room too.

  38. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    haha, third comment in a row, but I forgot to mention about my little hospital trip... I was SO scared while waiting to see the doc that I started having crazy braxton-hicks contractions. I was in so much discomfort that the receptionist kept asking if I was ok. Oh my gosh. I had a flash of a thought that I could have this baby today (or end up on bedrest) if I continued to freak out and put myself into labor.

    I guess that's why we rushed to put together the nursery area today

  39. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    I still can't believe you split your skin down there, wagon! Does it still hurt?

    I'm really enjoying our lazy weekend doing nothing. We could have called friends to see if they want to hang out but I just don't want to. I think we watched four movies today. It was so nice!

    So, I think my body is prepping for labor. I'm not there yet but I'm just starting to feel different. Also, my belly dropped! I figure I'll make it until 40 weeks but I can't wait to see how dilated I am on Thursday!

    How is everyone else doing?

  40. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @mediagirl: It still stings a little when I pee But I'm over it and I'm actually really embarassed that I posted all the details!!! Yikes. Definitely TMI. Oh well.

    SO EXCITING that your body is prepping to deliver your baby!!! Now that you've dropped you can probably LITERALLY breathe easier Cannot wait to follow as you go through these last days!!!!

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