Just wondering who else is expecting in February? I'm due on the 24th. I know over on weddingbee there are a couple others (I'm smileyd there).
Just wondering who else is expecting in February? I'm due on the 24th. I know over on weddingbee there are a couple others (I'm smileyd there).
kiwi / 551 posts
I have a little dragon due on February 12th. 2012 is the Year of the Dragon on the Chinese calendar. We aren't Chinese, but we think its pretty cool that we are having a dragon.
honeydew / 7968 posts
our babies will probably come in march, if things go according to plan (but they may not, so maybe february?).... didn't realize i was going to have 2 dragons!
coffee bean / 30 posts
I'm due on 2/27, but at our anatmoy scan, they said it's looking more like 2/24. So, I'll most likely be delivering sometime at the end of February!
How has everyone been feeling? My back has been hurting me lately when I'm trying to sleep at night - I've tried pillows behind my back & in between my knees but it doesn't seem to help. Other than that, though, I've been feeling good!
kiwi / 551 posts
@wifefromscratch Sleeping is definitely getting more difficult and its most annoying for me to switch from one side to the other. I have a long body pillow that I put in front of me which is the most comfortable position. Usually by the end of the night, I am in a more upright position leaning against a few pillows to give my hips some relief.
I am starting to get puffy swollen fingers and I can't wear my engagement ring anymore which makes me so sad.
What are you ladies doing to get ready for the baby right now? We are looking to move so I haven't bought any furniture, but I think the drop deadline will be the end of this month that we HAVE to start getting stuff (my shower is in early January). I have scheduled birth class and infant care class and read a some books - Baby-Wise and just started The Happiest Baby on the Block.
honeydew / 7968 posts
i bought the book healthy sleep habits, happy child but haven't opened it yet. we're still deciding if we're going to move out of our apartment to look for something bigger. but within the next 2 weeks or so, i'll probably start a registry.
kiwi / 623 posts
My due date is Feb 27th! First time mother here too
@babybruins and @wifefromscratch Sleeping has definitely been difficult turning from one side to another. My doctor said it was okay to sleep on my back and honestly, sometimes that is the most comfortable position.
For now, we just completed our registry and our baby shower invites got sent out. We chose to have it early in December because of all the holidays events that were coming up. Also, we knew of a couple friends who had their babies a month early so hubs and I wanted to make sure we had enough time to prepare before LO arrives.
@babybruins Did you find Baby Wise and The Happiest Baby on the Block helpful?
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
My due date is technically March 1, but my husband is rooting for a February 29 baby! haha
I am a first time mom and I totally echo the trouble sleeping! I mostly just can't stay asleep, always thinking about so many things I guess!
I'm not having my baby shower until the end of January/early February, which is cutting it close for sure but the holidays screwed everything up and my sister is going to see her husband's family (in another country) for the greater part of January, so we had to put it off a little. As of now, I'm just trying to organize my junk in what will be the baby's room - it's mostly been used for storing random junk so far
ps I remember you smileyd I recognized your avatar.
kiwi / 551 posts
@enjollah I have only finished the first chapter of Happiest Baby, but I have heard really good things about the book and the DVD. It starts off by saying babies are born 3 months too early and to calm them early on you need to recreate the womb and then gives the steps to do it.
I liked Baby Wise and the idea of the routine, but making it flexible and the result being that you can get your baby sleeping longer through the night sooner. Its kind of common sense, but at the same time, there is a plan offered which I liked. I am a very big "routine" type of girl, so this offered a good plan that I want to give a shot.
pear / 1852 posts
Yeah! Good to see a familiar name Miss Spunkin!
Sleep is definitely harder now. I love to sleep practically on my belly, but she kicks me when I do that!
coffee bean / 30 posts
I'm also reading The Happiest Baby on the Block - Baby Wise is on my list next. I've tried to find a few good breastfeeding books, but one I started essentially said that unless they put the baby on your chest immediately after you have the baby (for skin-to-skin contact) that you'll have problems. I understand that's important, but the overall tone of the book was slightly discouraging. Any good recommendations?
kiwi / 551 posts
So, I have just started the third trimester (i think. Some places say I'm there at 27 weeks, other places say I still have a week or two to go) and the FATIGUE is back. I feel so sleepy, I might as well be back in the first tri. I think most of you Feb 2012 mommies are due after me so I'm just saying... It's coming!
kiwi / 623 posts
@BabyBruins: thanks for the heads up! im currently fighting a cold so ive been spending more time in bed...
cherry / 230 posts
If you ask my doctor, my due date is February 15th, but if you ask me it's the 11th. Either way he's supposed to be a Feb baby, though I doubt he will be. I have a feeling he's going to be earlier than that, and I'm guessing around Jan 29th.
pear / 1852 posts
@BabyBruins: @tequiero21: @wifefromscratch: @enjollah: @miss-spunkin: @CameronsMomma:
How's everyone holding up? We're all now in our third trimester (depending in what calculations you use), and I'm excited to see and feel the last round of this and get my prize at the end.
kiwi / 623 posts
@Mrs. D: I'm doing well =) Baby kicks and stretches regularly. Had a doctor's appointment last Saturday and found out I passed my glucose tolerance test (SO grateful) but still crave sweets (darn my big sweet tooth!). The only discomforts I've had are at night trying to find a comfortable sleeping position. On the other hand, our baby shower is this Saturday so I'm SUPER excited for that!
How is everyone else doing? I can't believe the time has passed by so fast!
kiwi / 551 posts
@Mrs. D and other Feb moms: I'm down to 10 weeks. I feel myself slowing down a bit and getting tired very easily again. I have been dealing with gestational diabetes for about 3 weeks. It's okay. The diet isn't that bad but having to think about EVERYTHING I eat and plan everything is the toughest part. I think I actually may have lost some weight, but I find out for sure at my check up on Thursday. My little guy moves around a lot. Not so many kicks, but it feels like he is just stretching out and pushing against the top of my stomach. I'm sure he will start running out of room soon. I finally registered this past weekend so getting excited to do some more set up in the baby's room.
Hope everyone else is feeling good!
kiwi / 623 posts
@BabyBruins: Aww sorry to hear about your gestational diabetes diet.... did the doctor tell you what you can and can't eat or how do you come up with a diet plan? 10 more weeks is exciting! Hope everything stays smooth here on out
pear / 1852 posts
@BabyBruins: I'm sorry to hear about the GD too. I have to go on for my test this week, and am afraid my doctor will find the same, since Diabetes runs in my family.
kiwi / 551 posts
@enjollah: I was only able to meet with the nutritionist last week so for the first two weeks I was taking the advice of my sister who has type 1 diabetes about what to eat. I have been doing more protein, less carbs and less sweets, but still indulging every once in a while, just being smarter about it and watching the portions. It's really not that bad and I feel like I'm creating good eating habits for after the baby is born.
@Mrs. D: I hope your test goes well, but just know that it's totally manageable if you have to monitor for the rest of your pregnancy. It's just being smarter about what and when you eat. And if you are good about your diet (even with some sweets) you and the baby will be fine.
coffee bean / 30 posts
@BabyBruins - sorry to hear about the GD, but I'm glad that you're managing and that it's not as bad as you maybe had thought!
I'm also slowing down - 28w2d today. I can't believe there's only 12 weeks left! When I think about 12 weeks for anything else, it seems like a long time, but when I think about having a baby in 12 weeks, it seems so close! We've been working on finsihing the baby's room and have been discussing daycare optoins for after my maternity leave ends.
kiwi / 718 posts
my due date is either the 24th or 29th depending on if you're talking to my dr or the sonogram tech, but I'm actually rooting for a march baby.
it's crazy, being in the 3rd trimester, huh? I haven't had much trouble sleeping on my sides, honestly, but I roll over onto my back in my sleep some & am dizzy when I wake up.
how much weight has everyone gained, if you don't mind me asking? I'm at 29 weeks right now & have gained 25{!} pounds. everyone says they can't tell & the husband was an almost 11{I feel that another ! is justified here}, so maybe baby is running kind of big? I just feel that is an awful lot, but I'm not eating crap or a lot of sweets or anything & since this is our first, I'm not sure if this maybe just "what my body does"? I've heard that sometimes happens? or am I just giving myself excuses.
I passed my glucose test with flying colours, so that is not an issue.
kiwi / 623 posts
@katdevargas: My due date is the 27th and I've gained about 20-22 pounds so far and friends (along with my OB) ask where the pounds are going. No swelling yet either. I just had an appointment last Saturday and my OB said that baby is measuring big....and your first baby tends to be similar size to your mom's first baby. My older brother (firstborn) was 8 lbs 4 oz when born so I'm thinking my baby will be kinda big too (and also because I'm 5'8 and hubs is 6'1). I also passed my glucose test (125) so we'll see what happens! I'm really hoping not to gain too much and just starting this week whenever I wake up, whether in the middle of the night to pee or in the morning, I'm starving!! I haven't really changed my eating habits so I'm wondering what's going on with these new hunger feelings.
kiwi / 718 posts
@enjollah - I am too! and I don't ever feel full right now. it's kind of crazy how much food I can put away right now if I'm not thinking about it, so I've been trying to be very mindful about what & how much I'm eating & I've been drinking plenty, crazy amounts of water to make sure that I'm not mistaking thirst for hunger. I'm really glad that we're about on the same track, though. I'm 5'7 & the husbone is 6'. I was the first baby, though, & I was 7lb, 6oz, so that would be great if that's how big baby v ended up being, approx.
thanks for the reply!
persimmon / 1329 posts
I'm due Valentine's Day! Nice to see other HB that are due in February too!
kiwi / 718 posts
@clementine: that's my MIL's birthday I've heard {read? on here maybe?} that there's actually a higher rate of birth {both naturally & planned} on valentine's day!
persimmon / 1329 posts
@Katdevargas, I didn't know that! cool! I'm also concerned about my weight. I'm at 32 weeks and have gained 24 lbs. I'm hoping I won't gain too much at the very end because I am short and have a small frame to begin with.
persimmon / 1329 posts
How's everyone doing? Just wondering how my February due date twins are faring
kiwi / 623 posts
@Clementine: Doing well here Last night was the first night I had difficulty staying asleep because baby wouldn't stop kicking and moving around. Not sick but sneezed a couple times throughout the night and I think it startled/woke him, which he then would stretch/move around. Yesterday was my 2 month countdown! I can't believe how fast the time has flown. The only thing I've been worried about is my weight gain. I'm at 31 weeks and have currently gained a solid 25 pounds =( I do have to confess that I did let my self go a bit during the holidays (since Thanksgiving :X ). My next doctor's appointment is Jan 7th and can't wait because I'll get to see baby through an ultrasound (we last saw him at 20 weeks).
How are you all doing?
persimmon / 1329 posts
I hear you, Enjollah! I'm currently at 33 weeks and have gained 23 lbs. My target weight gain was 20 lbs because I have chronic back pain. I'm hoping that I'll stay within 30 by the end of this.
Funny, my LO is not as active in terms of kicking as we've progressed into the 3rd tri. My guess is that it's because he's bigger, now so can't move around as much. Last ultrasound, they showed that his head was down, so that's good.
Other than back pain, heart burn, and just feeling big, I'm doing well!
kiwi / 551 posts
@enjollah: @Clementine: Glad to hear you ladies are doing well. I'm happy with my weight gain so far - just about 25 lbs at 33.5 weeks. I was hoping to max out at 30, but probably headed for 35 when this is all over.
My little guy is still moving A LOT, although he was very shy over Christmas and wouldn't move at all for my sister. I'm sure it will slow down soon as it gets more cramped in there. He is only measuring a little ahead of schedule, which was the concern with the GD. I have another US first week of January to check his position/size and then I start my weekly OB appointments.
And my shower is next weekend!
kiwi / 718 posts
any updates? everyone still doing well?
I had a dr appt last thursday & had only gained 1 lb in the 2 weeks before that {hallelujah!}, so I'm glad that slowed down. all my stats are still really good & I've got another appt next Wed. We have our last ultrasound {hopefully} on Jan 25th, to make sure that the baby is head down, so here's hoping for smooth sailing. I've been more tired & slower recently, but I guess that's to be expected
kiwi / 551 posts
@katdevargas: and the other February mommies.... Well, my little guy decided that 2011 sounded much better to him than 2012 and he was born on NYE! I went to labor and delivery with what I thought was food poisoning and it turned out to be severe preeclampsia and my doctor did a c-section that afternoon. He was one day shy of 34 weeks so had to spend some time in the NICU, but did so well and we are all home together already.
Not exactly how we thought it would go, but we are very lucky and very happy to finally have our BabyBruin out and healthy.
I hope everyone else is doing well. Get everything ready! I only wish we had done more to prepare, but I know we would have been similarly unprepared had he been born on his due date. But take advantage of the time if you have it!
kiwi / 718 posts
@babybruins: oh my goodness! I'm so glad y'all are all doing well! how exciting.
kiwi / 623 posts
@BabyBruins: Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I'm going to go continue clean/organize baby's room right now!
As for me, I'm doing alright...tired and a little achey but bearable. I just keep telling myself to toughen it up because contractions and labor will probably be 50x more painful. Baby moves constantly in my belly...it's so exciting! Last week i felt a little lump (like a small ice cube size rock) rather than the bigger bumps. I was so excited because I'm assuming it was baby's elbow or foot!
persimmon / 1329 posts
@BabyBruins, OMG! Congratulations on the baby! You must be so thrilled and surprised.
Everyone else, I am definitely feeling big and already tired of the endless doctor's appointment, but in the end it will all be worth it.
kiwi / 718 posts
@enjollah: that's all I feel anymore - hard lumps everywhere. or if baby is really active, I feel like I'm having little earthquakes in there or something - my whole belly vibrates & I can feel it even down in my butt almost. is that weird? does anyone else feel anything like that?
persimmon / 1329 posts
@ Katevargas, I definitely know what you are saying about the hard lumps that's a perfect description. I've been calling them "body parts." Whenever my LO moves, I certain body parts bristle up against me, although I haven't found my tummy to vibrate at all when this happens.
kiwi / 623 posts
@katdevargas: @Clementine: any swelling? i can't see any on me yet but i did notice today that my rings are a little more snug....i can't tell if it's the weather too (it's high 70s in california)
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