clementine / 957 posts
@lulu22: I downloaded this and I look at it first thing in the morning too!!
pear / 1548 posts
This post may sound dramatic, but in the moment I was SO frustrated..
I had my appointment today. The one I was supposed to have on Saturday that got rescheduled to today. Except when I got there they never put the reschedule in the system and my doctor was in surgery. So the office staff is doing a lot of back and forth and asks if I can wait until 1:15 to see the doctor. I told them they I will not wait that long. At this point I was so frustrated that I was getting emotional, and once it comes it doesn't stop. They then tell me that I'm going to have an ultrasound first then see the doctor. They take me back to the room and I cannot stop crying. I was so frustrated and felt like an afterthought to the office (like I said, a bit dramatic). I was also frustrated because they told me that for my appointment on Saturday that I wasn't going to have an ultrasound and not to worry about bringing my husband, so I didn't bring him to this one thinking I wouldn't have an ultrasound.
Then the office says the doctor wants to see me first instead of getting the ultrasound first and I waited for 25 minutes in a cold paper robe until she came in. She apologized for the whole mix up, I broke down some more and told her some of the reasons I'm so frustrated (no one reads my charts, I have to leave multiple messages to get anyone to call me back, the whole scheduling mix-up), and she gave me the direct line if I ever need to call and speak with her.
She gave me a quick pelvic exam, felt my uterus, talked about nutrition, exercise, future appointments and gave me some information and samples. Then I get my bloodwork done and the lady had to try a few times in one vein then switch to the other arm, which has never happened. I don't really like getting blood drawn (who does?!) and was like sigh, another thing lol.
The sono tech gave me the ultrasound and I didn't get to see the screen during it. They send off the scans to a radiologist and the office is supposed to call me with results or something. I guess it would have been pointless to bring my husband since I didn't even really get to see anything other than the quick peek I took at the screen while on my way to change.
I love my doctor but I am conflicted on whether or not I want to stay with her practice. I feel like if anything else happens then I will have to switch, because I cannot go through this any time I have an appointment.
My next appointment is September 2, and we are supposed to talk about family history.
Did not mean for this to be this long, but I'm hormonal and I just want to know that everything is ok. Deep breaths
clementine / 957 posts
@Boopers: Wow so sorry you had to deal with that!! I also would have been extremely emotional! I had a dr once (thyroid not OB) who I really liked but the office staff was awful! I decided to switch because I just couldn't take them anymore. Do you think you will be able to have another ultrasound when you go back on the 2nd?
apricot / 306 posts
@boopers, oh you poor thing! I would have been super upset about this! My cardiologists clinic is a bit like this and I always end up crying in the car after my appointments - and this was before I had pregnancy hormones... so don't feel like it's not normal to feel the way you are feeling! I stick with my cardiology clinic because they are part of the same hospital where all my other drs are (including my OB and I want to deliver at that hospital) so I guess you have to assess the pros and cons of moving. If I were you, I would go to your apt on the 2nd and give them a second chance (maybe its just been an off week for them?) but if it's still not a great experience then you could consider looking around. You could also ring up before the appointment on the 2nd and ask then to tell you exactly what the appointment will involve and if you will be having another ultrasound. If they say no or are not sure, you could request one, and explain that last time there was a lot of confusion, so you'd really like to have one that your DH can come to.... maybe they will be accommodating if you are upfront about what you want? HUGS
pomelo / 5041 posts
@loki: For me it didn't feel like much of a workout. I only ever did it once or twice. My specific video was good, the whole thing just seemed ultra tame.
apricot / 346 posts
@lulu22: thanks for the app recommendation! I just downloaded and it looks like it gives a lot of info.
@Boopers: sorry your appointment didn't go as expected.
pear / 1548 posts
@lulu22: @HappyBluebird: @As Time Goes By: thanks ladies. I feel really whiney reading my post, but my feelings were real at the time.
@lulu22: that's a great idea! My mom says I'm probably going to have to stay on their staff if I want things done. I hope it gets better though!
The nurse did call me after hours and said my doctor said everything looks good for how far along I am, so that's a big relief.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@Boopers: That is great the nurse called to tell you everything is normal. I was worried for you when you said they didn't show you the screen. Why not let you see??
pomegranate / 3658 posts
Big moment, you guys. I just deleted FF from my phone and replaced it with the Ovia pregnancy app. Feels like saying goodbye to an old friend!
pear / 1548 posts
@PawPrints: my friend who delivered with the same doctor said they usually send you to a different doctor's office that is better equipped to do all your sonograms, but this doctor's office has one machine and a soon tech for anything that they need done right then and there. I guess the sono tech isn't authorized to tell me anything and they send everything off to a radiologist. It's weird lol.
And yay for Ovia! I love that app, too!
pear / 1697 posts
I think today I actually "feel" pregnant for the first time. I've been dying to go to sleep since about 9:15. My usual bedtime is more like 11:45.
pear / 1787 posts
@Boopers: oh man, don't feel bad, i woulda been in tears too! and once they start they are impossible to stop! frustration tears are the worst. hope your office gets it together for you!
@lilyofthewest: i'm not really feeling pregnant and i hate it. i would love to get some symptoms. my boobs are really painful but that's about it. it makes me so nervous!
@marionberry: aw man, that's what i'm worried about. i think if i feel like it wasn't workout/i'm not benefitting from it, it'll be tough for me to justify keeping it up.
clementine / 957 posts
@lilyofthewest: I've been extremely tired too, sometimes I wonder if some of it is in my head and I make it worse!
@loki: I had just a couple minor symptoms until this morning and I got hit with full on morning sickness. Not fun but I know what you mean about wanting some symptoms! I told DH it will be worth it but at the moment it sucks! I'm 5w2d today, how far along are you?
pear / 1787 posts
@HappyBluebird: i'm only 4w4d so super early. maybe this time next week i'll be regretting ever wishing for symptoms
pear / 1580 posts
@loki: @HappyBluebird: (5w1d in) Regarding symptoms, the only major one I have are cramps! Having experienced nausea only a few times in my life before, I *think* I prefer the cramps...? --except that they've been waking me up for half an hour once or twice every night! But to be honest, it's painful, but I will endure it everyday if that means I'll get to have a baby to call my own!
clementine / 957 posts
@ineebee: I had some cramps for a little while but nothing painful, more like a pinch. You are so very lucky that you haven't been nauseous much in life! For me being sick to my stomach is the absolute worse and I am such a baby when I am. I can deal with feeling sick any other way! But it is definitely something I will endure to have a LO of our own!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
I loathe feeling nauseated. But still hoping for it now. I've had a ton of other symptoms though, most notably fatigue and hot/cold flashes. Oh and thirst/frequent urination. And cramps. And bloating. Oh and mood swings! Yeah I guess you could say I feel pregnant.
ETA I learned that "clumsiness" is a symptom. Yep I've been dropping things and wapping my hands and feet into stuff.
pear / 1787 posts
@ineebee: you're lucky, i'm nauseous frequently and the small amount of nausea i had REALLY early in my tww made me so miserable. i thought it might be signs of things to come and i'm hoping that's not the case!
@PawPrints: now that you mention it, i am having crazy hot flashes, which is so unusual for me because i'm usually always FREEZING. and i'm crazy bloated. i have been eating way healthier since finding out (not drinking pop, no fast food, cooking at home, more balanced meals) and somehow i feel gross like i can't suck in at all... and my pants are superrrrr tight. so ya, ok, maybe i have some symptoms!
pear / 1580 posts
Have any of you changed your skin care routines because of the pregnancy? I'd been using salicylic acid for my pimples, but have stopped since the BFP. If there's anyone else out there who have the skin of a zitty 13-year-old, what pregnancy-safe products are you using?
pear / 1787 posts
@ineebee: omg didn't even think of that. i've been using neutrogena wipes and spectro jel!!! are they not safe?! ahhh, better do some googling right now!!!
apricot / 346 posts
@Boopers: that's great that everything is looking as it should!
I'm at 5W6D and has some pretty serious cramping after my BFP through this week, but the cramping seems to be letting up and nausea is setting in.
@ineebee: I have been using the Body Shop's face wash/lotions and I know they have some tea tree products that have helped me through breakouts, but I don't know if they are pregnancy safe... maybe ask your doctor at your first appointment? I think skin products and pregnancy has been posted about on the boards before if you wanted to search it.
pear / 1787 posts
@ineebee: so just did some research (including having a friend call motherisk) and apparently external salicylic acid products are fine... i'm sure it's at each person's discretion but there wasn't enough info out there for me to discontinue using my wipes once/day like i do now. they're the only thing that helps. and spectro jel is safe too so i think i'll keep with my regular routine!
also, found this on baby center:
Salicylic acid
This mild acid is used to treat certain skin disorders, including acne, and you can find it in a number of skin products, such as cleansers and toners. It can penetrate facial oils to get deep into pores and clean out dead skin cells. Salicylic acid is in the aspirin family, so it can also help reduce inflammation or redness. BHA, or beta hydroxy acid, is a form of salicylic acid and is used in some topical exfoliants to reverse signs of aging.
But salicylic acid is another no-no for pregnant women. High doses of the acid in its oral form have been shown in studies to cause birth defects and various pregnancy complications.
Again, doctors are being cautious by recommending that pregnant women avoid the topical use of salicylic acid. Small amounts applied to the skin — such as a salicylic acid-containing toner used once or twice a day — are considered safe, says Johnson.
But the concern is stronger about face and body peels containing salicylic acid. "This kind of 'soaking' in the ingredient is similar to taking one or more aspirin when pregnant," she explains.
"More product used equals more absorption into the bloodstream," adds Baumann. Always check with your doctor before having a peel treatment. Better yet, she advises, if you must have a peel, have it done professionally at your dermatologist's office. A dermatologist will know how to do it safely during pregnancy.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@ineebee: @loki: @happybluebird: I had very little if any morning sickness last pregnancy, so don't take it as a bad sign. My son was perfectly healthy! I haven't had many symptoms with this one either, but it has definitely prompted me to POAS more often just so that I don't stress about the rate of miscarriages between the first and second baby.
@ineebee: @loki: I switched from a cleanser with salycilic acid to a Clean & Clear Morning Burst that doesn't have it in it. The green is the best to use, because the yellow has caffeine in it. They say it's really not that bad to use one with SA but I just prefer to be safe. Make sure your mouthwash is one without alcohol too! I didn't think about that until months into my last pregnancy.
pear / 1787 posts
@marionberry: it's so helpful to have a second time mom around these parts! thanks for your expertise! ya i have been thinking about buying some tests just to ease my mind.... glad to know that isn't entirely crazy! as for the SA, i feel okay about the risks vs benefits for now. i'll keep an eye out for a similar product that doesn't have SA and might switch it out. i'm not too worried at this point though.
apricot / 306 posts
@loki: not too many symptoms here either. I'm 5w3d now and still no nausea yet. Just mildly aching breasts and the need to pee more often. My worst/major symptom is my aching uterus, that kind of dull, consistent ache that I get on the first day of my period except now its all the time every day and more intense.... does anyone else have this?
pear / 1580 posts
@lulu22: Yes, I've been getting that too! Are they different from cramps for you? Cramps have been my primary symptom, alternating in intensity. Not too bad because it's a familiar frenemy.
apricot / 346 posts
@lulu22: that's what I was referring to as cramps but I like "achy uterus." The intensity would come and go, but I was always aware of some sensation there. As I said above this seems to be replaced with nausea and I'm not enjoying it
apricot / 306 posts
@As Time Goes By: @ineebee: glad it's not just me! Yeah, I guess it is cramping, but I call it achy because it just stays there fairly consistently and in my mind cramps are shorter and more intermittent... but I've always been bad at describing medical symptoms! haha.
I just went for a 45min walk and the aching has eased up at LOT... I guess what they say about exercise helping pregnancy symptoms is true...
pomegranate / 3658 posts
First wave of nausea! Woo! Couldn't finish my breakfast. Hooray significant reduction in miscarriage risk.
pear / 1548 posts
@PawPrints: I'm counting today as my first official day of nausea too. Blech!
pear / 1548 posts
I got yesterday's blood work results today. My HCG is in the 20,000 range and my progesterone is 18.4, so both within normal for how far along I am. Phew! My progesterone was 24 at my 4w2d blood draw two weeks ago, but the nurse said the number can fluctuate.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Boopers: Glad you had some positive results! Last time I was at an RE so I got two HCGs to ensure doubling. I wish I could still get those; they made me feel so much more confident. 20,000 sounds really high though. That's definitely a sticky baby.
persimmon / 1386 posts
My first appointment went well. Mostly just information and discussing VBACs. Have a dating ultrasound scheduled for 2 weeks from now (Aug 21) then my next appointment is September 4.
persimmon / 1386 posts
@marionberry: I feel a lot more nervous for this pregnancy than the last. It seems like it happened too easily. Definitely still taking tests every few days.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@NeekieRose: So you had a c-section too? I'm really unsure about a VBAC. I don't know what I'm going to do. And I'm glad you feel nervous too. Ours was an accident so I feel exactly the same way.
persimmon / 1386 posts
@marionberry: I used midwives last time and am going to use them again this time. They obviously prefer vaginal births, but she was really open to whatever we want. I would be perfectly fine with another c-section, my recovery was really easy the first time. But I figure I will go into this being open to either. DD was breech up until the day before the scheduled c-section so we just went through with the c-section as scheduled.
This pregnancy could technically be considered an accident. We were planning on trying in Sept, but weren't doing anything to prevent. I just expected that we would have to actually *try* not just not prevent. Ha.
clementine / 957 posts
Hoping we get to add to our April mamas list soon!
April Mamas!
April 1: Boopers
April 3: As time goes by
April 5: Neekierose
April 6: Lulu22
April 7: HappyBluebird, Pawprints
April 8: Ineebee
April 10: Windswept
April 12: Loki, Marionberry
April 19: Lilyofthewest
August 11: Loki
August 13: Pawprints, Lulu 22
August 18: Marionberry
August 19: Ineebee
August 21: As time goes by, Neekierose
August 25: HappyBluebird
September 2: Boopers
September 4: Neekierose
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