Hellobee Boards


April '14 - Appointments

  1. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @nana87: i understand your concern. i'm sure everything is fine and so glad you will get to go back next week for them to double check. i have another ultrasound scheduled for 3 weeks from now so they can check out something they couldn't see too clearly at my anatomy scan on 11/19. i think the doc was just being extra careful but it definitely is hard to worry. hugs to you!

  2. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @megz06: @jhd: thanks ladies! I'm feeling a little calmer now about it. The doctors had asked if I knew about any family history issues, and I didn't know before but it turns out I think my mom has a similar thing--she vaguely remembers some concern at some point about the tube that goes to one of her kidneys being small--so maybe this is a genetic structural thing that hasn't actually caused any problems for my mom in the long run. I'm hoping for either that or that it was really nothing after all!


    apricot / 344 posts

    @nana87: Aw, I want to say try not to worry! I know you will a little until it's resolved though. But sounds like everything will be completely fine! We'll be thinking about you! Find distractions until your next scan! Gonna be ok Momma!


    apricot / 344 posts

    I had another scan today for a second attempt at some measurements- since the little dude was not cooperating last time. It's so fun seeing him! Everything looks good. Now do I really have to wait 20 more weeks to see him again!? No more scheduled ultrasounds

  5. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    My appointment is moved to Thursday instead of Friday, because DH is taking a vacation day on Friday and wants to do a nice family outing. Thursday will be the first Dr. appointment that DS gets to go to! I'm picking him up from school and going straight there.

  6. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @PEAPIE: thanks!! And so glad your scan went well today!

  7. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @Dandelion: yay for DS getting to go with you on thurs! that will be fun!

  8. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @Dandelion: how fun! DD looooves going and hearing the heartbeat.

  9. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @nana87: I'm sorry about the concern I hope that it was just an anomaly, and little miss is just fine. I would be a wreck too, though, especially given your SIL's situation. But it sounds like your doctors are being very proactive. Hoping for great news next week!

    @megz06: brrrrrrr. I hope it stays away, too! So here's a question for you: what are you buying in terms of cold weather gear for baby? I mean, I know we're due in April, but I live in upstate NY, and it is entirely possible that it will still be winter here when I deliver. I'm thinking I need to get a baby bunting to have on hand just in case? What have you decided to do?

    @PEAPIE: I know, I can't believe that we won't see babies for a long time! But really, "all the way until April" is starting to feel like it's just around the corner (cue panic!). They'll be here before we know it!

    @Dandelion: that is going to be so much fun!


    OK, so I'm going to update the list. Anyone have appointments that they want to add?

  10. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @LovelyPlum: my appointments are always getting changed around - sorry! my next ones are on 12/18 - regular OB appointment and growth scan (same day).


  11. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    Just got back from the follow up scan at the hospital to check on baby girl's enlarged right kidney. It is still looking larger than the left but it's size is just on the upper limit of normal measurement. The doctor (who was the same one we saw last week) didn't seem at all concerned--she thought it looked like it was nothing, and thinks the size will even out as baby continues developing. I have another follow up scheduled in 6 weeks (1/27) so they can keep monitoring the kidneys, but she really stressed that this most likely isn't anything to worry about. So I'm trying to relax now!

    During the scan, the little miss kept herself very busy by sucking her thumb and picking her nose Oh, and sticking her tongue out at us, lol. The tech was very sweet and said "see, your baby isn't nervous, so you shouldn't be either!"

  12. PEAPIE

    apricot / 344 posts

    @nana87: Aw! Sounds like good news to me! Also, the bright side being you get extra peeks at the little lady!

  13. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @LovelyPlum: April this year is when we had our worst winter storm, so it may definitely be cold and stormy! We have one kind of winter snow suit thing we bought (or baby bunting). It's blue and fuzzy and had a hood (with bear ears of course lol). That is about it thought. I'm sure I will have many covers for the cat seat as well. Otherwise, we have just been buying more sleepers than onsies because we know people will get us a ton of onsies, but possibly not sleepers.

    @nana87: Aww sounds like a better appointment. And I loved that she was keeping content by sucking her thumb...and picking her nose. At that point I would have said, "takes after her daddy." because you know they were all thinking it, lol.

  14. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @PEAPIE: yes, nothing wrong with getting to see her more! I'm trying to focus on that positive rather than the slim chance something could still be an issue!

    @megz06: haha definitely!! I loved seeing her picking her nose, it made me laugh while I was feeling really tense!

  15. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @nana87: what great news. I love that she was sticking out her tongue! Got a little personality already

  16. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @nana87: what great news! I'm so glad that things look good. What a relief to know your silly girl is OK

    @megz06: good call. I think I will get some sleepers, too. Though who knows? I may get all of this and not need to use it!

  17. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    **** Upcoming Appointments ****

    12/18 - SupernovaJ (OB and u/s!)
    12/19 -jill_a55
    12/20 - jhd
    12/23 - LovelyPlum
    12/30 - jhd (u/s!)
    12/31 - nana87 (glucose test)
    1/3/2014 (!) - HazelEyes (u/s!)
    1/27 - nana87 (u/s!)

    Baby is a...



    Team Green

  18. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @CharityAnne: thinking of you-hope your anatomy scan goes well today!

  19. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @nana87: Great news

  20. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I ended up getting, like, 2 3-6 month sleepers and the rest are all 9-12 because I figured even with him being a newborn he can still wear the larger ones. Plus with getting larger ones he can wear them next winter.

  21. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @nana87: awww what a better appointment! Sucking her thumb is so cute!

  22. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @HazelEyes: @LovelyPlum: @SupernovaJ: @luckypenny: thanks ladies!!

    for good measure, here is the little one sucking her thumb in the top pic and picking her nose in the bottom

  23. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @nana87: great news!!!

  24. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @nana87: Haha. Love it!!

    Just an FYI I have an appointment scheduled for December 31. Just a routine checkup, so nothing major.

  25. Mrs. PBJ

    blogger / cherry / 179 posts

    @LovelyPlum: aww thanks so much for thinking of me!! My scan went great! Our baby is a.....GIRL!!!!!! I was so shocked I nearly cried! I have been thinking it was a boy for the past two months! I couldn't believe it when the doctor said it was a girl! I am so beyond thrilled; I have always wanted a little girl! The doctor said everything looked great; she is already about 1lb 1oz, and we came home with a whole bunch of pictures! So of course I did what any other mother would do...and I went shopping lol! My next appt. is Jan 15, and it should be just a regular checkup. I hope everyone else is having a good week so far!

  26. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @CharityAnne: what awesome news! It's about time we get some girls on this board! Congrats, and welcome to Team Pink

  27. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @CharityAnne: Aww that's awesome!! Congrats on your girl (and of course, it is only natural to go on a shopping spree after you find out the gender).

    @SupernovaJ: Good luck today!!

  28. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @CharityAnne: hooray for a girl !!!

  29. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @CharityAnne: hooray for a girl!!!!

    ugh, so this most likely isn't a big deal, but no fun: my doctor called me today--she just got Monday's scans from the hospital, and while she reassured me again that the slightly enlarged kidney was most likely nothing and just something they wanted to monitor, it turns out it's also a soft marker for Downs. My quad and NT screens showed I only had a 1 in 280 chance, but with the kidney, my risk increased to 1 in 140 and so I have enough risk factors for them to be able to do the materniT21 test. So I just got back from her office for even more bloodwork...I'm so glad they're being so cautious, and everything is most likely completely fine (1 in 140 is still 99.3% chance of normal), but this is stressful! And, to top it off, on the way home I had two separate encounters with stereotypical NYC a$$holes (excuse the language, I'm frustrated!)--jerks stealing my seat on the subway and cutting in front of me at a coffee shop....jerks....

  30. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @CharityAnne: congrats on your baby girl!! So exciting :))

    @nana87: hoping everything is okay with the LO and that they're just being overly cautious. I'm sure things will turn out fine including the kidney. Will be thinking of you! Remember, it's still less than a 1% chance which is so incredibly minuscule.

    We had our appointments today and everything was fine. Baby is measuring on track and is very active. Her FHR was 147. We got some 3D shots and she's literally covering her face in all of them. So far that's been the story every time. This girl is shy!! I'm 23 weeks and 5 days - 2 more days and we'll be celebrating viability and the 6 month mark.

    I hope you all are doing fantastic and feeling really good with the holidays coming up. I know it can be taxing. Best wishes to all the mamas with appointments coming up soon!!

  31. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @nana87: ugh, ugh, ugh. That IS so frustrating. I'm sorry, lady You're right, it is really good that they are being so cautious. It's scary, though. Hoping little miss R is just fine

  32. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @SupernovaJ: so glad to hear that she is doing well. I hit viability today-great milestone

  33. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Finally...another girl to balance out all of these boys!

    **** Upcoming Appointments ****

    12/19 -jill_a55
    12/20 - jhd
    12/23 - LovelyPlum
    12/30 - jhd (u/s!)
    12/31 - nana87 (glucose test), megz06
    1/3/2014 (!) - HazelEyes (u/s!)
    1/15 - CharityAnne
    1/27 - nana87 (u/s!)

    Baby is a...



    Team Green

    Love and prayers to @tbuzz

  34. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @CharityAnne: yay! Congrats on your girl!! And those clothes are adorable!!!

  35. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @nana87: I hope everything is ok. I'm sure that extra testing is stressful. Hang in there!

    @SupernovaJ: Glad your appt went well & you got some pics if your shy girl!!

  36. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @SupernovaJ: @LovelyPlum: @jhd: thanks ladies! Our odds are really good so I'm trying to focus on those and stay positive! Dh is really confident that everything is fine so that is a huge help

  37. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @nana87: Ugh lady I am so sorry. I hope things start looking up. I think the holidays are stressful enough without adding all of that to it. I hope some positive vibes come your way soon!

  38. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @nana87: good Little miss is in good hands, regardless. But hopefully this anxiety can pass soon.

  39. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @nana87: I'm sorry you're having to deal with all of this, especially around the already stressful holidays! I'm sure they are just being extra cautious and that little girl of yours is just fine

  40. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    Just got back from my appt. Dr found heartbeat right away and said he must be moving because she could hear it! everything looks great & just ten more days til we see little man again for those follow up measurements

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