Hellobee Boards


When did you announce your pregnancy at work?

  • poll: When did you announce your pregnancy at work?
    After 20w : (5 votes)
    6 %
    Between 18w1d and 20w : (3 votes)
    4 %
    Between 16w1d and 18w : (7 votes)
    8 %
    Between 14w1d and 16w : (13 votes)
    15 %
    Between 12w1d and 14w : (32 votes)
    38 %
    Between 10w1d and 12w : (10 votes)
    12 %
    Between 6w1d and 10w : (7 votes)
    8 %
    Before 6w : (6 votes)
    7 %
    I have never announced a pregnancy at work : (2 votes)
    2 %
  1. PurplePeony

    pomegranate / 3113 posts

    I had my NT scan at 12w6d, on a Friday. I think I told my boss the following Wednesday, so around 13 1/2 weeks. I'm glad I didn't wait much longer, both because of some of the things going on with our work right now (needed to light a fire under him to get some things rolling that had been put off for awhile) and also because I started showing during week 15, and I'd rather tell straight-out than have him suspect but not be able to say anything. In my office, it's currently only me and my boss, though, so there was nobody to be nosy or gossip. Most of my other coworkers are spread around the country, and I called a couple of them to tell them directly but haven't sent around a big email or anything...I figure the grapevine will take care of the people I don't know so well (I have never met at least 1/2 of them so they're really just names on emails).

  2. AmandaB8

    clementine / 849 posts

    Right at 8 weeks we had a company party, and it was super suspicious that I wasn't drinking. They found out then We have a very close office though, so I wouldn't have waited much longer.

  3. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    I told my closest coworker at 10 weeks. At 12 weeks I told my boss and HR. It was about another week, maybe a little more, before I told the rest of my coworkers, and then a few days later I told my clients. So I was about 14 weeks when the cat finally came all the way out of the bag

  4. MsLipGloss

    GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts

    Right around 13 weeks, right after the NT scan.

  5. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    I told my boss pretty much right away, only because he knew we were going through fertility treatments. I never really announced it to the rest of the office. I told a couple people around 10 weeks but asked that they keep it to themselves. Then around 14 weeks I just kinda started telling people. But there was no "announcement". Our office likes to gossip so it got around pretty quickly

  6. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    I was a little over 16 weeks. I was working as a nanny and was really nervous about how they would take it!

  7. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    18 weeks!

  8. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    I told my direct boss at around 8 weeks, because I'd been having a lot of doctors' appointments to go to. She then told her boss at around 14ish weeks, I think. I'm in a weird situation where I'm a contract employee and they want to hire me on as a full employee, but even though you can't discriminate based on pregnancy, people kinda forget that. After the big boss knew I told a couple people. Others I mentioned it in passing as a matter of fact, like "oh I'm craving bbq too, can't wait for my shower because we're getting Blue Ribbon." At 24 weeks I have a big bump and let people make their own assumptions. It's a weird thing to be like "hey so I'm pregnant".

  9. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    With baby 1, I told a coworker with whom I was very friendly right around 12 weeks since I had a few dr appointments in a row and we shared an office. I told my boss around 15 weeks mostly because I was leaving for 3 weeks on vacation, followed by his month vacation, and I had no idea what I would be looking like upon his return.

    Now with baby 2 I'm a freelancer working at home. I'm going to tell my clients mid-September that I will be taking my mat leave starting in early Dec. I will be around 26 weeks or so by then.


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