apricot / 400 posts
@bloved: @mamabolt: @jennylayneaz: @autumnleaves: @mrs. Lemon-lime: @cherrybee: @maisymay: I love all the pictures of your little ones! They're all adorable! Here's one of my little dude.
nectarine / 2797 posts
Is anyone back at work or feeling the return looming? I have 2.5 more weeks and am not ready! Mostly scared of handling the morning and evening routines with 2 kiddos, and less worried about the actual being away from LO2, it helps that it's the same daycare we use for LO1 and same teachers from 4 years ago who are total gems.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
@mamabolt: yup. I go back 2 weeks from Friday. The kids will go to the same daycare, and they provide breakfast for LO1, so that helps. Dh will do the actual drop off and pick up, but I am antsy too. I am not a morning person and figuring out how to pump before I leave, what my new routine at work will be, all of the prep to do the night before makes me nervous.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@poppygirl15: so cute!!
@mamabolt: I go back Monday I'm worried about getting enough sleep! And also nervous about getting out of the house on time. I'm not a morning person either @MaisyMay: lol I think I will be showering at night so that should help. And my mom is staying home to watch Piper so that definitely eases my mind, but I'm still super sad!
pear / 1622 posts
@mamabolt: yes I am going back in 3 weeks and am dreading the morning routine. With pumping, it's an extra bag to take and a lot more to pack - I feel like I am moving into the office every day. I am planning to do food prep on weekends to make lunch and dinner easier but we'll see if I can stick with it. DH will be staying home and I worry that he'll be totally burned out at the end of the day.
pear / 1622 posts
I love seeing everyone's babies - so cute!
@poppygirl15: what a precious smile!
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
@autumnleaves: I got a messenger bag that my bottle cooler bag, laptop, book, lunch will fit in. My plan is to leave my pump at work, and a at of horns, and just being the milk and bottles back and forth. Would something like that work for you?
pear / 1622 posts
@MaisyMay: I think I'll be able to leave my old pump at work too - I forgot I have 2 now. Did your cooler come with the messenger bag? I think I need a new cooler and it would be great to find a bag that holds that and my laptop.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
@autumnleaves: I have a cooler bag that came with my Ameda pump but I bought an Infant in one that I like better. I take the train to work so I wanted a bag that could hold everything and had a strap over my shoulder. A random Ikea bag from the as-is section for the bill perfectly. A backpack would work too
kiwi / 631 posts
What cuties!
Liam is 2 months today! I'm planning on doing a little photo shoot with him later. He's been doing well. His eating has been a little off lately. He's taking about one ounce every hour or so. I'm going to be in so much trouble for this when I go back to work on Monday.
@mamabolt: I go back on Monday. Liam will go to the daycare I work at, which is convenient, but it will still be a bit of a transition for me.
@MaisyMay: I've been doing most of my prep work at night al along, which will make it easier, but having to get up early to pump and get him ready makes me nervous too. I've dropped my MOTN pump, and just pump before bed and when I wake up, so missing the morning pump could be dangerous!
@JennyLayneAZ: I go back on Monday too. Right now I'm just trying to eat up all the baby snuggles. I'm nervous about the sleep too. Liam still isn't sleeping for very long periods, and my DH is pretty busy with work right now, leaving pretty much everything to me.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@auggiefrog: I love the sleep smiles
I've already had a good cry that today is my last day home alone with her!
Last night she slept from around 9 till 3! And then was up again at 530, but I'll be up by then anyways. If she can have more nights like that, I think I'll be ok!!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@auggiefrog: how's your first week back to work going?
Piper has been rolling (back to tummy) and today she figured out how to get her arm unstuck and pushed herself up!!
cherry / 215 posts
So, I'm having a bit of a rough time over here... Monday I started back at work (I'm at 7 weeks PP). I'm working 2 10 hour shifts until 12 weeks when I'm going back to 4 10's. I pumped 3 times at work. The first time I got 7 ounces, which is about normal for me, then the next 2 times I got 3 ounces. I just thought, well that's weird. Well all night when I got home I couldn't feed her enough, and my boobs were noticeably smaller. Then Tuesday the same thing... hardly any milk. Well, time for me to panic! I ordered all the herbal supplements and tea, and drank like a fiend, and pumped all the time. I ended up calling in Wednesday because I was so afraid I would completely dry up! I've been continuing with my routine, and avoiding bottles completely. I think my supply is up a little bit, but no where near what it was. DD is now also super fussy at the breast! I think that may be the most frustrating part! She will scream, latch for a couple seconds, pull off, scream, relatch, repeat. She is having enough wet diapers, but she doesn't eat until satisfied and sleepy. She eats fussily, then is fussy after.
I am mad that I can't take a longer leave, mad that the US doesn't have better mat leave laws, mad that I have to go part time, but really just sad because I feel like I'm letting her down. I was just really starting to enjoy breastfeeding before this too.
Also, we had just gotten a couple of nights of good stretches of 4ish hours, and now it is back to every 1 to 2 hours.
Sorry for the rant!!!
pear / 1622 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: Piper is such a cutie! Looks like she is having fun! Has it been crazy going back to work this week?
@rockinghorse: I am sorry it has been so rough! When do you have to work again? I am sure the stress of going back to work, work is affecting your supply but hopefully the supplements will work and hopefully will go back to sleeping at least 4 hour stretches very soon.
I am not looking forward to going back to work in less than 2 weeks. I wish LO had more of a routine with when he wakes up for feedings and when he's hungry but of course there is no routine. I was away from him today having to take my father to the hospital for doctor appointments and pumping in the car was such an ordeal - I have to see if there is a way to simplify it and be more discreet.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@rockinghorse: I'm sorry youre having such a tough time with your supply! I was worried about pumping at work but we ended up switching to formula at 3 weeks
@autumnleaves: it's been interesting. Everyone is really happy to have me back though!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@rockinghorse: I'm sorry pumping at work has changed breastfeeding at home! You mentioned supplements and doing stuff to increase your supply. Fenugreek pills, 2x/ day and eating steelcut oatmeal daily for sure helped me increase supply. When I was pumping (at home) if LO couldn't be in the same room I would look at his pictures and have a piece of his worn clothing for his scent. Who knows maybe something like that could help you at work too?
Tonight is my 4th consecutive night all by myself. DH returns from his first week back at work tomorrow. Next week he's OOT too. I was really nervous at first having baby day and night, but it hasn't been that bad. We bed have gone out of the house almost everyday and having a baby everything takes so longer so before I know it evening comes.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: wow, good job getting out of the house a lot! Are you feeling settled in your new home?
kiwi / 631 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: We got through it. I cried Monday as I was just about to leave him. It's nice that he is so near though. I can check up almost anytime. It was definitely weird going back. So much changed in the two months I was gone.
@JennyLayneAZ: That's amazing! Which reminds me to do more tummy time.
@rockinghorse: I hope your supply came back up. I hear you on the frustrations of pumping and work. I only get one half hour break during the day, and I really don't have a ton of control when it happens. Luckily the inconsistency hasn't affected my supply yet, but it's still pretty annoying to be sitting, waiting for my break while very engorged.
DH has been overloaded with a project at work, so this first week back has been kind of tough for me. I've been doing most of baby duty, as well as getting baby and myself ready and most of the cooking. I was so exhausted after only two days! Im looking forward to this project being over and getting a little bit of a break.
Also, Liam slept through the night Thursday and Friday night! Or he didn't wake me up. But maybe I was just too tired to hear him fuss.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@auggiefrog: that's great he slept through the night! Piper has been sleeping 8-1, wake again @ 3-4 and then I wake her @ 5:30 to leave the house. *knock on wood* she just started that last week.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: it's coming along slowly. LOL We've been out of boxes for awhile now, but still not sleeping in our room.
I spoke with my Mat Leave admin today and I go back to work a week earlier than anticipated. My mom is going to flip when I tell her she can't come visit that week/weekend, but I want to soak up the last few days with LO solo (DH too).
Last Friday when DH returned from OOT he made the baby cry. I felt so bad, but LO had to warm up to his daddy again. It didn't take long, but he clung to me while DH sat next near us.
LO is sleeping well at night. He wakes up naturally around 5:30 am and is so happy and playful. He's trying to communicate, I legit don't understand. LOL
persimmon / 1114 posts
Hey ladies! I can't believe our little ones are just about 6 months. I just wanted to check in and see how everyone's little ones are doing and hear any updates.
pear / 1622 posts
I can't believe we are almost at the 6 month mark! E is sleeping well and I am starting to feel less rundown now. My biggest concern is that he loves to suck on his thumb. He doesn't really like pacifiers but his thumb is his go to - even after a feeding he wants his thumb. I plan to ask the Dr about it at the 6 month appointment as I am not sure if it's a problem or not now.
We started solids a few weeks ago and he's slowly starting to get it.
I am looking forward to Halloween - we got E a pig costume and his big brother is going to be a farmer.
How are all y'all doing?
persimmon / 1114 posts
@autumnleaves: That is so great that you are getting sleep! My little monster (er- I mean sweetheart) has not mastered sleeping through the night. We've tried modified crying it out, and everyone always says the baby gets the hang of it after a day or two, but each day is like the first time trying it!! He is getting slightly better though so that is good.
Hopefully the ped can clear up any worries you have about the thumb. Nate does not do a pacifier or his thumb, but he does love to chow down on his entire hand! I swear we have thought this kid was teething since birth but still nothing!
We are also doing solids slowly. He's had about 4 or 5 different foods by now. He likes anything sweet, but it was a big NO to green beans and peas. How about yours?
papaya / 10570 posts
Hey everyone! Things are going well here. S is a lot more chilled than her sister and I've really enjoyed the last few months. She STTN from 10 - 14 weeks but the four month sleep regression put an end to that and she has never recovered. She wakes a few times a night and usually needs one feed at around 1am. Sigh. She is also a terrible napper but I don't mind because she is so good natured. We have started solids now and she loves her purees. She likes playing with her toast but has yet to put it in her mouth. She is rolling constantly now and is clearly trying to army crawl!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
Hey ladies! The other day I was able to put LO in the grocery cart to food shop. I can't believe all of our babies are old enough to sit up now!
LO is a very chill baby and is making it easy for us to be on board with having a second baby. LOL
He's scooting and backward crawling. He's been STTN since before I went back to work. I am secretly jealous of all the sleep LO gets. On the weekends he typically takes a 2 hour nap after his first bottle and some playtime.
He is on his third ear infection, but even when sick he has a great demeanor. Next week he moves to his new classroom with more mobile babies and his baby buddy! Bath time and lotion rub down is now enjoyable. Idk what clicked for him, but around 4 months he stopped fighting the shea butter.
pear / 1622 posts
@bloved: yes E likes sweet things too - pears and apples and he also likes carrots. I think we are going to try green beans and peas next week. His big brother never liked peas - it will be interesting if E has similar tastes.
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: that is great that A can sit in a shopping cart - I am looking forward to getting there soon. Lugging that infant car seat is such a pain and sometimes it is challenging reaching for things at the store with him in the baby carrier.
persimmon / 1458 posts
@bloved: I was just thinking today on my drive to work that I was going to post a message seeing how everyone is doing. I can't believe our LO's are (almost in my case) 6 months old!
My LO is a really really laid back baby and with 3 boys four and under we are really really thankful. I haven't started solids yet because he just kind of sort of starting sitting this past week, I'm lazy and it's just one more thing to do He has only rolled a few times and quite honestly we don't do tummy time that often because my older 2 always want to lay on top of him and smother him when we do it! He's been a great sleeper since about a month old but since he has discovered his voice he usually wakes once a night to babble and screech for about 20-30 minutes. We have started a bad habit and bring him in our bed and give him the binky and he passes out.
He's a chunk and super tall. He's almost outgrowing 9 month clothing and I pulled out the 12 month bin of clothing this weekend! What!
@mrs.lemon-lime: sorry to hear LO is on his third ear infection. My first got sick within the first week of daycare that lead to an ear infection and a rough first year of them.
nectarine / 2690 posts
I'm so happy to hear all the updates!
Piper will be 6 months on Monday I can't believe it! She will sit up unassisted for like, 5 seconds lol and then she topples to the side. She is so close to crawling, I'm sure one day she is just going to take off.
She does not sleep through the night yet. I can't bring myself to CIO, so I'll just deal with it. She is in her own room, in her crib. Transitioning her to the crib wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. She goes to bed at 6, she'll wake between 8 and 11 to eat, and then usually again around 2:30. Sometimes she only wakes up the first time and then sleeps until 5 or 5:30 but usually she wakes at least twice. If she wakes more than that I go in and give her the paci and rock her to sleep if needed (which usually is less than 5 minutes). In the morning when she's awake she usually just talks to herself for a while and she's learned how to turn on the music buttons on her mobile (one is music, one white noise, one nature sounds) so that's pretty funny.
I swear she's teething. But I also swear she's been teething for two months and there are NO TEETH. waaa.
We've fed her rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, squash and this week we started carrots. She likes it all so far. She has a rash (its either eczema or psoriasis (I have a-typical psoriasis and that's what part of it looks like, but the rest is just bumps, so I'm stumped) so we pulled back on the foods for about a week and a half (just went back to rice cereal alone) but its still hanging around, so not food related.
Oh, anyone else's little one have stranger anxiety? I swear it started out of no where! I feel so bad for her, if anyone she doesn't know (so, anyone other than family or close friends) says hello to her, she starts crying so bad! it's so sad!
ok I feel like I've written a book, so I'll stop babbling now I'll post a pic in a minute from my phone!
persimmon / 1114 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: ah!! So cute!!
@Canoli: I feel so much better reading this. I only have 1 older one but I feel like I have been so much slower with solids and do so little tummy time too because my 3 year old has the more demanding needs! However, I just realized my guy is a little behind on milestones (he only just rolled belly to back even though he's been doing back to belly for months) so the mom guilt came raging in!
Here's a pic of my guy!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@bloved: aww he's too cute!! I feel like there's always going to be some sort of mommy guilt for the rest of our lives lol
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@autumnleaves: for a little while I would load up my reusable shopping bags and push LO in his stroller. When the bags became too heavy it was time to check out. Placing him in the cart was so helpful. You'll get your relief too soon!
@Canoli: did any of your end up getting tubes? I think he's two more ear infections away before that is the next step.
@JennyLayneAZ: my guy is not a fan of new people either. Daycare helped a little bit and he doesn't flat out wail as much. We started having family members give him a bottle or our best advice to them was to sit close to him, but don't speak. Lol
@JennyLayneAZ: @bloved: aww, such cute babies!!
persimmon / 1458 posts
@bloved: well don't feel bad. Serious slacker mom over here. We have his 6 month visit in a few weeks and I'm like oh shit we've done nothing. I seriously think he has only rolled over less than a handful of times. What gives me hope is my 2 year old does everything my 4 year old does so he'll catch on right
@mrs.lemon-lime: we didn't end with tubes but we did meet with an ENT and they wanted us to get them because of the amount of infections he had. I wanted to get them because the antibiotics killed his tummy and he always had terrible terrible diaper rashes and I hated it but my husband wanted to take a wait and see approach so we did. He ended up getting a few more ear infections but much less than his first year and then he outgrew them. My middle son faired much better and has only had a few.
Loving all the pictures!
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